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目的比较酒后驾车交通事故与非酒后驾车交通事故的流行特征。方法1999-2003年成都地区酒后驾车交通事故542例组成病例组,另从同期发生的75324例交通事故数据库中随机抽取l%非酒后驾车交通事故73l例组成对照组。运用统计方法进行分析。结果酒后驾车交通事故造成人员死亡的危险度是非酒后驾车的1.72倍,两类事故的24小时分布基本呈相反趋势,酒后驾车非职业驾驶员和非驾驶员所占比例明显高于其他原因导致的交通事故(P<0.001).酒后驾车造成车辆的损害程度强于非酒后驾车,两类事故机动车的出行目的亦明显不同。结论酒后驾车交通事故较非酒后驾车交通事故后果严重,酒后驾车交通事故有不同于非酒后驾车交通事故的流行规律。  相似文献   

成都地区酒后驾车交通事故的流行病学调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的了解成都地区酒后驾车交通事故的流行病学特点,为预防酒后驾驶提供科学依据。方法回顾性分析2004—2008年成都市交通事故档案资料,酒后驾车组为病例组,非酒后驾车组为对照组,对其驾驶员性别、年龄、交通方式、事故发生的时间、事故特点及损害后果等进行统计学分析。结果酒后驾车交通事故发生时间主要集中在14:00-8:00及20:00-01:00,一年中1月、2月酒后驾驶交通事故较其他月份高;发生单车事故、碰撞固定物、追尾、翻车事故及发生事故后逃逸病理组明显高于对照组:对他人及驾驶员本人造成的伤害病理组均明显较对照组严重。结论酒后驾驶对社会的危害性很大,应针对其流行病学特点.采取相应措施,预防酒后驾驶交通事故。  相似文献   

目的探讨涉嫌酒后驾驶所致道路交通事故中人体损伤情况与驾驶员血中乙醇质量浓度关系,为预防、控制道路交通事故及人体损伤提供依据。方法对467例涉嫌酒后驾驶机动车的道路交通事故损伤人员相关鉴定资料与肇事驾驶员血中乙醇质量浓度进行系统分析性研究。结果涉嫌酒后驾驶发生道路交通事故的损伤人员中,以20~39岁男性居多;事故中驾驶员损伤机率最高;酒后交通事故以长头小车及摩托车最多,而驾驶员血中乙醇质量浓度(BAC)为0.1~20mg/100mL浓度的摩托车驾乘人员伤亡构成比最高;酒后驾驶机动车肇事导致的人体致命性损伤及人员死亡的饮酒组危险程度均高于未饮酒组,在驾驶员血中乙醇质量浓度(BAC)为0.1~20mg/100mL组与20.1~80mg/100mL组比较无明显差异。结论酒后驾驶肇事导致的人员伤亡比未饮酒驾车交通事故严重;未达酒后驾车组(BAC为0.1~20mg/100mL)和酒后驾车组(BAC为20.1~80mg/100mL)交通事故导致的人员伤亡无明显差异。研究结果提示,应降低饮酒后驾车血中乙醇质量浓度(BAC)法定标准阈值,进一步控制和减少道路交通事故人身伤亡率。  相似文献   

交通部的统计数据表明,近来来我国因驾驶员酒后驾车所导致的交通事故平均每年有25万余起,造成约5万人死亡,直接经济损失近13亿元.近来,我国曝光多起酒后驾车导致的车祸.  相似文献   

目的通过对上海市浦东新区2008年1050例道路交通违章、事故酒精检案特点分析,为减少和防止交通事故的发生提供有力的参考信息。方法在Excel表中对肇事者性别、年龄、出事日期、时间以及对肇事者血液中乙醇质量浓度(BAC)等作统计分析。结果酒后驾车中男性明显多于女性,年龄以20~50岁居多。事故发生在20:00~22:00最多.以郊区主干道为主。1050例酒精检案中,BAC检测结果14.19%为阴性,2.00%酒精含量未超出法定范围,11.14%为酒后驾车,72.48%为醉酒驾车。结论2008年上海市浦东新区酒后违章、事故案例具有明显的分布特征,可为酒后驾驶的及时监测及制定有效预防措施提供依据。  相似文献   

近几年来,因酒后驾车或者危险驾驶引发的严重交通事故频发。2008年,在杭州,胡斌严重超速驾驶,致一人死亡;在成都,孙伟铭无照醉酒驾车,致四人死亡。2009年,南京的张明宝酒后驾车,致五人死亡,四人受伤;2010年,在北京,陈数酒后驾车,致两人死亡,一人重伤。上述案例,都是发生在最近三年的典型交通事故,引发事故的原因则是危险驾驶或者酒后驾车。  相似文献   

目的通过对贵州省2012年1000例涉嫌酒后驾驶、道路交通事故酒精检案的特点进行分析,为预防和控制酒后驾车提供科学数据。方法在利用Excel及Spss统计软件对涉嫌交通事故肇事者性别、年龄、肇事时间、肇事车型以及对肇事者血中乙醇质量浓度(BAC)等数据进行统计分析。结果涉嫌酒后驾驶者男性居多,年龄在20~50岁间占92%。事故多发生于20~24时,以县市区干道为主,肇事车辆为摩托车占46.72%。在1000例乙醇检案中,28.7%为未检出,9.3%为酒后驾车,59.5%为醉酒驾车。结论 2012年贵州省发生的1000例涉嫌酒后驾驶案件中有一定相关特征,可为"酒驾"的预防与控制提供准确的科学依据。  相似文献   

在涉嫌酒后驾车死亡的尸检中,均要对死亡驾驶员抽取心血进行乙醇含量检验。在道路交通事故尸体不能随意解剖的情况下,常因交通事故造成人体组织器官严重损伤,同时伴有急性大失血死亡的尸体,在心前区体外穿刺时,如果穿刺点选择不好,很难抽到足够的心血。  相似文献   

我国酒后驾车BAC标准及检测程序等问题的探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
酒后驾车,是全球引起交通事故的重要原因,国外对此的检测、处罚等都已有相当成熟的管理。但目前我国对酒后驾车引起的交通事故的处理,还没有统一的标准,即使实行了血液或呼气酒精检测的省市,其操作和检测等也很不完善。已颁布的新的《中华人民共和国道路交通安全法》对酒后驾车的处罚做了修改,但关于确定酒后驾车酒精检测值标准及如何实施酒精检测等诸方面的工作,尚缺乏可操作性,本文就酒后驾车认定标准、呼气检测证据价值、事故发生时血液中酒精浓度推算、血液检测程序及注意事项等相关问题进行探讨,以期规范化此方面的工作。  相似文献   

论道路交通事故与驾驶员血中酒精含量关系   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的探讨道路交通事故与饮酒驾车血中酒精含量关系及其法医学意义,为预防、控制道路交通事故提供重要依据。方法对2005份道路交通事故肇事驾驶员血酒精鉴定资料进行系统分析性研究。结果饮酒驾车以男性为主,女性饮酒驾车出现醉酒驾车的比例与男性无差别。市区驾驶员醉酒驾车高于郊区。驾驶员BAC<20mg/100mL肇事导致死亡的比例高于饮酒驾车肇事组(BAC20 ̄79mg/100ML),而BAC≥80mg/100mL则低于饮酒驾车肇事组。结论应降低饮酒驾车和醉酒驾车BAC标准,以利于减少交通事故肇事死亡率。  相似文献   

Due to the rapid development of motorisation in the past few decades, the epidemic of traffic injuries has become a serious problem. Numerous studies indicate that the human factor, often in connection with alcohol consumption, plays a major role in traffic accidents. Studies also show that people addicted to alcohol often drive under the influence and are not deterred by the possibility of punishment, e.g. a revocation of their driving licence.Our study examined people who caused traffic accidents under the influence of alcohol in Slovenia, the consequences of their actions, police and judicial measures and medical selection.In the last decade, the share of people causing traffic accidents under the influence of alcohol in Slovenia has been on the rise. Higher blood alcohol levels are found in people causing fatal traffic accidents, most of them are cyclists, pedestrians and tractor drivers, aged between 25 and 34; the accidents are most common on village roads, on weekends. The discrepancy between numbers of intoxicated drivers with suspended driving licences (approximately 8500/year) and between numbers of successfully terminated judicial procedures is particularly worrisome. When these drivers get their licences back, the medical selection process is inadequate.Our results emphasise the problem of medical selection for reinstatement of penalized drivers. The inadequate approach currently in force allows too many dangerous drivers, most still addicted to alcohol, to return to traffic without medical selection. The only solution to this problem is an immediate change in legislation that would require rigorous medical selection for all reinstatements of drivers who drove under the influence of alcohol. This would decrease the numbers of intoxicated drivers in traffic and at least partly decrease the numbers of alcohol addicts in society.  相似文献   

交通意外事故尸体剖验37例   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:4  
本文作者报告陆上交通意外尸体剖验37例。事故类型分路人车撞、汽车相撞、汽车撞静物及摩托车事故四种。路人被车撞致死者,损伤分布广,种类多,有5种不同的损伤。摩托车事故死亡者胸腹部损伤多,突出的是胸主动脉横裂。汽车驾驶员的损伤以胸腹部为多。其中因车撞车驾驶员死亡者,头部损伤常不严重。各种不同的损伤各有一定的特征。作者强调了要注意酒精与车祸的关系。  相似文献   

This study argued that while sanctions deter offenders from being involved in future drinking-driving offenses, alcohol addiction prevents individuals from making rational choices, and, thus, increases offenders' chances of being involved in drinking driving regardless of the certain, severe, and swift punishments they had experienced. Results indicated that, individuals with more severe alcohol addiction problems had increased chances of committing multiple offenses regardless of the sanctions that they had experienced relative to those with less severe alcohol-related problems. Findings seemed to suggest that criminal justice sanctions alone might not obtain expected deterrent impacts on individuals with alcohol and other addiction problems. Drinking drivers and other drug and alcohol offenders should be screened for substance abuse problems, and, if necessary, provided with treatment.  相似文献   

Between 1987 and 1989 there were approximately 5,000 cases of fatal and injury-sustained road traffic accidents, of which 2.3-3.0% were alcohol related (blood alcohol levels greater than the legal limit of 80 mg% ethanol). The offenders of alcohol-related accidents are mostly Chinese (> 79%), male (> 98%), and more often 30-40 years old. The majority of the alcohol-related accidents (> 74%) took place between 8 P.M. and 4 A.M. in fine weather and light traffic. Rear-end, head-on, and side-on collisions comprised > 60% of all the alcohol-related accidents, and losing control of vehicles approximately 30%. Drunken driving cases for the same period that were not accidents showed a number of characteristics similar to those for accidents. In Singapore, motorcycle riders and pedestrians are more prone to road fatality than other road-user groups. International comparisons of road fatalities per 100,000 population gave Singapore one of the lowest accident rates (8.1-8.4) as compared with countries such as Australia, the United Kingdom, the United States, New Zealand, Canada, and Japan.  相似文献   

Alcohol is one of the main causes of traffic accidents worldwide. Its use decreases significantly the driving ability of an individual increasing in this way the possibilities of their involvement in motor-vehicle accidents. The above possibilities are increased when a psychoactive substance has been taken in combination with alcohol due to their synergistic effect. The Laboratory of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology of the University of Athens is authorized to perform the toxicological investigation of traffic accidents that happen in the southern part of Greece. The objective of the present study was to identify the prevalence of alcohol and other psychoactive substances among drivers involved in road traffic accidents in Greece during the period 1998-2004. Alcohol was detected in the blood of about 37% of the drivers involved in traffic accident during the years 1998-2000. The detection of alcohol was lower (29%) in the years 2001-2004. Cannabis, benzodiazepines, opiates, and cocaine were found in 4%, 4%, 4% and 1% of the total number of cases, respectively. The above values were compared with those of a previous study concerning the period 1995-1997 and the reasons for the reduction of the number of alcohol-related traffic accidents during the last years are discussed.  相似文献   

In a re-examination of 334 fatal multiple car accidents, without any reasonable explanation besides possible intoxication, 205 drivers were found responsible for the accident. Twenty-one of these accidents happened between midnight and 0600 h and 11 of the drivers were found to be intoxicated with a blood/alcohol content (BAC) of more than 0.080%. The remaining 184 accidents took place during the rest of the day and 55 drivers were intoxicated. By comparing this apparent over-representation of intoxicated drivers in night-time accidents with that of a control group of no less than 15,923 drivers, it was possible to convert this over-representation into an under-representation. This decline in accidents while under influence seems to indicate another human accident factor specific to night-time traffic. It is concluded that fatigue is an overlooked but most obvious cause of otherwise unexplainable accidents in the night-time traffic.  相似文献   

In a reexamination of 101 fatal single car accidents without any reasonable explanation besides possible intoxication, 50 drivers were found to have been intoxicated with a blood alcohol content (BAC) of more than 0.08 mg% at the time of the accident. Thirty-seven of these accidents happened between 2400 h and 0600 h in the morning and 21 of the drivers were found to be intoxicated. The remaining 64 accidents took place during the rest of the day and 21 drivers were found to be intoxicated. By comparing this apparent over-representation of intoxicated drivers in night-time accidents with that of a control group of no less than 15.923 drivers it was possible to convert this over-representation into a significant under-representation indicating another human accident factor specific to night-time traffic. It is concluded that fatigue is an often overlooked but most obvious cause to an otherwise unexplainable accident in the night-time traffic.  相似文献   

France ranks as leader country in Europe for the consumption of cannabis as well as of psychoactive medications. Whereas the relationship between psychotropics and road accidents is now well-established, few data are still available on the influence of drugs on occupational accidents. The purpose of the present study was to measure the prevalence of psychoactive drug intake (alcohol excepted) among victims of occupational fatalities (including workplace accidents + traffic accidents, i.e. on the way to and from work) occurred in the region Alsace over the period 2000–2005. Data were collected by compiling files on occupational accidents from two different public agencies (CRAM, Regional Sickness Fund Alsace-Moselle; DRTEFP, Regional Department of Work, Employment and Professional Training) together with those from the Medico-Legal Institute of Strasbourg over the period tested. Data analysis showed that 3% of the victims of workplace fatalities were under the influence of drugs (alcohol excluded) at the time of accident, as well as 5% of the victims of occupational traffic accidents. Our results also highlight a low rate of toxicological analyses, since these investigations were requested by the authorities in 41% of traffic victims and only 15% of workplace victims. In France, the relevance of psychoactive drug intake in occupational deaths is much better targeted in the case of traffic fatalities (due to the existence of specific regulations, e.g. compulsory urinalysis for drugs of abuse in drivers involved in a road accident) than in those occurred at workplace (no specific regulations).  相似文献   

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