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在精神损害赔偿问题的研究中,精神损害赔偿数额的标准化问题一直是争议的焦点。本文对精神损害赔偿的数额标准化这一问题,结合我国司法现状展开讨论,通过对典型案例的深刻剖析,揭示其弊端及缺陷,并对完善我国精神损害赔偿制度提出几点探讨性建议。  相似文献   

从整体上来说,我国法律以及司法解释对精神损害赔偿数额没有规定赔偿标准。在本文中,文章说明了我国法律及司法解释关于精神损害赔偿数额的确定情况,分析了我国关于精神损害赔偿数额确定存在的弊端。接着文章论述了我国确立精神损害赔偿数额标准的可行性。在此基础上,文章提出了确定精神损害赔偿数额标准途径。  相似文献   

由于自然人的情感、精神是无价的,所以涉及精神损害赔偿的案件中,要精确计算精神损害赔偿数额十分困难,在实际案件的操作中,存在损害赔偿的标准不统一、法官的自由裁量随便等问题,这些问题造成了一些案件的判决结果不合理,达不到精神损害赔偿的目的。虽然精神损害赔偿数额难于确定,但是法律却必须将它合理的量化,旨在保证司法的救济性和公平性。本文结合我国相关规则现状,认为精神损害赔偿数额认定标准应当加入地域性区分性和身份区分性规则、精神损害赔偿级别规则等。  相似文献   

张兆武 《法制与社会》2010,(15):144-144
精神损害赔偿是指当民事主体因其特定人身权利或财产权利受到不法侵害,导致人身权益受到损害或陷入精神痛苦时,要求加害人通过财产赔偿方式予以救济和保护的一种民事法律制度。精神损害赔偿既没有必要也不可能确定统一的标准。在民事审判中具体适用赔偿上,应根据个案的性质坚持原则性与灵活性相结合的原则,参照当地经济发展水平制定合理的赔偿数额。  相似文献   

根据《道路交通事故受伤人员伤残评定标准》,牙齿损伤达到8颗才能评定为伤残。一旦定残,赔偿数额将成倍增加。海安县曾经发生的一起道路交通事故损害赔偿纠纷案中,因原告丁某在向法院起诉时提供的出院记录复印件表明,其牙齿在交通事故中只掉落6颗,而在庭审时其提供的出院记录原件则“变”为掉落6颗、折冠2颗(存在添加痕迹),并据此评定为十级伤残。随着上诉期届满,这起案件终于落下帷幕,法院以原告丁某提供的证据相互矛盾为理由,驳回了其要求被告王某赔偿伤残赔偿金及精神抚慰金的诉讼请求。  相似文献   

人身伤亡精神损害赔偿研究   总被引:24,自引:0,他引:24  
回顾中外历史上关于精神损害赔偿的理论争议及立法与司法的实践演进,对我国现行精神损害赔偿制度的形成及不足之处进行评析,研究了精神损害赔偿的权利人确定标准、赔偿数额的确定原则和计算方法,参考国外立法例,建议我国采用系数化公式计算赔偿数额  相似文献   

马锐 《法制与社会》2010,(16):106-107
损害赔偿制度是知识产权法的一项重要制度,通过专利法、商标法、著作权法、反不正当竞争法以及最高人民法院的司法解释,我国基本建立起一套较完整的知识产权侵权损害赔偿制度,给司法实践提供了法律依据。但还存在许多不足之处,如立法不统一、侵权赔偿权利人是否具有选择权没有明确规定、法定赔偿方法没有发挥应有作用。知识产权侵权损害的赔偿应当包括对知识产权财产权益损失的赔偿及对知识产权人身精神权益损害的赔偿。侵犯知识产权的赔偿数额可以通过如下标准计算:权利人的实际损害、侵权人非法获利以及法定赔偿额。  相似文献   

在法律责任制度中,惩罚性损害赔偿责任越来越受到司法界和学者们的重视。惩罚性损害赔偿是指由法庭所作出的赔偿数额超出实际的损害数额的赔偿,是对于真实赔偿的一种"附加"的补偿。其目的是补偿原告所遭受的、法院所认定的、由被告的违法行为所造成的损害。在实践中,这种赔偿是对被告的一种惩罚。  相似文献   

近日,北京市朝阳区法院公开开庭审理了原告邓秀梅、赵娜、赵大海起诉被告梅殿明生命权纠纷一案,赵安旭系邓秀梅的丈夫、赵娜和赵大海的父亲。201 2年6月4日,赵安旭到案外人张富有开办的诊所就诊时死亡。张富有因非法行医被朝阳区法院判处有期徒刑3年6个月并同时判决其对三原告的损失承担一半的赔偿责任,该判决现已生效。三原告诉称因张富有的非法诊所是在被告出租的房屋内开设,且其非法行医行为经有关单位取缔后又继续经营,被告明知该情形却未对其进行制止,故起诉要求被告对行为人张富有应赔偿的数额中的一半承担连带赔偿责任,数额共计17万余元,同时主张被告赔偿其精神损害抚慰金2万元。法院一审判决被告对张富有应向原告邓秀梅、赵娜、赵大海  相似文献   

在刑事附带民事诉讼中,未成年被害人提出的精神损害赔偿诉求经历了完全禁止、允许折中提出、限制性允许提出三个阶段。遭受性侵的未成年人所受精神损害严重且持久,精神损害赔偿制度的长期缺失,表明对未成年人权益保护并不到位。将精神损害纳入刑事附带民事诉讼赔偿范围符合法律逻辑,有其必要性和可行性。探索在性侵犯罪中构建刑事附带民事诉讼未成年被害人精神损害赔偿制度,要严格限制案件的受理范围,科学确定赔偿的范围和数额。检察机关应积极履行支持起诉、司法救助等职能,切实为未成年人的成长保驾护航。  相似文献   

In a child custody case a mother with a longstanding history of alcohol misuse had to show absolute abstinence for one year. She entered a residential rehabilitation for six months and was tested two months later by way of a hair test for ethyl glucuronide (EtG) with the result of 22 pg/mg in the proximal 0-1cm segment and the segments 1-2 cm and 2-3 cm being negative. This was interpreted as a minimum alcohol intake of 20-50 units per week in the month before sampling. Since the mother denied any alcohol intake a second hair sample was collected seven weeks after the first and analyzed for fatty acid ethyl esters (FAEEs) by a second laboratory. A low concentration of 0.03 ng/mg was measured within the 0-6 cm segment of recently bleached hair and was interpreted as showing no evidence of alcohol use during the last six months. Three further hair samples were analyzed during the next nine months with low EtG values (<2.4-3.3 pg/mg, 0-3 cm segment) and low FAEE values (0.27-0.53 ng/mg, 0-6 cm segment). These findings were summarized as indicating continued low alcohol consumption over the past one year period. As a consequence of the conflicting results, the case was dealt with in a hearing before the Family Division of the High Court of London. It was concluded in the judgment that the evidence did not indicate that the mother had consumed alcohol in the period tested by the hair samples. It was stated that the evidence in this case highlighted the need for the exercise of considerable caution when hair tests for alcohol are being interpreted and relied upon, both generally and particularly in isolation, and that this case is a proper reminder of the need for expert evidence to be given in a manner according to the Practice Direction.  相似文献   

彭宇案被演绎为转型社会的热点案件,客观诠释着其关涉司法法治生成结构要素的样本意义。彭宇案在事实真相认定的司法场域中具象化表征出参与主体的类型差异,一审和二审法院的场域资本在原被告之间呈现前后完全相反的态势变化。运用法社会学分析工具考量社会、职业和学术多维识别向度中热点案件的差异化区分特质,探寻关涉案件事实真相认定的司法法治生成社会动力学依赖发现路径。  相似文献   

目的建立新型毒品1-(3-三氟甲基苯基)哌嗪的检验方法。方法通过选择和优化建立了1-(3-三氟甲基苯基)哌嗪类毒品的GC/MS、GC/TSD定性定量分析条件。结果以建立的分析方法,知查获的片剂中含有1-(3-三氟甲基苯基)哌嗪,其含量为51.13%,GC/TSD最低检出线是10ng/mL。结论本文所建方法可以用于1-(3-三氟甲基苯基)哌嗪涉毒检材的检验鉴定。  相似文献   

In literature, cases of nutmeg abuse have been described repeatedly, but only one fatal case of poisoning was reported [1]. In the present case, myristicin (4 microg/ml) was detected for the first time in the postmortal serum of a 55-year-old woman. Identification was achieved with the aid of UV-VIS spectroscopy and TLC; for quantification, HPLC was used. Because also flunitrazepam (0.072 microg/ml) was found, death had probably been due to the combined toxic effect of both substances. From 1996 to 1998, in a series of cases, seven poisonings with nutmeg were recorded by the Erfurt Poison Information Centre. Even where higher doses (20-80 g of powder) had been ingested, a life-threatening situation was never observed. In one of these cases, a myristicin blood level of 2 microg/ml was measured 8h after ingestion of two to three tablespoonful of nutmeg powder (approx. 14-21 g, or 280-420 mg/kg).  相似文献   

Trazodone is a structurally unique bicyclic anti-depressant, said to be significantly less toxic than other anti-depressants following an acute overdose. We studied the tissue distribution and post-mortem redistribution of trazodone in two fatalities, one of which allowed comparison with trimipramine, a typical tricyclic anti-depressant. Case 1, a 53-year-old female weighing 72 kg, had femoral vein concentrations of trimipramine 5.5 micrograms/ml, trazodone 14.4 micrograms/ml and alcohol 107 mg%. Case 2, a 48-year-old female of 70 kg, had a femoral vein trazodone of 15.5 micrograms/ml and alcohol 34 mg%, with no other drugs detected. For case 1 and case 2 respectively, trazodone tissue concentrations were: skeletal muscle 7.3 and 9.0 micrograms/g; left and right lungs 13.3, 12.9 and 35.3, 40.1; myocardium, 30.9 and 28.9; kidneys 34.7 and 39.6; liver 73.7 and 82.4; fat 18.5 and 16.5; brain 48.6 and 20.9. For case 1 and 2, respectively, blood trazodone concentrations in 10 initial autopsy samples ranged from 13.7-17.3 and 14.4-16.9 micrograms/ml. Twenty-four and forty-eight hours later the respective ranges were 12.8-18.0 and 12.4-19.9 for case 1, 12.5-20.1 and 12.7-27.0 for case 2. By contrast, for trimipramine, blood concentrations at 0 time, 24 h and 48 hours ranged from 5.5-11.4, 5.2-14.3, and 4.2-18.2, respectively. We conclude that trazodone shows little preferential concentration in solid organs and consequently has relatively stable post-mortem blood concentrations with little drug redistribution artefact. Both the clinical pharmacokinetics and post-mortem toxicokinetics of trazodone differ significantly from the tricyclic anti-depressants.  相似文献   

陈卫东 《中国法律》2010,(4):6-8,61-64
连日来,河南赵作海冤案引起了社会舆论的广泛关注。随着赵作海被无罪释放并获得65万元的国家赔偿,遣起冤案才逐渐落下帷幕。冤假错案,这个刑事司法界最棘手的问题在不同时期不同程度地上演着。从此前的云南杜培武“故意杀人”案到佘祥林“杀妻”案,再到至今还未讨到说法的河北聂树彬案,诸多的冤假错案轮番登场,  相似文献   

Duration of preservation of methanol in cadaveric material at 20 +/- 3 degrees C during 4-13 months was studied on 19 model and expert objects of cadaveric material (muscle tissue, kidney, blood, urine). Exponential relationship between methanol concentration and duration of storage of the object was detected. Methanol concentration decreased by 30-70% during the first weeks, after which the process decelerated to 5-10% a month. Toxicologically significant concentrations of endogenous methanol were not revealed in any case.  相似文献   

以行为决策学关于风险认知的两种模式及其相互关系的理论,阐述了政府官员(公众)对风险最糟糕情景的判断过程,从个体情感角度揭示其过度反应或反应不足的原因;运用社会心理学中的易(非易)得性启示及概率忽视的原理,进一步分析了政府官员(公众)过度反应或反应不足的机理。从行政法角度而言,政府对风险的最糟糕情景反应不足或过度反应都是不具有合法性的行政行为。为确保政府科学管理风险最糟糕情景,行政法需要进行制度变革。这些改革措施包括:组建风险最糟糕情景模拟实验室,定期公布模拟结果;建立并更新风险最糟糕情景信息超级数据库,以及确定相应的预警标准;成立超级风险规制机构以及设计更为精致和灵敏的分析性工具。  相似文献   

Homicidal drowning   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A study of homicidal drownings was performed on the case files of the Office of the Medical Examiner of Metropolitan Dade County in Miami, Florida during the years 1980-1984. A total of 10 cases were analyzed of those which occurred during this time period. These cases are presented in some detail. A discussion then ensues concerning the theoretical and epidemiological implications along with practical considerations of how to approach such a case.  相似文献   

公报案例向指导性案例的程序性迈进是司法转型中国语境的微观镜像,也是社会转型期司法职业共同体为解决司法供给与社会需求之间紧张关系而作出的制度性回应。指导性案例生成的技术路径应是法律发现,而非法官造法,对其进行理性运作应遵循开放性进路,包括对案件开放、对方法开放和对社会开放。在指导性案例生成的程序性要件中,审判委员会作为决策机制的枢纽,是指导性真正走向权威性的组织保障,也是其主体自觉获得集体智慧的法治信任前提。  相似文献   

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