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试析印度的BPO产业   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
印度BPO产业正如日中天,其发展速度迅猛,其各项经营成绩卓著,其地理分布正在日益扩展;探求其发展原因主要有:印度经济改革是其发展的先决条件,印度BPO企业的高质量是其发展的根本保证,欧美公司的科技与服务产业的转移是其必然结果,海外印度人的支持是其发展的催化剂;分析其发展对印度经济的影响主要有:BPO的发展拉动印度经济增长,带动印度高科技城市的建设,提升印度本十企业的技术水平。  相似文献   

俄罗斯对外贸易发展的主要特点是:取得了较大成就,但发展不稳定;出口以能源和原材料为主,进口中食品和日用消费品比重较大;欧盟是重要贸易伙伴、亚太经合组织占比重较小;保持着巨大贸易顺差。21世纪初、俄罗斯对外贸易将由前两年的下降转为上升、得到一定的发展,其他贸易特点将继续存在,中俄贸易将稳步增长。  相似文献   

International land “acquisition” or land “grabbing” has become a global phenomenon in which India plays an increasingly important role. While there is a critical domestic debate regarding land deals within India — especially pertaining to the provisions of the Land Acquisition Act of 2014 — there is practically no such debate regarding international land deals by Indian companies in Sub-Saharan Africa. By applying a two-level discourse analysis, this article argues that the land discourse within India can be understood as a strategy of exclusion. By linking land issues with questions of “development,” the discursive strategies of powerful actors lead to the exclusion of the arguments of NGOs and others opposed to the land deals from the discourse within India. This strategy of exclusion is then taken to the extreme with the strategy of securitization outside India: land deals are linked to “food security,” as the example of Ethiopia highlights.  相似文献   


Faith-based organisations (FBOs) have long been involved in HIV and AIDS impact mitigation and humanitarian relief, but most are not equipped to intervene in the structural drivers of food insecurity and attendant health inequities. Acknowledging limitations is as paramount a task for organisational effectiveness as maximising strengths. This article reports findings from a study of HIV-positive care supporters who volunteer with a church-run home-based care organisation in Swaziland. The article seeks to assess the impact of chronic food insecurity on antiretroviral adherence practices and how these individuals manage daily food shortages. Findings highlight the limited capacities of FBOs in highly vulnerable settings and the imperative for international and governmental coordination.  相似文献   

基金市场是印度金融市场和资本市场发展最快的部门之一。其发展经历了初创、公募基金进入、私募基金涌现和巩固发展四个阶段,逐渐形成了独特的基金托管人制度、基金主体以固定收益类基金为主、投资收益率以股票型基金为最高、所有权结构以私募基金和合资基金为主及产业基金异军突起的特点,其快速发展的原因主要表现在经济高速稳定增长、股票市场牛气冲天、外国基金公司有力推动和中产阶级及新责阶层消费倾向改变等方面。尽管印度基金市场获得了高速发展,但与其他西方成熟的基金市场相比仍处于起步阶段,发展空间很大。  相似文献   

我国有机食品在开拓国外市场方面,应充分借鉴国外有机食品企业的经验和做法,与国外充分合作,建立从生产到流通环节与韩方的合作机制,利用韩方的技术、资本及熟悉韩国市场的优势和中方在基地、劳动力等方面的优势形成互补。建立中韩双方三种合作模式,并发挥政府的引导作用,不断提高中国有机食品在国际市场中的竞争力。  相似文献   

Over 5,000 years of history, the effective number of separate political entities has decreased from close to a million to 24, if going by geographical area, and from about a thousand to 15, if going by population. These changes have followed interconnected exponential patterns which extrapolate to a single world polity around year 4000. Within this long-term trend, three sudden increases in polity sizes occur: around 3000 BC , 600 BC , and AD 1600. This study tests the exponential model against area and population data for five millennia. It also gives tables and graphs of area versus time for all major polities since AD 600. The median duration of large polities at more than half the peak size has been 130 years, and it has not changed over 5,000 years. Polities that expand slower tend to last slightly longer. The prospects of the Moscow-centered state are discussed in the light of these findings.  相似文献   

1990年代以来中印对外直接投资探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中印正逐渐成为世界经济领域中日趋活跃的对外直接投资者。比较两国1990年代以来对外直接投资的现状及特点,分析两国在投资行业、区位选择、投资方式和投资主体等方面的差异,有利于我国企业在进行对外直接投资时做出更趋理性的判断。  相似文献   

俄罗斯投资环境与对俄投资策略研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
近年来俄罗斯投资环境有所好转 ,但仍存在很多不完善之处。俄罗斯市场机遇与风险并存 ,潜力很大。我国企业应抓住商机 ,实施“走出去”战略 ,积极开拓前景广阔的俄罗斯市场。现阶段对俄罗斯投资合作的主攻方向应是境外加工贸易、自然资源开发和设立境外研发中心。为此要强化政府对企业的指导和服务职能 ,加大政策扶持力度 ;拓宽融资渠道 ,解决企业开拓俄罗斯市场的资金困难 ;积极推进外经贸企业制度改革 ,加快培育外经贸骨干企业作为对俄投资主体  相似文献   

This article discusses the role of the private company in the fight against terrorism. It argues that the private company has become politically important to counterterrorism efforts, but the economic logic guiding the risk thinking of private companies is hardly compatible with the aim of providing national security. By examining whether and in what manner the risk of terrorism is considered a corporate responsibility, the article seeks to answer whether and how the political role ascribed to the company finds any resonance in the risk practice of private companies. The article approaches this question by examining how Danish food and infrastructural companies conceptualize the relationship between terrorism risks and corporate responsibility. It demonstrates that a distinction between safety and security discursively facilitates an exclusion of national security concerns from the concept of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and thereby works to deresponsibilitize the company in the fight against terrorism.  相似文献   

近年来,缅甸政府特别注重利用外资来促进国内经济发展,立法理念也有了很大变化,外资立法不断体系化。目前,外商在缅甸投资的法律环境有很大好转,投资优惠政策明显增多,纠纷解决机制也不断完善。  相似文献   

Scientific Outlook on Development and China's Foreign Policy   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
More than half a century has passed since the founding of the People's Republic of China. There have been successes as well as failures in China's policies and practices at home and abroad. The failures are stepping stones for success; lessons drawn from errors lead to truth. Chinese leader Hu Jintao recently spoke about "Scientific Outlook on Development, "' a summary of past history and an important guiding principle for China's economic and social development both now and in future. The authors believe that this is a major development in China's strategic thinking following Deng Xiaoping's "Reform and Opening Up" and Jiang Zemin's "Three Representatives" and that it should be upheld and applied to foreign policy decision making.  相似文献   

Increasing empirical evidence points to the existence of a monadic democratic peace. However, the quantitative literature on international conflict has yet to produce any compelling evidence that such a peace holds for one of the most prominent types of interstate force in use today, foreign military intervention. This study tests the hypotheses that democracies are less prone to intervene militarily and less likely to be the targets of such incursions. In doing so, it compares six overlapping theoretical perspectives on the monadic democratic peace. No empirical support is lent to the hypothesis that democracies intervene less often than nondemocracies, but considerable evidence indicates that democracies are rarely the targets of foreign military intervention. The latter result remains consistent across six different intervention populations from 1975 to 1996. Of the six theoretical perspectives analyzed, the institutional approach recently advanced by Bueno de Mesquita and his associates fares best. Its predictions match the empirical outcomes exactly. None of the other theoretical frameworks is even half right. In sum, it seems that democratic governance provides a barrier against foreign military intervention, but it does not limit intervention abroad.  相似文献   

张雷 《亚非纵横》2011,(2):33-39
印度自20世纪60年代开始建设经济特区,在21世纪特别是2006年以后进入快速发展阶段。近年来印度经济特区在促进经济发展、增加出口、吸引外资、促进就业等方面取得了一定成绩,但也存在基础设施不足、劳工法苛刻、征地引发,中突等问题。印度需要在借鉴别国成功经验的基础上结合本国具体国情,探索一条具有印度特色的经济特区建设道路。  相似文献   

This article discusses the case of timber production in the Solomon Islands and links between environmental protection and gender. Many environmental projects are undertaken without regard for gender roles and relations. The Solomon Western Islands Fair Trade (SWIFT) initiative included women in only a peripheral way. This article justifies the involvement of women in environmental projects and then evaluates the operations of SWIFT. A role for women in local environmental projects should be recognized because of women's roles, knowledge, and interests. Use of natural resources is gender-based. In the Solomon Islands, women are identified as having the greater interest in the long-term sustainability of the environment and greater reliance on natural resources to fulfill their roles, but forestry is men's work. The price of tropical woods has tempted Micronesian governments to exploit forests to enhance their foreign exchange earnings. Environmental degradation from logging is particularly severe in the Solomon Islands. The population fulfills many basic needs from forests. Forests can provide cash earnings. The author conducted an evaluation of effectiveness of SWIFT in 1996. The SWIFT project allows rural people to earn cash from sustainable timber extraction without signing with logging companies. Women are affected by SWIFT due to their husbands' appropriation of their earnings, their peripheral role, and lack of representation in senior positions and use of women's forestry expertise. The article offers a model for genderizing eco-projects. Men need to be encouraged to work more as partners with women.  相似文献   

美日现代农地制度的比较与借鉴   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
土地制度是农村、农民、农业问题的关键。我国现行以家庭联产承包责任制为特征的土地制度在取得巨大成功的同时也日益暴露出其不足 ,这就使得农村土地制度改革具有了紧迫性。而借鉴国外一些国家农地制度的先进经验为我所用就显得十分必要。对美国、日本的现代农地制度进行分析 ,从而可以得出家庭经营、农民有保障的土地使用权以及国家的法制化管理等对我国农村土地制度改革的有益启示  相似文献   

One of Africa's most rural and densely populated countries, Burundi is a landlocked nation in Central Africa. The 4.9 million people are 85% Hutus, agricultural people of Bantu origin. However, the Hutus are excluded from power by the minority Tutsis, and the 2 groups have engaged in violent conflict. After a military coup in 1987, a new president, Major Pierre Buyoya, was installed, but restrictions on the Hutus continue. The major difference in Burundi has been a relaxation of restrictions on the Catholic church, which were severe under the former President Bagaza. Most Hutus are Catholic, with a minority of Muslims. For the peasant farmer, faced with diminishing arable land and reliance on 1 export crop (coffee), life is becoming more difficult. An expansion of sugar production was planned to reduce reliance on coffee, although the government has a rather ambivalent approach to development. While promoting private sector development with the help of the World Bank and the U.S. government, the Burundi government maintains a rigid 1-party system with strict control over the lives of the people. Infant mortality stands at 196/1,000 live births and life expectancy is low--43 years for women and 40 years for men. The literacy rate is low (39% for men, 15% for women), and the GNP per capita is low ($230). Most land is used for subsistence crops such as cassava, bananas, sweet potatoes, maize, pulses, and sorghum.  相似文献   

俄罗斯石油工业10年来走过了一条从国家垄断到放开市场、到无序竞争,又从无序竞争到国家调控、规范市场的道路,逐步走上了稳定发展的轨道。经过数年的市场整合,俄石油工业基本上形成了以十几家大石油公司为主、150家中小石油公司为辅的格局。未来,应改变目前的小石油公司过多,世界级石油公司太少的局面,必须实行联合,以便与世界石油巨头竞争。  相似文献   

Since the Vietnam War, scholarly interest in public and elite opinion of U.S. foreign policy has grown. Because elites generally have greater access to policy makers and more consistent political views, most work on this topic has focused on elite opinions of foreign policy. Most research has defined the term elite broadly, often placing more emphasis on social status than political power. We will reexamine elite foreign policy beliefs using a different elite, presidential campaign contributors. We have two main goals in this article. First, we will assess the differences between the foreign policy outlooks of political campaign contributors and other elites. While many types of elites may influence policy, political contributors are particularly likely to gain access to policy makers. The second part of this research note offers some food for thought on the origins of these beliefs. We present evidence that foreign policy beliefs are related to the same ideological orientations that shape contributors' views on domestic issues. The origins of foreign and domestic policy views should probably be considered together.  相似文献   

The policies of the apartheid regime prematurely destroyed the peasantry in South Africa, leaving millions of people without land or jobs. The abrogation of racial laws that reserved 87 per cent of the land0 for whites makes it possible to launch policies addressing the needs of black farmers. Efforts to promote the emergence of black commercial farmers risk worsening conditions for much of the rural population. While it cannot neglect commercial agriculture and food security, South Africa also needs to revive peasant agriculture, which can play a role similar to that of the informal sector in urban areas.  相似文献   

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