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各国规定紧急避险限度要件的立法形式主要有轻于说、法益均衡说和必要程度说。我国刑法采用"必要程度说",但刑法理论采纳了"轻于说",认为损害等于或大于所要保护的利益时,正当合法的有益行为转化为违法的危害社会的行为,成立避险过当,应当负刑事责任。本文认为当避险造成的损害等于其所避免的损害时,成立特殊紧急避险,并且承认其合法性。  相似文献   

通过分析"不法性"概念是否为我国侵权责任法所采纳,本文得出紧急避险在我国并不属于违法阻却事由,引起险情的人、受益人和避险人应当区分不同情况向受害人进行补偿。被保护的权利和被损害的权利之间的经济价值比较、避险结果可以作为评判紧急避险合理限度的依据,但不能绝对的作为评判紧急避险合理限度的标准,当事人的主观过错性也应当作为评判紧急避险合理限度的依据。  相似文献   

我国的刑法对紧急避险的限度规定得很模糊,尤其是对生命权和生命权能否进行紧急避险没有做出规定,职务上和业务上有负有特定义务的人不适用紧急避险的规定也有不合理之处。期待可能性理论是德国和日本刑法中的重要理论,该理论重视了人性的弱点和社会生活的变化性,将期待可能性理论引入我国紧急避险制度,能够使得我国紧急避险制度更加完善。  相似文献   

作为排除犯罪事由,受胁迫行为的属性只有在三阶层犯罪论体系下才能得以充分展示。如果受强制行为丧失意思支配可能性,进而失去实行行为性,则阻却构成要件该当性。如果受胁迫行为符合构成要件,但构成紧急避险,则阻却违法。如果受胁迫行为缺乏他行为可能性,进而不具有期待可能性,则阻却责任。如果受胁迫行为具有构成要件该当性、违法且有责,则成立犯罪(胁从犯)。  相似文献   

被胁迫作为阻却犯罪成立事由的法律性质在两大法系刑法理论中都有争议。在大陆法系国家,针对其与紧急避险之间存在等同或区分的关系,其法律性质可相应划分为三种类型:为排他型违法阻却事由、排他型责任阻却事由与违法与责任阻却二元化事由。在英美法系国家刑法理论中,被胁迫法律性质一方面传统上被认为属于可宽恕性抗辩事由,而另一方面新的见解既有将其视为正当化抗辩事由,亦有学者认为其属于独立抗辩事由以及特殊标准的可宽恕事由。通过比较分析两大法系关于被胁迫法律性质的上述争议,认为在两大法系中,作为排他性的理论具有绝对化和地方性的弊端,从而应当确立二元化的法律性质理论。  相似文献   

紧急避险法律性质研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
紧急避险是合法利益之间的冲突,其之所以被允许,是因为没有引起成立犯罪程度的法益侵害.这是判断行为是否成立紧急避险的出发点.从此立场出发,可以得出以下结论:对生命的紧急避险,从犯罪的本质是值得刑罚处罚程度的法益侵害的角度来看,未尝不可,只是在其适用上,必须严格限定;对自招危险的紧急避险,原则上不予允许,行为人具有忍受义务;只有所遭受的侵害超出了应当忍受的限度时,才能允许.  相似文献   

刑法明确了紧急避险是一种正当化事由,因而第三人无法对紧急避险人实施正当防卫,但第三人如何应对己身的合法利益损害需要探讨。对于无行为能力人制造的危险,相对人应采取紧急避险、正当防卫、还是其他举措来避免危险依赖于对无行为能力人行为属性的认定。紧急避险中的危险在特定情形下来源于避险人自招,面对自招的危险,避险人能否实施紧急避险需要区别过失与故意两种不同罪过。  相似文献   

被胁迫作为阻却犯罪成立事由的法律性质在两大法系刑法理论中都有争议。在大陆法系国家,针对其与紧急避险之间存在等同或区分的关系,其法律性质可相应划分为三种类型:为排他型违法阻却事由、排他型责任阻却事由与违法与责任阻却二元化事由。在英美法系国家刑法理论中,被胁迫法律性质一方面传统上被认为属于可宽恕性抗辩事由,而另一方面新的见解既有将其视为正当化抗辩事由,亦有学者认为其属于独立抗辩事由以及特殊标准的可宽恕事由。通过比较分析两大法系关于被胁迫法律性质的上述争议,认为在两大法系中,作为排他性的理论具有绝对化和地方性的弊端,从而应当确立二元化的法律性质理论。  相似文献   

彭文华 《法学》2013,(3):96-105
认定紧急避险限度,"小于说"与"不超过且必要说"均有缺陷。无论紧急避险造成的损害大于、等于还是小于所避免的损害,只要造成了不适当损害,且社会危害严重,均成立避险过当。判断紧急避险的限度,不应当局限于法益性质、数量、单价等客观因素,还应考虑社会善良风俗与道德伦理、法益的规范或社会意义、第三者的自律权、社会共同体责任、法益的重大属性以及社会公共利益等一切影响社会危害的主客观因素。损害生命权原则上不成立紧急避险;如果符合严格的实体与程序条件,作为例外可认定为紧急避险。  相似文献   

刑法明确规定紧急避险是一种免责事由,但其是建立在对无辜第三人法益的侵害上的,而第三人基于其阻却违法性对紧急避险人不能实施正当防卫。因此,第三人如何应对自身的法益损害急需学界的探讨和司法的关注。  相似文献   

朱霁  陈宇 《时代法学》2011,9(3):60-64
目前理论界关于致体质特异人死亡的轻微暴力行为的定性问题的三种主要观点——意外事件说、故意伤害致人死亡说和过失致人死亡说都有失偏颇。准确给致体质特异人死亡的轻微暴力行为进行法律定性,应从其行为本身是否属轻微暴力,及对不同行为类型的特征具体分析行为的性质。明知他人体质特异致其死亡的轻微暴力行为,应区分情况以故意杀人罪或过失致人死亡罪定性;而不明知他人体质特异致其死亡的轻微暴力行为则应归为意外事件。  相似文献   

The history of domestic violence, let alone domestic homicide, in Russia has yet to be written. This article focuses on the legal attitudes to domestic and especially marital homicide in early modern Russia and explores types of and methods used in spousal killings. The research is based on court records in addition to laws, legal documents and other sources. Its preliminary conclusions include assumptions about scale of domestic violence, gender of perpetrators and victims, main trends in domestic homicide and their connections with available explanatory frameworks. The study reveals that Russian households were violent places accounting for different types of assaults and homicides, but in all these acts women died more frequently than men. Marital homicide occurred in all social groups in Russia. Motives and methods for marital homicides were consistent with gendered theories of power relations. Penal policies also reveal harsher treatment of women than men, pointing to the gendered definitions of power disciplining methods.  相似文献   

This paper reviews the recent medical and legal literature in the field of spouse abuse. Domestic violence is a national phenomenon that directly affects victims of spouse abuse and indirectly conditions the children of the victims to accept violent behavior as normative. This paper characterizes the cycle of violence battered women encounter, describes their injury patterns, explores the dynamics of the abusive relationship, and discusses the factors that compel women to remain in such violent relationships. The second section describes many of the recent legislation designed to prevent spouse abuse. Next, this paper addresses the case law utilizing the "battered woman syndrome" as a defense for spousal homicide. The third section of the paper explores the often neglected topic of the battered husband.  相似文献   

The proposal to justify homicide by psychological self-defense rests on an insecure scientific foundation and would be legally mischievous. The core concepts are unacceptably vague and lack rigorous empirical support. The proposed defense is better characterized as an excuse than as a justification because rational victims of purely psychological abuse do have socially preferrable alternatives to homicide, and the proposal is inconsistent with modern criminal law that limits justifications for homicide. The defense would create substantial administrative problems and would facilitate adoption or expansion of related undesirable doctrines. The best response to abhorrent physical and psychological abuse is not unnecessary further violence, but the creation of adequate deterrents and alternative solutions for victims.  相似文献   

南京李某“冒用他人名义”购买飞机延误险案的争论本质,是诈骗犯罪中“虚构事实”客观构成要件的“冒用他人名义”行为的界定问题。根据民法规则,“冒用他人名义”所表现的名义主体与实际行为主体的形式不符,并非当然地具有民事违法性,其民事法律效力应根据实质的二阶层路径进行评价。基于统一法秩序要求,刑法中的“冒用他人名义”认定应在民法二阶层评价基础上展开。具体而言,在主体资格特定的法律关系中“冒用他人名义”行为在具有民事违法性的基础上可能构成诈骗犯罪中的“虚构事实”;在主体资格开放性的法律关系中,单纯的“冒用他人名义”行为因不属于民事欺诈,而不能被认定为诈骗犯罪中的“虚构事实”。  相似文献   

王福友  高勇 《北方法学》2009,3(6):55-63
违法阻却事由与抗辩事由、免责事由系不同的概念,我国侵权法应在承认违法性独立地位的基础上,赋予违法阻却事由以独立意义。应该在坚持“结果不法说”的违法性理论前提下,对侵害他人权益行为进行有限的违法性推定,将属于合法权利行使的部分从传统违法阻却事由中剥离出去。要深刻把握违法性与可责性在传统构成要件理论中的不同价值及内在逻辑顺序,以“结果不法说”为基点,将违法阻却事由适用于全部侵权行为,明确虽具违法性但不具可贵性加害行为的定性,并以此为契机,确立“侵权行为”在现代侵权法中的核心地位。  相似文献   

黄忠 《环球法律评论》2020,42(1):113-126
如何对作为侵权责任抗辩事由的原告违法进行限制始终是普通法上的一个重要问题。为此,英国司法上出现了违法类型论、依赖原则论、关联论、立法目的论、公共良心测试论等诸多认识。2009年英国法律改革委员会提出应当将侵权法上的原告违法抗辩问题的改革任务继续留给法院,但此后的法院判决却动摇了对司法的信心,学说认为仍然需要立法的指引。对作为抗辩事由的原告违法进行限制问题的实质是公共利益与私人利益之间的平衡,因此,应当从原被告之间的关系以及原告的违法行为与公共利益之间的关系两个维度进行考量。侵权法上的原告违法之抗辩与违法行为(合同)的效力、不法原因给付的返还等问题之间具有实质相似性,应予一体把握。  相似文献   

参与自杀的可罚性研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
钱叶六 《中国法学》2012,(4):99-111
生命属于个人法益。从为了保护本人利益的"家长主义"立场出发,应否认法益主体对自己生命的自己决定权,亦即自杀具有违法性。但自杀因源于自己决定,其违法性低,不值得处罚;从刑事政策的视角来看,也欠缺处罚自杀的必要性和合理性。参与自杀是否定、侵犯他人生命权的行为,相较于自杀者的自杀意思,更有必要保护其生命的绝对价值。参与自杀在我国应以(情节较轻的)故意杀人罪的教唆犯或者帮助犯论处。参与自杀与利用被害人为工具的故意杀人罪的间接正犯之性质及其刑罚效果大相径庭,应严格区分两者的界限。  相似文献   


Research on domestic homicide has focused on risk factors presented by perpetrators such as prior violence, threats to kill, stalking, access to weapons, mental health concerns, controlling behaviour and separation. However, there has been less focus on the barriers that victims face regarding finding support, increasing personal safety and decreasing violence and risk of homicide. The present study explored 20 potential barriers that female domestic homicide victims faced using 183 cases occurring between 2002 and 2012 from the Ontario (Canada) Domestic Violence Death Review Committee to examine the presence and frequency of these barriers within the sample. Using two-step cluster analysis, different profiles of barriers were identified that centred on victims’ fear, social isolation and mental health. The study is limited in being a post hoc analysis of homicides and no causal links can be made. The implications of this finding are discussed in the context of risk assessment, risk management and safety planning.  相似文献   

Sharp force trauma is a common homicide method. The weapon is typically a knife, which is easily accessible and does not require special skills. We have analyzed all 471 sharp force homicides in Denmark during 1992–2016 with special focus on aspects that are relevant to forensic pathologists, including the distribution of wounds and organ injuries. Most homicides were committed inside with a kitchen knife. The front left thorax was the most common area to be affected by sharp force trauma. In 18.9% of the victims, there was only one sharp injury, the majority on the thorax. The most common trajectory for stab wounds was directly posterior with no deviation to the sides or up/down followed by directly anterior. The heart (including pericardium) and lungs (including hemo- and pneumothorax) had injuries in more than 75% of the victims. 67% of victims were males. Female victims had more sharp force injuries and defense wounds than male victims. Most females were killed in domestic homicides (73.7%), most commonly in partner killings (56.4%). In contrast, many male victims were killed in a setting of nightlife/intoxication (34.0%) most by a friend/acquaintance delivering a few stab wounds. The results clearly show strong sex differences in both victims and offenders. This could be useful for shaping policies and public opinion, and as a route for understanding the developments in interpersonal violence. In the narrow setting of death investigation, our results will provide an evidence-based approach to understanding the injury patterns in sharp force homicide.  相似文献   

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