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王力一 《学理论》2010,(16):111-112
集体侦查智能是两个或多个个体为完成共同的侦查任务形成的智能的集合,具有正负双重可能效应、依赖个体间通信、受规则约束下协调机制制约的特性;包括调查人员与技术人员的集体侦查智能,领导与个人的集体侦查智能,同资质侦查个人之间的集体侦查智能,侦查个体与群众之间的集体侦查智能。  相似文献   

疑难案件侦查作为刑事案件侦查中的重要内容,对于积累侦查经验、创新侦查手段、革新侦查体制、完善侦查机制等方面均具有十分重要的意义.以一例"金库被盗案"为视角,在案件侦查之疑难形成与突破的分析中,来探析疑难案件的侦查机理,重点分析"全面侦查"和"证据导侦"的作用、价值及具体实施,最终促进疑难案件之侦破并社会稳定与和谐.  相似文献   

王力一 《学理论》2010,(29):161-162
人工侦查智能是借助人工智能技术,对犯罪信息分类、检索、鉴别、利用,对具体案件分析、决策,代为实施侦查行为,从而提升侦查效率的人工智能形式。当前人工侦查智能的基本应用形式包括智能化侦查信息检索技术及侦查图像识别系统、侦查专家系统、侦查智能机器人。  相似文献   

公安侦查文书是对侦查过程及侦查结论的客观反映,是整个侦查活动的文字载体。本文将对公安侦查文书证据的证明对象、证明标准及公安侦查文书证据运用的有关原则进行研究,以利于公安机关提高侦查文书的制作水平,提高办案质量。  相似文献   

经济犯罪侦查对策是经侦工作制度、侦查措施、经侦科学技术与侦查策略的合理配置方案的总称,其对策体系的确立应充分遵循“深度契合经济犯罪活动的本质特性”和“实现侦查活动的打、防并举职责”两大基本原则。经侦对策的制定应慎重考虑其全局性的战略对策和专案侦查活动的战术对策。战略对策的制定应注重对经济犯罪活动的遏制意义,同时突出其对专案侦查活动的基础性作用;战术对策的设计,应充分彰显其服务于打击犯罪的价值。  相似文献   

"侦查"概念是侦查学概念体系中的核心概念,是侦查学学科大厦构建的基础,因此,科学界定侦查概念是研究侦查学问题的逻辑起点.但学界对侦查概念的研究多集中和局限在侦查的字义、辞义、释义上.或比较"侦查"与"侦察"的异同,或分析"侦查"与"预审"、"侦缉"、"调查"的关系等.本文拟从司法体制和诉讼结构方面入手,探讨两大法系及我国侦查概念包含的要义并以此为视角界定的"侦查"概念.  相似文献   

"灰色"侦查策略即指那些虽然能达到侦查目的,但容易陷入道德伦理指责的侦查方案,主要包括"威胁、引诱、欺骗"三种。世界各国及组织以及我国的相关法律规定都并不当然禁止"灰色"侦查策略的使用。只要在施用时遵循最后手段原则、法定限制原则和合理性原则,就能有效地控制"灰色"侦查策略可能发生的负面影响,从而最大限度地实现其实践价值。  相似文献   

制造毒品是指对毒品或毒品原植物进行加工、提炼、配制以得到毒品,或者利用化学原料合成毒品的行为。对于制造毒品案件的侦破,现场勘查是最有效的侦查措施。在制毒案件现场勘查中,做到确定是否为制毒现场、确定现场危险的程度、确定制造毒品的种类及制毒工艺流程、确定制造毒品的规模这"四个确定",可以提高此类案件的现场勘查质量,更加有效地打击制造毒品犯罪。  相似文献   

我国刑事诉讼法将于2007年之前进行再次修改.此次再修改的一大重点,就是侦查程序改革和强制措施完善.这将导致我国侦查制度发生重大变化,并对公安机关侦查体制、侦查职权、侦查能力产生重大影响.因而,值得公安机关予以关注.  相似文献   

侦查效益的外部制约因素   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
侦查效益的外部制约因素主要指侦查机关及其侦查人员以外的影响侦查效益的相关事实和情况,主要有刑事政策和犯罪复杂程度、政府对侦查的态度和公众对侦查的态度及参与度等侦查外部环境。  相似文献   

Detective stories take place mainly in two settings, constantly changing, many faceted big cities filled with strangers, and stable, fairly homogeneous, innocent small towns whose members know one another. The differences in each clarify the qualities of the other. In solving the mystery of the small town, the detective provides moral instruction and restores the town’s innocence. In solving the mystery in the big city the detective reveals the city as part of the mystery and provides the reader with temporary orientation to the city. Mysteries have grown with the growth of the cities and now appear in every country of the world. Harold J. Bershady is an emeritus Professor of Sociology at the University of Pennsylvania. His most recent book, edited with Renée Fox and Victor Lidz, is After Parson: A Theory of Action for the 21st Century, published by Russell Sage Press, 2005.  相似文献   

论侦查管辖的相对性及侦查协作的多样化   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
在犯罪的动态化成为常态的时候,侦查管辖的相对性就凸显出来。这种基于相对性认识的侦查思维应转化为多样化、多层次的侦查协作形式,并将之纳入法制化建设轨道,实现侦查与防范的有效结合。  相似文献   

理论创新从根本上讲决定于人民群众的伟大实践,而在这个过程中,在从理论到实践,又从实践到理论的具体环节上,理论工作者所进行的具体工作起了不可或缺的作用.在进行马克思主义的研究、宣传,推进马克思主义理论创新的工作中,理论工作者必须具备很好的思想素质条件,即具有鲜明的政治方向与社会责任感,以服务于人民群众的根本利益为出发点;坚持辩证唯物主义的思想方法,克服主观主义、教条主义、形而上学;具有求真务实的精神,注重对实践经验的研究;不断提高自身思想道德素质,抓紧自身思想建设.  相似文献   

It is conventional to speak of voting as “habitual.” But what does this mean? In psychology, habits are cognitive associations between repeated responses and stable features of the performance context. Thus, “turnout habit” is best measured by an index of repeated behavior and a consistent performance setting. Once habit associations form, the response can be cued even in the absence of supporting beliefs and motivations. Therefore, variables that form part of the standard cognitive-based accounts of turnout should be more weakly related to turnout among those with a strong habit. We draw evidence from a large array of ANES surveys to test these hypotheses and find strong support.  相似文献   

"廉洁",修养学范畴中一个兼具伦理属性和政治属性、精神价值与实践品质的概念;"比德",儒家的一种修养美学思想,它为古人的廉洁修养提供了一条善美相融、情理相通的进路。借鉴古人,当代"大学廉洁文化"的"比德"式建构可以落实到精神文化、物质文化和行为文化之中,将"以美养廉"培育成廉洁文化制度化建设的良性基础和内在支撑。  相似文献   

刑讯逼供是我国司法实践中一种屡禁不止的现象,它有历史、政治、立法、客观等方面的原因,本文针对有关原因 提出了完善立法、提高干警素质、改进技术设备、严格执法力度等解决办法。  相似文献   

Voting in one election makes a person more likely to vote in future elections. Researchers often interpret the over-time turnout persistence as evidence of psychological habit formation. But there are few theoretically motivated or empirically validated measures of voter turnout habit. This study contributes by clarifying the concept of turnout habit and developing and validating a seven-item measure of the concept. The paper describes turnout habit as a durable disposition to vote determined by an ability to automatically initiate voting and self-identify as a frequent voter. The new measure is validated using U.S. and UK survey data. Turnout data are from both voter files and self-reports. Varied methodological approaches, including a confirmatory factor analysis and receiver operator characteristic curve analysis, provide evidence of the measure's validity. Habit predicts future turnout independent of election-specific considerations, self-predictions, and age. The habit measure discriminates between eventual voters and abstainers as well as respondents' own self-predictions. Self-report voting habit measures appear valuable for answering theoretical questions about why people vote and practical questions about how best to identify likely voters in survey data.  相似文献   

Any competitive process selects among qualities possessed by the competitors, and with different processes selecting for different qualities. While the competitive form is universal, the substantive qualities that are selected depend on the particular environment within which competition occurs. With respect to athletic competition, for instance, diving selects for different qualities than swimming: a champion diver need not be a champion swimmer. Markets and politics are both forms of competitive endeavor, and it is reasonable to think that competition will select for excellence within each environment. This purely formal property of competition, however, generates different substantive qualities across environments, as we explore in this paper.  相似文献   

《Critical Horizons》2013,14(2):220-243

Discussions of habit in Hegel’s thought usually focus on his subjective spirit since this is where the most extended discussion of this issue takes place. This paper argues that habit is also important for understanding Hegel’s Philosophy of Right. The discussion of habit and second nature occur at a critical juncture in the text. This discussion is important for understanding his notion of ethical life and his account of freedom.  相似文献   

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