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《里斯本条约》生效后,其中引入的《欧盟基本权利宪章》也随之产生了法律效力。波兰和英国基于国内社会权保护水平的考虑对《欧盟基本权利宪章》的适用声明了条约保留。在这种情况下,《里斯本条约》将对成员国产生两种不同方式的影响。  相似文献   

2009年捷克领导人签署了《里斯本条约》后,代表着该条约在2009年12月1日正式生效。而这部条约的生效对持续了几十年的欧洲一体化进程有着非常重要的意义,双重表决制是《里斯本条约》与之前的《欧盟宪法条约》变化最大的部分。本文通过欧盟表决制度的前后变化来分析其对欧盟的作用。  相似文献   

《欧盟宪法条约》框架下的欧盟机构改革   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2004年 10月,欧盟各成员国在罗马签署了《欧盟宪法条约》,这标志着欧盟政治一体化进入了一个崭新的阶段。该条约涉及欧盟政治与经济生活的方方面面,其中最令人关注的莫过于其对欧盟机构体系所进行的改革。《欧盟宪法条约》对欧盟机构体系改革规定了诸多内容,但改革中仍存不足。  相似文献   

《欧盟宪法条约》对欧盟人权保护的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
杨成铭 《法学杂志》2006,27(1):108-111
《欧盟宪法条约》的通过和生效将从根本上矫正欧盟经济、政治、军事和人权的不对称性,并使欧盟的人权保护从政治层面提升到司法层面。这一条约还从根本上弥补了欧盟的“人权赤字”,并使欧盟的人权保护制度与欧洲理事会的人权保护制度相连结,使欧盟的人权保护由点扩大到面。可以期待,随着条约的生效和施行,欧盟的人权保护将逐步处于区域性和全球性人权保护的领跑地位。  相似文献   

中国《缔结条约程序法》有关"条约"的概念与分类使用较为混乱。受制于《宪法》的规定,《缔结条约程序法》未规定中国国家主席的主动缔约权,由此造成了立法与实践的脱节。同时,由于中国《宪法》和《缔结条约程序法》中有关全国人大和全国人大常委会在批准条约方面的权力存在错位,进而导致条约与国内法关系难以厘清。因此,完善《缔结条约程序法》,应构造以《宪法》为核心的国际法立法与国内法立法体系,使两个法律体系在立法程序上实现良好衔接。  相似文献   

《全面禁止核试验条约》是联合国大会于1996年通过的。12年过去了,该条约仍然未能生效。该条约是国际社会通过长期的艰苦努力所取得的一项法律成果,是在美国主导下通过的,是全面禁止核试验的有效步骤之一。但是该条约并没有禁止一切形式的核试验,而且在监测机制、核查机制和退出机制等方面均存在缺陷,所以它并不能全面禁止核试验。从深层次上说,该条约的生效过程必然是一个充满复杂斗争的过程。  相似文献   

20 0 4年 10月 2 9日 ,欧盟二十五个成员国的领导人在罗马正式签署了欧盟历史上的第一部宪法条约 ,欧盟终于有了自己的纲领 ,大欧洲的蓝图初现轮廓。欧盟宪法条约的签署 ,不论是对于欧盟各成员国 ,还是对于全世界 ,都是一件大事。本文从四个方面分别介绍和剖析了欧盟宪法条约出台的原因和背景、核心内容以及其前景和意义。  相似文献   

条约解释是国际法上的重要问题。1969年《维也纳条约法公约》第31至33条的规定集中体现了传统的奈约解释规则。实践中,《联合国宪章》的解释对于传统条约解释规则多有突破和发展,主要体现在三个方面:第一,宪章解释过程中除运用传统方法外,还形成了“暗含权力”和“机构嗣后实践”等新方法;第二,各种传统条约解释方法在运用于宪章时,相互地位关系较之一般条约解释有所不同;最后,存在于条约解释中的解释与修改、解释与新规则创制的关系问题,在宪章解释上体现得尤为突出。宪章自身的特殊性质是形成上述特点的根本原因。宪章解释丰富和发展了传统条约解释理论和实践,为条约解释提供了全新的样本,拓宽了条约解释在现代国际法学研究中的领域。  相似文献   

黄莉娜 《时代法学》2009,7(3):114-120
1968年1月,英国、美国和苏联等59个国家签署了《不扩散核武器条约》,并于1970年3月正式生效。国际核不扩散体制主要以《不扩散核武器条约》为基石。虽然该条约只有11个条文,但是它在实现全面彻底核裁军、维护世界和平与安全的国际法制进程中具有划时代的意义。同时条约也存在某些概念模糊不清、对非核武器缔约国的歧视、退出条款限制不够、国际原子能机构的核查权限等问题。要真正实现全面彻底防核扩散的目标,国际社会需要努力地对条约作出合理的修订和完善,倡导以条约为基础的多边合作。  相似文献   

为了解《建立欧洲宪法的条约》中对于成员国与欧盟机构之间的权力分配,本文从:欧盟权限的范围、欧盟如何在其授权范围内进行立法决策、欧盟法的效力等三个角度对该条约进行了分析。可以看出,宪法在对欧盟进行广泛授权的同时,仍然从根本上维护了成员国的主权,宪法条约并没有从根本上推进原有的条约体系已经达到的一体化的程度。但兼顾了一体化和各民族特征的欧盟本身正是二十世纪政治文明最重要的创新性成果,是其他国家和地区学习的典范。  相似文献   

程荃 《时代法学》2012,10(3):100-108
欧盟一直重视核安全立法,《建立欧洲原子能共同体条约》缔造了欧盟成员国和平利用核能的合作框架,它在一个集中的监控系统下保证了欧盟核能的供应安全。欧盟在2011年3月福岛第一核电站事故后,加快推进核安全方面法律和政策的制定进程,尤其在放射性废物和核废料安全、辐射防护基本安全方面都采取了最新的立法措施,确保欧盟核能在保证安全的基础上正常发展。我国应借鉴欧盟经验,坚持国际核安全标准,加强核废料和放射性废物安全管理立法,建立较为完善的核安全法律框架。  相似文献   

贾文华 《犯罪研究》2014,(4):94-102
葡萄牙毒品使用的去刑法化改革带来了一系列的变化,而其本源在于观念的变革,即由对毒品的“零容忍”趋向于注重政策实效性的务实主义的转变.改革取得了显著的成效,同时也引发了国际社会的广泛关注甚至效仿.尽管葡萄牙模式的可持续性及可复制性仍有待于时间的进一步检验,但其观念更新基础上的多层级治理体系的建构,无疑为有效抑制日益泛滥的毒品消费提供了有价值的路径探索.  相似文献   

Ten countries of Central and Eastern Europe and the Mediterranean region joined the European Union in 2004. Two more new members from southeast Europe (Bulgaria and Romania) joined in January 2007. Given the diverse range of political, economic, social, and cultural contexts of these nations, EU enlargement and integration processes have entered a new phase of complexity. In this article, I analyze the cultural policy developments in eight of the new EU member states (the Czech Republic, Estonia, Poland, Latvia, Lithuania, Hungary, Slovakia, and Slovenia), examine in detail state and nonstate cultural funding patterns, and assess the influence of EU policy—especially with regard to the Culture Program, Structural Funds, and European cultural cooperation initiatives—for its impact on cultural policy development in the new member states. Next, I discuss the new forms of pan-European cultural cooperation, focusing on the development of networks, foundation initiatives, and observatories. Finally, I explore issues in development of cultural policy in the new member states and conclude with recommendations for the future of the enlarged EU.  相似文献   

The EU, while developing instruments for evidence-gathering in criminal matters, is not making much of an effort to enhance its admissibility. This may lead to situations where, given the differences between legal systems across the EU, evidence collected in one member state will not be admissible in other member states. Due to the fact that the Lisbon Treaty opened the possibility of adopting minimum rules concerning, among other things, the mutual admissibility of evidence, this paper is dedicated to verifying whether it is feasible to achieve various common EU minimum standards for evidence-gathering.  相似文献   

The ways of decision-making within the EU have significantly changed in the last decades: The rule of unanimity has been more and more substituted by majority voting in order to speed up decision-making processes in a Union of 27 heterogeneous member states. A third possibility is now offered by the Lisbon Treaty including a constitutional right of withdrawal. A member state encountering a loss in its benefits caused by a decision made by majority voting may now demand compensating transfers by using the right of withdrawal. It might threaten to leave the EU if the compensation is denied. Hence, does this mean that member states now have regained a negotiation power comparable to the right to veto? Using a game theoretic approach we investigate the amount of compensating transfers to be offered under majority decisions with exit option compared to decisions requiring unanimity.  相似文献   

The new provisions on national parliaments in the Lisbon Treaty were welcomed with scepticism by some scholars and with hope by others. Sometime after the new provisions came into force, their impact on the role of national parliaments in the EU can already be examined. This article looks into the effect of the implementation of the Early Warning Mechanism and the other provisions on the parliamentary scrutiny of EU affairs in Spain. It also reflects on the possible implications for the EU political system. Although the scope and actual effect of the new measures have been quite modest, the new regulations allow for a better scrutiny of EU law, a tighter control of the executive on EU affairs and closer cooperation with EU institutions.  相似文献   

This paper analyses country-specific determinants of knowledge flows with a view to uncover the role of cross-organizational interactions. Using a sample of some 600,000 patents from the EU27 member states in the period 1990–2007, we take backward citations as dependent variable and find that technological sophistication and research size have a positive effect on knowledge flows. While a national bias towards applied research and development has a negative impact, individual public–private cooperation has a moderating effect due to the generation of scientific knowledge by public institutions. The present study contributes to the debate concerning the direction of R&D investments and provides empirical support to policies aimed at the enhancement of public–private cooperation.  相似文献   

王军  沈雨青 《河北法学》2007,25(8):34-41
在欧盟,以宪法性法律文件为基础,通过三代保险指令,也包括正在形成的第四代保险指令,欧盟的单一保险市场正在逐步形成.但相对于欧盟的保险监管制度来说,保险合同方面的调和则严重滞后.在这一领域,目前法律的发展仅局限于对保险合同冲突法的调整.这种状况导致了保险服务自由的目标难以实现.为了改变这种局面,欧盟的相关机构进行了有益的探索.其中的关键问题在于,欧盟应为各成员国提供统一的保单持有者的保护标准.顺应这一要求,最好的办法是颁布有关欧盟保险合同的实体法.我国作为世贸组织的一员和保险法尚不完善的国家,对于其中的动态应给予足够的关注.  相似文献   


Scrutinising governments lies at the heart of parliamentary activities in EU affairs. This applies to national as well as to regional parliaments, most of which possess a toolbox of scrutiny instruments, including the power to mandate, allowing for the strongest form of scrutiny vis-à-vis governments. The article investigates the existence of mandating tools in the 70 regional parliaments equipped with legislative competences in Austria, Belgium, Germany, Italy, Spain and the UK, whose role in EU affairs has been strengthened by stipulations in the Lisbon Treaty. It is argued that mandating tools are, first, not widely used; second, they are more commonly applied in cases where national parliaments act as ‘policy shapers’ – enabling policy transfer – and if meso-level factors involving territorial politics create further incentives. In sum, the regional parliaments in six member states are still trying to find a place in the maturing EU multi-level parliamentary system.  相似文献   

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