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行业协会虽然不直接参与市场竞争,但为了维护成员利益,他们在社会经济生活中实施了诸多限制竞争的行为。在我国,行业协会组建上的特殊性,行业协会的反竞争行为具有经济垄断与行政垄断的双重特点。《中华人民共和国反垄断法》已对此作出规定,但不足以规制行业协会的反竞争行为。  相似文献   

对企业间垄断协议进行规制是各国反垄断法的三大支柱内容之一,而行业协会组织成员企业进行限制竞争的活动是最容易形成企业联合行为的。由于行业协会的特点,使其反竞争行为存在一定的隐蔽性,对市场竞争机制造成的损害可能更为严重。《反垄断法》针对市场经济运行中行业协会功能发生偏差的现状,对行业协会限制竞争行为作了较为严厉的规定。但要有效实施《反垄断法》对行业协会的规制,还需要明确行业协会限制竞争行为的认定条件,并建立相关的法律责任制度。  相似文献   

李春华 《法治研究》2010,42(6):63-67
行业协会垄断行为已经成为许多国家的重点规制对象,我国的《反垄断法》将行业协会纳入规制范围,为制止行业协会的垄断行为提供了法律依据,然而过于笼统,缺乏可操作性。本文在讨论《反垄断法》对行业协会规制的效果及不完善方面,结合国外对行业协会限制竞争行为进行规制的相关做法,提出一些改进和完善的措施。  相似文献   

魏静 《法治研究》2010,(1):31-35
行业协会限制竞争的行为主要体现为卡特尔行为。行业协会卡特尔行为因行业协会的特殊性质而更具隐蔽性、复杂性和严重性。我国现行《反垄断法》对行业协会卡特尔行为进行了规制,但规定存在某些缺失,有待进一步完善。  相似文献   

我国转型时期行业协会的反垄断法规制   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
我国的行业协会是政府在形成市场和退出市场中的产物。因与政府关系的不同,行业协会在社会转型的过程中形成了多种行为类型,我国反垄断法应当有针对性地分别予以规制。行业协会行使政府权力的行为应当按照反垄断法规制政府行为的规范和原则来进行规制;行业协会独立自治的行为可借鉴发达市场经济国家反垄断法的一般经验来进行规制;而在政府支持下形成的反竞争行为,也不得以政府支持为由逃避反垄断法的审查。  相似文献   

行业协会具有实施限制竞争行为的内在驱动力,是各国竞争法规制的对象。我国《反垄断法》也将行业协会纳入规制范围,但其在规制内容及法律责任承担等方面还有诸多不足,仍需发展和完善。  相似文献   

探讨行业协会限制竞争行为的有关基础理论,分析它的法律规制,其目的就是设计我国行业协会限制竞争行为法律规制制度。而对法律制度的设计离不开本国的国情,本文介绍和分析了我国经济生活中常见的几种限制竞争行为,并总结了规制我国行业协会限制竞争行为的法律实施现状。  相似文献   

我国新修订的《产品质量法》中的若干条款对地区垄断、限制竞争行为进行了规制,其规制的范围与《反不正当竞争法》有其联系又存在较大的区别,准确理解这些条文的含义,明晰其与《反不正当竞争法》的关系将对维护公平竞争的市场秩序起到积极的作用。  相似文献   

李钟 《法制与社会》2011,(26):114-116
作为典型的社团法人,行业协会在其日常运作中享有高度的自治权。其所享有的自治权包括规章制定权、争端解决权、惩罚权、监管权和起诉权等。行业协会以自愿加入为原则,强制加入为例外,基于其消极功能则表现在行业协会的限制竞争偏好。它们有利用自治来掩盖那些为了促进协会成员普遍福利而限制、减少竞争的策略和行为的趋势,而这是反垄断法需要规制行业协会的地方。我国的反垄断法对行业协会的规定是原则化的,而且仅仅涵盖了垄断协议,对于行业协会在其他限制竞争行为中的责任没有做出规定。为了加强对行业协会的限制竞争行为的规制,本文做出了相应的措施。  相似文献   

本文从行业协会的基本概念、类型、产生发展及其法律地位入手,分析了行业协会限制竞争行为的类型,探讨了国外对行业协会的立法,最后构建了对我国行业协会限制竞争行为的法律规制体系。  相似文献   

田晓萍 《行政与法》2006,(11):75-77
加入WTO后急需我国行业协会在行业利益协调,避免和解决贸易争端等方面发挥积极作用。然而,制度上的障碍造成我国行业协会功能缺失,2005年纺织品贸易争端的爆发即突出反映出这一问题。因而,必须加紧健全我国行业协会发展的外部法律环境,制定《行业协会法》,并完善其内部管理机制。  相似文献   

Globalization has enabled China to rationalize and institutionalize its economic and political system. China has been quite successful in accommodating globalization in its legal reform. As China becomes one of the important trade players in the international market, the commercial disputes between Chinese companies and foreign trade-partners to be resolved through the arbitration are arising substantially. To an extent, China’s accession to the World Trade Organization (WTO) has sped up its legal reform in the past decades. However, there are some deficiencies with respect to the mechanism and legislation of China’s arbitration law that arguably is not responsive to the norms of the United Nations Commission on International Trade (UNCITRAL) Model Law (1985) and its Amendment (2006). This paper provides an overview of arbitration in China from the legislative and practical perspectives, covering the arbitration’s evolution history and problems before and after 1994. The paper focuses on some important issues in China’s Arbitration Law (“CAL”), evaluating its legislative defects which are inconsistent with the Model Law and its Amendment, clarifying how the Model Law was incorporated into China’s CAL. Some legislative amendments are recommended for CAL’s modernization and its practices, to align it with international arbitration norms in the future.  相似文献   

As for international direct investment, the transnational corporations are playing a leading role in the fields of international trade, international investment and international intellectual property. In theory and reality, this authors analyze the rationale of the social responsibilities taken by transnational corporations, the main problems in the social responsibilities of transnational corporations and the legislative status, and put forward the functions of the social responsibilities of transnational corporations in promotion of the legal construction of socialist market economy, the reform of the corporate governance and the development of transnational corporations in China. Wang Chuanli, Professor and Doctoral Supervisor of China University of Political Science and Law, Vice-chairman of China Society of International Economic Law, and Vice-chairman of Research Institute of WTO Law (China Law Society), also Arbitrator of China International Economic & Trade Arbitration Commission and Beijing Arbitration Commission. Her main publications are “The Legal Effectiveness of Foreign Economic Contracts”, “International Trade Law of Sales of Goods”, “International Protection of Intellectual Property Rights” and “International Trade Law Government Control on Business”. Moreover, she has published over ten influential discourses on international economic law. In addition, her ongoing research projects include WTO Agriculture Agreement and the Rules of International Agri-products Trade, WTO and International Core labor Standards, and the Role of Judicial Independence of European Court of Justice to Promote the Integration of Europe.  相似文献   

Regional Trade Arrangements (RTAs) have proliferated after the birth of the World Trade Organization (WTO). In these years, as the members of RTAs increased considerably, the instruments and formalities of RTAs have been varied, and the scope of RTAs has been expanded. With regards to China, it has changed its traditional view and has been engaged positively in the building its own RTAs. Facing the competition from neighboring countries, China should construct an appropriate strategy on RTAs as soon as possible. Without the derogation of multilateral trade agreement, the RTA strategy should be led by national strategic interest, contain the involvement of various levels of trade agreements, enlarge the scope of regional trade agreements, and expand the potential realm of partners for cooperation, etc. Chen Bin was a joint doctoral student of Wuhan University (China) and l’Université Paul Cézanne Aix-Marseille III (France). Now, he is an editor of International Law Review of Wuhan University, a visiting scholar under the scholarship programme of UK foundation for Uniform Law of l’Institut International pour l’Unification du Droit Privé (Unidroit), a researcher under the doctoral scholarship programme of the Hague Academy of International Law, a research fellow of Heidelberg Max Plank Institute for Comparative Public Law and International Law, a research fellow under the Asser Research Fellowships Programme of T.M.C. Asser Instituut, a visiting fellow under the scholarship program for visiting fellows of Hamburg Max Plank Institute for Comparative and International Private Law. Mr. Chen is a member of the Society of International Economic Law (SIEL), the Association for International Arbitration (AIA) and the Asian Competition Forum (ACF), and a researcher of the Arbitration Institute of Guangzhou Arbitration Court. Currently, his research interests focus on international trade law and public international law.  相似文献   

商业秘密的保护已经成为了《中美经贸协议》规制的主要问题,《中美经贸协议》对我国商业秘密保护提出了更高的要求。通过从文本格式和文本内容两个角度分析《中美经贸协议》关于商业秘密的规定,指出我国商业秘密保护法律模式及现行法律关于商业秘密保护的规定存在的不足和缺陷。我国应当从宏观上转变商业秘密保护的法律模式建立商业秘密专门法保护制度,现阶段应当加强我国涉外经贸中商业秘密保护的法律规范、修改商业秘密的刑事保护规定、增大政府商业秘密保护中的义务。  相似文献   

《对外贸易法》在我国对外贸易中具有防范国家安全威胁和维护国家安全的重要作用。然而,反观美国《1962年贸易拓展法》以及《关税及贸易总协定》《服务贸易总协定》和近期生效实施的部分区域自由贸易协定有关国家安全制度的立法模式,我国《对外贸易法》相关条款的“两分法”模式存在明显不足。根据“总体国家安全观”,我国有必要制定具有“时代性”特点的对外贸易国家安全制度。  相似文献   

国际贸易和食品安全是相互影响和相互制约的关系,绿色壁垒形成的根本原因在于一些国家为了保护本国经济利益,限制外国产品进入本国市场,确保本国产品在国内市场的占有份额。它具有形式上的合法性、实施上的歧视性等特征。WTO对"绿色壁垒"问题进行了相关法律规制,但是也存在很多问题;针对绿色壁垒对我国食品进出口的影响,我国应当从善用WTO规则、完善国内法律法规、大力发展绿色产品出口以及加强自主产权转基因食品的研究等方面予以积极应对。  相似文献   

在市场竞争日趋激烈的今天,商标抢注事件时有发生。商标抢注行为违背了商标法的立法宗旨、损害了商标在先使用者的利益和消费者的利益,违背了诚实信用原则,扰乱了正常的社会经济秩序。商标抢注问题亟需解决。本文对商标抢注现象产生的原因及其危害进行了分析,指出了现有立法的不足,并提出了完善我国商标法、制止恶意抢注商标行为的立法建议。  相似文献   

中国-东盟自由贸易区(英文缩写CAFTA)是我国第一个参与的具有话语权的自由贸易区.其中涉及到的法律是多层次的:CAFTA本身的法律,多边贸易体制的法律以及成员国的法律,或第三国的法律.多边贸易体制的法律是CAFTA自由贸易区合法运作的基础;中国-东盟自由贸易区的条约是CAFTA运作的法律根据;而中国、东盟本身以及东盟各成员国的法律是CAFTA运做的法律补充.  相似文献   

邓崇专 《河北法学》2007,25(1):155-160
随着中国-东盟自由贸易区的启动和建立,我国与东盟之间将在投资和各项贸易方面密切合作,这势必会产生大量的民商事法律关系.而如何处理和对待我国涉东盟的民商事法律关系,这是目前摆在我们面前急需探讨的问题.由于中国-东盟自由贸易区是我国与他国的第一个区域自由贸易安排,加之东盟自由贸易区自身特点十分突出,所以,我国在处理涉东盟民商事法律关系时应有独到的价值取向.  相似文献   

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