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影响警察武力使用的若干因素   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
林杜 《政法学刊》2009,26(6):120-124
警察武力使用是警察进行自我防护与打击制服罪犯或犯罪嫌疑人的重要手段。法律、技战术、心理以及装备等因素都对警察武力使用有影响,应提高警察武力使用的水平,增强警察武力使用的效果,使警察在执法实践中能依法、及时、有效地使用武力,确保自身安全,顺利完成职责任务。  相似文献   

崔璨 《法制与社会》2016,(5):283-284
近几年我国治安形势日益严峻,犯罪率呈逐年上升趋势,特别是危害国家和人民生命财产安全的严重暴力犯罪案件数量显著增加。人民警察在日常履行警察职能时,更易遭受到来自于违法犯罪分子的暴力伤害。为了更好的履行警察职能,保护人民群众以及自身的人身安全,警械特别是枪支的使用就显得十分必要。我国关于警察枪支使用的立法缺陷使得警察在实际使用枪支时只能通过自由裁量来判明用枪与否以及怎么用枪,这必将导致关于警察使用枪支中自由裁量权的争议。因此,需要对警察使用枪支的自由裁量权设置标准和原则,尽可能避免警察在使用枪支时对自由裁量权的滥用、乱用和怠用。  相似文献   

当前恐怖主义活动呈现出社会影响深远、武装程度和突发性增强等特点。相应地,与之相抗衡的反恐作战能力必须得到提升,反恐工作中警察武力应得到提升和应受到重视。我国警察使用武器的法律规定在理论上存在着一定的模糊地带,如实战中警察使用武器时暴露出来的难以操作问题,一定程度上滞后于反恐工作的现实需要。因此,在反恐背景下,修改相关警察使用武器的部分法律规定,保护警察人身安全,确立用枪原则;通过司法解释等形式,明确相关武器使用法律条款的内涵;细化民警使用武器的制度、条件和程序,在实践中建立适应反恐需求的科学管理机制和使用制度。  相似文献   

孙昊 《法制与社会》2014,(11):74+80-74,80
使用武器、枪支是法律赋予警察的神圣权力。依法使用武器,打击犯罪,保护人民群众生命财产安全,是警察的重要职责。但现实中刀枪入库,使得武器的使用权形同虚设。近年来,群体性事件频发。这种非对抗性的冲突,更加要求警察慎用警械武器。特别是对于使用杀伤性武器,争议更是不断。做为非致命性的驱逐、制服性武器就越发重要。本文探讨驱逐性、制服性等非致命性武器的使用权及法律规制。有利于保护警察执法权益和警察生命安全,法律尊严的宣泄。从长远更能保护人民的生命财产安全。  相似文献   

移动互联技术的飞速发展推进了社交媒体的普及度,公众的社交媒体使用对于我国警察信任的影响机制值得被刑事司法领域所关注。基于犯罪学与传播学的相关理论,本研究采用第七波世界价值观调查(World Value Survey)中国区数据,探究我国民众的社交媒体使用与警察信任之间的关系,以及政治兴趣度与主观社会阶层对该路径的调节作用。研究结果表明:社交媒体使用对于我国警察信任具有显著负向影响;政治兴趣度越高,社交媒体使用对警察信任的负向影响力越强;主观社会阶层越高,社交媒体使用对警察信任的负向影响力越弱。研究发现旨在解构与理解互联网+与新媒体时代下的社交媒体、政治关注与社会分层对中国警察信任的影响机制,为提高我国民众对警察信任度的政策措施提供循证建议。  相似文献   

黄国彰 《政法学刊》2011,28(3):109-111
警察使用武器打击犯罪是法律赋予的警察强制手段的最高层次。为了在警务实战中有效地使用这一强制手段,保护人民群众生命、财产和警察自身的安全,每个警察都应熟练掌握武器使用技能。而当前我国公安民警使用武器技能的现状却不容乐观,不少地方的民警是用而不练或练而不精,甚至不用也不练,这就给民警执法安全埋下了严重隐患,甚至因此发生流血、牺牲的个案。公安机关的各级领导应充分重视民警武器使用训练,教官应更新观念,提升执教水平,加强训练管理,认真严格施教,科学、有效地提升民警的武器使用技能,最大限度地减少民警伤亡。  相似文献   

戴钧涛 《法制与社会》2010,(13):295-295
警务活动是与人们联系最为密切的活动,为保证警务活动的正常实施,法律授予了警察一部分权力。被誉为“现代警察之父”的罗伯特·比尔在19世纪初就提出了“警务九原则”理论,其中第六个原则是:“警察只有在说服、建议和警告都不足以实现警察的目标的情况下,才能使用需要程度的武力以确保法律得到遵守和秩序得到恢复。并且,警察应该在任何情况下都仅仅使用最低限度的武力以实现警察目的。  相似文献   

中国近两百万警察,不能因为某个警察滥用武力而去限制警察使用武力,不能因为某个群众上访告警察,就刀枪入库马放南山。这种哪漏堵哪,只堵不疏的做法是坚决要不得的,在当今的暴恐事件频发的环境下,警察不愿用、不敢用、不会用武器的现状不改变,警察就真正失去了应有的职能。  相似文献   

中国警察武力法规定了警察使用武器的主体要件、客体要件、主观要件和客观要件,且每一要件均包涵一些特定规则。人民警察只有全面、准确、深刻地理解这些要件和规则,才能把握使用武器的特定内涵,才能严格做到依法使用武器。  相似文献   

张莉斌  杨宁  黄渴 《政法学刊》2010,27(2):118-121
依法使用武器是法律赋予警察的权力,是维护社会治安、惩治违法犯罪、保护人民群众和警察生命安全的有力武器。而警察武器使用的训练是一个技能与法律法规密切结合的实战训练,也是一个不断发现问题和解决问题,熟能生巧的、有制度的、严格规范的、长期的、永恒的训练过程。香港警队的警务实战训练代表了世界最先进、最科学、最实用的训练水平,他们的枪械训练为内地警察武器使用的训练提供了很好的训练思路和训练方向。在目前形势下,我们应借鉴香港警队先进的训练理念和训练模式,开拓我们的思路,促使我们的警察武器使用训练发生质的变化,走上一个崭新的台阶,使训练与实际执法真正的结合起来。  相似文献   

艾明 《证据科学》2016,(2):155-166
我国侦查实践中的调取证据是一项独立的、具备干预性的强制处分措施。调取证据措施之所以具有上述性质,与侦查机关对《刑事诉讼法》的误读密切相关。这种误读违背体系解释,有违法明确性原则,不利证据排除。应将现有的调取证据措施整合进扣押措施,使之成为提出命令式的扣押,在此基础上,应进一步平衡查明事实和人权保障之间的关系,对扣押措施的运用做出相应的限制。  相似文献   

This article uses gun seizure data from the gun lab of the St. Louis Police Department to examine a problem-solving approach to seizing illegal firearms. Further, it explores narrative data from the police reports to understand the context surrounding 113 firearms seizure. The most important findings are that most illegal firearms are seized by the police department in the course of routine patrol, and that many seemingly nonviolent technical law violations (e.g., the unlawful carrying, use, or concealment of a firearm) often occur under violent circumstances. Given the paucity of gun research, future studies should use multiple data sources to further explain the gun/crime relationship. These findings are discussed in the context of routine policing.  相似文献   

Previous research found job stressors and social resources to be consistent predictors of organisational commitment across occupations. Surprisingly, to date, stressors that are rather specific to police officers’ jobs have rarely been explored in this context. The present study addresses this topic by investigating the influence of directly experienced civilian-related violence on organisational commitment in police staff. As social resources are considered to buffer the negative effects of job stressors on organisational commitment, such an effect was also expected regarding violent victimisation. Additionally, the study raised the question of whether the same influence factors of organisational commitment can be found for male and female police officers. Data were collected from 1,931 German patrol police officers. Results indicated a decrease of organisational commitment following experiences of violent victimisation during the last 12 months. In line with expectations social resources (group cohesiveness, immediate supervisor support) were shown to have a commitment-enhancing effect with group cohesiveness also buffering experiences of violent victimisation. Additionally, evidence yielded that social support from immediate supervisors mediates the relationship between organisational stressors and organisational commitment. In case of gender-specific influence factors no significant differences could be found.  相似文献   

Conclusion Recently theory and scales measuring authoritarianism and cynicism of police have come into close scrutiny. In particular, Langworthy (1987:28,33) has concluded from his review of 21 empirical studies that police cynicism appears to have several different dimensions and that the “failure to detect cynicism or a factor closely related to it is a product of reliance on a very flawed instrument the Niederhoffer index.” To address that criticism of a faulty instrument, this research has utilized scales measuring directiveness and proauthority. For reasons of alpha coefficients, only the scores on the pro-authority scale were analyzed. Mean scores on the pro-authority scale between law officer, students, townspeople and police officers were not significantly different. When investigating variables relating to the high scores of proauthority of police officers, rank was statistically significant while age was not. For future research, separate population should be continued as well as random sampling. In addition, variables of age, sex, ethnic, rank and departmental/organizational dimensions should be explored.  相似文献   

Many studies have assessed threat theory by investigating the relationships between the size of minority populations and police strength. Yet these investigations analyzed older data with cross‐sectional designs. This study uses a fixed‐effects panel design to detect nonlinear and interactive relationships between minority presence and the per capita number of police in large U.S. cities in the last three census years. The findings show that the relationship between racial threat and the population‐corrected number of police officers has recently become considerably stronger. In accord with theoretically based expectations, tests for interactions show that segregated cities with larger African American populations have smaller departments. The coefficients on another interaction effect suggest that racial segregation leads to reductions in police strength in the South perhaps because officers are less likely to intervene in residentially isolated black neighborhoods in this region.  相似文献   

NAN OPPENLANDER 《犯罪学》1982,20(3-4):449-466
The literature of domestic violence is critical of police service dlivery in dmnestic disputes. Yet, little has been systematically documented regarding dispatch procedures, citizen-police interactions, or the special circumstances surrounding domestic investigations. This article describes the actions of investigating officers with family or intimately related persons during police encounters. It wmpares these with like investigations of non-related disputants. Among the major findings are that (1)dispatch tend to underreport the nature of domestic assaults; (2) patrol officers face mme agitated persons in domestic en- ccuunters; (3) police arrest suspects more often in domestic cases, but circumstances would appear to warrant even higher rates of arrest; (4) misis intervention appears to take precedence over arrest in some domestic assaults; and (5) police almost never refer citizens to social service agencies. Overall, the findings point to ule need for police service delivery in domestic disputes that is w e geared to law enforcement in cases of violent family Conflict.  相似文献   

Officer‐involved domestic violence (OIDV) is a national problem, with police officer families having higher rates of domestic violence than non–police officer families. OIDV is also an underresearched problem with few studies or proposed solutions. Many victims of OIDV do not report their abuse precisely because their abuser is a police officer, whom they fear is in a unique position to protect him/herself from any legal consequences. Often, OIDV complaints are not investigated properly in a nonbiased manner. While a handful of police agencies around the country have developed specific policies and procedures to deal with OIDV, Washington State has enacted legislation that requires its police agencies to adopt OIDV‐specific policies. The International Associations of Chiefs of Police (IACP), an organization that addresses various issues confronting law enforcement, has also developed a model policy on OIDV. This Note proposes that, in light of the Washington legislation and the model policy proposed by the IACP, each state should enact a statute that requires its police agencies to develop policies on OIDV. This Note also outlines a specific set of procedures that such statutes should, at a minimum, require its police agencies to adopt, ranging from educating police officers on domestic violence to developing guidelines on responding to and investigating OIDV complaints.  相似文献   

Despite the fact that police officers are usually the first persons within the criminal justice system to respond to a criminal victimization, the majority of research investigating racial discrimination within the system has examined primarily the effects of race on adjudication outcomes which occur after initial police interventions, such as conviction decisions and sentences. Very little empirical effort has been devoted to examining the effects of race on early police responses to a reported victimization. Using data from the National Crime Victimization Survey from 1987 to 1992, this paper investigates the effects of both the victim's and the offender's race on three police responses to robbery and aggravated assault: (1) police response time to the scene, (2) effort exerted by the police at the scene, and (3) likelihood of arrest. It was found that police were quicker to respond and also exerted more effort at the scene such as searching and taking evidence to incidents of black on white robbery compared to all other racial dyads. This relationship held even after controlling for other factors such as victim-offender relationship, poverty, injury to the victim, and victim's gender. No significant effects of race, however, were found when predicting the probability of arrest in cases of robbery. The effects of race on police responses to aggravated assault were more complicated. For assaults involving strangers, police were significantly more likely to exert additional effort at the scene if the victim was white and the offender was perceived to be black. This effect was reversed, however, for nonstranger assault victimizations. Police were significantlyless likely to exert effort at the scene or to make an arrest in black on white assaults involving nonstrangers. The most consistent predictors of arrest in both stranger and nonstranger assault victimizations were police response time, injury to the victim, and the incident occurring in a public setting.  相似文献   

This study examined the effects of coping and social support on psychological distress in response to stressful work and life events among police officers. As part of a larger study investigating stress and coping, a sample of 233 police officers employed within a mid-sized northeastern law enforcement organization volunteered for this study. The results of hierarchical multiple regression analysis showed that the main effect of life events was related to higher distress. Problem-focused coping resulted in a “reverse buffering effect”; the relationship between work events and distress was associated with higher distress. Seeking social support buffered the relationship between work events and distress, and emotion-focused coping buffered the relationship between life events and distress. The implications for developing and implementing stress management programs for police officers are discussed.  相似文献   

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