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蒲裕路是金代设立的管辖黑龙江流域广大地区的行政机构,治所在今天的黑龙江省齐齐哈尔市克东县西北7.5公里的金城乡古城村附近,俗称克东古城。蒲裕路是金代上京路管辖下的行政单位,是金代版图中管辖区域最为辽阔、最为北部的一个行政区,最北到达今天俄罗斯的外兴安岭。蒲裕路古城从被发掘至今,已出土大量文物,这为今人研究金代历史提供了重要资料。  相似文献   

七十年代初,湖北黄石曾出土窖藏古钱二十二万斤,最早为汉半两,最迟为南宋淳祐钱。去年途经武汉,询问这批古钱下落,得到的回答是:除每种留下百枚作样品外,都已化为铜水。这当然是“十年动乱”中发生的事,但现在听到,也仍令人扼腕太息。现在,报上屡有出土窖藏古钱币的报道。这些古钱币怎样处理的,我不清楚。但有鉴于古币化铜的事例,不免发些杞  相似文献   

编辑同志: 三峡大坝工程正进入紧张的前期施工阶段,库区城镇搬迁、企业迁建、移民开发也已进入实质性阶段。注重对古文化资源的保护与开发已刻不容缓。3月底,坝区在茅坪河改道工程中,施工人员发现、挖掘了一座宋代古墓,出土了陶器、铜钱、铜佩饰、纪年砖。  相似文献   

冯国 《瞭望》2006,(47)
又一处西周晚期的青铜窖藏被陕西的农民发现,而且立即上报文物部门,一批珍贵文物出土周原,周人的发祥地,孔子念兹在兹的礼仪之乡,今天的中国地图上已难觅其踪,而周原青铜器的故事却在神州大地到处流传,演绎着一出出的今古传奇……2006年11月8日,披着冬日暖阳,陕西省扶风县城关镇的几名农民正忙着为小麦冬灌修水渠,一处西周晚期青铜窖藏乍然“现身”,相关人员随后展开一场“文物保卫战”,清理发掘出27件(组)共百余件珍贵文物,铭文内容涉及与周公齐名的召公等西周贵族。长期关注周原考古的一位专家闻此慨言:这样的“保卫战”愈多愈好,农民都快成考古学家了,历史本来就是人民创造的么。偶然性的重大发现已寻常“8日下午,我们正在研究第二天如  相似文献   

岳月 《学理论》2014,(3):152-153
通过民族民俗研究的深入和相继出土的文物资料解读,都不同程度地反映了"滇人崇蛇"的文化现象。但随着民族社会的迅速发展,以及自然环境的变迁,无论是从蛇图腾的意象到文化内涵均呈现出由单一走向多元的趋势。  相似文献   

黄澄 《学理论》2009,(21):108-110
金代货币制度从金宣宗开始走向衰落。金代后期,由于经济、社会、军事等方面的影响,货币的流通与使用发生了极为严重的问题,货币制度的缺陷又反过来加重了经济社会严峻形势的恶化。金朝采取了种种办法力图改善存在问题的货币政策,但由于问题的复杂性及社会大环境深层次的矛盾,往往其所施举措未能发挥作用,而又添新弊端。除上述情况外,本文又对金代后期货币发行流通使用的一些经济社会背景进行了梳理,介绍了金代后期货币的发行流通的情况,反映出货币制度发展兴衰的一般规律。金代后期货币制度未能革除流弊,而一挽颓势,遂致窘败,当为后鉴。  相似文献   

宋德金 《学理论》2008,(6):70-73
所谓金源文化,可有广义、狭义之分。狭义是指金上京地区或金代早期的文化;广义是指金代文化。本文指后者。南宋已有人称金为金源,如陈亮说:“今金源之植根既久,不可以一举而遂灭……”此后,历代也多有用金源称金代、金朝者。元人王恽《跋漆园田氏手泽》诗有“金源取士自科文,台阁公卿半风麟”句。  相似文献   

马德 《党政论坛》2013,(22):4-4
从前有个穷人,头顶有铜钱大小的一块地方,始终不长头发。他走在大街上,什么也不看,只注意别人的脑袋。倘若能看到某个人的头顸上,也有铜钱大小的地方遮掩不住,他便会感到兴奋和快乐。  相似文献   

王文忠 《学理论》2009,(27):10-11
五常市位于我省最南部,地处长白山张广才岭西麓,区划面积7512平方公里,呈“六山一水半草二分半田”的地貌分布,资源丰富,人口104万,汉、满、朝鲜、回、蒙、锡伯等9个少数民族集中居住。这里山清水秀,五常大米闻名中外,不仅是全省的入口大市,农业大市,而且是全省历史文化资源最丰富的地区之一。远古遗址有:学田出土的猛犸象牙化石和石器,是旧石器时代晚期遗存,我省地域文化历史承接的物证;金代遗址有:古墓遗址多处,其中有南宋使臣洪皓被流放地、金相完颜希尹的世居地冷山(今五常冲河镇境内);  相似文献   

王丽 《学理论》2011,(27):79-80
晚唐苏子矜夫妇合葬墓于2003年在河北宣化发现,墓中出土有二者的墓志。河北宣化在唐朝为武州,与志文中的幽州,属于北部边远城市,战略地位十分重要。而且据墓志中记载,苏子矜及其儿子都为唐雄武军或幽州节度使要员,所以苏子矜夫妇墓志为研究宣化及其周边地区唐代晚期的历史、军事制度等提供了宝贵的资料。  相似文献   

New currencies designed for user anonymity and privacy – widely referred to as “privacy coins” – have forced governments to listen and legislate, but the political motivations of these currencies are not well understood. Following the growing interest of political brands in different contexts, we provide the first systematic review of political motivations expressed in cryptocurrency whitepapers whose explicit goal is “privacy.” Many privacy coins deliberately position themselves as alternative political brands. Although cryptocurrencies are often closely associated with political philosophies that aim to diminish or subvert the power of governments and banks, advocates of privacy occupy much broader ideological ground. We present thematic trends within the privacy coin literature and identify epistemic and ethical tensions present within the communities of people calling for the adoption of entirely private currencies.  相似文献   


Roger Smith's plea on behalf of the human sciences raises important and neglected questions about the basis of interdisciplinary work. Central here is the role played in human self-understanding by the history of human self-understanding. Smith's basic position is attractive, but his book might have drawn on a broader range of resources in order to back it up.  相似文献   

The public sector should be designed to work on behalf of government. Government, in turn, should be designed to work on behalf of a citizen community both to pursue its collective interests and to defend the citizen community against harmful effects of private market activities. At this time, the integrity of the public sector/government has been eroded because the established forms of regulation of the market are outmoded. This has permitted transnational corporations to argue that government should respond more to their agendas often at the expense of citizen needs and claims. At the same time, citizen movements have become more diverse and sophisticated. They represent an opportunity for revisioning the work of government and the public sector.  相似文献   

In most states, child support paid on behalf of Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) participants is used to offset TANF and child support administrative expenditures; this policy primarily benefits taxpayers. In contrast, Wisconsin allowed most custodial parents to keep all support paid on their behalf. This policy, which treats welfare and child support as complements, was evaluated through an experimental design. This paper reports the key results of the experimental evaluation, using state administrative data to examine the effects on child support outcomes and governmental cost. We find that when custodial mothers keep all child support paid on their behalf, paternity establishment occurs more quickly, noncustodial fathers are more likely to pay support, and custodial families receive more support. These outcomes are achieved at no significant governmental cost. © 2008 by the Association for Public Policy Analysis and Management.  相似文献   

Poland's 1924 stabilization plan created, as measured by contemporary criteria, an independent central bank. The stabilization's success was undermined by a fiscal disequilibrium when a capital levy failed to raise revenue. The Polish government covered the revenue shortfall by exploiting the right of the state to issue subsidiary coins. Although central bank independence was not compromised, Poland did not have an independent monetary policy. When the fiscal disequilibrium was corrected in 1926, the central bank gained complete control over monetary policy. Thus, a balanced budget may be more important to achieving price stability than arrangements to foster central bank independence.  相似文献   

The relevance of gold to the financial market and global economies is responsible for the commodity's (gold) link with financial instruments such as the oil price, currency and gold price, stock index, and other commodities price. In this case, the causal analysis between the interest rate and the gold price has been examined in a novel approach. This study uses the standard Granger causality approach to test the relationship for the economy of Turkey over the period June 1, 2000–June 1, 2017. The results revealed that while gold price depends on daily announcements, demand, and supply, the interest rate depends on some factors such as the monetary policy of the central bank, inflation rate, and different macroeconomic parameters. Thus, the causality between the two financial instruments is observed to be significant. According to the conducted statistical analysis, the interest rate and gold price have interaction between each other. Because there is insufficient evidence in the extant literature that establishes a causality relationship between the two variables, the current study is believed to enhance policy directives and contribute to the financial literature. Considering the peculiar situation of the Turkish financial market, this novel approach presents significant policy directions.  相似文献   

曹建坤 《学理论》2009,(6):16-17
“公推直选”的试点使得党内思想、党内矛盾、党的活动方式、干部管理等方面出现新的变化:这是实现政党现代化的必然举措。为了推动“公推直选”深入开展,现阶段,应把“公推直选”的边界定到地方基层领导班子和主要领导;应扎实推动党员代表和群众代表的直选工作;应着重在党员、上级党组织和党外群众三个方面研究配套制度。  相似文献   

The global neoliberal economic and political order impregnated the emergence of democracy in South Africa. One of the hallmarks of this order is that the capacity of the state to transform society is constrained, particularly in the rural hinterlands. The incapacity of the state to extend its grip, both economically and politically, has provided traditional leaders with an opportunity to both recast themselves as intermediaries between state and society and elevate themselves to decision makers on behalf of large communities. The article examines the way in which traditional leaders have repositioned themselves in the new democracy, what their source of support is, and why the African National Congress government has come to support these efforts.  相似文献   

唐高力士传记资料辨析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本通过近年考古出土的有关高力士的两种碑志资料,进而重审有关高力士的传世传记资料,与《两唐书》、《资治通鉴》等正史比勘汇校,尝试对于唐玄宗一代政局的突变作出新的分析,对于高力士以及唐玄宗的评价提出新的评判。  相似文献   

David M.  Wood 《Political studies》1987,35(3):393-409
Interviews undertaken in the House of Commons with 70 backbench Conservative MPs in 1983–84 examined the extent to which they pursue their own localized industrial policy strategies as part of their efforts to maintain constituency electoral support. This involves lobbying efforts directed toward ministers in support of local industries, either in defence of jobs, in promotion of new jobs, or in a variety of quests for government benefits or relaxation of restrictions. It was found that 36 of the 70 Conservative MPs could be classified as 'constituency lobbyists', reflecting interview evidence that they consider lobbying on behalf of local industries to be a normal and important part of their representative role as MPs. The hypothesis that vulnerable constituencies—vulnerable in both political and economic terms—would be represented by constituency lobbyists was tested through the construction of an index of constituency 'security'. It was found that the more secure the constituency, the less likely is the MP to lobby on behalf of local industrial interests.  相似文献   

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