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正重庆市人民政府办公厅文件渝府办发〔2014〕38号各区县(自治县)人民政府,市政府有关部门,有关单位:为深挖重庆文化底蕴,全面反映重庆历史发展变迁,经市政府同意,现将编制出版《重庆历史地图集》有关事项通知如下:一、总体要求编制出版《重庆历史地图集》要尊重历史,实事求是,紧扣时代发展要求,将地图集编纂与我市的文化建设战略相结合,将重庆的历史发展过程全面展现出来,为各级党政机关、科研机构、大专院校、图书馆、博物馆以及专业研究人员、海内外人士了解重庆历史提供观点鲜明、内容翔实、图文并茂的科  相似文献   

各区县(自治县、市)人民政府,市政府有关部门,有关单位:《重庆市地图集》是全面反映我市直辖以来经济社会发展成就的综合性地图集,对宣传重庆、促进发展有着重要作用。为做好《重庆市地图集》的编制出版工作,市政府成立了由王鸿举市长担任主任的编纂委员会,由市规划局牵头组织地图集的编制出版工作。为确保《重庆市地图集》编制出版工作的顺利开展,经市政府同意,现将有关事项通知如下:一、编制出版总体要求  相似文献   

正经济崛起的中国,精神如何崛起?不久前出版的刘亚洲上将《精神》一书,指出了目前中国发展过程中精神领域问题,而近日出版的程万军所著《华夏魂》一书,则为问题开出了良方——"21世纪的今天,只有让占世界人口五分之一、中国人口九成以上的炎黄子孙找回高贵的精神血脉,注入现代新鲜血液,深化对本民族的归属感,才能带动整个中华民族实现伟大复兴"。  相似文献   

数字90亿联合国人口基金《2010年世界人口状况报告》预测,到2050年,世界人口将超过90亿,人口过亿的国家将增至17个,印度将取代中国成为世界人口第一大国。  相似文献   

《中国文物地图集·贵州分册》收录不可移动文物6000多处,其中不乏与虎有关的历史陈迹。贵州文物中的虎文化,涵盖化石、建筑、地名、人名、书法、绘画、雕刻、铸造、诗词对联等方方面面,人们从中可获知贵州各族人民与虎的悠远情结。  相似文献   

今年“5·12”全国防灾减灾日,由北京师范大学地表过程与资源生态国家重点实验室等单位共同承担并主持完成的《中国自然灾害风险地图集》在京发布。同时,另一部受人关注的减灾图集也悄悄出笼。这部图集,详细标明了应用遥感技术对主要自然灾害风险的监测情况,包括水灾、旱灾、滑坡和泥石流、雪灾、霜冻灾害、森林火灾、草原火灾等。  相似文献   

金晓霞 《中国减灾》2011,(13):28-29
今年"5·12"全国防灾减灾日,由北京师范大学地表过程与资源生态国家重点实验室等单位共同承担并主持完成的《中国自然灾害风险地图集》在京发布。同时,另一部受人关注的减灾图集也悄悄出笼。这部图集,详细标明了应用遥感技术对主要自然灾害风险的监测情况,包括水灾、旱灾、滑坡和泥石  相似文献   

中国科学院、清华大学国情研究中心最新出版的《中国国情分析研究报告》增刊称,中国发展现阶段面临着四个挑战,其主要内容包括:一是失业的巨大压力和创造就业的重负。中国劳动力人口占世界总量的26%,决定了中国将面临持久  相似文献   

一直以来,失业问题都在不同程度上困扰着世界各国。据国际劳动组织《1996/1997世界就业问题》研究指出,全球失业和半失业人口将近10亿,差不多是全世界可劳动人口总数的30%。在东欧,经济转型国家,失业人口超过25%,妇女、年长者和年轻人就业难问题尤为突出。年轻人的失业率是这些国家平均失业率的两倍。  相似文献   

中国企业正全面走向市场经济,在改革过程中涌现出了许多女企业管理者,她们既给企业带来了成功,也为世界妇女实现“平等、发展与和平”作出了贡献。为了更多更好地培养和造就跨世纪的妇女人才,有必要研究女企业管理者在经济活动中的状况、成长的特殊规律,了解她们成功的原因,为制定有利于选拔、培养女性企业管理者的政策提供依据。一、社会环境因素分析 完善的法律法规体系是女企业管理者顺利成长的基本保证。1992年我国政府颁布实施了《妇女权益保障法》。《中国妇女发展纲要》中,又对提高妇女参与国家和社会事务决策及管理作了…  相似文献   

Yan Xuetong 《当代中国》2001,10(26):33-39
The rise of China will create a huge market that will eventually make substantial contributions to scientific progress. The rise of China will benefit the Chinese as well as the rest of the world. Economic globalization makes it impossible for any country to keep its scientific and technological achievements from benefiting others. Every rich country inevitably invests largely abroad and imports many products from others. During the process of economic globalization, the rise of China will inevitably stimulate world economic growth by more inventions, investment, and importation. It is natural that there will be different views about the rise of China. Despite this, everyone agrees that China will increasingly play an important role in global affairs as China's modernization has a major impact on the world.  相似文献   

Ted Osius 《当代中国》2001,10(26):41-44
In a response to Yan Xuetong's paper, 'The Rise of China in Chinese Eyes', Ted Osius (writing in August 1999) discusses Dr Yan's perspective on Chinese history and the question of whether China's rise will be peaceful. Mr Osius argues that, while we cannot know for certain what China's future holds, the Clinton‐Gore Administration has been clear in its goal of integrating China into the leadership ranks of the world community.  相似文献   

妇女参政议政问题研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
妇女参政议政不仅是检验男女是否平等的一个重要标志,而且体现着国家的文明程度。我国妇女的进步与发展,不仅对我国的改革开放和现代化事业,而且对整个人类进步都将产生深远影响。因此,正确认识我国妇女参政议政的现状,分析我国妇女参政议政存在的问题和成因,并积极探寻提高妇女参政议政能力的途径和对蓑,对于加强社会主义政治文明建设,促进女性与社会和谐发展,具有十分重大的意义。  相似文献   

妇女学的内容与目标   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
王政 《思想战线》2002,28(1):102-105
妇女学不是把妇女看作问题 ,而是以妇女成为主体向男性中心的知识体系提出问题时产生的。妇女学的核心理论是社会性别。分析研究各个文化在各个历史时期中社会性别制度的变迁 ,社会性别话语的变化 ,社会性别等级制同阶级、种族、族裔等的交叉关系 ,社会性别同政治、经济、文化的关系 ,特定社会性别制度对男女的规范 ,性文化的变迁 ,妇女在各个领域的活动经历等等 ,是妇女学的主要内容。妇女学的目标是以新的认识论认识人类社会 ,并在此基础上参与改造社会。  相似文献   

The preservation of face is an important concept in Chinese behavioral patterns, both at individual and national levels. Beyond national interest considerations, modern-day diplomacy between China and the world also involves substantially the exchange of face. This article will argue that face represents a relational understanding of how China views and interacts with the world. By linking face to three themes that international relations scholars frequently use in describing how China sees the world, namely, the tribute system, the Chinese memory of historical humiliation and China’s distrust of the American-led international system, the article hopes to show how the understanding of face—as a crucial element of Chinese identity—can inform scholars and practitioners in their attempts to engage China.  相似文献   

第三期中国妇女社会地位调查主要数据报告   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以2010年12月1日为标准时点,全国妇联和国家统计局联合组织实施第三期中国妇女社会地位调查。本报告在全国数据初步分析的基础上,从10个方面描述了当前中国妇女社会地位的总体状况和5个典型群体的主要情况,提炼归纳了八大进步和6个值得关注的问题与挑战,并提出了相应的对策建议。  相似文献   

妇联在承担政府推进性别平等职能中的作用研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章从背景和依据、职能内容、作用与成效方面探讨妇联在承担政府推进性别平等职能的作用问题。认为其作用主要体现在:参与立法促进法律的性别平等、在制定和实施有关妇女的规划中推进性别平等、推动男女平等基本国策的宣传和倡导、在中外交流与合作中促进中国妇女/性别平等发展和扩大国际影响、促进家庭性别平等和改善女童发展环境。  相似文献   

传统的民间赈灾活动中,虽然不乏女性的参与,但与男性相比不过凤毛麟角,寥若晨星。清末民初,女性在赈灾活动中的角色、规模、手段、观念等都发生了较大的变化。女界的赈灾实践为民初女性参政热潮奠定了良好的基础,也成为近代民间义赈发展壮大的一个重要标志。  相似文献   

Bates Gill 《当代中国》2001,10(26):27-32
Professor Xia seeks to answer the question of whether or not China will become a 'responsible great power' in the twenty-first century by examining the domestic and foreign factors which will influence that outcome in the decades ahead. Some of the most interesting and useful insights of his work come as much from what the paper does not say as from what it does say. While it does not expressly say so, this paper amply demonstrates two important points about what appears to be an idealistic Chinese worldview. First, we see how the Chinese worldview is 'conflicted' and uncertain. Second, we see how China's current and future situation are said to be determined by what others do to China. Four important policy-related ramifications result from the worldview described in Xia Liping's paper. First, the more Chinese foreign policy promotes a worldview packaged largely in ideals, the more outsiders will suspect that Chinese leaders are trying to hide their actual intentions. Second, it should be recognized that in many ways the views espoused in the paper fundamentally call into question certain principles which others view as critical to their national security (the stabilizing nature of alliances, for example). Third, the worldviews described by Xia Liping portray a largely inward-looking, self-absorbed, vulnerable and aggrieved power that may be prone to 'irresponsibility'. The paper implies that under such circumstances, it is up to the outside world to prevent China from acting on its sense of injured vulnerability. Finally, such an approach to the world may leave the impression that Chinese views are out of touch or unable to operate effectively within the current global structure. Such an impression might lead others to dismiss or discount Chinese points of view as simplistic at best or consciously obstructionist at worst. Either way limits Chinese aspirations to become a 'responsible great power'. In the end, a nuanced and realistic set of understandings about the world, which articulates not only the country's ideals, but acknowledges its contradictions, interests, contributions, and its regional and international impact, would more pragmatically support China's ascendance to responsible great power status.  相似文献   

XIAOLING ZHANG 《当代中国》2007,16(53):535-545
This study examines the Chinese media's coverage of the Iraq War and SARS in 2003, that of CCTV in particular, and discusses the ‘citizen's right to know’ which became popularised in China during these two breaking news events. After delineating the moves that CCTV has been making, the paper argues that in the face of globalisation of information the party-state is actively involved in pursuit of image reconstruction both at home and internationally, and of having a voice in the new world order. Findings show that although the Chinese media do not lack the capacity to honor the ‘citizen's right to know’, the coverage of breaking news is determined by the state's perception of a given situation.  相似文献   

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