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This paper, and the special issue it introduces, explores whether, and how, the rise of the regulatory state of the South, and its implications for processes of governance, are distinct from cases in the North. With the exception of a small but growing body of work on Latin America, most work on the regulatory state deals with the US or Europe, or takes a relatively undifferentiated “legal transplant” approach to the developing world. We use the term “the South” to invoke shared histories of many countries, rather than as a geographic delimiter, even while acknowledging continued and growing diversity among these countries, particularly in their engagement with globalization. We suggest that three aspects of this common context are important in characterizing the rise of the regulatory state of the South. The first contextual element is the presence of powerful external pressures, especially from international financial institutions, to adopt the institutional innovation of regulatory agencies in infrastructure sectors. The result is often an incomplete engagement with and insufficient embedding of regulatory agencies within local political and institutional context. A second is the greater intensity of redistributive politics in settings where infrastructure services are of extremely poor quality and often non‐existent. The resultant politics of distribution draws in other actors, such as the courts and civil society; regulation is too important to be left to the regulators. The third theme is that of limited state capacity, which we suggest has both “thin” and “thick” dimensions. Thin state capacity issues include prosaic concerns of budget, personnel and training; thick issues address the growing pressures on the state to manage multiple forms of engagement with diverse stakeholders in order to balance competing concerns of growth, efficiency and redistribution. These three themes provide a framework for this special issue, and for the case studies that follow. We focus on regulatory agencies in infrastructure sectors (water, electricity and telecoms) as a particular expression of the regulatory state, though we acknowledge that the two are by no means synonymous. The case studies are drawn from India, Colombia, Brazil, and the Philippines, and engage with one or more of these contextual elements. The intent is to draw out common themes that characterize a “regulatory state of the South,” while remaining sensitive to the variations in level of economic development and political institutional contexts within “the South.”  相似文献   

Margo Anderson 《Society》1988,25(3):39-47
Margo Anderson is professor of history and urban affairs and director of the Center for Women’s Studies at the University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee. She is author of numerous articles on the history of statistics and census-taking; The United States Census and Labor Force Change;and, forthcoming from Yale University Press. The American Census: A Social History.  相似文献   

本文通过分析美国宪法“正当法律程序”的演变过程 ,并结合美国宪政变迁的实际历程 ,以及“正常法律程序”与美国经济发展的内在关联 ;对传统的宪政理论中的“经济决定论”进行认真反思 ,并初步提出自己的看法  相似文献   

康奥 《学理论》2009,(9):53-54
政府,人们对它再熟悉不过了。历史上的许多思想家都试图揭示政府的确切含义。但众说纷纭、莫衷一是。不管怎么说,我们以为政府是依照一定传统并建立在人民主权的基础之上,实现社会秩序、正义和自由的机构或组织。而政府的目的主要有:(1)实现秩序,维护正常的社会秩序;(2)实现正义,维护社会正义;(3)实现自由,维护公民自由。  相似文献   

新中国共颁布了两部选举法。其中第二部选举法经历了四次修改、一次补充。建国60年来,我国的选举制度取得了重大进展:享有选举权的主体从有限发展到普遍;选举权的平等性从着眼于实质平等逐渐向统一实质与形式平等方向发展;从记名投票发展到无记名投票;直接选举范围从基层扩大到县级,并逐步向高层迈进;从等额选举发展到差额选举。但选举制度还存在一些问题,需要进一步进行完善,以有力地促进民主政治建设。  相似文献   

邱蕊  曲文涛 《学理论》2010,(4):96-97
党的十七大报告提出了“建设管理有序、服务完善、文明祥和的社会生活共同体”的要求。社区是社会的细胞,社区的地位使建设和谐社区成为构建和谐社会的基石。而构建和谐社区,必须加强社区党的建设。新时期社区党建工作.就是要求社区内党组织广泛联系。紧密结合.资源共享,优势互补。充分发挥党组织的战斗堡垒作用和党员先锋模范作用,团结和带领社区群众齐心协力,使社区建设和管理水平不断提高.使党的路线、方针、政策和各项任务得到全面贯彻落实。要实现这一要求.我们必须解放思想、与时俱进、不断创新.适时研究探索新思路、新方法、新手段。  相似文献   

依法治国是执政党领导人民群众治理国家,管理社会的基本方略。在推进社会主义法治建设的过程中,推进城市法治建设具有十分重要的意义。本文在阐述法治城市基本要素的基础上,试对法治城市的建设提出几点思考和建议.  相似文献   

杨满云 《学理论》2012,(25):85-86
情绪工作是近20多年来西方组织行为学研究中一个新兴的研究领域。文章主要介绍了情绪工作的概念,情绪工作的维度与测量工具、情绪工作的影响因素,并进一步分析了情绪工作的未来研究趋向,以期为深入研究情绪工作提供理论基础。  相似文献   

The report of the McKay Commission on the Consequences of Devolution for the House of Commons is reviewed. The Commission, which contained experts on parliamentary procedure, raised a number of important and difficult questions; the answers are less impressive than the questions. In view of the difficulties of any scheme, including that proposed by the Commission, for what is popularly known as “English Votes on English Laws,” policymakers should revisit one of the options that was specifically ruled out of McKay's terms of reference. This would be a reduction in the numbers, but not the powers, of MPs from Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland in the way that applied to Northern Ireland between 1922 and 1979.  相似文献   

马克思认为,历史的经济学研究必须以可经验的劳动范畴为出发点,进而从思维的具体的总体性中来把握劳动范畴。马克思开创了区别于英国古典经济学以及庸俗经济学的新经济学,在他看来,劳动范畴不是纯粹理论的,而是经验的历史的具体总体。劳动范畴是生产形式的基本依据和要素,它在时间和空间中所结成的有关生产各要素之间的特定关系,构成了生产形式的基本样式。价值形成过程的一般形式能够依靠纯粹理性来加以阐明,但特定的价值形成过程却需要在对历史经验的分析中完成。  相似文献   

The contemporary world‐historical epoch involves both the universal extension of the state type of organization of society, and the development of a universal idea of the person in the discourse of human rights. The status of the person requires positive constitution, and such constitution requires an idea of the state that informs the actual working of states. The idea of the state cannot be developed unless the natural right conception of the basis of personhood is abandoned. Nor can the idea of the state be developed if it continues to be confused with the idea of the nation. Hegel offers us an idea of the state that we can continue to build. For Hegel the state denotes both the institutional reality of the state and the subjectivity that is required if the idea of the state is to be actualized. There is a dialectical relationship between the adequacy of the state‐centered institutional order for the effective support and facilitation of personhood and our subjective capacity to be and act as persons. Thus, processes by which the idea of the state is undermined are not independent of subjective experience and our willingness to be and act as persons.  相似文献   

市场经济条件下,基层党支部换届选举中显露出开放性和竞争性、隐蔽性和不确定性、价值性和多元性特点。党员行为的多样化对于加强和改善党的领导既有积极的一面,又有消极的一面,必须进行有效调控。调控的主要原则有客观性原则、价值导向原则、竞争规范化原则;调控的途径主要有自律与他律两大类。  相似文献   

我国行政学界腐败研究的现状分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
腐败造成对政治、经济、社会等领域的巨大腐蚀与破坏,是我们这个时代面临的最大挑战之一。研究腐败的成因、现状、对策等问题,提出遏制腐败的对策,是历史和社会提出的重要课题。国内学界对此进行了深入研究,并且有大批学术成果面世。为推动腐败研究的深入进行,通过对发表于国内行政学界主要期刊上的近一百多篇学术论文的实证分析,总结与综述现阶段腐败研究现状的若干特征和理论观点,并由此分析得出相关的研究结论。  相似文献   

Katsimi  Margarita 《Public Choice》1998,96(1-2):117-144
This paper aims at providing an explanation for the size of the public sector based on the idea of “social insurance”. The main assumption made is that the public sector is less efficient but also less volatile than the private sector. The “demand-driven” level of the public sector that is derived as the one that maximizes the utility of the representative employed consumer depends positively on the variance of private output. An increase in the size of the public sector has a positive effect on expected employment and a negative effect on expected consumption. The size of the public sector set by the government which maximizes the probability of being re-elected will be higher than the “demand-driven” level if voters' preferences for employment is higher than the consumption loss associated with public employment.  相似文献   

污染环境罪主观方面评析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
《刑法修正案(八)》对重大环境污染事故罪进行了重大修改,罪名也变为污染环境罪.一般认为,修改前的重大环境污染事故罪是过失犯罪,但对于修改后的污染环境罪是故意还是过失犯罪,理论上颇有争议,存有过失说、双重罪过形式说及故意说等观点.但过失说及双重罪过形式说均不能正确反映本罪修改的实质意义,不利于正确认定污染环境罪,不利于有效打击污染环境的行为,因而不足取.无论从文理的角度,还是从论理的角度,污染环境罪都应当是故意犯罪.将污染环境罪解释为故意犯罪,有利于惩治污染环境的犯罪行为.  相似文献   

法治政府是法治国家的必然要求。要建设法治政府,需要规范行政立法听证行为,我国《立法法》虽然对行政立法听证制度有明文规定,但条文过于简单,不具有操作性。因此,我国行政立法听证的范围、听证的物质保障、听证的主持人制度、参与人制度、笔录效力制度、运行程序制度都有进一步探讨的必要。  相似文献   

党的作风建设和领导干部作风建设不是一个概念。作为思想理论,党的作风建设和领导干部作风建设在逻辑上是继承和发展的关系。以胡锦涛同志为总书记的党中央在继承党的作风建设理论的基础上,在新的历史条件下又提出全面加强新形势下的领导干部作风建设的概念。领导干部作风建设概念并不否定党的作风建设理论,相反,领导干部作风建设概念是党的作风建设理论的重要组成部分。把党的作风建设作为一个系统工程,领导干部作风建设就是这个系统工程的主体部分。领导干部作风建设影响并引领着党组织作风建设、一般干部作风建设和普通党员作风建设,决定着党的作风建设的质量和效果。突出领导干部作风建设,解决了抓党的作风建设"主要针对什么人"、"主要抓什么"、"如何抓"的问题。  相似文献   

本文认真总结了我们党八十多年来党风廉政建设的基本经验,认为应从社会主义事业兴衰成败的战略高度重视党风廉政建设,充分认识党风廉政建设的重要性,警惕和预防腐败现象的发生,通过切实可行的办法遏制腐败现象的滋长蔓延,对于新形势下坚持从严治党,加强和改进党的作风建设具有重要的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

设立城市现代化指标的若干问题   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
现代化作为一个特定时代的历史范畴,是指从传统的农业社会向现代的工业社会转变这样一个历史过程。现代化实现标志主要是城市化和工业化进程结束,并包括生活质量、社会公正和环境保护内容;设立城市现代化指标,一个重要原则是注意城市与国家的区别,同时还应注意指标的可比性、城市中心区域与边缘区域比值的大小、城市自身的特点、所处的发展阶段和指标的可操作性。人均GDP、第三产业比重和非农化水平是反映城市现代化指标体系中的三项基本指标。  相似文献   

Paul Rahe belongs to the long tradition of mythologizing the polis , otherwise known as 'the classical republican tradition', which has two signal achievements to its credit. The first is to claim for the great landed monarchies of Europe the democratic legacy of the polis as their very own. The second is to distance themselves from eastern regimes by characterizing them as 'despotic' and 'other'. This tradition is seriously challenged by modern classical and Near Eastern scholarship, which shows city-republican forms to have originated in the east. Rahe's particular version is open to the additional challenge that it glorifies the male warrior polis , from which women were systematically excluded, 'as a moral community of men united by a common way of life', as if a community which depended on the labour of women but gave them no rights could have moral integrity.  相似文献   

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