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目的:探讨感恩对于流动儿童主观幸福感的影响机制。方法:采用感恩量表、总体幸福感量表、领悟社会支持量表、内控性、有势力的他人及机遇量表对427名流动儿童进行调查。结果:(1)感恩、领悟社会支持和自我控制与主观幸福感显著正相关;(2)领悟社会支持在感恩与主观幸福感之间起中介作用;(3)自我控制在领悟社会支持与主观幸福感之间起中介作用。结论:领悟社会支持和自我控制在感恩与主观幸福感之间起链式中介作用。  相似文献   

互联网的发展加剧了咨询业的竞争,因此采用绩效薪酬成为咨询公司激励员工提高工作绩效的重要手段。然而,以往的研究较少关注绩效薪酬感知,为此,我们以咨询业知识型员工为样本,运用层次回归分析探讨风险态度和自我效能感在绩效薪酬感知对工作绩效影响中的调节作用。研究结果表明:绩效薪酬感知在职位等级、绩效薪酬强度和企业性质上表现出显著差异;绩效薪酬感知对任务绩效和周边绩效有显著正向影响;风险态度和自我效能感分别在绩效薪酬感知与任务绩效和周边绩效两组关系中起到正向调节作用。  相似文献   

员工的工作投入直接或间接影响到组织的价值创造、竞争能力和发展前景,探究心理契约破裂对员工工作投入的影响具有重要的理论和现实意义。本研究整合社会交换理论和资源保存理论,探讨心理契约破裂对员工工作投入影响的作用机制和边界条件。实证检验结果表明:心理契约破裂对工作投入有负向作用,心理契约破裂对工作不安全感有显著的正向影响,工作不安全感在心理契约破裂对工作投入的影响中起到完全中介作用,雇佣类型调节了心理契约破裂与工作不安全感之间的关系。为了减少员工心理契约破裂的产生,本研究建议:组织应当做好与员工的沟通工作;组织应协助员工进行个人职业规划,提供必要的培训机会,并向其提供职业发展通道;管理者应帮助员工与组织及同事建立和发展长期的、互惠的、相互依赖的高质量交换关系。  相似文献   

伴随着组织扁平化和无边界职业生涯时代的到来,工作轮换成为频繁现象,为在劳动力市场中保持持续的竞争优势,关注和促进组织内的职业成长成为人们的最佳选择。本研究以职场友谊为切入点,探索职场友谊对员工职业成长的影响作用,同时探究了工作旺盛感在其中的中介效应。研究结果显示,职场友谊对员工职业成长有显著的正向影响;职场友谊对工作旺盛感有显著的正向影响;工作旺盛感对职业成长有显著的正向影响;工作旺盛感在职场友谊和职业成长的关系中起部分中介作用。在此研究基础上,提出对管理实践的启示,同时进一步探讨了本研究的不足和展望。  相似文献   

互联网的发展加剧了咨询业的竞争,因此采用绩效薪酬成为咨询公司激励员工提高工作绩效的 重要手段。然而,以往的研究较少关注绩效薪酬感知,为此,我们以咨询业知识型员工为样本,运用层次回归 分析探讨风险态度和自我效能感在绩效薪酬感知对工作绩效影响中的调节作用。研究结果表明:绩效薪酬感知 在职位等级、绩效薪酬强度和企业性质上表现出显著差异;绩效薪酬感知对任务绩效和周边绩效有显著正向影响; 风险态度和自我效能感分别在绩效薪酬感知与任务绩效和周边绩效两组关系中起到正向调节作用。  相似文献   

高校青年教师的情绪劳动是否会造成过劳,对个人健康、组织运行和社会发展均具有重要影响。研究探讨情绪劳动对过度劳动的作用机理和影响路径,验证情绪劳动是否通过职业紧张的中介作用对过度劳动产生影响,并检验组织支持感在两者之间的调节作用。研究结果表明:情绪劳动对职业紧张和过度劳动都有着显著的正向影响,职业紧张在情绪劳动与过度劳动之间起部分中介作用,组织支持感在情绪劳动因素之一的表层扮演与过度劳动之间起负向调节作用。  相似文献   

工作场所中的员工亲组织非伦理行为违背了社会伦理准则,但其亲组织性却可以促进组织获取利益,综合而言,该行为兼具了利己与利他动机。基于情感事件理论框架,构建以情感承诺为中介,以积极情绪为调节的中介模型,检验关怀型伦理环境对员工亲组织非伦理行为影响的内在机制。收集来自北京和哈尔滨6家医药企业的调研数据,运用多层次线性回归分析和验证性因素分析法进行实证分析。研究结果表明,关怀型伦理环境对员工的亲组织非伦理行为具有显著的正向影响;情感承诺在关怀型伦理环境与亲组织非伦理行为的关系中发挥部分中介作用;积极情绪在关怀型伦理环境与情感承诺的关系中发挥正向调节作用;积极情绪在情感承诺与亲组织非伦理行为的关系中发挥正向调节作用。  相似文献   

近年来,员工的工作倦怠已成为一个普遍的社会现象,而作为企业的新生力量和即将成为企业主力军的新就业大学生的工作倦息问题更应受到理论界的关注。研究基于自我控制资源模型,采用问卷调查法,探讨大学生心理契约违背与工作倦息之间的关系。研究发现:心理契约违背整体及其维度对新就业大学生工作倦怠有正向影响,自我损耗在新就业大学生心理契约违背与工作倦怠中起部分中介作用,新就业大学生的内部人身份感知在心理契约违背与工作倦怠之间起调节作用。  相似文献   

在员工边缘化测量量表的基础上,以五星级酒店员工为研究对象,通过问卷调查和进行数据分析,研究员工边缘化对工作绩效和工作幸福感的影响。研究表明,边缘化不仅降低了员工工作幸福感,而且对员工工作绩效的负影响显著。研究同时发现,员工在性别、婚姻、学历和工作年限的差异对员工边缘化影响显著,而员工在年龄、职位等方面的不同对员工边缘化没有显著影响。据此,文章主要从愿景互动、实施EAP计划、营造关爱人文环境、管理员工职业生涯、加强员工心理引导和情绪管理等方面探讨了防范员工边缘化的建议,以期能为酒店维持员工队伍的稳定起到积极作用。  相似文献   

以 C 超市员工为样本,探讨全面薪酬满意度的测量及其对工作绩效的影响,以及员工敬业度的 中介作用和全面薪酬沟通的调节作用。研究表明,零售企业全面薪酬满意度由薪酬、职业发展机会、绩效认可、 工作 - 生活平衡和福利满意度五个维度组成;其中,绩效认可、工作 - 生活平衡满意度对工作绩效有显著正向 影响,而薪酬、职业发展机会和福利满意度对工作绩效没有显著影响。同时,全面薪酬满意度五个维度对员工 敬业度均有显著正向影响,而绩效认可、工作 - 生活平衡满意度又通过员工敬业度,对工作绩效产生了影响。 再者,全面薪酬沟通正向调节了绩效认可、工作 - 生活平衡和福利满意度对员工敬业度的影响,也正向调节了 员工敬业度在绩效认可、工作 - 生活平衡、福利满意度与工作绩效之间的中介效应,即全面薪酬沟通程度越高, 员工敬业度的中介作用越强。  相似文献   

“十二五”规划提出,“提高居民收入比重,各地政府把居民的幸福指数列为同GDP同等重要的考核指标……。”这些都强烈释放出一个“信号”:“幸福”将是今后施政的核心,为人民群众谋幸福是各级组织、领导干部的职责所在。在职工需求呈现多样化、复杂化的今天,发挥工会作用,引导广大职工共建共享,为职工谋幸福,已是工会不可推卸之职责。  相似文献   

A conception of transgender identity as an ‘authentic’ gendered core ‘trapped’ within a mismatched corporeality, and made tangible through corporeal transformations, has attained unprecedented legibility in contemporary Anglo-American media. Whilst pop-cultural articulations of this discourse have received some scholarly attention, the question of why this ‘wrong body’ paradigm has solidified as the normative explanation for gender transition within the popular media remains underexplored. This paper argues that this discourse has attained cultural pre-eminence through its convergence with a broader media and commercial zeitgeist, in which corporeal alteration and maintenance are perceived as means of accessing one’s ‘authentic’ self. I analyse the media representations of two transgender celebrities: Caitlyn Jenner and Nadia Almada, alongside the reality TV show TRANSform Me, exploring how these women’s gender transitions have been discursively aligned with a cultural imperative for all women, cisgender or trans, to display their authentic femininity through bodily work. This demonstrates how established tropes of authenticity-via-bodily transformation, have enabled transgender to become culturally legible through the wrong body trope. Problematically, I argue, this process has worked to demarcate ideals of ‘acceptable’ transgender subjectivity: self-sufficient, normatively feminine, and eager to embrace the possibilities for happiness and social integration provided by the commercial domain.  相似文献   

This paper offers an account of the relationship between gender, class and notions of happiness. It draws on recent research conducted into the experiences of working class women who play the UK National Lottery. In particular, it explores the notion that gambling offers working class women the opportunity to dream of the ‘good life’ – of enhancing their lives and of making ‘improvements’ to their own and their families’ well-being. In this paper, the discourse of happiness will be examined, and the tacit assumption that working class women in particular are prone to turning to gambling as a last ditch attempt to personal and emotional fulfilment will be challenged. The paper argues that developing understandings of culture and consumption practices is imperative for producing a more complex understanding of the subjective realities of working class women's everyday lives. By engaging with feminist accounts of respectability, daydream and fantasy, the paper will present a thorough exploration of National Lottery play in working class women's everyday experiences of happiness.  相似文献   

Youth who do not identify with or value their families (i.e., low family centrality) are considered to be at risk for maladjustment. However, the current study investigated whether low family centrality may be adaptive in negative family contexts (i.e., high family conflict) because youth’s self-worth should be less tied to the quality of their family relationships. Multilevel models using daily diaries and latent variable interactions using longitudinal questionnaires indicated that, among a sample of 428 Mexican American adolescents (49.8% male, M age?=?15.02 years), lower family centrality was generally detrimental to youth’s well-being. However, for youth in adverse family environments, low family centrality ceased to function as a risk factor. The present findings suggest that family centrality values play a more nuanced role in youth well-being than previously believed, such that low family centrality may be an adaptive response to significant family challenges.  相似文献   

过度教育造成了新时期劳动力市场中出现的劳动者"怀才不遇"的现象,但过度教育对劳动者主观幸福感是否有影响尚无定论。在既有的从过度教育,教育、工作匹配与主观幸福感关系的研究回顾基础上,利用2013年中国综合社会调查数据(CGSS)建立定序回归模型发现,无论以虚拟变量还是以连续变量表示,过度教育都会对居民主观幸福感有显著的负效应,这也解决了估计结果的稳健性问题。此外,过度教育对主观幸福感除了有直接效应之外,还会通过影响相对社会等级、绝对收入等中介变量对主观幸福感产生间接影响,但是直接效应仍占主导。因此,应保障和完善劳动力市场的良性发育,促使高学历人才有效流动和岗位匹配,提升他们的幸福感。  相似文献   

劳模精神是引领广大职工和全国人民拼搏奋斗的强大精神动力,劳动模范是加强和改进思想政 治工作的重要力量。如何充分发挥劳模的思想政治引领作用,对于做好新时代思想政治工作意义重大。研究认 为,发挥新时代劳模的思想政治引领作用,必须做到:切实加强党的领导,确保劳模思想政治引领的正确方向; 发挥劳动模范在思想政治引领中的主体作用;创新劳模思想政治引领的方法和手段;更好地发挥劳模和工匠人 才创新工作室的阵地作用;建立和完善劳模思想政治引领的教育培养机制;切实做好劳模思想政治引领工作的 制度保证。  相似文献   

Stress research shows that race, socioeconomic status (SES), and family context significantly impact an adolescent’s psychological well-being, yet little is known about the mediating effects of family context on racial and SES differences in depressive symptoms among Black and White youth. We investigate these associations using a sample of 875 (45% female) from a South Florida community-based study of youth mostly between the ages of 19 and 21. Ordinary least squares (OLS) analyses find that Blacks and lower SES youth have more depressive symptoms than Whites and those in higher SES families. Racial disparities are partially mediated by family related stressors and SES differences are fully explained by family stressors and emotional support. We also find that emotional family support conditions the relationship between race and depressive symptoms such that Whites experience more depressive symptoms at lower levels of emotional support but Blacks have more symptoms at higher levels. The findings highlight the importance of identifying factors within the family context that influence a youth’s psychological well-being and ability to cope with adversities.  相似文献   

中国共产党历来重视工会工作。百年来我们党已积累了领导和推进工会工作的丰富经验,即必须始终坚持马克思主义理论的科学指引,把坚持党的领导作为工会工作的根本保证,坚持把领导工会工作融入中华民族伟大复兴的战略全局,坚持把密切联系和团结职工群众作为领导工会工作的出发点,坚持把依法依规办事作为领导和做好工会工作的坚实保障。当前,面对世情国情等的深刻变化,党在领导工会工作中也面临着一些新形势。借鉴历史经验,新时代必须进一步形成科学的理论引领机制、责任落实机制、协同参与机制和绩效评价机制,以促使党的工会工作沿着中国特色社会主义工会道路前进。  相似文献   

Visual representations of orgasm – whether in the flesh or mediated through a screen – are produced in a context of intense uncertainty about whether what is being seen represents an authentically experienced bodily event. Despite detailed scientific scrutiny and close attention to bodily signs, the authenticity of women's orgasm remains a site of cultural anxiety and contested gender politics. This uncertainty is exacerbated by the construction of female orgasm as inherently invisible or un-see-able, and ‘faking’ orgasm as a prevalent social practice. Drawing on existing literature from psychology, sociology and porn studies, this theoretical paper explores the problem of visually representing orgasm in the context of these uncertainties, and examines how the distinction between the ‘real’ and the ‘fake’ is structured by discourses of authenticity. Pornography and everyday sexual interactions provide ideal contexts for exploring the practices of producing and consuming visual representations of embodied experience because both necessitate a see-able orgasm which consumers/lovers can read as ‘real’. This paper demonstrates that considerable interpretative work is necessary to read the female body as authentically orgasmic in the context of cultural uncertainty, and that distinctions between the ‘real’ and the ‘fake’ are continually reworked. Drawing on the contrast between ‘surface’ and ‘deep’ acting (Hochschild, 1983), I argue that the distinction between the ‘real’ and the ‘fake’ cannot be established by recourse to unmediated bodily experience, and instead, researchers should consider how and when this distinction has traction in the world and the implications of this for gendered power relations, subjectivities and practices.  相似文献   

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