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当前,渎职、侵权案件侦查工作面临前所未有的挑战。刑法修订后,案件管辖范围和犯罪主体范围的缩小,特别是犯罪主体的特殊性,决定了侦破案件的艰巨性。但目前渎职、侵权案件侦查工作面临的“瓶颈”问题主要是线索问题,笔者认为,以下三种方式并用,可突破“瓶颈”问题。 一、“阵地战”方式。渎侦工作是检察机关侦查职能的一个种类,要放到整个法律监督中去认识。特别是依托法律监督职能使各部门形成合  相似文献   

面试时,面试官会提很多问题。有些问题,你甚至会觉得“毫无意义”,或者不知道要如何回答。但不要怀疑,每个面试问题的背后,都蕴含着意义。以下将对8个常见的面试问题进行分析,并对面试的整体表现做相关提示。经历和规划问题1:请进行3分钟的自我介绍,内容包括你的学历和主要工作经历。  相似文献   

那人叫老刘,属狗,18年前老刘还是小刘的时候,高中毕业报考了中国刑警学院警犬技术系。招生老师迟迟不让小刘参加面试,小刘急问原因。老师说:“你的成绩超过本科线30多分,应该参加刑警学院侦查系的面试,警犬技术系是专科。你等通知吧!”  相似文献   

张翀  陈汉彪 《政府法制》2012,(16):33-33
“我今年46岁,却是第一次参加面试!真是想不到,我们‘草根’也有了给市长当高参的机会!”在武汉市政府首度海选“布衣参事”的面试考场上,城管队员陈勇激动得语音都略显颤抖。将自己的人生界定在大街上的陈勇说:“我天天工作在马路上,与基层的民众打交道,我能够将这些最基层的声音带上来!”  相似文献   

一位总队首长到一个支队级单位检查安全工作,不打招呼先在营区转了一圈,发现饭堂地板砖受潮易滑,有的电线插头裸露在外,车场灭火设备不符合要求等问题。待这个单位领导赶来时,首长问道:“你们的安全工作抓得怎么样?”该领导说:“差不多,没问题。”首长带有几分愠色地说:“不是差不多,没问题,而是差很多,有大问题。”  相似文献   

1949年北平和平解放之初,各项事业百端待举。时任北平市市长兼北平军事管制委员会主任的叶剑英,担负着城市接管、巩固政权、恢复经济、安定社会秩序等工作.许多难题需要解决,摊贩问题便是其中的一个。叶剑英说:“要办的事很多,我们将一步一步地去做,有步骤、分缓急地去做。……比如摊贩问题。我们二月份、三月份因其他工作关系一直都没管,到第四个月才来管。”  相似文献   

鹤壁矿务局纪检、监察系统于去年3月实行了合署办公,实行一套工作机构,对外两块牌子,履行两种职能的体制。合署以后,从局到矿、厂、院、校、公司,迅速理顺了工作关系,建立健全了工作程序和工作制度,纪检监察业务全部实行统一归口管理。原来作纪检工作的同志和原来作监察工作的同志互相学习、相互信任、取长补短、团结合作,使该局纪检监察工作出现了新的局面。合署以后,两支队伍合为一支队伍,使企业的检查监督力量形成了合力。如五矿纪检监察合署后做到“四合”、“三统一”。“四合”是:机构上合署,思想上合心,业务上合力,工…  相似文献   

全国人大常委会委员长吴邦国在十一届全国人大常委会第一次会议上指出:“人大主要是通过会议行使,按照民主集中制原则,依照法定程序,集体行使职权,集体决定问题。”由此,常委会会议质量高低决定了人大及其常委会的履职水平和工作成效的高低。  相似文献   

唐亮 《律师世界》2002,(10):8-10
一、证明标准的层次1、证明标准层次的划分目前国内对于证明标准的层次的研究相对而言十分薄弱,而且主要是照搬国外的分法,最传统的观点是在民事案件、刑事案件及行政案件中只有一种证明标准:“事实清楚、证据充分”,也就是绝对的“客观真实”。但是这种理论遭到越来越强有力的挑战。目前最主流的是“二分法”———证据优势和绝对真实主要体现在民事诉讼和刑事诉讼中适用不同的标准。有的借鉴美国的“三分法”:证据优势、明晰可信和排除合理怀疑。台湾著名证据法学者李学灯构建了一种“四分法”:微弱心证(以下否定该主张);盖然的…  相似文献   

刘金城 《检察风云》2006,(10):40-41
我们都亲切地称他老单大哥,他叫单连根。2003年盛夏,市公安局选派了一批“老公安”,充实到专业司法社工队伍中去。本来就名额有限,可想去的人不少。于是,我和老单都经历过严格的笔试、面试,过“五关”,斩“六将”,总算冲刺成功,有幸成为新中国第一代准司法社工。老单是市局治安  相似文献   

目的探讨性自我防卫能力评定量表在非精神发育迟滞精神障碍患者中的适用性。方法收集性自我防卫能力评定案例87例,由经过培训的人员按照精神障碍者性自我防卫能力评定量表(CapacityofSexualSelf—defenseAssessmentScale,CSSAS)进行评分,并与专家鉴定意见进行比较。结果按照专家鉴定意见分组,有性自我防卫能力组、性自我防卫能力削弱组和无性自我防卫能力组的CSSAS评分分别为5.97±5.83、32.22±10.15、61.60±13.02,3组间的差异具有统计学意义(P〈O.01)。量表各条目得分与总分的相关系数为0.59~0.91,全量表的Cronbachd系数为0.96,拆半信度Cronbach理系数分别为0.94和0.91,两部分的相关系数为0.94。按照原始界值分,量表评定结果与专家鉴定意见的Kappa值为0.32(P〈0.01),重新划定界值分后.两者的Kappa值为0.84(P〈0.01)。因子分析共提取2个因子,方差解释率分别为46.15%和28.93%,判别函数回代94.30%的样本被正确划分。结论CSSAS可应用于非精神发育迟滞精神障碍患者的性自我防卫能力评定,但应重新修订界值分和因子的权重。  相似文献   

BackgroundCase law across jurisdictions requires ever more complete disclosure of material facts when obtaining consent to treatment.AimsTo determine whether giving extra information impairs the mental capacity to make decisions about treatment.MethodThe MacCAT-T, MacCAT-FP, PANSS and GAF were administered to 88 detained forensic patients with psychosis. Two positive and two negative facts were given about each of two anti-psychotic drugs, and no treatment (twelve items). A choice was elicited. The criterion for incompetence was inability to express a choice. Two extra positive and two extra negative facts about each of the three options were given (twelve extra items) and a choice was again elicited, while repeating the MacCAT-T.ResultsGiving extra information led to a decline in the total score on the MacCAT-T. Twenty one were initially unable to make a choice (24%). After additional information, 33 were incapable (37.5%, Chi-squared p < 0.001). Those initially incapable had the lowest scores on all measures of functional capacity and GAF, with highest scores for symptoms. Those able to choose a treatment option had the highest levels of function and least symptoms. Those who became incapable had intermediate scores.ConclusionsGiving extra information made an extra 15% unable to choose. Clinical judgement must be exercised concerning the amount of information disclosed. Deciding what is material to the individual is arbitrary when so few items of information can be processed. Greater use of guardianship and independent second opinions is recommended.  相似文献   

季美君 《法律科学》2003,(6):105-115
为实现个案正义的需要 ,目前世界各国都赋予检察官以起诉、不起诉和撤诉的自由裁量权。但为防止检察官滥用这一权力 ,各国又规定了相应的监督和制约措施。我们有必要借鉴先进国家的检察官自由裁量权的有效制约机制 ,以完善我国的检察官自由裁量权制度。  相似文献   

《Women & Criminal Justice》2013,23(2-3):141-161

One-hundred-eighty-seven female victims stalked by former intimate partners were interviewed about their victimization experiences. To identify psychological symptoms experienced by the victims, Briere and Runtz's (1989) Trauma Symptom Checklist (TSC-33) was utilized in the interview. Individual items were combined to form five distinct scales as developed and validated by Briere and Runtz (1989). Findings reveal that the highest mean scores for the sample were on the items included in the Sleep Disturbance scale. In addition, overall TSC-33 scores and the Dissociation, Anxiety, Depression, and Post-Sexual Assault Trauma-hypothesized (PSAT-h) scale scores varied by whether or not victims had experienced violence during their former relationship with the stalker and by whether or not violence occurred during the stalking. The absence or presence of verbal threats of violence during the stalking, however, did not have an independent effect on most emotional symptoms when controlling for violence during stalking.  相似文献   

This paper compared a sample of women in treatment for alcoholism (N = 45) with a randomly selected sample of women from the local community (N = 40), and a sample of women receiving services for victimization by severe partner violence (N = 38). Conflict Tactics Scale (CTS) items were dichotomized into low frequency of partner violence (twice per year or less) and high frequency of violence (once per month or more), and then summed to yield separate low frequency and high frequency scores for each CTS subscale. Results showed that at the high frequency level, battered women reported the highest scores on each subscale, alcoholic women the second highest, and the community sample of women reported the lowest level of violence. A multiple regression analysis revealed that being in the alcoholic sample significantly predicted high frequency negative verbal interaction and moderate violence, controlling for presence of a partner with alcohol-related problems and demographic differences among the samples.  相似文献   

Fifty six cases of a forensic population were submitted to a cluster analysis to observe the aglomerative behavior in relation to the total scores of the items comprising the PCL-R Psychopathy Checklist Revised [R.D. Hare, Manual for the Hare Psychopathy Checklist-Revised, Multi-Health System, Toronto, 1991]. The analysis indicated two independent types of antisocial personality disorders, not identified in the PCL-R in its standardized form, one of them being strongly associated with criminal conduct and the other with psychopathic personality. Such clusters were stable when the analysis was replicated with other hierarchical algorithms, and also, they were independently extracted via the k-means method without having previously fixed the value for k. One of the clusters concentrated the PCL-R highest scores, indicating that it is the prototypical psychopathic character determinant.  相似文献   

This article seeks to understand how reported mediation rates in Chinese courts are produced and what they actually signify. It analyzes data obtained through prolonged fieldwork at a court in central China. The article finds that the court has directly responded to central level mediation incentives by enhancing its overall mediation rate. It has done so strategically by seeking the highest increase using the fullest discretion in the mediation incentive structure and seeking to optimize the highest rate at the lowest cost and risk to the court. This has undermined the objectives of the central level incentives toward mediation, while also drawing the courts' scarce resources away toward unnecessary mediation practices, in part far removed from the courtroom. The article concludes by drawing out broader theoretical conclusions about how information asymmetries, discretion, and goal displacement play out in hierarchical control structures of authoritarian courts.  相似文献   

析行政自由裁量权的过度规则化   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
在全国各地陆续展开的控制行政自由裁量权的改革中,普遍采用了"制定实施细则"、"规则细化"这类用详尽的规则将裁量权具体化、细节化的方式,有些地方甚至达到了细致入微、不留余地的程度。尽管规则细化具有良好的出发点和切实的效力,但过度使用仍然会带来一系列不良后果。从根本上说,促进行政自由裁量权的良好行使不能单纯依靠规则,在考虑多方面因素和措施的基础上形成控制裁量权的综合体系才是问题的解决之道。  相似文献   

胡延广  窦竹君 《河北法学》2005,23(8):119-123
对行政裁量法律控制机制进行研究,论证了权力机关对行政裁量的法律控制,在分析我国权力机关进行监督现状的基础上,提出应当借鉴一些国家实行的议会监察专员制度并结合我国国情加以改造使之符合我国的法治实践,对完善我国权力机关对行政裁量的监督提供了参考思路。在论证行政机关对行政裁量的法律控制时重点放在行政程序对行政裁量的法律控制上,对行政程序控制行政裁量的回避制度、听证制度、信息公开制度、参与制度、说明理由制度、职能分离制度进行了初步探讨。具体分析了司法机关对裁量的法律控制,提出了行政裁量权属于行政机关,司法机关不能审查,行政裁量属于行政权的运用活动、司法机关可以审查的观点,说明了审查的范围只限于行政裁量的合法性,在认定滥用职权的主观方面时主张采用“过错推定”的原则。结束语说明现代社会对行政机关提出的是积极进行行政裁量更好地为社会服务的要求,现代行政法上的行政裁量制度是以有效发挥行政裁量权的积极作用为目标。提出建立一支高素质的公务员队伍、提高公务员的依法行政意识和依法行政水平应当是解决行政裁量问题的最终途径,完善岗位责任制、发展责任控制模式是对行政裁量进行法律控制的最佳方案。  相似文献   

行政滥用职权琐议   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
段逸超 《河北法学》2004,22(4):96-98
认定行政滥用职权应当有一个法律标准,由于滥用职权是滥用自由裁量权,要认定自由裁量权被滥用,其内容涉及合理性,而合理性的内容要接受司法审查,则必须将合理性的内容和标准法律化。只有这样,才能把行政滥用职权界定为行政违法行为,才能分清滥用职权与行政不当的界限,理清滥用职权与显失公正之间的关系等。  相似文献   

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