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在当代中国,诗歌选本编纂与诗歌创作的阶段性演变之间具有某种程度的对应关系。20世纪50年代到70年代的文学大众化倾向,使得彼时的选本以工农兵诗歌选本为主。20世纪80年代以来,随着启蒙思想的重建,诗歌选本编纂开始向精英化转变。与这一改变而来的,是诗歌选本功能的变迁和诗歌选本类型的多样并存。诗歌经典化的文学史建构功能和文学现场的构筑功能成为此时诗歌选本的重要功能。  相似文献   

伴随着20世纪历史的变动,中国文学对俄罗斯文学的接受在不同阶段显示出不同的摄取侧重和价值取向,先后经历五四时代对19世纪俄罗斯现实主义文学的吸纳,1930至50年代前期对苏联革命文学、日丹诺夫主义的移植,50年代中期对"解冻"文学的译介及其后对"修正主义文学"的批判,自80年代中期起对"回归文学"的引进,90年代以来对俄罗斯文学的补充接受,以及对苏联解体以来俄罗斯当代文学的接纳.这一漫长的接受史程,既不断刷新着国人心目中俄罗斯文学的原有图像,也折射出接受者民族的历史传统、时代氛围、文化心理和现实需求,还透露出中外文学关系史的某些重要规律.  相似文献   

德国墨卡托基金会与中国国家博物馆联袂推出了"启蒙之对话"系列活动,在最后一场名为"启蒙与知识文化"为主题压轴活动的对话上,著名华裔科学家杨振宁作了有关"科学与启蒙"演讲,并在演讲后接受了本刊特约记者的专访。《检察风云》:您如何看待启蒙与科学的关系,特别是这二者对于中国带来了什么影响?杨振宁:我的工作领域是量子力学,量子力学是20世纪初,在德国、丹麦、瑞士和英国所发展出来的一个重要的科学的一支。我曾经说,量子力学是人类的文化历史上最重要的几个革命  相似文献   

"五四"新文化运动的价值目标是要通过启蒙而建构"国民"主体,它所践行的"文艺大众化",实现了书面语由文言向白话的转换。继起的"革命文学"的文艺大众化运动,有着与"五四"时代不同的价值理想。在无产阶级利益本位的影响之下,革命文艺大众化进行了一次话语载体的拓展旅程。面对"五四"文学话语的知识分子化和"新文言"的现实,革命文学大众化进行了白话的"二次革命",将知识分子的白话转换为底层的日常白话;面对民众普遍文盲的现实,将文字从书面语向口语拓展;将传统意义上的书面文学转向口语文学和说唱等综合表演艺术,将文学拓展为文艺;最终,在大众文艺运动中将文学泛化为群众的日常文化生活。  相似文献   

本文从政治文化的视角 ,重新审视了 2 0世纪 2 0年代新文学发生期的文学革命 ,认为她由历史深层的思想启蒙、语言体式的变更、人的文学的确立 ,构成了一条内在整合的政治文化理路。五四文学革命充分揭示了个体文学家的创作心理与群体社会政治文化行为的一致性 ,同时 ,又反映出文学作为文化的载体 ,二者构成一种复杂的互动过程。  相似文献   

海外华文文学的滥觞时期 ( 2 0世纪上半叶 ) ,是一个重要而又特殊的文学时期 ,它既是对中国国内五四新文学运动的呼应与反馈 ,又是对海外华文新文学的启蒙与滥觞。最早的海外华文文学实体 ,出现在南洋地区 ,即以新加坡、马来西亚为主的东南亚地区 ,它对中国文化文学的“移植”及对西方文化文学、居留地文化文学的“嫁接”典型地反映了海外华文文学在文学继承关系方面的基本特点与发展走向。  相似文献   

本文从政治文化的视角,重新审视了20世纪20年代新文学发生期的文学革命,认为她由历史深层的思想启蒙、语言体式的变更、人的文学的确立,构成了一条内在整合的政治文化理路。五四文学革命充分揭示了个体文学家的创作心理与群体社会政治文化行为的一致性。同时,又反映出文学作为文化的载体,二者构成一种复杂的互动过程。  相似文献   

卡尔·贝克尔,20世纪美国著名历史学家,美国新史学的代表人。《启蒙时期哲学家的天城》是贝克尔归纳、演绎其新史观的一部巨著,也是研究启蒙运动思想史的经典之作。对生于1873年的贝克尔而言,启蒙的光辉已在历经一个世纪的淘洗后渐次淡去而不至完全磨灭,与启蒙的这段暧昧的距离决定了贝克尔以一个超然的角度来揣想启蒙之功过,从而为我们领会启蒙时期的自然法精神提供一个清晰的认识论基础。  相似文献   

国际社会的核心价值是和平与发展、公正与平等,它们的形成与发展经历了一个逐步嵌入国际社会的过程.国际社会核心价值的内嵌过程受到三个重要因素的影响:世界的有限性、自我毁灭的经历与大国的责任.世界的有限性影响了国际政治思维方式,在19世纪晚期表现为抢夺型,在20世纪晚期表现为合作型;两次世界大战既是国际社会走向自我毁灭的过程,也是一个人类进行自我反思自我学习的过程;大国将其价值观嵌入国际社会,促进了国际社会的核心价值体系的建立.中国作为一个正在崛起的世界大国,其责任不是推翻西方价值体系,而是弥补其缺陷,向世界传播中国的"和平、合作、和谐"价值理念,努力建设一个更为和谐的世界.  相似文献   

我国从“五四”发轫的现代小说,主要接受国外十八、十九世纪现实主义和浪漫主义文学的影响,其意识内涵主要是欧洲十八世纪的启蒙思想和十九世纪的人道主义、民主主义。四、五十年代的当代小说,主要接受苏联社会主义现实主义文学的影响。六、七十年代,由于种种原因,我国小说的“当代性”更为稀薄和欠缺。1979年“伟大的转折”后的新时期小说,就其意识内涵和艺术品性而论,才是真正的当代小说,才是真正的走向世界的文学。它  相似文献   

The actio libera in causa doctrine, as originally formulated by various Enlightenment philosophers, concerns the imputation of responsibility to actors for actions unfree in themselves, but free in their causes. Like our Enlightenment counterparts, contemporary philosophers of criminal law, as well as most Western legal systems (both common law and civil), allow that persons can be responsible for acts that are not free when performed, provided they were free in their causes. The actio libera doctrine allows us to impute unfree actions to persons, provided they were responsible for causing the conditions of unfreedom that characterizes those actions when performed. This doctrine seems to be instantiated in a great many actual legal practices. But I argue that we must distinguish between two importantly different understandings of the doctrine itself and its application in law. On the one hand, the actio libera doctrine allows us to waive the voluntariness requirement that is generally needed for criminal liability. On the other hand, it disallows defendants to appeal to defences they would otherwise be entitled to use to block liability, if they culpably created the conditions of their own defence. The first case involves rules of imputation, while the second concerns culpability, and justifying the actio libera doctrine therefore faces different challenges in the two cases.  相似文献   

从《社会契约论》到《孤独漫步者的遐思》,卢梭从一个力图为现代人确立政治公民共同体之正当性基础的立法者变成了一个远离公民社会的孤独漫步者,这一转变彰显了卢梭思想的两个极端,也展示了启蒙思想的内在难题,其后世的德国古典哲学家康德正是通过解决这一内在难题而确立了现代思想的基础。  相似文献   

20世纪中国文学的现代性阐释与文化政治问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在对 2 0世纪中国文学不同的阐释模式之中 ,“现代性”的模式实际上具有独特的阐释力量 :一方面 ,它能够穿透曾经被既有的现代性阐释置于盲区的“革命文学”以至于后来的“文革文学”;另一方面 ,其对学术视野的开拓亦有着相当重要的学术价值。 2 0世纪中国文学现代性追求的基本主题是从“文化大革命”及其以前的“解放政治”而到“改革时代”的“生活政治”。 90年代中国文学的现代性问题主要包括 90年代中国文学的历史语境与文学领域的制度安排、文学工作者的身份认同与话语政治以及文本策略与文本政治等等  相似文献   

从刑事一体化的角度来看,贝卡里亚及其《论犯罪与刑罚》一书,不仅是刑法学界的遗产,也是犯罪学的一笔丰厚遗产。贝卡里亚的犯罪学理论是建立在对前启蒙时代犯罪学的批判之上的,通过与前启蒙时代犯罪学的比较,可以发掘贝卡里亚对犯罪学理论的巨大贡献。系统整理贝卡里亚及其犯罪学思想,不仅是犯罪学对于学界的一种理论贡献,更是对于深度融合刑事法学各个学科,具有不可低估的学术意义。  相似文献   

William Godwin was one of the most highly regarded of late English Enlightenment radicals. Yet today, he remains one of the least appreciated, and least understood. The purpose of this article is to present a broad introduction to Godwin's legal and political thought, focusing both on his various political essays and novels, as well as his more renowned Enquiry Concerning Political Justice. It will be suggested, in conclusion, that the ‘species of anarchly’ which Godwin espoused resonates very particularly with contemporary debates surrounding the shape of a distinctive postmodern legal humanism.  相似文献   

While teachers and students of law tend to take for granted that critical legal campaigning originates in the late 20th century, many historians suggest that the summons of law and its state of accusation before the tribunal of critique dates back to the days of the Enlightenment. I am arguing, in contrast, that, in the West, the history of legal critique is by no means shorter than the history of law; that Western legal evolution embraces and supposes anti-legalism or ‘antinomianism’ since the days of early Christianity and throughout; that, conversely, an adequate assessment of Christianity must stress its character as an anti-institutional, anti-legal, and anti-religious campaign; that the standard view of Humanism, Enlightenment, and Modernity, which tends to foreground their antagonism to Christian institutions and to deny their nature as instantiations of the Christian campaign, misses the crucial point both about them and about Christianity (and, implicitly at least, about geopolitics); that key concepts of political modernity thrust their roots, not only and not most importantly into Political Theology, but rather into Saint Paul’s legal ‘new deal’; that, far from giving rise, as intended, to a deactivation of law, Paul’s action has resulted, instead, in the interlinking build-up of a militant denial of law on the one hand, and an emerging intensification of law on the other hand. Let the reader be warned that the article strings together a bouquet of snap-shots from a work in progress.  相似文献   

Justices on the Supreme Court of the United States have employed the marketplace-of-ideas metaphor to communicate how they understand freedom of expression for nearly a century. The meanings behind metaphors, however, are not static. This article examines whether justices’ references to the metaphor in twenty-first-century cases remain primarily tied to the original meaning – one related to the Enlightenment ideas at the heart of Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes's first use of the metaphor in 1919 – or if the meaning has shifted to represent more discourse-based understandings of communication in democratic society, such as those put forth by John Dewey and Jürgen Habermas. This article, through an analysis of twenty-first century Supreme Court decisions that discussed the marketplace metaphor, identifies evidence of a shift in the Court's understanding of the foundational theoretical concepts behind the meaning of the metaphor.  相似文献   

In this article the Derrida/Foucault debate is scrutinised with two closely related aims in mind: (1) reconsidering the way in which Foucault’s texts, and especially the more recently published lectures, should be read; and (2) establishing the relation between law and madness. The article firstly calls for a reading of Foucault which exceeds metaphysics with the security it offers, by taking account of Derrida’s reading of Foucault as well as of the heterogeneity of Foucault’s texts. The article reflects in detail on a text of Derrida on Foucault (‘Cogito and the History of Madness’) as well as a text of Foucault on Blanchot (‘Maurice Blanchot: The Thought from Outside’). The latter text shows that Foucault was at times acutely aware of the difficulty involved in exceeding metaphysics and that he realised the importance in this regard of a reflection on literature. These reflections tie in closely with Foucault’s History of Madness as well as with Derrida’s reflections on literature and on madness. Both Derrida and Foucault contend that law has much to learn from literature in understanding the relation between itself and madness. Literature more specifically points to law’s ‘origin’ in madness. The article contends that a failure to take seriously this origin, also in the reading of Foucault’s lectures, would amount to a denial by law of itself.  相似文献   

全球化背景下的国家与公民   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9       下载免费PDF全文
随着“人和公民的权利—国家权力”范式在启蒙时代的建立 ,民族国家与公民开始发生一种“直接面对面”的联系 ,民族国家循着“权利”和“形式法律”之名日渐深入到公民生活的方方面面。在全球化背景下 ,这一格局受到了挑战。国家与公民的直接联系为社会权力中介所隔断、全球精英游离于国家权力之外、公民依凭世界性力量反对国家等情况在一定程度上打破了民族国家与公民“直接面对面”的模式 ,同时 ,这些新变化和新趋势也为现代社会走出“日常生活的国家殖民化”提供了机遇和可能  相似文献   

何华 《时代法学》2006,4(5):75-80
法、德两国民法典文风形成的原因除了可以从文化方面进行探究外,还可以从其他方面来寻找。《法国民法典》文风形成与资产阶级争取城乡平民阶层、启蒙运动的影响以及当时法国法律职业的整体状况等诸多因素有关。而《德国民法典》文风形成则与“德意志国语运动”和德国启蒙运动及资产阶级革命的独特性所导致的德国社会体制的独特性有密切联系。我国民法典在制定过程中应当对这些问题加以研究,以发挥民法典的实际效用。  相似文献   

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