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“山寨”包括“山寨产品”、“山寨明星”的经济行为和“山寨文化”的娱乐性、非主流的生活态度.山寨以破坏性创新的模仿为主要特征,通过抢占低端市场,获得广大平民的认同,往往伴随着违法和侵权.对山寨的法律内涵、法律特征进行分析,山寨情结之存在在于民主法治的缺乏,提出了规制山寨现象在于法治化.  相似文献   

2008年山寨文化在我国攻城略地,其产物涉及到我们生活的方方面面,大到山寨白宫,小至山寨手机,从各类产品到各地明星,无不充斥着山寨文化的侵蚀。诸多山寨文化现象是代表了草根文化的繁盛和人民群众的智慧结晶,还是代表了社会大众的创造力的匮乏和衰退。由于山寨产品的种类纷繁复杂,本文仅从保护知识产权以及人身权的角度出发,对山寨产品的性质进行探析。  相似文献   

法律视角中的山寨现象   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
山寨现象,主要包括仿造名牌的手机等产品、模仿明星去做广告、模仿他人文艺作品和模仿水立方等知名建筑等.山寨手机采用了MTK芯片,绕过了被诺基亚等大型企业所掌握的手机的基础专利,并未侵犯被模仿厂商的发明、实用新型等两类专利权,但山寨手机侵犯被模仿厂商的外观设计专利权;山寨手机又因具有与品牌手机"相似的标识"而涉嫌不正当竞争、侵犯商标权.山寨明星的广告,因侵犯了明星的商品化形象权等而违法.部分山寨文艺、山寨建筑,侵犯了著作权.  相似文献   

吴革 《中国法律》2009,(1):43-43
吴革:我认为山寨文化是网络创造的平民基础。 第一点,“山寨”文化已经形成现象,超过了“山寨”手机、电脑,更不是指生产这些产品的加工厂。他已经成为网络最有影响力的词汇,是网络创新的现象。  相似文献   

“山寨现象”反思——从知识产权法的角度   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
山寨现象在网上流行并逐步形成了一种所谓的山寨文化,如山寨明星、山寨产品、山寨商标、山寨作品等,分析了这种现象是否违反知识产权法的规定.  相似文献   

"山寨"一词已经越来越多的出现在我们的生活之中,随之衍生的"山寨文化"更引发了许多法律问题,尤为突出的是今年全国政协委员倪萍建议立法封杀"山寨现象"。为此,本文对"山寨文化"进行了法律的思辨。  相似文献   

蒋志培 《中国法律》2009,(1):38-39,94-98
始于2001年的山寨风,从最初的山寨手机、明星,到山寨版电视剧、歌曲、搜索引擎乃至山寨春晚,时至今日,山寨已成为网络、报纸、杂志上最流行的语言,成为我们生活中不可回避的话题。诸多带有模仿性质的“山寨现象”层出不穷,形成了独有的“山寨文化”。2008年,甚至被网友称为“山寨年”。  相似文献   

山寨手机泛指没有经过入网许可检测取得IMEI码的手机。判断山寨手机中模仿行为的正当性主要依据知识产权法和反不正当竞争法进行,应当结合模仿的对象是否属于公有领域的知识,模仿行为是否落入知识产权专有权保护范围,以及模仿是否符合知识产权各项权利限制情形等进行具体分析。山寨手机产业面临知识产权意识不强、自主创新能力落后、政府激励政策缺位和法律保障不力等创新难题。引导山寨手机企业转向合法正规生产的关键,不仅在于政府应增强打击非法生产和侵犯知识产权的力度,而且应从各项公共政策和法律保障措施上激励山寨手机产业提高创新能力,实现健康、快速、持续发展。  相似文献   

侯莎 《法制与社会》2011,(21):205-206
山寨现象席卷整个中国,其产生与发展有着深刻的文化根源。本文从基础概念入手,将山寨现象细化为山寨商品和山寨文化。并对两种现象进行了文化层面的解读,指出深藏其中的文化根源,探讨了对山寨现象的法律规制。  相似文献   

张平 《中国法律》2009,(1):41-42
“山寨”现象首先体现两大群体的社会或文化的冲突,这种冲突演变成很有商业模仿的反不正当竞争,这种冲突是如何兴起的?我认为实际上有两个方面:  相似文献   

The September 2000 release of the Federal Trade Commission's report on the marketing of violent entertainment to children ignited the latest of many rounds of policy debates on violent entertainment and its effects on children. Parties on both sides of the debate have cited the First Amendment as limiting what the government can do to legally restrict the marketing of violent entertainment products to children. However, little detailed analysis of just how the First Amendment would apply to any such marketing restrictions has been presented. That is the subject this article takes up. First, it looks at the First Amendment standard of review applied to restrictions on commercial speech. The article also considers whether violent speech, in either entertainment programming or its advertising, may be restricted under the First Amendment. Finally, this article examines whether the advertising of violent entertainment products is entitled to the same level of First Amendment protection afforded to the products being advertised.  相似文献   

网络游戏是近年来兴起的一个新的娱乐方式和新兴产业。在作为新的经济增长点的同时,网络游戏的负面作用尤其是对青少年暴力犯罪的影响已引起世界各国的关注。研究网络游戏与青少年暴力犯罪的关系,进而提出具有前瞻性、有预见性、有针对性的防治对策已成为亟待解决的理论与现实问题。文章认为网络游戏的暴力性内容诱发青少年模仿性暴力犯罪;网络游戏的虚拟性暴力诱发青少年习惯性暴力犯罪;网络游戏的费用负担导致青少年侵财型暴力犯罪。应采取切实有效的措施规范网络游戏,抑制其对青少年暴力犯罪的消极影响,其中,技术规制是基础;法律规制是关键;道德规制是根本。  相似文献   

Gambling is not a new phenomenon. Indeed gambling has been seen to be omnipresent throughout history and culture. However gambling has taken a new path. Online gambling is fast becoming a major pastime for many of society. The ease of access and convenience of play has led to an increase in the numbers of people gambling, and not just online. Within the increase of online gambling there has also been an increase in the regulation surrounding this industry. This paper explores the regulatory approach to online gambling within the UK. The researchers explore the Gambling Act 2005 (UK) and provide an empirical analysis of the UK major gambling organisation to determine what regulatory aspects they adopt and what safety measures they have in place to protect minors and to protect against financial crime. The researchers finally looks at policy implications for UK governments when regulating future online gambling.  相似文献   

This article is based on an ethnographic study of a cottage for violent offenders in one state's maximum-security training school. Staff members working in the cottage were the institution's front line in its attempts to hold the youth accountable for their crimes while also trying to resocialize and rehabilitate young men who were growing up with few conforming role models. As such, cottage staff members were put in the difficult position of juggling their roles as corrections officers, counselors, and surrogate parents. To effectively do their job, they had to find ways to balance the rhetoric of rehabilitation with the punitive reality of daily life in the institution. This article details the juvenile justice career paths of the staff members in the cottage and provides a sociological analysis of the roles, responsibilities, and interactions of the staff members with each other and with the young men in their care.  相似文献   

郝耀武 《行政与法》2007,(3):104-106
法律文化是指人类在法律社会实践的历史进程中,形成和积淀下来的世代相传并不断创新的有关法律现象的总的认识和实践经验的结晶,它是法律制度存在、发展、并使其发挥作用的前提和基础,也是法治现代化的精神资源。法律文化的实质内涵在于:它是以保障和维护公民根本利益为核心目标的价值体系、以确立社会和谐为基础的理想价值体系和以保障公正确保法律安全为目标的社会心理价值体系。构建现代法律文化需要强化民本立法思想,确立司法职业化,加强法律人的职业导引作用,促进公民自觉守法和良性心理反馈机制的形成。  相似文献   

柯静 《行政与法》2013,(12):44-48
全球化作为一种客观事实和发展趋势,越来越深刻地影响着世界各国的历史进程,在给人类带来福祉的同时,也将危机带至人们面前.美国次贷危机至今,全球经济仍在波动中缓步前行.这场来势汹涌的经济危机告诉人们,减少政府对经济社会干预为主要经济政策目标的新自由主义经济政策,在金融结构多元化、金融产品创新化的国际金融市场面前显得准备不足.本文旨在研究经济全球化背景下金融行政规制的新对策,使之在防范泡沫性风险的同时能够有助于一国金融体系的持续稳健发展.  相似文献   

Few researchers have studied the predictive ability of childhood animal cruelty motives as they are associated with later recurrent violence toward humans. Based on a sample of 180 inmates at one medium- and one maximum-security prison in a Southern state, the present study examines the relationship among several retrospectively identified motives (fun, out of anger, hate for the animal, and imitation) for childhood animal cruelty and the later commission of violent crimes (murder, rape, assault, and robbery) against humans. Almost two thirds of the inmates reported engaging in childhood animal cruelty for fun, whereas almost one fourth reported being motivated either out of anger or imitation. Only one fifth of the respondents reported they had committed acts of animal cruelty because they hated the animal. Regression analyses revealed that recurrent animal cruelty was the only statistically significant variable in the model. Respondents who had committed recurrent childhood animal cruelty were more likely to have had committed recurrent adult violence toward humans. None of the motives for committing childhood animal cruelty had any effect on later violence against humans.  相似文献   

"The article tests some central hypotheses from theories of proto-industrialization. The work of Mendels and Medick suggests that prolonged intensification of cottage industry on a regional level will have significant consequences for nuptiality and fertility. Two family reconstitution studies in the Dutch region of Twente, an area with proto-industrial activities (linen weaving) since the second half of the seventeenth century, showed that with respect to nuptiality, there are no indications of the existence of a proto-industrial or industrial marriage pattern. It is argued that its absence, in spite of intensive cottage and factory industry in the region, can be attributed to the existence, on the level of the family, of a dual economy in which agriculture and textiles production supplemented each other well into the twentieth century."  相似文献   

This paper examines online penny auctions, which currently attract consumer traffic but pose consumer risks also. It discusses pressing questions such as whether they are scams, entertainment shopping or gambling. It shows that though they cannot readily be considered as scams, they are suspiciously risky for consumers. Moreover, contrary to what penny auctioneers suggest, they do not allow for consumer shopping. They also share several characteristics with gambling and therefore, the possibility of legally classifying them as such is worth exploring. If they are not gambling, consumer protection legislation is fully applicable to them and can satisfactorily protect penny consumers. If penny auctions are legally classified as gambling however, protection will greatly be enhanced; they will (additionally) be subjected to strict and detailed gambling laws at least in the UK, where a mature gambling regulatory regime exists. Certain disadvantages of labeling penny auctions as gambling can relatively easily be remedied through suitably adjusting gambling laws. The paper concludes by suggesting possible approaches of legal regulation of this new online phenomenon.  相似文献   

推进区域法治发展,乃是法治中国建设应予施行的一个重要的战略与策略选择。认识和把握文化传统对于区域法治发展的基础性作用,无疑是我们打开区域法治发展现象奥秘的一把钥匙。文化传统作为一种历史惯性力量,深深地嵌入广大民众的意识、心理、习惯、行为方式及其日常生活过程之中,与社会共同体内在关联,无法分割。文化有大传统与小传统之区别,无论是文化大传统,还是文化小传统,都具有区域性的特征,对于区域法治发展进程产生深刻的影响。在迅速走上现代化道路的当下中国及其各个区域社会,需要我们重建文化传统在区域法治发展进程中的基础性地位。在这里,重要的是要把文化传统之重建有机融入大众的日常生活过程之中,使之成为日常生活过程的内在要素。  相似文献   

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