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近年来,印度因中印边界争端和中国快速崛起而对中国的恐惧感不断上升。为反制中国战略“威胁”,印度利用南海争端日趋复杂化之机,将南海作为遏阻中国扩大战略影响、牵制中国战略布局的新战略支点,通过加强与南海争端国和域外大国关系,强化自身在南海的实际存在等方式介入南海,使中国的周边地缘政治环境变得更加复杂,增加了中国维护南海权益的难度,对中国在东南亚和印度洋的战略利益形成了挑战。  相似文献   

在“海权论”“无主”“共有”等国际视阈下,北极地区的归属特别是能源资源权益的划分一直悬而未决——特别是在近年来北极环境变迁逐步加快、各国极地活动能力不断增强、全球能源竞争日趋激烈的背景下,各国拓宽能源获取渠道的需求已经变得越来越强烈。无论是以俄罗斯为代表的北极地区国家,还是以中国为代表的“非北极国家”,都对北极有着较强的能源权益声索以及能源安全维护需求。围绕着北极地区的公共与私有属性界定、开放与排他政策选择、法制与权力标准划分等诸多问题,各国之间展开了全方位的多轮博弈。目前,在各国北极政策“理念一致、目标冲突”的背景下,在北极开展合作特别是能源开发合作也越发困难重重。而对于提倡构建“冰上丝绸之路”的中国来说,要想维护本国在北极的能源安全,就必须借助在北极有重要影响力的国家的力量,通过分享理念、设置议题、促成合作等多种方式,实现对北极事务的有效介入。这将有助于规避因恶性竞争而带来的战略透支,为增强中国的北极能源开发话语权奠定基础。  相似文献   

A progressive piece of legislation in 1993 granted collective land rights to Colombia's black communities living in the rural areas of the Pacific coast region. This measure aimed partly to support sustainable development strategies in the region through territorial empowering of local communities. Yet 14 years later, the escalation of the country's internal conflict into the Pacific region has created unprecedented levels of forced displacement among rural black communities. Once referred to as a ‘peace haven’, the Colombian Pacific coast is now characterised by new spaces of violence and terror, imposed by warring guerrilla and paramilitary groups, as well as the armed forces. This article examines the nature of the externally induced violence in the region and shows how specific economic interests, in particular in the African Palm sector, are colluding with illegal groups that are used to spread fear and terror among local residents, to make them comply with the requirements of these economic actors.  相似文献   

澜湄地区的安全问题以非传统安全为主,涉及跨境犯罪、社会公共卫生、水与环境安全、信息网络犯罪等广泛议题,呈现出明显的复合性与联动性的结构特征,深刻地影响着该地区的政治、经济和社会安全。自2016年澜沧江—湄公河合作机制正式成立以来,国内外学术界对澜湄合作给予广泛关注和多视角研究,但对于该机制框架下的非传统安全研究还相对缺乏。长期以来,澜湄地区的非传统安全治理属于“碎片化”治理模式,机制拥堵,治理政策、资金、技术、人力和物力的投入分散,且缺乏持续性,导致安全问题无法从根本上解决。澜湄合作机制成立后,从合作治理内容、结构、参与主体等方面,推动了非传统安全治理逐步向“平台化”模式演进和发展,从根本上促进了澜湄地区国家之间的务实合作与非传统安全问题的解决。《澜湄合作五年行动计划(2018~2022)》已将非传统安全合作列为重点合作内容,未来澜湄合作需要在治理范式创新、多层平台搭建、早期项目设计和收获等方面完善非传统安全治理机制,持续推动澜湄合作拓展和深化。  相似文献   

进入新世纪,在俄罗斯的外交战略中亚太地区的地位在不断上升。俄罗斯大部分国土位于亚洲,所以在利用外交手段维护国家领土安全,并为本国东部地区的经济发展创造有利外部条件的同时,提升俄罗斯在亚太地区的影响力,是俄罗斯实施亚太战略的主要目标与利益所在。目前,俄罗斯与亚太地区的合作主要体现在能源、交通运输、粮食和安全保障等领域。但由于受俄罗斯东部地区的经济发展水平,以及俄罗斯参与亚太合作的矛盾心理,特别是与区域内各大国之间的关系等多方面因素的影响,俄罗斯与亚太关系的发展缺乏稳固的基础,进一步发展面临制约。  相似文献   

近年来,中美在亚太地区的安全矛盾持续发酵,逐渐形成安全利益、理念和地区安全秩序构想的全面对立态势,成为影响中美和平共处的重要因素。秩序疑虑与热点问题的对立是中美在亚太地区安全矛盾的主要表现。中美亚太安全矛盾的全方位突显,根本上源于两国力量对比的变化以及由此引发的权力转移态势,是中美总体力量差距背景下局部力量平衡的表现。这种力量平衡表现为:中国作为地区经济中心与美国作为地区安全中心的“二元结构平衡”;中国作为陆权大国与美国作为海权大国的“陆海权力平衡”;在中国近海区域,中美权力均衡态势初步形成。在此过程中,中美对既有安全矛盾管理的失效以及彼此安全威胁认知的反复塑造,客观上增强了矛盾对立的烈度,安全困境逐步形成。随着权力消长和政策互动,中美在亚太地区的安全困境,逐步呈现出从经典安全困境转向“国家引导型的安全困境”加剧的趋势。未来,中美亚太安全矛盾仍然会受到结构性因素的影响,而经济相互依存趋势、技术发展引发的军事威慑变化、意识形态竞争以及非传统安全合作等因素,则将决定既有安全矛盾是否会走向冲突。  相似文献   

The geographic proximity of Central Asia to Russia, China, the Caucasus and the Caspian region, as well as to the Middle East, makes this oil and gas-producing region a crucial and ever-developing player in regional and global energy markets. The method by which Central Asian producers choose to develop their hydrocarbon resources and export infrastructure will have significant implications for the plans for diversification of oil and gas supplies of Europe, China and India, as well as for Russia's energy exports to Europe. It is still too early to tell whether the economic and political incentives are strong enough to promote cooperation between the various actors or whether the energy interests of these key external powers are so diverse as to clash in Central Asia.  相似文献   

全球经济一体化,这是当今世界经济发展的大趋势,中国加入WTO之后,受这种潮流的影响越来越大。地处东北亚的中国、俄罗斯的部分地区和日本、韩国、朝鲜自然形成了东北亚经济区。建立东北亚经济区山海大通道对该地区的经济和社会发展是十分重要的,东宁处于东北亚出海大通道的节点上,建立东宁-乌苏里斯克-东方港出海贸易大通道将进一步促进黑龙江省、我国东北地区、东北亚地区乃至大平洋地区和亚太地区的经济发展。  相似文献   

The internecine warfare in the former Yugoslavia has radicalised many Islamic movements in the region and facilitated close links between local Balkan groups and Middle East states as well as terrorist organisations. This article examines the spread of militant Islamic fundamentalism in the Balkans as well as in Kosovo, Macedonia, Bulgaria, Turkey, and Albania. The scope of linkages between Balkan Islamic movements and Iran pose serious concern for Western governments as a long‐term threat to any stability and democratisation in the Balkan region as it has intensified illegal activity throughout the area and heightened irredentist claims.  相似文献   

东盟区域经济一体化及其效应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来,东盟的区域经济一体化方兴未艾,并出现一系列格局性变化。东盟加快了自身区域一体化步伐,东盟与区外国家的自由贸易区迅速兴起,东盟成员国与区外国家的双边自由贸易协定不断涌现。东盟区域经济一体化的效应开始逐步显现,它不同程度地表现为区内贸易的扩大,产业内分工与贸易的增强,以及对区内外投资的吸引。  相似文献   

许孟水 《亚非纵横》2011,(6):10-13,59,61
2011年以来,黑非洲面临最突出的问题之一是严重的旱灾和饥荒,特别是东北非的“非洲之角”遭遇60年不遇的特大旱灾。联合国粮农组织总干事迪乌夫将“非洲之角”饥荒形势称为“世界面临的最严重人类灾难之一”。黑非洲粮食安全问题由来已久,从20世纪80年代开始,全世界只有非洲是人均粮食产量不断下降、赤贫人口持续上升的地区。非洲国家长期受粮食危机困扰,是由内部和外部多方面因素造成的。黑非洲理应能解决人民的吃饭问题,缓解黑非洲粮食安全问题主要依靠黑非洲各国坚持不懈的努力,同时,国际社会需要对黑非洲粮食安全问题给予更多关注和援助。  相似文献   

This article explores the potential of the Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) to be an agent of socialization in the five Central Asian Republics of Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan. In drawing on both rationalist and constructivist approaches to international socialization it is argued that the organization's inability to provide tangible material and political incentives as well as Central Asia's indigenous culture and institutions impede successful socialization dynamics. Moreover, the power-oriented elites consider the bulk of the OSCE activities to be a threat to their grasp on power, not only making socialization almost impossible but also making OSCE–Central Asian cooperation increasingly difficult to sustain. Recommendations to increase the OSCE's influence in the region concentrate on a better understanding of the cost-benefit calculation of Central Asian governments as well as a more responsive attitude to traditional institutions in the OSCE's approach toward the region.  相似文献   

‘You cannot have a process where Balkan countries pretend to reform and we pretend to believe them.’

Chris Patten, EU Commissioner in charge of External Relations BBC World News, 25 November, 2002

Southeastern Europe represents for Europe a significant geo-strategic and geopolitical region whose stability and security directly affects Europe’s political and security infrastructure. Conflicts and instability are still prevalent in the Balkans and, as a consequence, security cooperation in Europe is struggling to cope with risks of a non-military nature. It is widely accepted that as a region, the Balkans at the dawn of the 21st century remains weak and unable to deal efficiently with soft security threats. This article initially provides a generic picture of the Balkans and the hard security challenges prevalent there. It also aims to identify and assess the main types of new security threats that are currently present in the region, as well as to explore how these threats would be influenced by EU and NATO membership. The article also outlines the cooperative security measures adopted by the southeastern European countries, and it concludes by providing some thoughts on how the future developments in the region will be influenced by current international developments  相似文献   

柳明 《拉丁美洲研究》2012,34(2):3-9,14,79
在当前经济制度背景下,欧债危机主要通过贸易、投资和金融等机制影响拉美经济:欧盟需求不足可能使拉美国家的出口收益减少;欧盟信贷额度下降、股市波动、资本流动性减少,会减少对拉美国家的投资,导致拉美国家投资不足和金融市场不稳,对拉美国家的产业结构调整也会产生消极影响。面对危机,拉美国家的应对策略并非临时的或短期的政策,而是从长期应对危机的历史中汲取了经验和教训。拉美国家实行稳健的宏观经济政策和灵活的浮动汇率政策,通胀处于可控水平,银行监管适当,整体债务水平较低,加上较为充足的外汇储备和经济运行状况总体良好等因素,为拉美国家抵御欧债危机的冲击发挥了相当大的减缓作用。但是,欧债危机对拉美经济可能会存在长期效应。中国与拉美的贸易为拉美经济的发展提供了动力,但中拉关系中还存在很多不稳定因素。未来中拉之间的战略依存度将越来越高,经贸往来也将更加密切。  相似文献   

张哲馨 《亚非纵横》2012,(5):8-14,59,61
近年来,中美在亚太地区的地缘矛盾和较量日益尖锐,两国在亚太地缘安全上似乎正陷入一种难以摆脱的“合作困境”。然而必须看到,这一困境产生的根本原因既非“大国必因争霸而走向对抗”的历史宿命,也不是中美政治制度差异所导致的对彼此的永恒猜忌,而是中美在对彼此的战略试探和相互适应过程中体现出来的战略互疑。令人欣慰的是,两国高层正在通过不断的相互“战略再保证”,努力巩固和扩展双方的战略互信。同时,两国在亚太地区各领域展开的务实合作及该地区其他积极因素均有助于中美在地缘安全上找到一条新型的大国共存与合作之路。未来,两国应通过更多对话及互利合作,进一步巩固彼此的战略互信,在充分发挥各自优势及领导作用的基础上,逐渐整合亚太地区现有的各种安全机制,为各国和谐共处与共同繁荣创造更加安全稳定的地区环境。  相似文献   

Revolving around the concept of ‘Community’ or ‘community’, debate on an Asian region has ostensibly pitted those who proposed an entity limited to East Asia (China, Japan, South Korea and the ten countries of the Association of South East Asian Nations, ASEAN) against those who proposed a much wider region embracing India, North (and, perhaps, South) America, as well as Australasia. Previously these two conceptualisations possessed their eponymous translation in the East Asian Economic Caucus (reincarnated as ASEAN+3) and the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation forum. However, with the creation in 2005 of the East Asian Summit to include India, Australia and New Zealand and, above all, its 2011 enlargement to include the United States and Russia, the contrast between the two conceptualisations of an Asian region has become confused. In order to explain this development, this article suggests that the language of ‘region’ or ‘community’ is a discursive smokescreen disguising changes in approaches to multilateralism. An examination of the East Asia Summit, contrasting it with another recent regional project, the Trans Pacific Partnership, suggests that the actors involved are seeking to ensure the primacy of individual nation states in intergovernmental multilateral relations.  相似文献   

The promise of the geoeconomic Arctic: a critical analysis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Due to global climate change, the Arctic is losing its ice cover with two expected economic consequences: new accessible natural resource reserves and opening maritime routes are anticipated to become accessible. As a result, the Arctic is expected to transform into a globally important geoeconomic space. The article approaches the geoeconomic Arctic by asking whether this transformation is plausible and forthcoming. In particular, the article analyzes critically practical challenges for Arctic economic development as well as geopolitical challenges to the region as a favourable investment and operating environment. The article concludes that while the Arctic will develop economically, the pace and scope of developments are likely to remain moderate due to complex challenges, and that the geoeconomic importance of the region may be exaggerated. Furthermore, external geopolitical dynamics can hinder the realization of the geoeconomic potential of the Arctic. Due to various spill-over effects, illustrated by the crisis in Ukraine, the Arctic is not necessarily as stable an investment and operating environment as often assumed.  相似文献   

Concern about terrorism in, and from, West Africa has prompted both military responses and criticisms of these. Criticism has focused on ‘hegemonic’ international attention to the region, the inappropriateness of a military and a misplaced focus on religion, and specifically Islam, where a range of ethnic, social, economic and historical problems are said to have been the real factors incubating radicalisation and violence—although empirical evidence to support this assertion was absent. We argue that a more nuanced and variegated approach is needed. On one side, contrary to the critics, we show: why international attention is warranted and inevitable, with a specific link to international terrorism (as well as local contexts) since 2001, and why a militarised approach is also relevant; why Islam and a religious focus cannot be completely ignored in assessing militancy and violence in West Africa. On the other, we use original qualitative empirical research to explore beliefs, values and attitudes in the region, which reveals that, across the region, a variety of social issues and perceptions of history are regarded as being salient factors in radicalisation—whether or not that radicalisation leads to violence. Notable among these are a ‘youth bulge’ and youth disaffection and perceptions (no matter their empirical accuracy) concerning the ‘deep history’ of colonialism in the region.  相似文献   

The Middle East has undergone significant changes in the past two decades. Most significantly, the region has experienced the dissolution of the post-1991 America-centric regional security complex as the United States reduces its forces and retools its center of effort toward the Indo-Pacific, and the creation of a new gas-centered sub-regional security complex in the Eastern Mediterranean. These changes have impacted Israel’s stature in its region and have led to significant changes in Israel’s foreign and national security policy. While in the past, Israel viewed itself as a “villa in the jungle”—not as an integral part of the region—it now sees itself as part of its surroundings and is pursuing a much more regional-centric policy. This change is clear in issue-specific alliances and collective security arrangements, as well as in long-range economic relationships. This article analyzes the regional changes and their impact in Israeli strategic thinking and policy.  相似文献   

印度海洋安全战略的制定与调整深受外部安全环境影响,后者既有延续性也有变动性。近年来,印度海洋安全环境变动加速,主要涉及四方面:首先是印度洋战略地位持续提升;其次是传统安全与非传统安全交织,大国角逐等传统安全问题回归;再次是非安全问题的战略重要性凸显;最后是地区治理结构破碎,多个海洋合作倡议呈竞争性发展,不确定性加大。这些环境变动促使印度对其海洋安全战略进行了较大调整,包括持续更新战略文件;积极确立新型海上安全观,主动回应新型特别是非传统海上安全挑战;进一步细化各子战略,全面回应新的海洋安全环境;积极推动海军国际交流合作,援引外力提升本国安全。  相似文献   

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