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The history of the Mental Health Association's involvement in prevention is described. From its inception in 1909 the Association has played a key role in advocating for prevention. It contributed to the Child Guidance Center movement, the community mental health center movement, and helped focus the 1978 President's Commission on Mental Health on prevention. In recent years, it has served as the catalyst for the formation of a coalition of national organizations with an interest in prevention.  相似文献   

The Introduction to this volume on the ways Healthy Families America (HFA) integrates research, theory, and practice describes nine articles that offer a contemporary snapshot of HFA research and practice, including four empirical articles presenting research and practice at the state, multi-state, or national level and the most comprehensive summary of HFA outcomes. It contrasts the history of child abuse prevention with progress in the fields of substance abuse and violence prevention. It presents arguments underscoring the critical importance of the researcher-practitioner relationship and the need for an iterative model of action research. It examines implementation and action research challenges, illustrates lessons learned, and recommends ways to strengthen HFA and guide the next phase of child abuse prevention.  相似文献   

网络恐怖主义犯罪以重要基础设施为袭击目标,或以网络作为恐怖主义实施的犯罪工具,肆意对国家安全和社会稳定构成破坏和威胁。因此,在总体国家安全观的大背景下,我国必须高度关注和重视网络恐怖主义犯罪日渐猖獗的势态,针对网络恐怖主义呈现出的网络化、多元化、智能化和隐蔽化的新特点,要加大防控打击力度,加强反恐情报共享,强化国际间的合作,不断完善法律法规,提升反恐技战水平,努力构筑反恐防护网,以此遏制网络恐怖主义的快速蔓延,维护国家和社会安全。  相似文献   

在重大突发疫情爆发期间,公安机关在开展正常警务工作,维护社会治安秩序的同时,还要配合卫健委、市场监督、民政、红十字会等职能部门做好预防、控制工作。尤其是在当前全国上下全力抗击新型冠状病毒感染肺炎疫情的背景下,公安机关要在当地党委、政府领导和上级公安机关指导下,围绕自身职责使命,全力协助有关部门防控疫情,积极应对可能出现的新的治安问题,采取有力措施维护政治稳定和社会安定,总结经验教训建立防控工作机制,是当前亟需解决的重要课题。  相似文献   

因民族宗教因素引发的突发事件近年来呈上升趋势,这是影响我国社会稳定、经济发展、民族团结、边防巩固的重要因素。因此,加强对涉及民族宗教因素突发性事件的有效防范和及时处置,关系到我国正在进行的社会主义现代化建设的成败。本文从分析涉及民族宗教因素突发事件的特征与突出表现入手,提出了防范和处置涉及民族宗教因素突发事件必须坚持的原则与对策。  相似文献   

近年来,我国保险事业得到了快速发展,但随之而来的保险诈骗也愈演愈烈,严重扰乱了国家的金融秩序。因此,打击、控制保险诈骗犯罪对金融反欺诈斗争具有重要的意义。文章对当前保险诈骗犯罪的现状及作案手段进行了分析,并提出了针对此类犯罪案件的预防对策。  相似文献   


Rapid population growth in the Third World has been accompanied by the creation of national family planning programs, which attempt to slow growth rates through programs aimed at the prevention of births. These programs represent large scale, modern bureaucratic health delivery systems that are transplanted from the industrialized world. They raise the problem of whether such modern organizations can have an impact on reproductive behavior throughout the Third World. A large scale research program on Asian family planning programs provides some of the answers to these critical questions. First, pooled cross-national time series data indicate that as family planning programs grew and their inputs of staff and funds increased, both contraceptive and birth prevention increased. Further, multiple regression analyses indicate a positive impact of program inputs on both contraceptive use rates and birth prevention, even when levels of social and economic development are controlled. There is also, however, much variance among countries in their patterns of both program performance and birth prevention. Four country cases are examined-the Philippines, Malaysia, South Korea, and Indonesia-to show that the character of political organization has an impact on the performance of these modern bureaucratic birth prevention organizations.  相似文献   

现代社会是风险社会,国家应承担预防风险的义务。国家应承担保护权利主体在实现基本权利的过程中不受第三人侵害的义务。在紧急状态下,国家应对公民基本权利承担制度保障功能。这三层义务和功能层层递进,形成新时代国家对于公民基本权利保障的制度体系。  相似文献   

Following a 1990 federal report forecasting a national child abuse and neglect epidemic, Prevent Child Abuse America (PCA America) promoted a home visitation program known as Healthy Families America (HFA). HFA achieved rapid adoption and implementation across the nation going from 25 sites in 1992 to 430 in a decade. In this article, the authors describe PCA America's approach to develop, promote, oversee, and evaluate a national home visitation program. Despite its promising growth, HFA has been criticized for failing to achieve the goal of preventing child maltreatment. HFA's past and present are critiqued based on theory and implementation practice of home visitation and its future projected from the perspective of insiders. Developing a better understanding of HFA's history will advance existing models of home visitation and add to the emerging knowledge base of child maltreatment prevention.  相似文献   

恐怖主义国际化引发的恐怖分子跨境流动频发现象已成为各国反恐立法关注的重点。为有效应对此类行为,英国积极推动反恐立法,逐步构建了以行政措施为基础,刑法规制为保障的相对完备的防治体系。其内容包括扣押证件、临时禁入令及剥夺国籍的递进式行政强制措施和通过预防性刑法规制将跨境准备实施恐怖活动等预备行为犯罪化。对照英国相关立法经验,我国在防范恐怖分子跨境流动方面虽然也确立了出入境限制、预备行为犯罪化等应对措施,但仍应继续完善其制度构建,同时也可借鉴剥夺国籍等防治手段。  相似文献   


Schools across the nation have increasingly coordinated crisis intervention programs to minimize the impact felt by students as the result of a crisis, such as national events and school violence. Through the development of response plans and crisis teams, as well as the instrumental work of school counselors in promoting intervention plans and prevention programs, school systems have taken steps toward assisting students in recovery from crises. Theories of crisis intervention emerge from direct practice; however, minimal research has been conducted to examine how schools plan to respond to crises versus their actual response. This research investigated what high schools in one Massachusetts county have learned from actual response to crises. The study was conducted via written surveys of administrators and qualitative interviews with school counselors.  相似文献   

信息化时代带给人们诸多便利的同时,也使人民财产安全问题日益凸显。近年来,借助现代化通信工具实施的“民族资产解冻类”诈骗犯罪层出不穷,社会影响极其恶劣。通过对无讼网全国近8年(2011年-2018年)公开的“民族资产解冻类”诈骗犯罪121份案件判决书进行数据化分析发现,“民族资产解冻类”诈骗犯罪具有涉案金额大、涉案人员多、涉及地域广、组织化特征明显等特点。公安机关防治此种诈骗犯罪时,存在识别难、发现难、抓捕难、打击难的现实困境。为此,可从预防、打击、稳控三个层面入手,通过全方位宣传、加强预测预警、开展重点区域集中打击、做好重点人员回访工作等,提高公安机关应对这一社会治安难点问题的能力。  相似文献   

随着我国综合国力的不断增强.在一些先进的科技文化传入国内的同时,一些糟粕也由此伴随而来.国内外共同勾结的犯罪趋势也愈加明显,这对公安工作也造成了一定的难度。文章从跨境犯罪的概念、种类入手.分析了跨境犯罪的趋势.进而研究了对其预防治理对策.为今后的侦查破案工作奠定了一定的基础、提供了一些条件。面对日益猖獗的跨境犯罪。对其进行研究是十分必要的.同时也是十分重要的。  相似文献   

民族地区能否保持社会稳定直接影响着我国的政治安定与社会良性运行。在我国进入利益分化与博弈的时代背景下,结合民族地区特殊的历史、文化与地域因素,辨析民族地区群体性事件的性质,阐释其特点,解析其成因,并提出了预防与解决群体性事件的对策建议,以期实现社会治理成本的降低与民族地区的和谐发展。  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to examine the attitudes and substance use behaviors of African American adolescents living in the Midwest. A baseline survey was administered to 463 African American teens between the ages of 11–19. The article examines the relationship between attitudes toward drugs and drug-using behavior in this African American sample. Drug use will be compared to national drug use norms established by the Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance Survey. Overall participants had fairly negative attitudes toward drugs. Sixty percent of the sample reported that they were committed to a drug-free life, 74% had made a decision to stay away from marijuana, 79% reported making a decision not to smoke cigarettes, and 71% reported they would not get drunk in the next year. Females were more likely to stay away from marijuana than males. In this current study there is cause for alarm; participants reported higher percentages of ever smoking cigarettes and marijuana than the Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance Survey. This study shows there is a need to provide substance abuse prevention programs for African American adolescents. Limitations and future directions are also discussed.  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to examine the attitudes and substance use behaviors of African American adolescents living in the Midwest. A baseline survey was administered to 463 African American teens between the ages of 11-19. The article examines the relationship between attitudes toward drugs and drug-using behavior in this African American sample. Drug use will be compared to national drug use norms established by the Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance Survey. Overall participants had fairly negative attitudes toward drugs. Sixty percent of the sample reported that they were committed to a drug-free life, 74% had made a decision to stay away from marijuana, 79% reported making a decision not to smoke cigarettes, and 71% reported they would not get drunk in the next year. Females were more likely to stay away from marijuana than males. In this current study there is cause for alarm; participants reported higher percentages of ever smoking cigarettes and marijuana than the Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance Survey. This study shows there is a need to provide substance abuse prevention programs for African American adolescents. Limitations and future directions are also discussed.  相似文献   

随着我国社会主义市场经济的进步和发展,社会现代化建设的水平不断提高,受经济形态和社会生产方式的影响,经济犯罪不断的出现,且形式多样,给我国经济的发展带来了极大的影响,导致经济犯罪呈现出不断变迁的趋势.引起这种变化的因素有很多,其中最主要的当属经济转型、社会结构调整以及社会控制.鉴于经济犯罪带来的巨大影响,我国政府必须要高度重视对经济犯罪的查处与防治,确保我国经济的安全,保证国民经济的正常发展.  相似文献   

我国的恐怖主义犯罪具有跨地区作案、作案技术含量提升以及家族团伙、自杀式、国际背景、女性参与等十个新特点;我国警察反恐培训正面临着反恐意识、异地作案、常品管控、社会情报、信息倒查、基地追踪、国际恐怖、差别防范、家庭防范、交流沟通等十个迫切要求攻关的新课题;因此,我国警察反恐培训应置于国家安全之中、建立警察培训区划、考虑效应时限因素、根据警情含量分级、适应对策分层需要、借鉴适度打击理念。  相似文献   

Despite the fact that blacks are disproportionately exposed to social conditions considered to be antecedents of psychiatric disorder, epidemiologic studies have not conclusively demonstrated that blacks exhibit higher rates of mental illness than whites. The present paper employed a research approach which considered not only rates of psychological distress, but also the stressors that blacks face and thc various coping strategies used to adapt to those stressors. The data were obtained from the National Survey of Black Americans, the first study of a national probability sample of the adult black population. The information on mental health and coping was collected within the context of a single stressful personal problem. The analysis indicates that prayer was an extremely important coping response used by blacks especially among those making less than $10,000, above the age of 55 and women. The informal social network was used quite extensively as a means of coping with problems. This was true for all sociodemographic groups studied. The young (18-34) were less likely than those age 35 and above to seek professional help, while women were more likely than men to seek formal assistance. Income was not related to professional help seeking. With respect to the use of specific professional help sources, hospital emergency rooms, private physicians and ministers were used most frequently. The implications of these findings for research on black mental health and primary prevention are discussed.  相似文献   

近年来,我国在打击受贿犯罪方面做着积极的努力。2005年10月27日,我国立法机关以全票批准加入《联合国反腐败公约》。2007年9月13日,我国正式成立国家预防腐败局。但是,这些仍未能遏制住我国受贿犯罪的发展势头。据NGO"透明国际"2012年12月5日发布的2012年度全球清廉指数排名,在176个国家和地区中,中国列第80位。这样的位次反映出我国的腐败问题仍较严重。因而,我们有必要从受贿犯罪的特点入手,对受贿犯罪频发的原因进行分析,并在此基础上探讨应对之策。  相似文献   

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