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山东半岛地区大学生手长足长与身高关系的研究   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
对山东半岛地区1000名汉族大学生的手长、足长和身高进行活体测量。经统计学处理,求出由手长、足长与身高相互推算的回归方程式。相关系数为0.51~0.66,其中男性高于女性。由手长推算身高的回归方程式较由足长推算身高的回归方程式,有较高的相关系数和较低的标准估计误差。  相似文献   

本文用长城-0520电子计算机对9-1l岁少年和18-20岁青年的身高、体重、足长进行了直线相关分析,并建立了各该年龄组的身高与体重、体重与身高、身高与足长、足长与身高的回归方程.  相似文献   

本文通过对204名大学生手长、中指长、身高等项指标的测定,得出手长、中指长、中指末节长与身高的均数、标准差、标准误差中指长、中指末节长与手长、中指末节长与中指长的比值,并作了手长与身高,中指长与身高的回归分析,旨在为从事法医的同行测量身高提供参考。  相似文献   

目的探讨用上肢长骨的残骨某一项指标建立肱骨、尺骨和桡骨最大长的回规方程,然后可根据所得值间接推算人体身高。方法选男性肱骨、尺骨和桡骨50例,左、右共100侧肢体。用人体测量仪器,按体质人类学测量方法进行各项指标测量,所得值经统计学分析后,分别与肱骨、尺骨和桡骨最大长建立直线回规方程。结果经相关分析建立了肱骨最大长回规方程17个,尺骨最大长回规方程8个,桡骨最大长回规方程11个。结论若能测得上肢长骨残骨的某一项指标,就可用所建立的回规方程推算该骨的最大长,这在法医学上具有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   

男性下肢长骨的测量及其最大长推算   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
股骨、胫骨和腓骨的人类学测量国内已有报道。用其残骨某一项指标推算该骨最大长国外已有报道,国内尚未见报道[1]。作者对股骨、胫骨和腓骨的各项指标进行了测量和统计学处理,并将所得值分别与该骨的最大长进行回归分析,建立用残骨的某一项指标推算下肢长骨最大长的回归方程。为法医人类学提供资料。表1股骨的测量(单位:mm)测量指标均数±标准误标准差变异系数最大长(Y)425.40±2.14 21.39 5.03全长(X1)421.16±2.02 20.23 4.80转子内髁长(X2)410.53±2.15 21.48 5.23转子全长(X3)399.41±2.06 20.56 5.15转子外髁长(X4)402.21±2.28 22.8…  相似文献   

依据手足印推算身高体重的可行性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的探讨身高、体重与足迹、手印长宽的关系,有助于利用犯罪现场的手印、足迹推断遗留人的身高与体重。方法通过足迹、手印的捺印和测量,大量地收集样本足迹、手印与身高、体重等数据,借助SPSS数理统计软件,进行一元线性回归分析。结果分别建立了由左右足迹、手印全长、掌宽推算身高与体重的十个一元线性回归方程,并对依据左、右侧指标分别推算结果的可靠性进行比较研究。结论可利用回归法由足迹、手印来推算身高、体重。在左右两侧足迹、手印都可利用的情况下,推断身高时应优先选用右侧;推断体重时应优先选用左侧。  相似文献   

关于男性平面赤脚印长推断身高的几点探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
国内痕迹检验界关于足长推断身高方面的一个经典观念,是身高与足长呈正比例线性函数关系:随其变大而增高;随其变小而减高。而且用一恰当的体足比系数能反映身高与足长二元之间的线性关系,诸如6.8至7不等。本文试图就上述观念的合理性进行一点探讨。  相似文献   

本文介绍利用各种不同种类的鞋所形成足迹后跟压痕的宽长及拇趾压前沿至鞋后跟压后沿的距离来推算遗留足迹人的身高。使用此方法推算速度快,准确度较高。  相似文献   

李力 《法医学杂志》2005,21(4):252-254
目的探讨身高、体重与足迹、手印长宽的关系。方法通过足迹、手印的捺印和测量,大量地收集样本足迹、手印与身高、体重等数据,借助SPSS数理统计软件,进行一元线性回归分析。结果分别建立了由左右足迹、手印全长、掌宽推算身高与体重的10个一元线性回归方程,并对依据各个指标分别推算结果的可靠性进行比较研究。结论本研究建立的回归方程可用于山东地区部分人群的身高与体重推算;依据足迹较依据手印推算身高体重结果更可靠;在左右两侧足迹、手印都可利用的情况下,推断身高时应优先选用右侧;推断体重时应优先选用左侧。  相似文献   

长时共振峰分布特征在声纹鉴定中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的利用长时共振峰分布特征区分不同发音人。方法以汉语普通话为语料,对20位男性发音人和20位女性发音人的前四条共振峰的长时分布情况进行了统计比较分析。结果发现各长时共振峰分布的均值、中位数、众数、峰数、峰度和斜度等参数能够反映出不同发音人的个性特征,稳定性较强。前四条长时共振峰的分布结构比较均匀,由此推测在语料足够长的情况下,所有元音平均后的结果应该是一个类似央元音的"音"。结论利用长时共振峰分布特征可以较好地区分不同发音人。  相似文献   

Numerous studies have addressed sex estimation from the hands and feet with varying results. These studies have utilized multiple measurements to determine sex from the hands and feet, including measures of robusticity (e.g., base width and midshaft diameter). However, robusticity measurements are affected by activity, which can disguise underlying patterns of sexual dimorphism. The purpose of this study is to investigate the utility of length measurements of the hands and feet to estimate sex. The sample consists of white females (n=123) and males (n=136) from the Terry Collection. Discriminant function analysis was used to classify individuals by sex. The left hand outperformed both the right hand and foot producing correct classification rates exceeding 80%. Surprisingly, the phalanges were better sex discriminators than either the metacarpals or metatarsals. This study suggests that length measures are more appropriate than robusticity measures for sex estimation.  相似文献   

Issues on possibility of using capillary patterns of hands and feet in medicolegal examination of unidentified dead bodies and unknown persons, in cases of disputed paternity and maternity and child substitution are considered. Up-to-date theories on inheritance of dermatoglyphics features, their racial, sexual, age and occupational variability as well as interrelationship with some genetic diseases are analysed. Ways of researches in the field of dermatoglyphics of hands and feet for expert practice are outlined.  相似文献   

本文主要通过对胫骨长度的统计,应用切比雪夫曲线拟合方法,结合计算机进行程序设计,从而求出胫骨与身高之间的多项关系式.  相似文献   

目的:研究产前畸形筛查医疗损害责任司法鉴定案件的一般规律及其医疗损害责任司法鉴定的特点,为法医学鉴定提供理论支持。方法:对20例产前畸形筛查医疗损害责任司法鉴定案例进行回顾性分析。结果:产前畸形筛查医疗损害责任司法鉴定案例逐年增多;发生纠纷的医疗机构以市(区)级为多见,发生纠纷的案件中以手足畸形和先心病多见;医疗损害责任司法鉴定的主要原因为医疗技术缺陷与医疗管理缺陷。  相似文献   

选用30具成尸,在头面部设34个测量点(中线上14、侧面20),测了各点软组织的厚度;观测了眼在眶中的位置、眼裂的内外径、外耳厚、上下高、前后宽及纵轴斜向前下方的角度、口裂的宽度和上下唇的厚度、外鼻的上下长,鼻底的宽,鼻尖的高和鼻孔的口径等,为面貌复原、整容、头面部软组织损伤后的整形修复提供解剖学资料。  相似文献   

利用步长分析身高的实验研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
本文通过对步长与身高之间关系的实验统计,总结出新的、有实际应用价值的公式,为分析遗留足迹人的身高提供一种方法.  相似文献   

根据蛆长推断死亡时间的回归方程   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
汤治洲 《法医学杂志》1994,10(3):113-113,121
用最小二乘法原理对有关数据进行处理,得出一个根据蛆长推断死亡时间的回归方程。并通过对一百余条成熟粪蛆的变蛹情况观察,利用该方程归纳出了蛹的生长情况所相当于的蛆长,扩大了推断方程的应用范围,可推断变蛹后的死亡时间。  相似文献   

From medicolegal practice it is known that in deaths caused by low voltage, electric marks may be absent or inconspicuous so that they may remain undetected during the scene examination. That this may happen even in fatal high-voltage accidents is demonstrated by 4 examples from our own autopsy material. The cases reported shared the following features: The decedents were found outdoors under a high-voltage line with a several metres long conductive object being in the immediate vicinity of the body; no extensive burns as those seen after the impact of an electric arc; inconspicuous electric marks on the hands; clearly visible electrothermal skin lesions limited to body regions covered by clothing (especially soles of the feet). Another case report demonstrates that even fatal lightning accidents are not always recognized correctly.  相似文献   

Nearly 400,000 Africans may have been killed in racially motivated, lethally destructive, state supported, and militarily unjustified attacks on the farms and villages of the Darfur region of Sudan. Using victimization survey data collected from Darfurian survivors living in refugee camps in Chad, and drawing on conflict theory, we present evidence that the Sudanese government has directly supported violent killings and rapes in a lethally destructive exercise of power and control. In the language of the Geneva Genocide Convention, these attacks have inflicted on African tribal groups "conditions of life calculated to bring about their physical destruction in whole or in part." The data include explicit evidence of the central mediating role played by racism in the attacks. There is little or no evidence from the surveys to support the claim of the Sudanese government that the attacks have been aimed at rebel groups as a counter-insurgency strategy. The Sudanese government claims are by this analysis not credible as self-defense arguments, but rather of the exercise of power and control through denial. Further forms of such denial are considered, including the slowness of modern American criminology to advance the study of genocide.  相似文献   

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