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与杨凤岗教授等人所认为的美国并无宗教管制不同,美国以判例法的形式建立起了一整套管制宗教活动的规制规则,如:宗教活动不得违反法律、宗教活动不享有违法豁免特权、法定监护人对被监护人的宗教活动决定权受“儿童利益最大化”原则管辖、法定监护人享有被监护人强制教育转化权、邪教组织对未成年人及其父母负有精神伤害民事赔偿责任,打击暴力反政府邪教的政府行为不受联邦民事侵权规则管辖等。俄、法等国以宗教制定法形式建立起管制宗教活动的宗教规制规则,将邪教民事侵权诉讼的原告主体资格扩展到邪教受害者家属和社会团体,较美国的宗教法律规制更合理。  相似文献   

宗教是社会意识形态的重要组成部分,也是人类思想文明的积淀,更是人类掌握世界基本方式,而邪教,正是借宗教名义进行反科学、反人类活动。邪教分子通过邪教理论,蚕食人类灵魂,从事违法犯罪活动,破坏社会正义,危害社会秩序,因此,要对邪教进行综合治理。在建设社会主义法治国家的总目标下,治理邪教不仅要依靠社会手段,更要进行法律治理,在原有法律法规的基础上完善反邪教专门立法来管理宗教团体、甄别邪教异端,是铲除邪教的必要途径。  相似文献   

电子商务的立法活动正在全球范围内迅速展开,开始建立起电子商务法律规范的基本架构.由于信息技术的发展和应用所导致的法律规制一体化将首先表现为各国在立法时遵循基本一致的基本原则,并在其指导下建立起广泛适用的法律规范体系.目前适于世界各国的电子商务立法的基本原则尚未建立起来,各国和各有关国际组织在其立法活动中遵循着一些主流原则,它们作为普遍适用的基本原则的雏形正在发挥着积极的作用,并且也为基本原则的最终建立奠定了必不可少的基础.所谓主流原则,尤其是其中的一些影响力较大的特别原则可以归纳为促进和规范原则、技术中立原则、功能等同原则、意思自治原则和合理性原则等五个方面.  相似文献   

电子商务的立法活动正在全球范围内迅速展开 ,开始建立起电子商务法律规范的基本架构。由于信息技术的发展和应用所导致的法律规制一体化将首先表现为各国在立法时遵循基本一致的基本原则 ,并在其指导下建立起广泛适用的法律规范体系。目前适于世界各国的电子商务立法的基本原则尚未建立起来 ,各国和各有关国际组织在其立法活动中遵循着一些主流原则 ,它们作为普遍适用的基本原则的雏形正在发挥着积极的作用 ,并且也为基本原则的最终建立奠定了必不可少的基础。所谓主流原则 ,尤其是其中的一些影响力较大的特别原则可以归纳为促进和规范原则、技术中立原则、功能等同原则、意思自治原则和合理性原则等五个方面。  相似文献   

进入20世纪以来,学界对同性恋的认知日趋科学。伴随同性恋的科学释义,有关同性恋的文化宽容日益产生,并引发了规制身份关系的立法思考和立法活动。欧美国家规制同性恋的立法路径。不仅颇具创意,而且显现出对传统婚姻家庭的超越,为规制同性恋提供了法律范式。然而,国别、宗教、文化等差异,使同性恋的法律规制体现出个性色彩。  相似文献   

姚林 《政法学刊》2023,(1):76-83
非法证券活动破坏证券市场秩序,损害投资者利益,增加金融市场风险。中国非法证券活动具有中国特色社会主义证券市场发展的阶段性、时空交织和高科技、信息化特征。高收益低风险、处罚震慑力不足、法律体系衔接不畅、执法司法力量薄弱和从业人员法律意识淡薄是非法证券活动高发的主要原因。完善中国非法证券活动的法律规制体系应当加强科学立法和适时修改,强化行政与刑事法律法规的立法衔接、执法衔接,加强证券市场执法队伍建设和法律的贯彻执行落实,切实增强法律的惩罚力、威慑力。  相似文献   

韩威  王敏又 《法制与社会》2015,(3):62-63,67
网络不良信息是在网络技术高速发展,但社会发展提供的各种的主客观条件不足以规制网络秩序的状况下产生的.十八届四中全会关于建立法治体系的精神为网络不良信息的规制提供了很好的前景蓝图,即健全的法律体系才是规制网络不良信息的重要保障.因此,应当正视目前网络不良信息的法律规制存在的不足,采取有效对策,完善相关法律法规,构建起有关网络不良信息的正规法律规制体系.  相似文献   

次贷危机与知识产权证券化法律规制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
次贷危机与美国次贷证券化法律规制的缺陷有关。知识产权证券化比次贷证券化有着更加特殊的风险,需要对基础资产、发起人、债务人、信用评级等进行更加谨慎规制。结合比较研究,整体上,各国对于知识产权证券化立法均处于起步探索阶段。我国尚无知识产权证券化立法,有必要借鉴美国等发达国家的法律实践和个案经验,并结合我国国情,在知识产权证券化相关法律构建方面加以研究探讨。  相似文献   

性骚扰法律规制的主要问题   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
张新宝  高燕竹 《法学家》2006,1(4):65-76
禁止性骚扰写入<妇女权益保障法>是性骚扰立法迈出的第一步,但对于规制性骚扰显然是不够的,如何构建规制性骚扰的法律体系成为目前迫切需要解决的问题.本文首先明确了性骚扰的概念、基本类型及价值基础.作者认为,性骚扰是一复杂的社会现象,构建全面综合的性骚扰法律规制体系是解决性骚扰问题的关键.文章对如何构建这一体系进行了探讨.  相似文献   

于改之 《法律科学》2013,31(3):172-181
为了有效防止儿童虐待,日本已经建立起一套完整、成熟的儿童虐待法律保护体系.反观中国,由于规制儿童虐待的法律之不足,儿童虐待故未得到有效抗制;对于非家庭成员实施的儿童虐待行为,刑法中也无合适的罪名加以处罚.因此,完善儿童虐待的法律保护体系势在必行.  相似文献   

This article describes and analyzes major laws, decrees, regulations, resolutions, and institutional mandates linked to environmental protection policies in Brazil, from 1934 to 2002. It argues that many early regulations resulted basically from centralization and planning policies conducted by a development-oriented state. However, it shows that most recent regulations were demanded by a more environmentally aware and more organized civil society, in the context of a more participatory and democratic political framework and improved scientific knowledge and requirements.  相似文献   

The article begins by examining two arguments used by Derrida in work published in 1967. The first claims against Lévi-Strauss that an empirical pattern of events cannot be injected into or superimposed onto an historical pattern claiming universality, for then there can be no disconfirmation of what is said. (This argument is used against Marxian history by some who write in the wake of Existentialism, Paul Roubiczek for instance.) The second claims against Foucault that he does not distinguish between reason as part of thinking and language and reason as an empirical historical structure capable of modification along time. The article then discusses the use of very similar if not identical arguments in Derrida’s much more recent work on laws, Force of law. The intelligibility, the interpretability, of laws and their history comes after the laws, not before, and is thus not fully universalisable.  相似文献   

朱铁军 《北方法学》2011,5(2):48-57
刑法与民法在调整对象、规范、行为、法律责任上存在较多交叉、竞合之处。处理刑法与民法交错问题要有刑法与民法关联思维,对其进行整体性、交互式思考。要注意民法的前置分析,尤其是在刑法与民法之间具有规范效应的情形下更是如此。要提倡目的解释。  相似文献   

The positioning of anti-monopoly law depends on its unique value, goal and function. From the beginning, anti-monopoly law has had a great political and economic mission, and can become a “super law” with a grand value goal and a powerful function in economic adjustment. The uniqueness of the Internet, in capital, technology and business models, easily allows Internet platforms to grow anarchically, and to have a high correlation with anti-monopoly concerns. Internet anti-monopoly policy should first expand its thinking and elevate its stance in macro value, and seek appropriate legal and economic technical paths. China’s Internet platform anti-monopoly policy cannot simply follow today’s international and superficial trend, which does not contribute to positive experience and may conceal various interests. Instead, China’s Internet platform anti-monopoly policy should actively follow, respect and serve the substantial development interests of China’s digital economy, operating in a timely fashion and at the right location, in ways that are opportune, moderate and modest. It should always be committed to the innovation and development of China’s Internet industry and to international competitiveness. Internet anti-monopoly policy should adhere to the rule of law, build a corresponding rule system, ensure objectivity, neutrality and rationality, and prevent irrationality and over-excitement.  相似文献   

There is an important moral difference between laws that criminalize drugs and prostitution and laws that make them illegal in other ways: criminalization violates our moral rights in a way that nonlegalization does not. Criminalization is defined as follows. Drugs are criminalized when there are criminal penalties for using or possessing small quantities of drugs. Prostitution is criminalized when there are criminal penalties for selling sex. Legalization is defined as follows. Drugs are legalized when there are no criminal penalties for manufacturing, selling and possessing large quantities of drugs. Prostitution is legalized when there are no criminal penalties for owning or operating a brothel or escort service, no criminal penalties for working as a paid agent for sex work, and no criminal penalties for paying someone for sex who is above the age of legal employment and sexual consent. The criminalization of drugs and prostitution violate the right of self-sovereignty in depriving individuals of important forms of control over their own minds and bodies, but nonlegalization does not violate this right. It is therefore consistent, as a matter of principle, to advocate decriminalization but to oppose legalization.  相似文献   

Laws of Empire     
The central characters in Hardt and Negri'sinfluential Empire are a globalized``empire' and the revolutionary ``multitude'opposing yet constituting it. Althoughinstantiated as substantial and achieved, whenclosely observed, Empire and the multitudebecome insubstantial and unachieved. Thesecontrary qualities can be combined in law. Somesuch resolution is signalled by the largeinitial emphasis which the work places on lawas the existential expression of Empire. Yetlaw plays at best a peripheral and fitful partin the rest of Empire. There is a blockon the uninhibited resort to a law which wouldcombine the contrary qualities and this blockis the monism infusing the multitude and thencethe Empire it constitutes. Nonetheless, thatlaw is sufficiently present in the work, notonly to counter and substitute for itsimpossible monism, but also to accentuate thesignificance of law in modern arrogations ofthe ``global' – as the little exercise whichnow follows will reveal.  相似文献   

Secret Laws     
CLAIRE GRANT 《Ratio juris》2012,25(3):301-317
There is a thesis that legal rules need to be made public because people cannot guide their conduct by rules they cannot know. This thesis has been a mainstay of anti‐positivism and the controversy over it continues apace. However, positivism can accommodate the secret laws thesis. The deeper import of the debate over secret laws concerns our understanding of law's nature. In this regard secrecy merits attention as a candidate necessary connection between law and immorality. In addition the mediating role of lawyers as experts in ascertaining the law should be highlighted. It has been widely overlooked despite the fact that lawyers are criterial in Hart's concept of law.  相似文献   

经济全球化与反垄断立法   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
许明月  侯茜 《现代法学》2004,26(5):109-116
随着经济全球化的发展,基于国内因素的考虑而制定的反垄断法不可避免地遇到了各种问题,美国和欧盟等都开始对传统反垄断法进行调整。经济全球化也促进了反垄断国际规范的发展。中国在经济全球化的背景下应该及时制定反垄断法或反限制竞争法;并且在制度安排上应注意:坚持垄断中性的认识,充分体现合理规则,中国反垄断法应以规制限制竞争行为为中心,充分考虑国际市场因素,合理安排责任制度,有克制地赋予域外效力。  相似文献   

习惯法为当代中国正式的法律渊源,当代中国宪法、法律、行政法规、地方性法规、民族区域自治法规、政府部门规章、中国缔结和参加的国际条约中都对习惯进行了认可,赋予习惯以法律地位,确认了习惯法在我国正式法律渊源中次要、补充的法律渊源地位。我国法律、法规认可的习惯的内容比较广泛,包括民族习惯、地方习惯、物权习惯、商事习惯、婚姻习惯、家庭习惯、继承习惯、丧葬习惯、生活习惯、宗教习惯、国际惯例等。当代中国法律对习惯认可的变化代表了一种“为生活而立法”的新的立法理念。  相似文献   

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