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缉捕行动,最棘手的莫过于对严重暴力犯罪分子的缉捕,因为这类犯罪分子手中大多有强杀伤性的武器如枪支、爆炸物等,且他们大多是反社会心理强烈,心狠手毒,血债累累的亡命之徒,在被缉捕过程中往往拒捕行凶。缉捕行动稍有不慎,极易造成无辜群众和缉捕人员的伤亡。这就要求对这类犯罪分子的缉捕  相似文献   

余军  王勇 《政法学刊》2005,22(1):63-65
警察战术机动是缉捕行动的重要组成部分。适时、灵活、巧妙地运用战术机动,是形成优良的警力部署的前提,是获取缉捕行动胜利的重要保障。  相似文献   

缉捕行动指挥的基本特点指挥的执法性刑警缉捕犯罪嫌疑人是一种执法行为,指挥活动必须围绕执法目的而进行,同时必须在法律法规授权的范围内实施强制措施和手段,这是缉捕行动指挥最鲜明的特征.  相似文献   

战术心理战在警察实施清查行动中的作用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
胡建伟 《政法学刊》2005,22(6):96-99
公安机关实施清查行动是针对犯罪分子或重大犯罪嫌疑人可能藏身落脚或来往出没的地点、场所进行清理和检查的一类作战行动。警察通过清查行动其目的在于寻找、发现和缉捕违法、犯罪分子或犯罪嫌疑人。心理战是攻心战。警察心理战,是通过各种有效的途径、渠道,运用不同的方式、方法及手段,为了治理、防控、打击、制服社会违法犯罪,而积极地影响、作用或利用执法对象心理状态、品格及其心理弱点的活动过程。而清查行动中实施战术心理战,则是警察为了在执行清理和检查任务时,为达到战术目的而进行的心理攻势,这是一种对抗状态下的战术心理战运用。通过清查行动中战术心理战的应用,尽快识别作战对象,从而达到清查行动的战术组织实施目的,提高清理检查行动的适应性和效率效益。  相似文献   

李连忠 《政法学刊》2007,24(2):83-85
目前由于流动性犯罪不断增多,在许多情况下民警必须对那些身份尚处于“隐性”状态的犯罪嫌疑人进行缉捕。因此必须针对其犯罪的特点,以精确打击为目标,灵活地运用战术原则,制定科学的缉捕方案,确保缉捕行动顺利、安全。  相似文献   

按照中政委和公安部的部署,黑龙江省各级党委政府把开展追逃专项斗争作为一项重大的政治任务,紧紧抓在手上,切实加强组织领导,各级公安机关在党委政府的领导下,在充分准备的基础上,全局行动,总体作战,充分利用现代科技,广泛发动和依靠群众,综合运用各种有效措施和手段,形成了缉捕逃犯的天罗地网,取得了显著的斗争成果。三个月追逃专项斗争中,全省共抓获网上逃犯13623名,其中部级督捕逃犯  相似文献   

缉捕围歼持枪歹徒是一场短兵相接的实际战斗,是敌我双方斗智斗勇的生死较量。既要捕获歹徒,又要注意保护群众。决不能强攻硬拼,搞人海战术,蜂拥而上,造成不应有的人员伤亡。执行缉捕任务的领导必须认真对待,高度重视,在总体战略上要藐视敌人,在具体缉捕的战术上要重视敌人。缉捕前要细微周密的反复研究,不得有半点疏忽,事先要查看地形,画草图,按图分配警力,运筹于帷幄之中,力争每战都不能让敌人打响,应绝对防止枪战。每次缉捕持枪歹徒,领导要亲自带队指挥、做到根据敌情,果断决策,组织严密、统一指挥。每一名参战人员则要做到:有令则行、有禁则止,训练有素、技能高强。只有这样,才能每战都有胜利的把握。因持枪歹徒多系亡命徒,行动诡秘,极易铤而走险。所以缉捕行动应绝对保密,在歹徒毫无觉察之际采取突然袭击的办法缉拿之。若歹徒已惊动,应将其居住地或落脚点包围、封锁,并宣传喊话,发动政治攻势,逼其缴械投降。同时派枪法好的占据有利  相似文献   

阿碧 《检察风云》2005,(14):34-36
最近,山东泰山东麓发现了几只老虎,一时间闹得沸沸扬扬,泰山的游客数量大幅缩减。虽然派出了多支搜虎队,甚至请来了警犬帮忙,依旧一无所获。后来泰山管理部门再次求教警方,有刑事探案专家指出,老虎乃夜行动物,白天不行动,晚上出来活动,晚上缉捕到的可能性大,晚上缉捕得配备红外  相似文献   

"猎狐"专项行动取得阶段性成果2014年7月,全国公安机关缉捕在逃境外经济犯罪嫌疑人专项行动(代号"猎狐2014")部署开展以来,海口警方高度重视,迅速开展行动,积极创新追逃战法,探索完善追逃措施,加大境外追逃力度,确保行动取得实效,先后从泰国、中国香港抓获庞某、郭某等两名经济犯罪嫌疑人,涉案总金额高达8000多万元人民币。  相似文献   

宋国华 《当代法学》2012,(3):154-160
清代对缉捕主体、缉捕运作细则、缉捕中的权限、缉获后处理等进行规制。为有效将人犯缉获,编织了一个由承缉、接缉、协缉、通缉、督缉组成的严密的缉捕网络。然而,缉捕网络本身不能运行,需依靠缉捕主体的积极推动。赏罚作为一种激励机制,可以调动缉捕主体的积极性。清代缉捕制度有得有失。规制详密,重视效率,注重程序,这是其得。处分过于繁密,立法之失,在一定程度上又不利于缉捕的有效运行。  相似文献   

Therapeutic jurisprudence (TJ) proposes that the law is a social force that can heal or cause harm to parties in a legal action. Historically, women victims of intimate partner rape and domestic violence could not seek justice in the legal system because police, like other actors in the justice system, treated these offenses as private matters or fabrications. In domestic violence and intimate rape cases, TJ is concerned with the needs of the victims, and how the law and police play a role in increasing their well-being. In this article, we use a TJ approach to the study of police responsiveness to victims of these offenses by investigating arrests of the offenders pursuant to law reforms that encourage or mandate arrest. Given that in these offenses, victims have the lowest reporting rates of any violent crime, the victim decision to call the police represents an expectation that the mere physical presence of a police officer may redefine the nature of the violence from a private conflict to a societal wrong that will not be tolerated. Police partnership with and treatment of the victim with respect and dignity can change the dynamics of the violence, terminate the violence, and set the criminal justice process in motion by arresting the offender in most cases. Police arrest, and subsequent prosecution and conviction, sends a message to offenders that society does not tolerate their violence, and allows the victim to begin to heal. Yet, past research indicates that police are less likely to arrest intimates than acquaintances and strangers in misdemeanor and aggravated assault, rape, and sexual assault cases. Using the National Incidence Reporting System (NIBRS) for the year 2000, we examine police arrests of intimate partner rape and domestic violence in jurisdictions with mandatory and presumptive arrest policies compared to police arrests in full discretion jurisdictions. We also ascertain whether arrest rates are higher for strangers and acquaintances than for intimates in misdemeanor and aggravated assault, kidnapping, and rape and sexual assault. Third, we determine whether police arrests of intimate partner rape is more likely if there is evidence of violence, injury to the victim, and use of a weapon. Our multivariate findings suggest that both the rape and the domestic violence reform movements have reversed the tide of historical negative treatment of female victims of these offenses. Logistic regression analysis indicates that police agencies in mandatory and preferred arrest jurisdictions increase the odds of arrest for domestic violence incidents and violations of orders of protection, compared to police agencies in jurisdictions with permissive/discretionary arrest policies. In addition, intimate violence increases the odds of arrest by 98%; forcible rape accompanied by simple assault or kidnapping increases the odds of arrest by 467 and 222%, respectively whereas forcible fondling accompanied by simple assault increases the odds of arrest by 293%. We discuss the implications of our findings for future law reform as well as TJ.  相似文献   


Summary. This study compares the rates and correlates associated with an arrest response when police respond to domestic assault calls in one jurisdiction at one point in time through two different methodological approachespolice self-report and case record analysis. While police self-reported a high likelihood to arrest (approximately a 60% rate of arrest), police reports indicated a much lower rate of arrest (20%). However, the two methodologies showed greater similarities in terms of correlates associated with this arrest response. Specifically, both indicated the predominance of situational factors over officer, offender or victim characteristics.  相似文献   

MERRY MORASH 《犯罪学》1984,22(1):97-111
According to the symbolic interactionist perspective, the juveniles who are most likely to have a police record of arrest are those who conform to police preconceptions about delinquent types, who are perceived as a threat to others, and who are most visible to the police. Several individual and peer group characteristics can serve as cues that youths are delinquent or that they pose a threat and can increase visibility. The present study uses a survey approach to determine the relative association of these individual and peer group characteristics with the establishment of a police record. The analysis reveals that in addition to delinquent activities, fitting the common image of a delinquent and dangerous person–that is, being a male in a predominantly, male, delinquent peer group–increases a youth's chances of arrest. Moreover, committing a high proportion of offenses with a group of peers, which results in high visibility, also increases the chances of arrest.  相似文献   

Homeless youth are at an increased risk of police contact—being stopped by police and arrested, yet it is less clear if this interaction is patterned by race. The current study draws on diverse scholarship to examine three possible effects of race on homeless youths’ interaction with police: that non-White homeless youth are more likely (disproportionate minority contact/symbolic assailants), less likely (out-of-place policing) or no different than White youth (master status) to experience police contact. Using the Midwest Longitudinal Study of Homeless Adolescents, we examine homeless youths’ odds of self-reported police harassment and arrest. Non-White homeless youth are more likely to report police harassment and arrest, but living on the street neutralizes these racial disparities. Further, prior police harassment is linked to subsequent arrest, operating similarly for White and non-White homeless youth. We discuss the implications of these findings for advancing scholarship on the challenges faced by homeless youth.  相似文献   

Seattle deploys several mechanisms by which individuals’ presence in particular spaces can constitute a crime. Through a range of means, police in Seattle are given wide authority to question and arrest those who appear as human manifestations of the “disorder” that is of concern to many. Importantly, these programs accentuate the power of criminal law by mobilizing other forms of law, most notably civil law and administrative law. This legally-hybrid structure works to accentuate the police’s power notably. Yet increased police power does not actually work to reduce “disorder” to any appreciable extent. For this reason, and others, we suggest that different approaches to addressing social marginality represent more promising avenues for cities like Seattle to explore.  相似文献   

《Justice Quarterly》2012,29(3):528-561
Previous research examining the relationship between structural factors and drug arrest rates has neglected the role of the police organization. A central proposition of racial threat theory is that indicators of a threatening Black population will be associated with law enforcement actions as a form of social control. In order to fully test this proposition, however, organizational aspects of law enforcement beyond size of the police force must be considered. Hence, the present study examines police organizational factors as direct predictors of race‐specific drug arrest rates but also as potential moderators of the effects of structural factors on drug arrest rates. Using data from 260 cities, we find that police organizational factors matter, both directly and as moderators of the association between racial economic competition and Black drug arrest rates. Consistent with expectations derived from racial threat and organizational theory, we find that racial threat measures are associated with Black drug arrest rates under conditions of relatively low organizational control.  相似文献   

Questionnaires to assess generalized beliefs about people and factors associated with arrest decisions were completed by police officers. Responses to the Philosophies of Human Nature Scale (Wrightsman, 1974) and to statements about law enforcement and arrest decisions indicated divergent beliefs and interpretations associated with different amounts of experience in the police role. Results are discussed in terms of socialization pressures on officers, and a broader perspective to understand the dynamics of that socialization is proposed.  相似文献   

The findings by Wolfgang et al. that 6.3% of their cohort had 52% of the recorded police contacts is well known. This retrospective analysis has been used to suggest that imprisoning these "chronic" offenders will avert a correspondingly disproportionate amount of crime. On prospective analysis of the arrest histories, however, the recidivism probability is found to be constant after the third contact, suggesting that prior record has little predictive value regarding future criminality. These observations raise important questions about the benefits of "career criminal" programs and their incapacitative effects.  相似文献   

This article examines interorganizational variation in determinants of police arrest decisions. Drawing on Wilson, we identify four types of police agencies by cross-classifying levels of bureaucratization with professionalism. Evidence from the analysis indicates that factors influencing arrest decisions are conditional on the organizational contexts in which such decisions occur. In different types of police agencies, officers respond to similar situations differently. Hence, "global" decision-making models are we incomplete than incorrect. We argue that consideration of the contexts within which discretion is exercised is necessary for advancing our understanding of decision-making in justice system agencies.  相似文献   

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