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This study examined the effectiveness of the Too Good for Violence Prevention Program (TGFV), a multifaceted interactive intervention. Grounded in Bandura's Social Learning Theory, the TGFV curricula focus on developing personal and interpersonal skills to solve conflict non-violently and resist social influences that lead to violence. Participants were 999 third grade students and 46 teachers in ten elementary schools. The schools were matched on student characteristics and academic performance and assigned to treatment or control conditions. Teachers and students completed checklists assessing students' behaviors prior to, following, and 20 weeks after program delivery. Results show that treatment students, as compared to control students, were perceived by teachers as evidencing more frequent use of personal and social skills and of prosocial behaviors after program delivery. Student survey data show that treatment students, as compared to control students, evidenced more positive scores in the areas of emotional competency skills, social and resistance skills, and communication skills after program delivery. The benefits of the TGFV program continued to be observed at the 20-week follow-up.  相似文献   

大学生人际交往能力的培养是全面提高学生综合素质的重要内容之一,是当前高等教育人才培养的重要课题。随着网络信息技术的飞速发展,网络成为当代大学生生活、学习的重要载体和工具。通过开展网络人际关系现状的实地调查和分析,研究网络环境下大学生人际交往的现状和特点,提出切实有效的培养方案,以此来提高网络环境下大学生人际交往的能力和素养,促进当代大学生在网络学习环境中掌握良好的网络人际沟通和互动能力,是当前思想政治教育的重要研究课题。  相似文献   

文章展示的是云南"中英大龄女童技能培训和能力建设合作伙伴项目"的论坛活动之一.论坛以15-18岁来自农村贫困和民族地区的大龄女童为主体,让她们有机会向高层决策者表达自己及其生存社区女孩的心声和需求,进而推动政府、媒体及全社会对这部分特殊女童的积极关注.文章写实性地描述了论坛的设计与思考,赋权女童的过程以及倡导的过程和结果.  相似文献   

监狱人民警察特殊的职业特点决定了其人际关系的广泛性和重要性。人格结构的PAC分析理论是对自我的分析,能够对监狱人民警察在人际交往中的三种心理状态构成进行剖析,可以使监狱人民警察在人际交往中了解自己和其他人不同的心态、交往方式以及如何使交往顺利进行。在监狱人民警察心理训练中可以充分利用PAC理论加强对其人际交往能力的训练、可以对监狱人民警察人际交往训练提供理论依据。  相似文献   

龚晨 《桂海论丛》2012,(6):47-51
在信息网络化时代,信息素养是党政领导干部应有的基本能力。当前,党政领导干部在信息态度、信息意识、信息技能、信息安全、信息道德、信息素养等方面存在诸多问题。全面提升领导干部信息素养,需要从树立正确的信息价值观、营造健康发展的信息环境、培养信息技能的核心能力、落实信息安全责任制、加强信息道德规范建设、建立健全信息素养的评价体系六个方面入手。  相似文献   

女性公务员是一个特殊的群体,其心理健康问题不容忽视。本文以北京市H区的200名女性公务员为调查对象,通过问卷调查、座谈、访谈,从良好的道德、健康的情绪、正常的工作能力、协调的人际关系和平衡的心理等五个方面来分析接受调查的女性公务员的心理健康状况,并提出要建立政府、妇联与女性公务员自身共同努力的心理健康体系。  相似文献   

监狱民警心理健康状况直接影响队伍稳定及监管安全等问题,当前监狱民警由于监狱、社会的压力和自身素质的影响面临着情绪状态不稳、职业倦怠明显,价值观念偏离,人际关系敏感、交往技能欠缺等心理健康问题。树立以人为本理念,坚持综合施策,多措并举,构建心理和环境、狱内和狱外防线,将最大限度地降低监狱民警心理疾病的发生率。  相似文献   

实践教学是法学专业教学的重要组成部分,是主要针对法律专业技能训练和实践能力培养的教学方式。因此,分析当前实践教学所存在的问题,提出以应用型人才培养为目标的实践教学方式的几点建议,并简单介绍学院开展实践教学的几点举措。  相似文献   

刘兵强 《青年论坛》2010,(1):155-157
图书馆用户服务的广泛性、国际化和资源共享使得图书馆用户群体更为复杂,影响用户服务的因素也越来越多。跨文化心理学问题不容忽视。它从性别、职业、民族、语言等方面对用户服务造成不同程度的影响,借鉴跨文化心理学其合理内核,正确理解和定位核心用户;实现有效的跨文化沟通;培养跨文化接触时的适应能力;培养跨文化交际的技能。  相似文献   

Dissatisfaction with residential programs and the influence of the normalization principle have led to the development of many community-based programs for mentally retarded, emotionally disturbed and delinquent youths. Unfortunately, these programs have not generally been much more effective than their residential counterparts in preparing their children for worthwile and productive lives in the community. In this paper, six areas are discussed as important for successful community programs and proposed as targets for future prevention, education and treatment efforts. These include the family, sexuality, leisure activities, social and interpersonal skills, specific suggestions for both prevention and remediation efforts are discussed.  相似文献   

近年来随着公安教育改革的推进,国内许多公安院校在法学教学中都作了一些有益的尝试,逐步采用了案例教学法、模拟法庭教学法、课堂辩论教学法等,对于培养学生理解法律的能力起到了重要的作用。但是,这些教学方法对于学生真实法律技能的训练和职业道德的培养都不是十分有效。“诊所式法律课程”是加强实践教学的一种新的教育模式。在公安法学教学中逐步推进诊所式教育模式的开展,可以解决公安法学教育中长期以来存在的一些问题,进一步促进公安教育改革深入进行。  相似文献   


Physical and verbal aggression is an increasing problem inboth middle and high schools across the United States. While physical forms of aggression are targeted in traditional “bullying” programs, relational aggression (RA), or the use of relationships to hurt another, is often not detected or addressed. For girls in the stage of identity formation, RA can impact negatively on self-concept, peer relationships, school performance, and mental and physical health. An innovative program designed specifically to help middle school girls confront and cope with issues related to RA was developed, implemented, and evaluated in two school systems. Attitudes and self-reported behaviors were measured before and after the program. Results show an improvement in relationship skills after participation in the program. Most noticeable improvements were in a girl's stated willingness to become involved when witnessing another girl being hurt and girls benefiting from the mentoring they received from high school juniors and seniors.  相似文献   

面对当今中国数以千万计的女性仍然无法完成基础教育的现状,许多女大学生们是自豪地满怀对未来的美好憧憬跨入大学校门的。然而,近年来,在大学女生中间,“学得好不如嫁得好”的说法却不胫而走。本文通过整理、比较、解读以女大学生为主体进行调查的系列数据,希望透过经济发展的繁荣表象,去认知与时俱进的健康的社会性别观建构对于当代中国社会全面发展的迫切必要性。  相似文献   

School bullying is associated with a host of unfavorable psychosocial outcomes, even as victims enter college. Thus, the identification of modifiable protective factors remains an important goal of psychological research in the context of resilience theory. The purpose of this study was to examine the moderating effect of natural mentoring relationships (NMRs) on the association between peer victimization and college adjustment. Participants were 239 undergraduate students from a rural Midwestern university. Results indicated that higher levels of past peer victimization were associated with higher levels of depression and interpersonal problems. The presence of NMRs moderated the relationship between past peer victimization and interpersonal problems. Though further study is necessary, NMRs among school-aged students who experience bullying may be beneficial.  相似文献   

Sexual abuse of males is common. While a wide body of literature examines the behavioral, emotional, and social consequences associated with being sexually abused, comparatively few studies have focused on males. This study addresses this gap by examining the influence of family and peer context on long-term behavioral outcomes in a nationally representative, longitudinal, multi-informant sample of sexually abused boys 5 years after initial involvement in the child welfare system (N = 171). Cumulative family risk conferred greater risk for internalizing and externalizing problems over time while social skills had a buffering effect. Peer rejection had a more prominent role in influencing internalizing outcomes; however, this influence did not extend to externalizing problems. These findings lend support to the growing body of research underscoring the dynamic and complex relationship between behavioral problems across development. As prevention and intervention efforts for males are developed, it is critical to consider sexual abuse victimization and the multi-systemic risk and resilience processes.  相似文献   

As one of the first signatories which ratified the "Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women(CEDAW)" in 1980, China has taken a series of measures on aspects of law, policy, society and so on, to strictly fulfill the obligations of States parties, improving the social status of women, giving more opportunities and rights to women during the past 30 years, and the effect is significant. However, women's employment, political participation, health, domestic violence against women have not been well addressed, and there is still room for improvement about problems concerning girls, rural women, older women and other special groups of women. We cannot merely remain at the stage of empowerment. What is more important is to change social customs and social environment, to improve the ability of women to exercise their rights, to promote the equality on the ability to achieve real justice and to promote the development of the cause of gender equality.  相似文献   

管雷 《青年论坛》2008,(4):23-25
汶川大地震以后,地震灾区青少年处于特殊的心理状态。青少年社会工作者可以根据地震灾区青少年所具有的优势、兴趣、能力、知识与技能,运用优势视角社会工作介入理论、理念和技巧服务地震灾区青少年,为灾区青少年探求生存和发展的资源,提高灾区青少年面对灾难、抵御灾难、不怕困难的能力,逐渐使灾区青少年恢复到正常的生活秩序。  相似文献   

在高等职业院校中,Access数据库为考核学生计算机掌握水平的重要标准之一。在传统的Access数据库教学模式中,由于教学方式单一、枯燥,学生普遍存在学习积极性不强,上机操作时无法集中注意力的问题。针对存在的这一现象,相关学者及专家提出了将混合式学习理念充分融入Access数据库教学模式中的设想。在混合式学习理念下的Access数据库教学模式中,完善教学环境构建;在实际的Access数据库教学过程中,通常采用以项目为主线,以教学任务为驱动的教学方法;对于无法由课堂教学解决的问题,教师可通过运用在线教学中的资源学习中心及多媒体教学进行有效解决;在混合式学习的测评环节中,教师可以将学生期末的考试成绩、平时在线测试所得成绩、小组的测评成绩以及学生的自我评价按一定的权重进行综合评价。混合式教学法能充分激发学生学习热情,大大提高了教学效果;基于混合式理念下的Access数据库教学,通过采用上课、上机、上网三者相结合的教学形式,使学生实现了随时随地学习;通过对整个教学进行改革,实现了试题库、任务库等学习资源库的完善,大大提高了Access数据库教学质量及效率。  相似文献   

警务技能训练课是公安院校的一门必修的专业技能课。文章针对目前所存在的教学误区与一线实际工作所带来的损失,提出了问题所在,对问题产生的原因与解决办法进行了探讨,阐述了加强教师职业道德教育与提高教师自身业务学习的必要性,逐步提高教学质量,使学校警务技能训练与一线实际工作有机接轨。  相似文献   

This study identified factors that protected (a) adolescent bullies from becoming antisocial young adults, and (b) adolescent victims of bullying from subsequent depression. Data were drawn from the Australian Temperament Project, a population birth cohort study that has followed participants since 1983. Systematic examination of potential risk modifiers (protective factors) was conducted within a regression framework. Low negative reactivity was found to protect bullies from later antisocial outcomes and higher parental monitoring moderated (ameliorated) the risk relation between bullying and antisocial behavior. High social skills and understanding schoolwork protected victims from later depression, but high attachment to peers intensified the risk relation between victimization and later depression. Preventive interventions targeting interpersonal skills and parent and peer relationships may be effective in reducing adverse outcomes of bullying.  相似文献   

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