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董佳 《学理论》2013,(4):93-94
养老保险是社会保障制度的重要组成部分,完善的养老保险制度不仅为退休人员提供稳定的基本生活保障,更有安定社会之功效。近年来,全国养老金缺口持续增加,老龄化人口结构问题日益凸显,须加快完善养老保险制度建设步伐。通过分析养老保险基金积累现状及其制度问题,应多渠道积累和规范管理养老金,打破养老金双轨制,适时调整退休年龄,逐步实现全国养老金的增长和盈利状态。  相似文献   

人口老龄化日益严峻,对我国养老保险制度造成了巨大冲击,如弱化了传统养老保障功能,加大了各区域农村养老模式选择的难度,带来了养老保险资金预算压力,影响了养老保险资金筹集,增加了养老金保值、增值压力,养老保险制度改革和完善势在必行。  相似文献   

本文从文化消费水平、文化消费结构、文化消费满意度三个方面对高校教师家庭文化消费现状进行了实证分析,通过研究发现,目前高校教师家庭文化消费处于良好的发展态势:文化消费水平较高,并呈逐步上升趋势;文化消费结构多样、合理;文化消费满意度较高。  相似文献   

董锦绣 《学理论》2011,(24):75-76
采用问卷调查法对滨州市城区居民体育消费情况进行调查,目前城区居民有一定的体育意识,实物型消费水平较高,且体育消费动机较明确,居民体育信息获取渠道交为广泛,受收入等因素的限制居民参与性消费水平参差不齐,观赏性消费水平不是很高;通过对居民体育消费的动机与结构进行调查分析,有助于合理的引导消费,促进体育产业的发展,为中等发展中城市体育消费与体育产业发展提供理论指导。  相似文献   

于滨 《瞭望》2000,(21)
今年企业离退休人员的养老金将基本实现社会化发放到今年九月,养老保险费要全部实现全额征缴,停止差额缴拨方式全面建立养老社会化发放的准备金和基金风险预警制度  来自劳动和社会保障部的消息  表明,我国养老金社会化发  放将在全国范围内推开,原来的“差额缴拨和由企业发放养老金”的方式将彻底改变。据介绍,有关养老金发放改革的整体思路是:建立企业全额缴纳养老保险费和社会保险经办机构全额支付养老金的新制度;建立职工参加养老保险和离退休人员领取养老金情况数据库,完善个人帐户管理,服务到每个参保人员;通过银行、邮…  相似文献   

2014年2月,国务院出台《关于建立统一的城乡居民基本养老保险制度的意见》(以下简称《意见》),决定将新农保和城居保两项制度合并实施,在全国范围内建立统一的城乡居民基本养老保险(以下简称城乡居民养老保险)制度。此前,安化县启动城乡居民养老保险试点工作已有三年。对照《意见》要求,结合对城乡一体化的居民养老保险制度在安化县实施情况、存在的问题,不断完善城乡居民社会养老保险制度,要合理划分各级政府财政责任、建立基础养老金正常调整机制、完善参保激励机制、改进和完善制度衔接办法、加强基层服务平台和信息化。  相似文献   

我国的旅游业近年来取得了长足发展 ,与我国居民日益提高的消费水平有着直接联系 ,同时国家通过下调利率、增加节假日休息时间等宏观政策也为居民旅游休闲创造了客观条件。然而直到目前为止 ,我国的旅游业在第三产业乃至国民经济中的地位远不及欧美等经济发达国家 ,甚至不及新加坡、泰国。基于我国旅游业现状和我国居民的消费习惯等因素 ,提高国内居民的旅游消费水平是关键 ,这需从以下几点着手。改善旅游区的基础设施建设、提高服务质量 ,为居民创造一个良好的旅游环境就我国实际情况而言 ,交通不便是阻碍旅游业发展的重要因素。我国旅游区…  相似文献   

通过梳理总结改革开放以来我国城镇居民的消费结构,分析了居民消费倾向和消费支出的阶段性特征,在计算需求的收入弹性、价格弹性、消费品的交叉价格弹性及消费品需求的自价格弹性的基础上,对消费结构的变动趋势进行研究。经过多年的经济高速增长,食品支出在我国城镇居民消费结构中仍占有较大比重,城镇居民依然以基本消费为主,其衍生消费处于逐步发展进程中,食品价格的变化对其他商品需求量的影响较大,消费品的自价格弹性系数为负值。今后应进一步完善社会保障体制,引导居民树立科学合理的消费观,逐步提高衍生消费的比重。  相似文献   

扩大消费面临六大制约   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
消费不足既有历史原因,也与现行政策密切相关消费不足一直是我国经济运行中的难题,无论是经济结构、增长动力,还是与世界平均水平相比,我国消费都处于相对较低水平。消费水平低主要表现为五个"过低"和一个"过高":最终消费率过低,消费需求对经济增长的拉动力呈不断减弱之势;居民消费率过低,居民即期消费意愿和消费行为受到较强的压抑;农村消费水平过低,城乡之间消费能力、消费水平和消费  相似文献   

林艳君 《学理论》2010,(18):60-61
近些年来,我国居民的家庭教育消费明显增加,教育投资的意识也在增强。通过分析相关统计数据及调查报告,概括了我国家庭教育消费的特点,从人力资本投资的角度分析家庭教育消费的成本与收益,并结合我国居民家庭的具体情况,提出了提高现代家庭教育投资效益的几种方法。  相似文献   

基本养老保险个人账户收益率与替代率关系定量分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基本养老保险之目的是为退休人员提供合意的退休金,避免陷入老年贫困。本文分别从现行制度计发办法和实际生命余岁精算的角度出发,定量分析了我国基本养老制度个人账户收益率与其替代率的关系,提出应高度重视当前个人账户低收益率所带来的严重后果,较高的收益率既是替代率的重要保证,也是累积制优越性的重要体现。而收益率的重要性却没有在政策制定中充分体现,低水平计息、微不足道的替代率皆与当初设想相去甚远。结论:既然建立了个人账户就应该将其做实并通过市场化运营获得较高的回报;而在还未有效地解决好收益率的情况下,不应草率地再将个人账户推广至其他群体,以免使更多人受损。  相似文献   

Based on data for private wage and salary workers in May 1988, this article examined pension coverage under two types of employer-sponsored pension plans. Some of the factors associated with employer-financed pension coverage were also examined, and comparisons were made to findings on pension coverage of full-time workers in 1972, 1979, and 1983. "Covered" workers were defined as those actually participating in a pension plan. Among all private sector employees studied, 34 percent were covered by a "basic" pension plan (most of which, presumably, were defined benefit plans), and 14 percent were covered by a pretax retirement savings plan--a subtype of defined contribution plan. With 7 percent of the respondents covered by both types of plans, the total coverage rate under employer-sponsored plans was 41 percent. Twelve percent of the respondents reported that they had contributed to an IRA in 1987. The reported IRA usage was somewhat higher among those already covered by a pension plan than among noncovered workers. Six percent of the respondents were not covered by an employer-sponsored plan but were contributing to an IRA, yielding a total of 47 percent who were participating in either an employer-sponsored or an individual retirement plan. While it was assumed--as in previous studies--that all "basic" coverage was being funded by employers, only four-fifths of those in pretax retirement savings plans reported that employers were also contributing to these plans. The remainder of the analysis was restricted to coverage under employer-financed plans, and it was further restricted to full-time workers. A total of 46 percent of these workers were covered under employer-financed pension plans--33 percent covered only by a basic plan, 7 percent covered only by a pretax plan, and 6 percent dually covered. Among men, the coverage rate was 49 percent, compared with 43 percent among women. Several individual and job-related characteristics were found to be associated with employer-financed pension coverage among full-time employees. Coverage rates were quite low among workers under age 25, but were substantially higher among those aged 35-59. Pension coverage was also low among those with less than 5 years of employment on the job, but relatively high among those with 5 years or more of job tenure. Coverage rate differences by race were not substantial. Whites reported a coverage rate of 47 percent, compared with 42 percent among blacks and 45 percent among other races.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

We use data from the Survey of Income and Program Participation (SIPP) to investigate the impact that child Supplemental Security Income (SSI) enrollment has on household outcomes, including poverty, household earnings, and health insurance coverage. The longitudinal nature of the SIPP allows us to control for unobserved, time‐invariant differences across households by measuring outcomes in the same household in the months leading up to and immediately following the first reporting of child SSI income. Our regression analyses demonstrate that for every $100 increase in household SSI income, total household income increases by roughly $72, reflecting some modest offset of other transfer income and conditional household earnings. Our analyses further demonstrate that child SSI enrollment is associated with a statistically significant and persistent reduction in the probability that a child lives in poverty of roughly 11 percentage points. Additional analyses suggest that program enrollment has virtually no impact on health insurance coverage because most new SSI recipients have health insurance from Medicaid or another source at the time of enrollment. © 2007 by the Association for Public Policy Analysis and Management  相似文献   

This article examines the U.K. retirement income security system from the American perspective. It addresses issues that most concern U.S. analysts: how the United Kingdom has kept its future public pension costs at a manageable level, the extent to which privatization of public pensions has contributed to low pension costs, the popular appeal of individual pension accounts, and the impact of privatization on retirement income. These issues are best understood in the context of the U.K. pension program's particular institutional structure and policies, two of which--"contracting out" of public pensions, and strong reliance on means-tested benefits--have been largely rejected in the evolution of U.S. policy to date. Particular use is made of recently available data on coverage rates for public and private pension programs over the total working population and administrative records on inactive personal pension accounts.  相似文献   

在不同的社会保障制度模式下,养老社会保险的反贫困功能不一样。不同的养老社会保险制度设计会影响其反贫困功能的发挥。美国的公共养老保险制度——"老年人、遗属和残疾人保险(OASDI)"在计发办法上的累退倾向,在受益对象上不限于退休者本人还包括配偶、遗属和残疾人,在实际给付时关于受益类型、课税、最低和最高收益、随生活成本进行调整等政策规定,对于低收入者保护倾向非常明显。与美国相比,我国目前的养老社会保险存在覆盖面窄、水平偏高,受益水平差异偏大,缺乏不同的受益类型设计等问题。为推动多层次养老保障体系建设,我国养老社会保险制度改革的政策取向应该是降低现有受益水平,扩大覆盖面,并通过覆盖更多的低收入者来增强制度的反贫困效果。同时评估和改革个人账户,以防止养老金差异过大。  相似文献   

This article, based on New Beneficiary Survey (NBS) data, examines the sources and amounts of income available to newly retired workers by the level of their primary insurance amount (PIA). For this analysis, the PIA distribution was divided into quartiles. Retired workers with high PIA's were found to be more likely to have private pensions or asset income and thus to have the highest total income. When a spouse's income is taken into account, married retired workers at all PIA levels have higher total income than do the unmarried retirees. The difference between the income of married and unmarried retirees is greatest for those with PIA's in the lowest quartile, where the median total income of the married retirees is roughly three times as high as that of the unmarried group. New retirees with PIA's in the lowest quartile were a mixed group: Many had additional important sources of income; others did not and had income that was quite low. About 21 percent of those with PIA's in the lowest quartile had pensions and their median total income was about $19,100. An additional 55 percent were married women without pensions of their own who, together with their husbands, had a median total income of $15,900. The remaining 24 percent were married men and unmarried retirees without a pension and with much lower median income--$7,100 for the married men and their wives, and $5,000 for the unmarried men and women.  相似文献   

The use of savings products to promote financial inclusion has increasingly become a policy priority across sub‐Saharan Africa, yet little is known about how families respond to varying levels of savings incentives and whether the promotion of incentivized savings in low‐resource settings may encourage households to restrict expenditures on basic needs. Using data from a randomized controlled trial in Uganda, we examine: (1) whether low‐income households enrolled in an economic‐empowerment intervention consisting of matched savings, workshops, and mentorship reduced spending on basic needs and (2) how varied levels of matching contributions affected household savings and consumption behavior. We compared primary school‐attending AIDS‐affected children (N = 1,383) randomized to a control condition with two intervention arms with differing savings‐match incentives: 1:1 (Bridges) and 1:2 (Bridges PLUS). We found that: (1) 24 months post‐intervention initiation, children in Bridges and Bridges PLUS were more likely to have accumulated savings than children in the control condition; (2) higher match incentives (Bridges PLUS) led to higher deposit frequency but not higher savings in the bank; (3) intervention participation did not result in material hardship; and (4) in both intervention arms, participating families were more likely to start a family business and diversify their assets.  相似文献   

Public concern about the earnings‐related Canada Pension Plan has forced the Canadian government to move toward fuller funding, a new investment policy, and changes to benefits and administration. Together, the three initiatives, and particularly the first two, amount to a modest degree of marketization. The assumption behind the reform is that the Canada Pension Plan will remain public and mandatory but the change will create a board and an investment policy which are more sensitive to market pressures and less amendable to government interference. The Canada Pension Plan is one of three tiers of support for the elderly in retirement. It is a contributory social insurance scheme which protects against loss of income. The other two are a social allowance (Old Age Security) as well as an income tested benefit (Guaranteed Income Supplement) which provide basic income support and employment based retirement pension plans as well as group and individual registered retirement savings plans which supplement the other two tiers on a voluntary basis. This article examines the reform of the Canada Pension Plan. After a brief examination of Canada's retirement benefits in an international context, the article summarizes recent debates in Canada, government policies to develop fuller funding and new investment strategies, and reflections on possible developments in the future.  相似文献   

英国的公务员养老保险制度实行国家基本养老保险、公务员职业养老保险和个人自愿养老储蓄相结合的三层次部分积累模式,与普通国民养老保险制度相融合。从公务员与其他群体养老保险制度的比较来看,并没有出现公务员与其他群体之间养老保险待遇的较大差距。总结英国的公务员养老保险制度的经验教训可以为中国公务员养老保险制度改革提供参考。  相似文献   

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