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在以农业为基础的中华法系的发展过程中,作为民法物权客体之一的土地,对于统治阶级和被统治阶级均有重要政治、经济及军事意义。中华法系土地用益制度大体经历了三个阶段,每一阶段均有自身独特的主导性特征。社会政治力量的对比、经济的发展程度、军事征战需求,乃至宗法思想观念等因素,都对特定时期土地用益制度的形成产生直接或间接影响。  相似文献   

中国是一个世界山地大国,国土面积的近70%是山地,大量农村人口分布其中,集中了中国的贫困地区。山区土地资源丰富、利用程度低、开发潜力大。生态问题突出、经济发展落后、人民生活贫困是山区土地利用关注的焦点。根据山区土地利用特点,依托现代科学技术与经济社会发展契机,建议按生态优先原则发展山区现代特色农业,加强山区土地利用规划、技术、工程标准的研究,科学、规范、有序地进行山区土地的保护、开发与利用。改善山区农民生活,促进山区发展。  相似文献   

政府决策的经济学研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
当代政府决策经济理论认为 ,只有在机构设置、组织安排和官员选拔过程中充分考虑到成本收益、利益导向和激励约束等关系 ,才有可能建立科学合理的政府决策体制。我国当前土地资源的流动在很大程度上是政策因素作用的结果 ,而这些政策大多未经过严格的经济学分析 ,存在很多漏洞。探寻政府决策的经济运行机制 ,是建立严格的土地审批制度的关键。  相似文献   

Ray Yep 《当代中国》2013,22(80):273-291
To a certain extent, a more stringent regime for requisition of rural land may help protect the interests of peasants. There is, however, a hierarchy of income opportunity in the countryside as a result of diversification of rural economic structure in reform China. The varying degree of land dependence renders a contrasting calculation on the value of land lease among Chinese peasants. For peasants in the more prosperous regions, the conflicts are primarily triggered by their exclusion from direct engagement in the land market and deprivation of the chance to maximise potential gain that fuels the growing tension in the countryside. A more direct response to this fundamental cause, however, requires audacious moves by the Party leadership venturing into zones of political taboo.  相似文献   

This paper studies the present land disposition (requisition and acquisition) and land use rights transfer system in China with emphasis on its marketization and its institutional arrangement concerning the central state and the local government. China's current land property right system is first described. It finds that although the communist government gained full control over the Chinese Mainland in 1949, it had never constitutionalized the state ownership of land until December 1982. Since then, the State owns all urban (nonagricultural) land and the rural collectives jointly own agricultural land. Only the user rights of urban land are allowed to be transferred. China's land administration system, its historical evolution, and its institutional configuration are then studied. Institutional difficulties associated with this system are also discussed. This paper proceeds further to study China's land requisition approval system. The role of the local government in land transactions is also discussed. The rest of this paper inquires into the marketization of land transactions in China. Discussion on the trend of China's land market development, suggestions for its improvement and remarks for future studies conclude this paper.  相似文献   

Many reporters and scholars outside China advocate the privatization of land ownership in China as a necessary step for the transformation of China's agriculture system into a modern, large-scale, market-oriented and technology-intensive one. Chinese scholars advocating land privatization, for their part, typically argue that land privatization would better protect farmers’ rights and interests. We present a contrarian view to these calls for land privatization. Under China's current system of collective land ownership and individualized land use rights, agriculture has modernized rapidly in China in a way that has avoided privatization's many downsides. Land privatization, by contrast, would only exacerbate class inequality and social tension in rural China and further weaken farmers’ positions in dealing with more powerful actors. Through analyzing six dimensions of this issue—increasing investment in land and agricultural productivity, promoting scaled-up modern agriculture, protecting farmers’ land rights and preventing land grabs, enhancing rural livelihoods, and facilitating rural migrants’ integration into cities—we maintain that strengthening the current system is superior to privatizing rural land.  相似文献   

Lou Peimin 《当代中国》2007,16(50):133-148
Urbanization is an apparent and important dimension of modernization in China. One of the main problems in China's urbanization process is the migration of farmers from the agricultural sector to the non-agricultural sector and the concurrent conversion of agricultural lands to non-agricultural usage. According to current practice, the conversion of agricultural land to non-agricultural use is carried out by the state through land requisitioning. In the past ten years, China's urbanization in the name of ‘economic development zones’ has resulted in extensive requisitioning of agricultural land. Millions of villagers have lost their land and left farming, seeking new employment in non-agricultural activities to sustain them. This study investigates the impact of land requisitioning on rural women's living, focusing on women's employment, training and settlement.

The study did not find evidence of discrimination against women in land requisitioning and settlement arrangements with regard to both the policy design and implementation. However, rural women are disadvantaged in attending education and training as compared with men even before land requisitioning. After their land is requisitioned, women also participate less in education and training, have a lower rate of success in finding jobs and are less likely to be self-employed than men. This has some negative impacts on their livelihoods. One policy implication of this study is: on the basis of relatively full compensation, the government should set up or entrust a special agency to promote skills training of the affected rural women, assist them with employment guidance and relevant information, and enhance their competitiveness in the job market.  相似文献   

An important factor that has contributed significantly to China's economic growth over the past two decades has been the dramatic increase of foreign direct investment in China. Based on the observation that overseas Chinese have been the dominant supplier of foreign direct investment in China, this paper employs the transaction cost approach to provide an explanation as to why China has been successful in attracting foreign direct investment. It first describes and analyzes the economic ‘institution’ in China. Then it shows that overseas Chinese have a competitive advantage in investing in China because they have the experience and knowledge of operating their business in an ‘institution’ that is similar to the ‘institution’ in China. Finally, the paper argues that some policies in China, such as the flexible contractual forms (particularly joint ventures) and the establishment of special economic zones, further reduce the transaction cost of doing business in China and contributed to attracting foreign direct investment.  相似文献   

我国民族经济政策与实践   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
自 1 949年以来 ,中央人民政府在少数民族地区实行了一系列特殊的经济政策 ,极大地推动了民族地区经济社会的发展 ,广大少数民族群众的生活也随之有了较大改善。我国实施的民族经济政策取得了极大的成功 ,已引起了国内外经济学界和舆论界的关注。深入研究我国的民族经济政策与实践 ,具有重要的学术与社会意义  相似文献   

海峡经济区竞争性区域体系构建研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
竞争性区域是拥有独特“地方品质”的区域,以创新和知识作为其发展的催化剂,成为国家乃至全球最具发展活力的区域。竞争性区域的构建过程集中体现为提升区域竞争力的战略政策要点和与此相配套实施的多级治理措施的高效统一。从竞争性区域构建理论视角考察,海峡经济区作为两岸经济整合的独特区域,其基础设施网络连接性、产学研互动合作、产业集群培育、城市经济协同发展方面亟待推进,竞争性区域特质尚不发育。今后应从基础设施的协调与衔接、区域产业分工协作体系建立、厦金特区和福马特区创建、经济运行机制衔接、台湾海峡城市联盟缔结、开展以政府政策协调为中介的公私合营等方面着力推进,以构建海峡经济区竞争性区域配套体系,推动海峡经济区迅速崛起成为中国乃至世界新兴的竞争性区域。  相似文献   

重庆地票制度的功能及问题探析   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
地票制度是重庆统筹城乡综合配套改革的一项创新。随着地票市场的发展,地票在优化城乡建设用地配置、显化农村土地资产价值等方面的功能日益显现。同时,作为一项改革,地票制度面临的土地发展权和土地保障能力的公平性、地票交易制度的可持续发展以及地票基准价格测算及收益分配等问题也应受到高度重视。应加强对地票交易制度的理论研究,充分认识地票的实质,从地票价值构成角度构建地票基准价格和地票收益测算体系;从农民财产权转移角度建立地票收益分配机制;从区域发展权转移角度和区域发展能力减损角度制定国家下达建设用地计划指标的补偿与奖励政策;构建地票制度运行的监测预警体系,促进地票制度健康有序运行。  相似文献   

社会政策与性别平等--以对中国养老金制度的分析为例   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
中国实行的许多社会政策对于整体经济的增长和社会发展发挥了非常积极的作用,但一些政策对妇女地位的负面影响常常被忽视,或没有得到应有的关注.本文以养老金制度为例,分析了目前的制度安排对女性人口的影响及主要原因.本文认为,社会政策的形成和实施应当充分考虑社会性别因素,采用更加整合的方法,平衡当前与未来、个人与社会的关系.  相似文献   

刘慧玲 《桂海论丛》2005,21(2):48-50
实施西部大开发战略,需要税收的支持。我国现行的税收政策存在着制约西部地区经济发展的因素,西部大开发税收优惠政策也没有发挥出它应有的作用。因此,要使西部地区经济得到更快的发展,就必须调整现行部分税收政策、完善税收优惠政策、进行税收制度创新,如制定限制性税收政策和试行生态税收制度,形成完整的区域性税收政策。  相似文献   

该文在定量分析长江经济带经济发展、产业分工协作等现状的基础上,较为深入地分析了当前长江经济带发展中所存在的主要问题,文章还结合美国密西西比河和欧洲莱茵河流域经济带发展的经验,就中国长江经济带良性发展提出了相关政策建议。  相似文献   

李建良 《桂海论丛》2004,20(3):34-36
改革开放前,浙江的经济发展处于全国中下等水平。改革开放以来,既无资源、地缘优势,又没有获得较多的国家投资和国家给予的特殊政策的浙江迅速成长为一个全国经济大省,实现了从农业社会向工业社会的转变。浙江的工业化道路偏离了我国传统的工业化道路。浙江的工业化对内地有着巨大的示范价值。  相似文献   

曾宪奎 《长白学刊》2021,(2):101-108
双循环发展格局的核心在于强化国内大循环的主体地位。国内经济进入高质量发展阶段和国际经济环境的剧烈变化是我国强化国内大循环主体地位的两个主要原因。鉴于当前国内经济发展形势,强化国内大循环主体地位的任务主要包括:加快技术创新、人力资本等高端生产要素的培育;强化工匠精神,稳步提升产品质量,推进质量强国战略;积极培育新的经济增长点,并做好风险控制;加速国内经济体制改革,不断健全相关机制体制。强化国内大循环主体地位并不意味着否定国际大循环,相反国际大循环对我国未来经济发展依然十分重要。在推动国内大循环发展中,必须注意防止极端思想、以经济发展质量提升作为首要目标、处理好经济安全和经济效率关系等几个问题。  相似文献   

随着经济的快速发展和城市化进程的加快,建设用地的需求量增加,基于“公共利益”的目的,大量农村集体土地将被征为国有。由于相关法律缺失,实际操作中轻法律规范重规章政策,再加上利益的驱使以及其它一些因素的影响,在征用过程中存在许多问题。土地问题关系农民切身利益,是“三农问题”的核心,土地征收过程中所存在的问题应该得到高度重视,本文将探索相关解决途径。  相似文献   

农村土地“以租代征”问题的法律研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
杨世建 《桂海论丛》2012,(1):119-123
农村土地"以租代征"之所以屡禁不止,根源在于建设用地的国家管理制度。根据该制度,除兴办乡镇企业、乡镇公共事业等可以使用集体土地外,所有建设用地均需使用国有土地,然而,国有土地不仅指标有限,而且还要经过繁琐的转用审批手续和支付高昂的土地出让金,很多农村企业无力承担用地成本。因此,一律要求所有建设用地均使用国有土地,势必对农村的个体企业、私营企业造成事实歧视。为合理解决"以租代征"问题,应当考虑修改《土地管理法》,允许集体土地自由进入建设用地市场,同时鼓励中小企业与土地权利人通过市场交易方式实现建设用地自由流转,只有在市场交易失败时,国家才能强制征地。  相似文献   

Along the contemporary migration history of the overseas Chinese in Southeast Asia, three distinctive images have been constructed through the interaction between the overseas Chinese and Mainland China. First, the image of involuntary migrant, formulated by their migration activity and the continuous remittance they sent back to their hometowns, closely linked to the political and social-economic disturbances in the early years of the twentieth century. Second, the image of the overseas Chinese as political revolutionary was heavily politicised by the revolutionary policies of Mainland China in the 1950s and 1960s. Third, through the operational means of foreign direct investment, the overseas Chinese image of economic energiser was re-focused and mirror-imaged with the imperative of the economic reform of Mainland China in the 1970s and 1980s. On the one hand, the images of involuntary migrant, political revolutionary and economic energiser of the Southeast Asian overseas Chinese describe their situational status. On the other hand, these images also reflect the contemporary historical development of Mainland China.  相似文献   

"边缘区"城市化的困境与反思   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
轩明飞 《思想战线》2005,31(6):12-16
城市边缘区空间的社会问题日趋严重,其三大"致病原因"是城市化空间演化规律失衡、赶超型现代化发展模式不健全及城乡二元结构分治的体制.缺乏对边缘区空间社会特性的完整把握,导致目前我国政府针对边缘区问题制定的对策尚存在着缺漏.  相似文献   

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