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刘东阳 《学理论》2012,(5):35-36,160
改革开放以来,由于城乡各种经济矛盾的出现,城乡一体化建设的思想逐步受到重视。一体化的发展,是我国经济与社会全面协调发展需要解决的首要问题,是从根本上解决三农的有效途径。实施城乡一体化的措施是:加强建设城乡一体化规划机制、加强基础设施建设、加强城乡产业发展和社会保障体系建设。  相似文献   

“十二五”及未来更长时期,中国城乡一体化的顺利推进需要我们认真借鉴其它国家城市化和农村发展的经验,更重要的是根植于现阶段中国城乡发展现实的创造性思维,以城乡经济发展为根本动力,保持城乡区域经济社会实现可持续发展和科学发展,基于立足城乡发展实践的切实可行的发展战略和策略,中国才能有效应对城乡发展过程中出现的各种问题,最终通过新型城乡形态发展打破旧有城乡二元结构进而促进城乡统筹一体化发展目标的实现.  相似文献   

误区之一:城乡一体化就是城乡一样化城乡一体化不是城乡一样化。城市和乡村有许多不同之处,并且有本质的区别。实现城乡一体化,根本目的是为了打破城乡二元经济、社会结构,实现城乡融合,实现共同发展、共  相似文献   

纵观城乡关系的发展演变历程,城乡融合、城乡一体化是经济和社会发展的必然趋势。我国现阶段所处的城乡二元格局要走向城乡一体化,必须依托城镇化这一重要载体和手段,才能最终打破藩篱,成功实现城乡经济社会一体、全面、协调、可持续发展。  相似文献   

高善春 《理论探讨》2012,(2):166-169
我国城乡文化二元结构问题非常突出,已影响到社会主义和谐社会建设.城乡文化二元化的形成有着深层次的体制原因.城乡文化一体化建设,必须推进制度创新,逐步废除涉及城乡关系与城乡发展的二元政策与法规,革除城乡文化一体化发展的制度瓶颈,供给一系列促进城乡文化一体化发展的制度、政策和法规,为城乡文化的健康协调发展创造公平的政策环境和法律制度平台.  相似文献   

以制度创新促进城乡一体化发展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
韩俊 《理论视野》2010,(3):34-37
统筹城乡经济社会发展,就是要统筹推进工业化、城镇化、农业现代化和新农村建设,加快形成城乡一体化发展的新格局。要积极探索建立健全包括财政、金融、投资、产业、就业、土地、户籍、行政管理等方面政策在内的配套完善的政策支撑体系,加快建立有利于城乡一体化发展的制度体系。  相似文献   

从世界城市化进程的视角看欧美发达国家城乡关系沿着合—分—合的历史轨迹正步入城乡一体化的高级阶段。一些发展中国家对城乡一体化发展也进行了探索,获得了有益的成果和经验。  相似文献   

在中国快速城市化的过程中,旧有的城乡二元结构尚未得到根本缓解,城市二元结构却日益突显。城市二元结构主要表现为:农民工难以实现身份转变融入城市,农民工与城市居民收入差距的悬殊,农民工权益保障的缺失,城市公共服务的差别待遇。"城市二元结构"的日益强化,将导致严重的城市贫困问题,加大城市管理的难度,影响城市的更好发展,甚至诱发一系列的社会矛盾。在城市二元结构短期内难以消除的现实面前,现阶段缓解城市二元结构问题,需要尽快废除不合理的城乡分治各项制度,加快推进农业转移人口市民化;统筹兼顾,全面推进城乡发展一体化;实现公共服务均等化,促进包容共享。  相似文献   

城乡社会管理一体化是中国实现城乡统筹的重要内容之一。党的十六大以来,中央政府对实现城乡社会管理一体化出台了许多战略举措,成渝等部分省区进行的试点创新也为实现中国城乡社会管理一体化积累了不少经验。但是与一体化的最终目标相比,我国城乡社会管理仍然存在较大差距,实现城乡社会管理的一体化还面临不少难点。针对这些差距和难点,总结试点创新的经验来看,中国城乡社会管理一体化在当前的实现途径主要包括改革户籍制度、完善社会保障体系、健全公共财政体制、健全城乡劳动力就业制度、推动农村社会事业以及社区建设等六个方面。  相似文献   

浦东新区自1990年开发开放以来,在消除城乡二元经济社会结构,实现城乡一体化发展方面取得一定的成就。为适应浦东新区社会经济发展需要,推进城乡社会养老保险一体化成为必然选择。  相似文献   

李红兵  严蓉  赵静  杨从尧 《学理论》2012,(13):20-23
成都统筹城乡户籍制度改革,是新中国成立以来最大规模的户籍制度改革。它以实现城乡统筹为目标,欲构建城乡一体的新形态,建立城乡均等的公共服务保障体系,城乡互动,共同发展。成都改革存在经济实力不强、法律政策体系不完善、农民问题和农村产权等需要解决的问题。统筹城乡发展和户籍制度改革是一个综合的过程,需要大力提升农村经济实力,加快户籍改革立法进程,规范农村产权流转,培育市民文化,各方面共同发展,相互促进以实现成都经济社会发展一体化。  相似文献   

深入推进城乡一体化是成都市近年来大力实施的一项重大战略。从大局和长远来看,推进城乡一体化的恒久动力问题值得认真思考,这种恒久动力来自增量式基层民主的发展。  相似文献   

党的十七大报告在阐述和部署社会主义新农村建设任务时明确提出,要建立以工促农、以城带乡长效机制,形成城乡经济社会发展一体化新格局。目前城乡经济社会一体化还存在一些问题,通过调整对农政策、加强基础设施建设、发展农村公共事业和加快小城镇建设等途径可以缩小城乡差距。  相似文献   

在人大代表选举中实行城乡人口比例政策,是我国普选产生人大代表的历史条件所要求的。在一定时期内按不同人口比例配备代表,不但反映了共和国国体的本质,而且标志着国家工业化的发展方向。随着中国经济体制改革、城市化、工业化和城乡一体化的发展,以及城乡人口的融合,城乡按相同人口比例选举人大代表的条件已基本成熟。新中国成立以来特别是改革开放以来实行普选的过程,一定意义上是个逐步实现城乡按相同人口比例选举人大代表的政策制定、调整及其实践的过程。在这一过程中,城镇化和非农业人口的发展,成为推动城乡人口比例政策改进和发展的主要经济社会动因。  相似文献   

新中国成立70余年来,城乡关系从分离、差别到二元结构的固化,再至城乡关系的融合发展,这个历史进程部分地践行了马克思恩格斯的城乡融合思想,二者在理论与实践层面实现了首次互构。新时代的城乡关系已然出现了新的变化,而新马克思主义学派也继承更新了马克思主义的理论和方法,重构了空间理论,进一步延展了马克思恩格斯的城乡融合思想,城乡关系的新变化与马克思恩格斯城乡融合思想的动态演进之间实现了二次互构。基于二者双重互构的逻辑,城乡关系的融合与创新发展应汲取马克思恩格斯城乡融合思想的时代精髓:尊重城乡发展的基本规律,规范资本与“人本”的界域;彻底翻转城乡不对等的理念,积极促成城乡资源要素的自由流动;变革城乡融合发展的相关体制与机制,致力于城乡公共服务的均等化及向乡村领域的延伸;实现乡村振兴战略、巩固脱贫攻坚成果及城乡融合发展的三元共振,推进城乡融合发展迈入新阶段。  相似文献   

Data from 6 fertility surveys conducted in Mexico between 1969-87 were used to compare rural and urban fertility and to determine whether a significant level of contraceptive usage could be achieved in rural areas despite their lack of socioeconomic development. Age-specific marital fertility rates were calculated for the 4 national-level and 2 rural fertility surveys. The index of fertility control developed by Coale and Trussel was calculated for rural, urban, and all areas. The marital total fertility rate in rural areas declined from 10.6 in 1970 to 7.4 in 1982, a decline of 2.5% annually. From 1982-87 the annual rate of decline in rural fertility slowed to 1.6%, reaching 6.8 children in 1987. The urban marital total fertility rate declined from 7.72 in 1976 to 5.03 in 1987, while the marital total fertility rate for Mexico as a whole declined from 9.04 in 1976 to 5.85 in 1987. The indices of fertility control showed slowly increasing use of contraception in rural areas starting from the very low level of 1969. The urban index of fertility control showed some contraceptive use for all age groups in all surveys. The increases in contraceptive usage were considerable in rural areas from 1976-82 and much less marked in urban areas. From 1982-87 the inverse was observed and the fertility decline in urban areas was more marked. The condition of natural fertility found in rural areas in 1969 subsequently disappeared. Over time, fertility decline and use of contraception have intensified. Contraception is widely practiced in urban areas and is continuing to become more prevalent. The rural fertility decline in 1976-82 suggests that at least sometimes increases in fertility control are more important in rural areas than in urban areas. The theory of modernization, which holds that fertility decline in developed countries is attributable to factors associated with the process of modernization, thus comes into question. However, it is probable that a sustained fertility decline in the most depressed rural areas will be achieved only with substantial socioeconomic change.  相似文献   

Competition among core cities or urban centers and suburban and rural areas besets numerous states. The competition often occurs amid a political environment in which suburban and rural areas enjoy a political majority in the state legislature, a majority that directs state investments to their areas. With Ohio as a case study, the issues that have created the urban–suburban–rural trichotomy are reviewed and an analysis of the tax returns, by area, to state investments is presented. The findings illustrate that urban centers produce more tax dollars per dollar of state investment than other areas, implying that state underinvestment in urban areas harms overall state tax revenues.  相似文献   

赵桂生 《学理论》2012,(22):107-109
中国的二元经济结构,导致了包括宁夏在内全国实行城乡二元社会保障法律体系。目前,宁夏农村社会保障体系建设仍然滞后于城镇社会保险体系。农村居民的社会保障水平不高。宁夏城镇居民的社会保险、社会救济、社会福利和社会优抚安置已经建立了相对完善的体制和制度。可是在农村,上述基本社会保障体制和制度仍在积极探索和完善中,城乡社会保障工作还存在相当大的差距。  相似文献   

我国农村人力资本投资的制约因素与对策分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
加大人力资本投资力度,充分发挥农村人力资本的资源优势是我国解决“三农”问题、建设社会主义新农村的一大重要举措。而由于农村居民人均收入低、城市优先发展策略、农村人力资本投资收益率低下、农村劳动力在城市的非正规就业等原因,严重阻碍了农村人力资本的投资行为。故而,笔者建议:政府应加大对农村义务教育投资力度,大力发展农村职业技术教育,提高农村人口的整体文化水平;大力发展农村合作医疗事业;形成城乡统一的劳动力市场,提高农村人力资本投资回报率,从而提高农村人口的整体素质,变人口压力为人力资源优势。  相似文献   

The characteristics and correlates of high fertility women in Mexico were assessed for different age and residential groups with data from the National Demographic Survey of 1982. This survey included information on rural, urban and metropolitan Mexican women aged 15-49 years who had ever been in union. Rural areas were defined as those with fewer than 20,000 inhabitants. Metropolitan areas were Guadalajara, Monterrey, and Mexico City. High fertility was defined for the purpose of this study as at least 2 live births for women 15-19, 3 for women 20-24, 4 for those 25-29, 5 for those 30-34, 6 for those 35-39, and 7 for those 40-49. According to this definition about 40% of Mexican women are high fertility, with proportions ranging from about 1/3 of those 20-29 to half of those 35-49 years old. High fertility is about twice as common in women 15-19 in rural areas as in urban and metropolitan areas of Mexico. 10% of rural women aged 20-24 already have 5 children, compared to less than 1% of metropolitan women and under 3% of women in other urban areas. By age 45-49, 31% of rural women, 20% of other urban women, and 15% of metropolitan women have 10 or more children. 13% in all areas have 2 or 3. Large proportions of rural women in all age groups are high fertility, with the difference especially marked at young ages. The data on contraceptive usage indicate that high fertility women are among the increasing numbers of Mexican women attempting to control their family size. 10% of high fertility women in rural areas are sterilized and another 10% use oral contraceptives. Injectables and traditional methods share 3rd place. IUDs are almost nonexistent in rural areas. In urban and metropolitan zones about 1/4 of high fertility women have been sterilized. About 10% use pills. Traditional methods and IUDs are in 3rd place for urban women while injectables occupy 3rd place for metropolitan women. Except among women 30-34, about 70% of sterilizations in rural areas are in high fertility women. The data demonstrate the growing acceptance of family planning in rural as well as in urban areas. In 1969, only 10% of rural women in union had ever used a contraceptive method. The 43.1% of Mexican women with little or no schooling contribute 63% of the high fertility. High fertility women are overrepresented in the lowest educational stratum in all age groups. Methodological difficulties arise in comparing the fertility performance of different social groups. It appears however that agricultural workers and unsalaried self-employed workers contribute a disproportionate share of high fertility.  相似文献   

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