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社会资源的代际传承与阶层的"内卷化"有着密切的关系,它是导致阶层的"内卷化"的一个主要因素。当精英阶层的父代把自己积累起来的各类资源通过合法与非法的途径传递给子代时,就会出现阶层利益固化现象,从而构成一种不平等陷阱。因此,我们必须贯彻党的十八届三中全会的精神,进一步深化改革,突破利益固化的藩篱,打通各阶层上升流动的通道,构建和谐的阶层利益关系,优化社会结构。  相似文献   

在社会流动的光谱上,最左侧是流动通道完全开放,偏右侧是阶层固化,最右侧是流动停滞。阶层固化按其生成原因可分为"身份型"与"资源型"。中国的社会流动变迁表明,"身份型"阶层固化是社会流动整体性固化,需要通过制度变革的方式改变,而"资源型"固化是社会流动结构性固化,可通过体制内的政策弥合与机制创新逐步消解。"结构性"阶层固化表现为"两通畅两封闭",即中层向上与向下流动的相对通畅,下层向中上层,上层向中下层流动的相对封闭。其内在属性决定利益受损群体向上流动的困境,与利益被保护群体维持优越现状向下流动的阻滞。中国社会流动的基本面是良性的,而阶层固化是局部的,从属于良性社会流动状态之中。形成"结构性"阶层固化的原因是复杂的,以政治学的维度分析,主要原因是倾斜于城市、沿海区域与垄断行业的集中式发展战略,因此,构建有效的社会保障机制、公共服务均等化机制与公共权力规范化机制是解决此问题的关键路径。  相似文献   

曹冬冬 《学理论》2012,(3):14-15
我国的贫富差距正在逼近社会容忍的红线,在拉大贫富差距的因素中,阶层固化是一个不容忽视的原因。消除阶层固化,缩小贫富差距成为重中之重。通过对教育、就业两方面分析,找出阶层固化影响贫富差距的主要途径,从而提出消除影响的对策。  相似文献   

共识的缺失使得公共治理仅仅依靠权力的博弈,这种博弈可能更多局限于精英内部展开,民众更多充当的是旁观者。政治发展会更多沦落为统治阶层内部为了维护其既得利益做出的最低限度的妥协与退让。主导公共治理理论能否有效适用的是政府。在一定意义上,主导公共治理理论有效适用的是精英。精英与政府是一种交叉关系,又拥有各自的定位。精英共谋直接危害公共治理理论的有效适用。对此的破解需要从精英生成着手。后发国家,公共治理理论有效适用的过程同时是走向现代化的过程。现代化导向的阶层变迁与精英功用之间的良性互动是公共治理理论有效适用的动态展示,是破解阶层固化的过程,是推动社会成功转型的过程,彰显了公共治理理论有效适用与政治发展密切勾连的关系。  相似文献   

我国社会中间阶层的理论探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
兴起中的中间阶层虽然负有维护社会与政治稳定的期望,但在发育、壮大过程中存在功能变数。在社会结构分析中,将中间阶层简单地看作阶级或群体都不适宜。界定中间阶层的标准要突破传统的资产局限,赋予中间阶层多元的社会属性。中间阶层是社会骨干阶层,而不应当将它看作社会精英阶层。对这些理论问题进行辨析,关键在于把握好当前构建和谐社会与社会分化不断深入这两条社会转型线索的辩证关系。  相似文献   

本文把以往的社会分层研究分为三个阶段,并在此基础上提出一种新的分析社会变迁机制的理论框架。这个框架以对社会成员进行三阶层划分为基础,他们分别是思想阶层、权力阶层和民众阶层。各个阶层在推动历史进程中的功能,以及这三阶层之间的相互作用是本文的关注点。  相似文献   

社会经济发展不均衡,导致教育城乡二元结构的出现,有限的教育资源不断地向城市地区聚集,逐渐形成教育领域内的"马太效应"。教育资源的匮乏,使得城乡教育双轨并行的状况一直存在。只是近年来,教育公平问题备受关注,教育城乡一体化被提出。但不考虑农村地区的实际情况和地方特色,一味地提倡教育城乡一体化,实则是一种城市精英阶层再生产的合理化和固化。城乡教育二元对立和城乡教育绝对的一体化都存在不同程度上的弊端,"一体多元"是城乡教育关系较为合理的定位,为两难困境的突破提供了较为有效的出路参考。  相似文献   

课外教育是实现家庭文化资本代际传递的重要机制。在重视分数和规范性考试内容的中国教育制度下,以高雅艺术为代表的文化资本难以转化为学业优势。在这样的教育制度下,中国家长倾向于采取"杂食性"的文化资本培养策略,保证学业优势,兼顾培养阶层品味。家庭阶层地位越高,"杂食性"的培养倾向愈明显。通过对"中国教育追踪调查"2010年基线数据的分析发现,来自优势阶层的学生更有可能参加课外班,参加课外班的种类数更多,更有可能在课外班的选择上兼顾课业学习和课外兴趣。这些发现表明,课外教育已成为继家庭和学校之后的"第三重"文化资本再生产机制。  相似文献   

个体工商户阶层是随着改革开放和经济体制改革出现的新利益群体,是社会中一个庞大的群体,其特有的阶层特征和地位对中国阶层结构的构建起到了积极的促进作用。随着市场竞争的加剧,个体工商户阶层从业人数和经营规模开始不断萎缩,在市场活动中举步维艰。保护和促进个体工商户阶层的发展关系到社会的良好发展与和谐稳定。  相似文献   

基于"中国大城市社会网络与求职调查"(JSNET2009)数据,本文重点研究了改革开放不同时期城市居民的教育机会获得状况变迁,以及教育对职业获得与流动的影响。研究发现:家庭背景与个体属性特征对教育机会获得具有持续性的正向影响,其中父代教育水平、性别与地域因素的时代影响效应最为显著;教育对向上职业流动具有重要影响,但其时代效应存在差异,中等或大专学历对进入精英职业影响的时代效应逐渐减弱,而本科及以上学历的影响效应则日趋增强;最后,教育水平对精英阶层自身地位的稳固及其阶层间的内部流动具有重要作用,优质教育获得已经成为精英阶层实现社会地位再生产的一个重要机制。  相似文献   

Abstract. Methods of elite identification measure different aspects of power in societies. The relationship between the positional and the decisional methods was studied empirically, using data from a 1981 West German elite survey. In this survey, respondents determined through the positional method were asked to name their interaction partners for (political) issues in which they were actively involved. The results show that incumbency of an elite position is a crucial precondition for becoming politically influential. Only a small number of legislators, journalists, and academics who did not hold an elite position were mentioned as key influentials. The same data were also used to determine the denser part of the West German elite network which was made up of 559 core decision-makers. The sector composition of this elite circle underlines the intermediating role of political leaders and senior civil servants.  相似文献   

Given the rising share of senior citizens and their higher voter participation rates, seniors could represent a sizeable bloc of voters in many local elections. Concerns have been raised about a "gray peril," where seniors vote against some local services, such as education. Preferences for education are examined using a contingent valuation survey method in the context of local school budget referenda. The results suggest for this district that elders are a heterogeneous group, and that block voting against schools is unlikely. The impact of age on preferences appears more likely to emerge in how these groups respond to changes in their economic circumstances.  相似文献   

赵小明  韩旭东  石彬 《学理论》2012,(16):110-111
随着我国高等教育从精英化到大众化的转型,高校女生教育越来越受到重视。在介绍心理资本概念的基础上,从培养高校女生健康的人格、构建和谐高校校园文化、高校女生心理资本构成要素三个方面论述了心理资本视角下的高校女生教育方法。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to ascertain how certain important changes in Finnish society in the 1990s altered the national elite structures and affected democracy. We examine how the patterns of recruitment, interaction and cohesiveness among the elites changed in the period 1991–2001. The data for the study were drawn mainly from postal surveys conducted among the elites and a sample of the population in 1991 and 2001. The first research task was to establish how recruitment to various elites has altered in terms of social stratification and education. The second was to analyse changes in patterns of interaction between various elites as far as physical contacts and attitudes were concerned. The third was to study the relationship between the elites and the general population on the basis of attitudinal affinity. The conclusions were based on theoretical models characterising various elite structures and their interconnections with democracy. The concept of a responsive elite is developed on the grounds of the theory of democratic elitism. The changes in the Finnish elite structure have meant a passage towards an inclusive structure compatible with democracy rather than towards an exclusive elite configuration. Finnish elites have become more open and more diverse.  相似文献   

Many high-ranking Chinese officials have recently changed their low-key persona and have discussed sensitive issues on television talk shows. Using complete participant observations of a CCTV talk show, we argue, besides officials’ personal factors, that the unequal power distribution between the central ministries and the promotion competition among officials is the mechanism that motivates senior officials to enter the spotlight. State ministries with less political clout and local officials are more active talk show guests. They take advantage of media interviews to enhance policy adherence, signal administrative needs, and display achievements to the central government. The media political platform also brings more personal interaction between Chinese media and political elite, which may increase personalization of politics and autonomy for the media.  相似文献   

Repositioning by political elites plays a key role in a variety of political phenomena, including legislative policymaking and campaigning. While previous studies suggest that repositioning will lead to negative evaluations, these studies have not explored the role of elite communications in structuring mass responses. We argue that this omission is problematic because elite explanations for their actions may limit the costs associated with ‘flip-flopping’ by persuading some citizens to update their attitudes so that they agree with the elite’s new stance and also by molding beliefs about the motives of the elite when repositioning. We present evidence supportive of this argument obtained from two large experiments conducted on samples of American adults. Ultimately, we show that elites offering a satisfactory justification for their change can avoid most, if not all, of the evaluative costs that would otherwise occur. This study thus has important implications not just for this particular element of elite behavior, but also related questions concerning governmental accountability and representation.  相似文献   

激励是管理中一项十分重要的内容,随着我国高等教育已由精英教育过渡到大众化教育,由各高校大规模扩招使得学生学习积极性呈现明显下降,而且随着经济危机等社会因素,学生间的竞争越发激烈,这二者之间的矛盾显得越发突出,如何有效激发学生学习积极性成为高等教育亟待解决的问题。建立与优化高校激励机制,充分挖掘学生的积极性、创造性,使得高校的资源能够充分利用,提高高等教育的效能,是本文研究的切入点。  相似文献   

This article analyses the selection criterion of China’s most powerful leading body—the Politburo Standing Committee—by using Qualitative Comparative Analysis and the latest data of the 18th Party Congress in 2012. It finds that age, combined with institutional rules, is one of the dominant factors in deciding the appointment of leaders in 2012, suggesting the significance of institutional rules in today’s elite politics in China. It also finds that candidates’ patron-client ties with senior leaders did play a role but they are not always positive in terms of the career advancement of candidates. Moreover, and perhaps surprisingly, this study finds that powerful family backgrounds do not have positive impacts on promotion at the highest level.  相似文献   

This article compares changes in the education and career paths of senior federal civil servants in Canada between 1967 and 1987. It shows that there has been a marked trend toward managers with less formal education than had previously been the case and also a shift toward managers with less experience in the policy areas within which they are responsible for providing policy advice and program management. This finding is consistent with Osbaldeston's study of Canadian deputy ministers, and with studies of bureaucratic elites in other Western democracies. In an increasingly complex environment, problems facing government decision-makers require high levels of technical expertise. This requirement is central to Weber's concept of bureaucracy, and it has been used as an explanation for the increasing prominence of bureaucrats in the policy-making process. In recent decades, however, bureaucratic reforms have emphasized the administrative functions of senior managers at the expense of their technical roles. In Canada, at least, this process appears to have gone so far that it may have seriously compromised the capacity of senior civil servants to give informed advice and to make knowledgeable decisions about the policies and programs of their departments.  相似文献   

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