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从海陆二分到海陆统筹——对中国海陆关系的再审视   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
近来,陆权、海权问题及中国的战略取向已成为广大学者及社会各界广泛关注的热点。本刊2007年第6期刊登了北京大学叶自成教授《从大历史观看地缘政治》一文,该文认为海上力量"聚集得快,消失也快",陆权发展的成果"更能长期支撑一个国家的发展和地位",更具持久性。他主张每个国家应当根据自己的自然禀赋来选择海权与陆权的孰先孰后,并强调制度建设是一国发展陆权或海权的重要内涵。叶文发表后,不少学者纷纷来稿阐述自己的看法。本刊本期刊登李义虎教授的《从海陆二分到海陆统筹——对中国海陆关系的再审视》一文,以飨读者。李义虎教授提出,中国是一个海陆度值高、兼具陆地大国和濒海大国双重身份的地缘实体,在战略上需要消解海陆二分的现实,而采取海陆统筹的全方位选择。本刊将陆续刊登围绕这些问题而展开的讨论文章,并热诚期待有更多学者踊跃来稿。  相似文献   

国际政治中的角色身份与利益认知是在社会性交往互动中被不断建构的产物。在以"主权零死亡时代"为核心特征的洛克体系文化成熟阶段,单纯的权力转移已不再构成体系内大国间安全困境的原因。不论是崛起国,还是守成国,其在权力转移进程中对体系主导观念的认知决定了其对时代主题的判断,对时代主题的判断又决定了战略手段的选择,并最终在崛起国与霸权国之间建构出不同的社会性关系与互动模式。权力转移进程中,大国间敌意身份的互主性建构是如何形成的?通过对其成因的分析,能否为避免敌意螺旋的生成提供新的解决方案?通过对权力转移进程中出现的"想象的安全困境"成因分析发现:崛起国与霸权国之间并不存在现实的生存竞争,但却可能由于经济领域同质化竞争而产生族群排他性负面意象的敌意投射,并在对声望和荣誉的追求基础上形成虚幻的不相容与想象的敌意螺旋。从崛起国战略谋划的角度出发,选择"联系性崛起战略"往往更容易开启同霸权国之间非对抗的新型大国关系,而选择"变位性崛起战略"则更容易开启同霸权国之间的"修昔底德陷阱"。  相似文献   

陆海复合是中国地缘政治现实最大的特点。陆海复合国家既有其地缘优势又有其 地缘劣势。陆海双重易受伤害性和战略选择两难性等陆海复合国家地缘劣势在中国陆权与海权的 历史发展过程中都有所体现。关于中国是否应该采取发展海权的地缘战略, 学者们提出了不同的 意见。笔者认为, 从安全形势、现实利益和历史经验等几个方面出发, 发展海权对于目前处于崛起 阶段的中国来说是必要的战略选择  相似文献   

印度2010年大国外交述评——以印美关系为中心   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
印度近年来注重开展大国外交,尤其将对美关系和对华关系放在外交的重要位置。印度力图通过大国外交配合在全球层面的崛起,拓展自身的战略空间,营造有利的国际与周边环境;与此同时,崛起的印度也需要强化外交的独立自主。如何协调两者是印度外交需要面对的挑战。2010年,主要大国领导人相继访印,印度与大国的外交互动活跃,在影响国际机制、拓展经贸合作、强化反恐与地区安全、提升防务能力等方面取得诸多进展。印度推动大国外交,尤其是重视印美关系,为印度赢得不少战略筹码。  相似文献   

"丝绸之路经济带"与"中国梦"不是相互孤立的,而是高度关联的。丝绸之路经济带建设的实质是东西兼顾,南北并重,海陆平衡,内外联通,是中国周边外交的创新内容和优先方向,也是实现"中国梦"的战略支撑和策略保障。建设"丝绸之路经济带",就是要历史为现实服务,以经济换政治,以陆上空间换海上时间,以陆权优势平衡海权劣势。"丝绸之路经济带"不是古丝绸之路的简单复制,它有更宽广的领域和更丰富的内涵,是中国面向未来的宏大战略和深邃的策略构想。  相似文献   

区域安全复合体内部主导权竞争常常会引发大国战争。从理性角度讲,倾向于发动主导权战争的国家要么具有"趋势优势",要么具有"实力优势"。但却无法解释为何有些国家既没有"趋势优势",也没有"实力优势",却依然倾向于对"实力较强且趋势占优"的国家发动主导权战争。趋势焦虑不仅可以解释传统理论中守成大国对新兴大国的防御性进攻倾向,更可以解释如果守成大国通过战略打压成功地扭转了新兴大国的崛起趋势,那么新兴大国反而可能因趋势焦虑而选择防御性进攻。避开从传统权力结构性分析路径,而通过引入战略心理学的"趋势焦虑"概念并构建防御性进攻主义的广义理论,将对区域主导权竞争中何者更具进攻性意愿有着更强的解释力和预测力。同时,传统理论认为,霸权国在区域主导权竞争中倾向于依据静态的权力结构性而扶持区域次强国,进而达到抑制权力占优方的目标。但从战略势能演变的动态性视角分析,霸权国在区域主导权竞争中并非一贯倾向对区域次强国予以支持,而是更倾向对"趋势占劣"或"战略匹配高"的地区大国予以支持,哪怕其权力尚处于优势地位。  相似文献   

自1972年中美战略和解以来的东亚安全秩序是一种"陆海分离型"的安全秩序,即中国在东亚大陆占据优势,美国则维持了在西太平洋地区的海上霸权。随着冷战的结束,特别是新世纪以来中国国力的上升和中国逐渐由传统的陆权大国向陆海复合型国家转型,这种陆海分离型秩序的内在缺陷日益显露,并面临一系列挑战。本文提出,只有中美之间达成类似于1972年尼克松访华的第二次战略妥协,实现陆海复合型大国中国与海权大国美国的和平共处,完成东亚安全秩序由"陆海分离型"向"陆海融合型"的和平转型,东亚地区才能真正迎来"和平的地理学"。  相似文献   

中国和平发展道路需要新的地缘战略及其理论支撑。新地缘理论的构建需要追溯传统地缘理论的演变进程,从中归纳大国地缘战略成败的历史经验。传统地缘政治理论覆盖传统大国战略的主要特点,至今仍然影响着大国竞争的走向。过分依赖和运用陆权论、海权论、边缘地带论等传统地缘理论可能误导中国和平发展道路的战略选择。文明冲突论和大棋局论等新地缘政治理论仍未摆脱美国早期追逐全球霸权战略的烙印,难以成为中国战略选择的思想来源。新的地缘经济理论随着经济全球化和区域一体化的潮流应运而生。一方面,经济成为地缘政治板块的主要要素构成,改变了地缘政治导致大国对抗和战争的历史逻辑;另一方面,地缘经济成为地缘政治的新的外在形式,其中包含地缘政治竞争的本质,更包含区域合作机制形成的基础。因此,地缘政治是大国战略对抗的环境研究;地缘经济是大国战略合作的环境研究。中国选择和平发展道路,在地缘理论上必然更多选择地缘经济的新思维模式,更多地扬弃地缘政治的旧思维模式。  相似文献   

苏联是一个传统的陆权国家。基于对国际形势、时代主题以及自身安全威胁的思考,苏联着手发展海军力量;而随着海军实力的发展,苏联又逐步由被动防御走向主动防御,海洋战略也从近海防御转向远洋进攻;在进攻性海洋战略的牵引下,苏联又进一步加强远洋海军的建设,同美国在全世界进行角逐,缓解苏联本土战略压力,强化了苏联的国家安全。以强大的海上武装力量为核心的苏联海权由于缺乏经济动力的支撑后劲不足,且消耗了大量的宝贵资源而得不到补偿,使其本身成为纯粹的消费者,一旦国力衰落,其衰落就变得不可避免。作为一个以建设海洋强国为目标的大国,中国很有必要吸取苏联的经验教训,建设与国力和国家战略目标相匹配的海权。  相似文献   

受全球化、科技革命、中国海上力量快速发展等因素影响,近年来美国国内对海权进行新的反思,海权终结论让位于海权不可或缺论,马汉与科贝特的海权理论受到新的审视,技术创新对海权的影响被格外关注。与新认知相伴的是美国海军战略及相关政策的调整,从"由海向陆"转向"重返海洋控制",扩大海军舰队规模,加强在印太地区的军事部署,确定"全域进入"新职能,将中国作为西太平洋海权的主要竞争对手。美国对海权的再认识及政策调整,是其维持海洋霸权的自然逻辑发展,将加剧大国间的地缘战略竞争。  相似文献   

The North Korean nuclear standoff has escalated since North Korea let slip that it was developing nuclear weapons while James Kelly, U.S. Assistant Secretary of East Asian and Pacific Affairs, was visiting Pyongyang in October 2002. The Bush administration has acknowledged that the United States will not discount a preemptive military strike on the suspected nuclear development facilities, and North Korea has stood firm against any pressure to halt its nuclear development from the international community. Dialogue and meetings for international cooperation among the major countries concerned, including Korea, the U.S., Japan and China, have been activated to resolve the nuclear crisis in the Korean Peninsula, especially after the U.S. pronounced an end to its war against Iraq in early May of this year. In the middle of the rapidly changing situation on the Korean peninsula, the inter-Korean reconciliation and cooperation initiated by the Sunshine Policy of the Kim Dae Jung administration and followed by the Roh Moo-hyun administrations Policy of Peace and Prosperity are not separable from the nuclear situation. This paper follows recent developments of inter-Korean relations, illustrates South Koreas stance on the issue and suggests the EUs role on the nuclear issue. This is a revised version of the paper presented at the Asia-EU Journalists Seminar organized by the Asia Europe Foundation and the Korea Press Foundation (KPF), held in Brussels, Belgium, May 22 2003. Financial support from the KPF is gratefully acknowledged.  相似文献   

In spite of geographic proximity and a number of shared interests, the European Union and Libya have a history of strained relations. The war of 2011 provided an opportunity for a fresh start, but so far neither side has been able to reap benefits from an entirely new political situation. Instead, Libya’s difficult internal situation has not only slowed down the process of rapprochement, but also increased EU concern. At a time when cooperation becomes a necessity rather than a choice, Libya is now down-spiralling into implosion at the levels of security, bureaucracy and economy, to the point where it cannot absorb the offers being made.  相似文献   

Since China joined the World Trade Organization (WTO) in December2001, attention has turned to the issue of whether or not Chinais a responsible member of the organization and how compliantChina is with WTO rules. This article discusses the difficultiesfaced by China, as a responsible rising power, in trying toadjust itself to global trading norms. It examines the theoryof compliance in international relations from the perspectivesof neo-realism, liberal institutionalism and social constructivism,and then tests these perspectives by examining the mechanismsused to gauge China's compliance, both bilaterally by the UnitedStates and multilaterally through the Dispute Settlement Mechanismand the Transition Review Mechanism of the WTO. The result ismixed: different opinions exist as to how compliant China hasbeen but, on the whole, most monitors agree that China has triedhard to comply with WTO requirements in various areas, thoughmuch remains to be done. The most severe tests will come inthe next few years when China's financial and service sectorswill have to face fundamental changes to the way they operate.  相似文献   

从斯大林功过看苏联兴亡——评《苏联兴亡史论》   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
一 对斯大林功过的评价要与时俱进要考察苏联兴亡的历史进程、总结苏联兴亡的历史经验 ,首先就要探究从列宁到戈尔巴乔夫苏联历届党政首脑的理论、路线、体制和实践的演变问题 ,尤其是涉及对斯大林功过的评价问题。因为斯大林执政时间最长 ,而且苏联的社会主义制度主要是在斯大林执政的 3 0年间( 1 92 3~ 1 95 3年 )建成并且得到巩固的 ,随后 3 0多年苏联斯大林模式没有发生什么大变化。如果我们肯定斯大林是“功大于过”,那么就要肯定苏联的社会主义模式基本上是成功的、优秀的 ,尽管难免还有一些弊端 ,那只要经过小修小补就能更加显示优…  相似文献   

The outbreak of the global financial cdsis has called into question U.S.-style "financial capitalism." Protectionism, currency multilateralism, decentralization of financial decision-making power and the nationalism of resources are gaining ground. The emerging economies are on the rise. The world power order is becoming multi-polar. Relations between countries are growing more diverse. The global governance model is undergoing fundamental changes. Global governance mechanisms, which are more representative and reflective of the diverse interests (such as the G20 and the UN climate change conference), along with a reform of the international monetary system, will also help shape the future world order.  相似文献   

This research examines whether authoritarianism can be stimulated and activated by politicians. The traditional belief is that psychological traits are basically quasipermanent structures that consistently determine behavior, but newer research suggests that these traits can be stimulated. This research tests whether campaigns can stimulate traits with targeted messages. I do so by exposing subjects in an experiment to political television advertising that was designed to stimulate known correlates of authoritarianism, such as fear. The results show that authoritarianism is stimulated in treatment groups that watched advertising designed to invoke threat and the strong-father metaphor and the treatment effect is greater on conservatives. I also show that watching these commercials leads to an activation of authoritarianism that influences its predictive power over support for torture. This suggests that politicians can use emotional appeals to stimulate advantageous personality traits, and that these ads also influence the public's attitudes through activation.  相似文献   

美洲国家首脑会议与美洲自由贸易区的前景   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
自1994年至今共举行了4届美洲国家首脑会议,每届会议均与美国所倡议的美洲自由贸易区有密切关系。2005年11月在阿根廷举行的第四届首脑会议上,美洲国家围绕着是否重启美洲自由贸易区谈判问题产生分歧。一些拉美国家对在香港举行的WTO第六次部长级会议的成果不甚满意。美洲自由贸易区的前景不容乐观。  相似文献   

This article offers a critique of Alexander Anievas and Kerem Ni?ancio?lu’s How the West came to rule: the geopolitical origins of capitalism. We argue that while all historiography features a number of silences, shortcomings or omissions, the omissions in How the West came to rule lead to a mistaken view of the emergence of capitalism. There are two main issues to be confronted. First, we argue that Anievas and Ni?ancio?lu have an inadequate and misleading understanding of “capital” and “capitalism” that tilts them towards a theoretical stance that comes very close to arguing that everything caused capitalism while at the same time having no clear and convincing definition of “capital” or “capitalism”. Second, there are at least three omissions—particular to England/Britain within a geopolitical context—that should be discussed in any attempt to explain the development of capitalism: the financial revolution and the Bank of England; the transition to coal energy; and the capitalization of state power as it relates to war, colonialism and slavery. We conclude by calling for a connected-histories approach within the framework of capital as power.  相似文献   

人民币国际化自2009年正式启动以来,在跨境贸易结算等领域取得了很大进展,人民币离岸市场的建设也取得了一定成绩,但目前来看并没有充分发挥预期中的功能,这也引发了各界对人民币国际化模式的进一步讨论。原则上,由于我国资本项目尚未完全开放,离岸市场有助于克服人民币自由流动受限这一障碍。历史经验也表明,在一定条件下离岸市场能够有效地推进货币国际化。人民币国际化应当遵循贸易结算、离岸市场、资本输出、跨国企业四者并举的"中国模式",其中未来的离岸市场发展需要相应的条件和配套准备才能真正为人民币国际化提供引擎。  相似文献   

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