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The sexual abuse of children within religious institutions has become a topic of increasing public concern in recent decades. However, to date there has been little in the way of psychological analyses of the processes by which congregation members judge the credibility of alleged abuses, or whether they would intend to report such allegations to the police. In this study, we examined the roles of ingroup identity, moral foundations, and social dominance orientation on reporting intentions and allegation credibility assessments among Church of England congregation members (n?=?454) and non-religious controls (n?=?457). While there were few predictors of reporting intentions, we found that churchgoers were consistently more sceptical of allegations of abuse, with these trends being differentially moderated by ingroup identification, the endorsement of various moral impulses, and anti-egalitarianism. We discuss our data in light of ongoing attempts to improve reporting procedures within the Church.  相似文献   
警察法学属于我国法律体系中不可或缺的板块,也是提升社会安全法治能力的理论抓手。遗憾的是,当前我国警察法学的发展深陷概念模糊化、体系碎片化、研究边缘化、教学粗浅化的困境,若不及时矫正,势必将警察法学的研究、教学和实践引入歧途。领域法是近年来新兴的法学理念,强调问题导向与解决策略,能有效融合法教义学与社科法学的思维特点。在领域法学的指引下,研究者需明确警察法学的领域概念,厘清警察法学的法律体系,夯实警察法学的理论体系,增加警察法学的实践色彩,强调在完善警察法学理论体系的同时,提升警察法学的实践与教学效用。  相似文献   
吴小军 《法学杂志》2020,(4):132-140
按照刑事诉讼法和相关规范性文件的设定,刑事庭前会议主要解决程序性争议,基本功能是归纳控辩争议焦点,确定法庭调查范围;拓展功能衍生为推动案件繁简分流,规范撤回起诉程序,协商确定审判方式。通过对B市40个刑事案件的实证分析发现,庭前会议解决程序性争议的功能有限,庭前会议与庭审程序的关系不明,"大庭前会议、小庭审程序"现象值得警惕,制度设计与实践操作存在一定的紧张关系。未来要谨防庭前会议替代、削弱正式庭审,避免辩护权弱化、庭审虚化等不良倾向,回归庭前会议功能,推动庭审实质化。  相似文献   

This study is first in nature to find the empirical evidence of relationship between brand orientation (BRO), learning orientation (LO), and its impact on Performance (PERF) of third sector organizations (TSOs) in Pakistan. A structured questionnaire was filled through non-probability snowball sampling method from more than 300 senior managers working in different cities of Pakistan. The structural equation model was used for the mediation by running smart partial least squares software. The results prove that organizations with strong BRO philosophy not only help to develop strong LO culture but also help in achieving organizational performance goals. The study also discussed practical implications, limitations, and areas of future directions.  相似文献   
In states with heavy oversight of local government finances, alternate levels of control orientation exist based on county government budget formulation and financing practices. However, previous research indicates a possible trend toward policy orientation. Using survey data from North Carolina counties, initial findings indicate high levels of finance officer budget formulation discretion as well as county manager agreement with budget decisions. Additional logit models suggest that while stakeholder influence is still present along with remnants of policy orientation, the state financial oversight mechanism along with the background, knowledge of departmental financial needs, and frequent departmental appropriation dissemination by the finance officer, continue to sustain control orientation.  相似文献   
"放管服"改革是全面深化改革的重要内容,而基层公务员是打通"放管服"改革落地"最后一公里"的关键。探索如何将基层公务员创新行为转化为卓越的"放管服"改革成效具有重要现实意义。本研究基于行为公共管理视角,探索基层公务员创新行为对"放管服"改革成效的积极效果,通过对158家单位、793个有效配对样本的跨层次分析,结果表明,基层公务员创新行为对"放管服"改革任务绩效、政务服务满意度有显著的促进作用。其中,改革目标清晰度、服务群众导向会促进基层公务员创新行为对"放管服"改革任务绩效、政务服务满意度的积极影响。  相似文献   
International research collaboration (IRC) is associated with both positive and negative effects on the performance of research in emerging economies. While some authors claim that North–South collaborations improve scientific quality and visibility for Southern countries, others claim that it may entail the reorientation of research to comply with Northern agendas. South–South collaborations are thought to increase the focus on local affairs, therefore leading to a relatively small number of scientific international publications appearing in “high quality” journals. Research on the impact of IRC beyond publications in international journals has been neglected despite the importance of other products in knowledge creation. This research uses a broad range of scientific outputs to empirically assess such assumptions and explore the outcomes of IRC in Colombia. Results from multivariate regressions and nonparametric analyses show that, contrary to common assumptions, Colombian research teams collaborating with partners from the global South report higher scientific production, while those collaborating with Northern countries seem to contribute to local knowledge the most.  相似文献   
朱加林 《犯罪研究》2012,(6):32-37,47
现代刑罚理论普遍采纳行刑个别化、社会化原则使得自由刑的执行更有利于犯罪人的再社会化,而目前我国对非监禁刑的价值认识模糊、研究滞后,导致社会接受度不高,司法实践对其适用也持保守态度。透视我国非监禁刑司法适用问题,分析非监禁刑的理念及价值定位,在构建公平正义社会过程中从价值理念和制度上完善、创新非监禁刑制度及法律适用,追求最大程度上的犯罪人与普通人的平等,才能彰显刑罚惩治与教育改造的双重功能。  相似文献   
李军 《行政与法》2013,(4):70-73
包容的价值取向作为一种价值导向和发展观,在人的发展和社会主义核心价值体系建设中发挥着越来越大的作用,包容性增长是包容的价值取向在经济领域的投射。但随着经济社会的发展,包容性增长中重视效率和效益的问题被放大,掩盖了其所蕴含的社会包容性发展问题。因此,用包容性发展的概念取代包容性增长的概念,并实现包容的价值取向与包容性增长的融合便成为重要的研究课题。本文在论述二者融合的必要性的基础上,探讨了二者融合的途径,以期用二者的融合促进人与社会的包容以及人的和谐发展、全面发展。  相似文献   
In this article, I discuss citizen orientated public management in relation to extant frameworks and theories in public management and organization research, including the role of the public servant, collaborative public management, citizen coproduction, and relational bureaucracy. Following the discussion, I hypothesize about the relationship between public organizations’ citizen orientations and multiple dimensions of organizational performance. I use data from approximately 900 New York City elementary and middle schools from 2008 to 2011 to examine the relationship. Preliminary findings indicate that a citizen orientation is positively related to multiple dimensions of public organization performance.  相似文献   
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