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目的探索一氧化碳中毒存在的个体差异性,分析女性可能存在的抵御一氧化碳中毒的机制。方法收集207例不同来源的一氧化碳中毒死亡者血液,测量COHb含量,将案例按照不同的因素分类进行统计学分析。结果不同一氧化碳的来源对于死者的COHb浓度影响显著,而性别对于COHb浓度影响不显著,少年儿童和老年人有可能对COHb的抵御能力差于成年人。  相似文献   

对CO中毒死亡案件的判定,主要是依据血碳氧血红蛋白(COHb)浓度。但在实际案例中,会遇到血COHb浓度低于致死浓度的情况,从而对CO中毒死亡的判定带来了一定困难。本文通过分析49例CO中毒死亡案件的法医学特点,  相似文献   

目的研究CO中毒腐败血、肝组织检材中CO的HS/GC/MS检测。方法用HS/GC/MS法分析碳氧血红蛋白(COHb)血的线性范围。配制10%、30%、50%、70%浓度COHb血样,分别在室温、冷藏、冷冻条件下保存,分别在当日、第4、14、45d进行测定,比较实验结果。腐败肝组织由雄性健康家兔通CO气体致死,当天解剖,家兔肝常温隔绝空气保存并放35d至腐败,期间进行不定期顶空测定分析。结果制备的COHb血在0-100%之间有良好的线性关系Y=2.4X+2.2(r=0.9995)。以此方法测定家兔CO中毒致死的COHb新鲜血的浓度和4℃下放置45dCOHb腐败血,结果表明温度对血样中COHb%的测定影响最大。采用HS/GC/MS法检测,每次只需0.25ml血样或1g肝脏,分析一次时间只需3min,均可检测出新鲜检材和常温放置45d的腐败肝组织检材CO的含量。结论HS/GC/MS法能检出CO中毒的腐败生物检材中CO。  相似文献   

火场中的尸体是法医病理工作者较常见的案件,在这种案件中,判断是生前烧死还是死后焚尸具有非常重要的意义。本文就相关文献关于火灾死亡案件的尸体内部、外部征象、现场特点、以及以COHb为主的实验室结果加以综述,目的在于阐明这些特征在实际案件中的作用和应用,为法医工作者解决此类案件提供参考。  相似文献   

案情 某年11月某电务段工人刘某某(35岁),其子刘某(13岁),其妻张某某(33岁)同住一室,刘某某父子二人因煤气(CO)中毒死亡,尸检发现二人面颊、胸腹部、大腿内侧均呈樱桃红色,其子尤甚.穿刺抽取心血检验,其父刘某某COHb浓度为56%,其子刘某心血COHb浓度为51%.其妻张某某自述头晕、恶心、头痛、四肢无力.2个月后走访仍精神反应迟缓.在中毒现场上发现,刘某某寝室面积约20m~2,室内置一“华丰”牌双胆煤炉,窗子全部关闭且用纸条糊缝,门紧闭.检查烟筒时还发现,烟筒内麻雀作窝堵塞严重.访问张某某了解到前一天晚约18:30张家点炉生火,为了保暖,一直门窗紧闭,晚上21时左右,全家人都感到困倦(中毒症状),即上床睡觉.第二天早上7时许,张某某醒来,见其夫刘某某俯卧在床前的水泥地上,其子一动不动地躺在床边,呼叫后二人均无反应,遂跌跌撞撞打开门呼救.医生赶到时,刘某某父子呼吸、心跳全无,尸僵遍布全身.讨论 蜂窝煤在不完全燃烧时可产生一氧化碳(CO).据文  相似文献   

一氧化碳中毒死亡并不少见,尤其在北方地区的冬季较多见。此类死亡的法医学检验除了依据现场勘查和死者的体表及解剖所特有的尸体现象外,定性主要依据死者心脏血中检出碳氧血红蛋白(COHb)。对于新鲜死亡的尸体在死者的心脏中提取血液较容易,而对于高度腐败尸体由于腐败造成大量的腐败气体使心血管内压力增高腐败血液渗出心血管壁,  相似文献   

目的研究不同一氧化碳(carbon monoxide,CO)浓度下中毒大鼠的行为学特征、存活时间、碳氧血红蛋白(carboxyhemoglobin,HbCO)饱和度变化规律,为法医学实践中CO中毒死亡案件提供实验依据。方法将160只SD大鼠随机分为4组。自制染毒装置,使大鼠分别在CO浓度为1 250、3 750、6 250 mg/m~3及持续通入CO状态下染毒致死亡。观察不同CO浓度中毒大鼠的行为学特征,记录存活时间,采用分光光度法检测心血HbCO饱和度,并提取脑、心脏、肺、肝等器官进行组织病理学观察。结果 CO中毒大鼠的行为学特征表现为肢体瘫软、反应迟钝。随着CO浓度的升高,大鼠存活时间逐渐缩短,心血HbCO饱和度逐渐升高。在CO浓度为1 250 mg/m~3条件下,发现3例心血HbCO饱和度明显低于致死饱和度,其余各组未发现心血HbCO饱和度低于致死饱和度的情况。结论建立的不同浓度下CO中毒死亡动物模型,操作简单,重复性好,为进一步研究CO中毒及其他吸入性有毒气体的法医学研究奠定了基础。  相似文献   

通过分析近年来有关血液样品中碳氧血红蛋白稳定性方面的研究资料,发现血液中碳氧血红蛋白的稳定性受到盛放容器、保存温度、容器顶部空气体积、初始HbCO饱和度及防腐剂的添加与否的影响,其中保存温度、容器顶部空气体积及初始HbCO饱和度则是其主要影响因素。  相似文献   

检验血液中碳氧血红蛋白饱和度越来越多地应用仪器进行定性、定量分析,其中紫外光谱法由于简单、方便,应用较普遍。但该法需要对所得到的紫外光谱图进行手工测量计算,常常产生较大的误差。本文采用Matlab软件,根据碳氧血红蛋白饱和度的计算方法编写了一个程序,消除了这种人为的误差,并实现了测量过程的自动化,且计算快速、简便。Mat-lab软件计算功能强大,提供了一种演算纸方式的编程语言,已成为科学研究和工程计算的基本技能[1,2],但在法庭物证科学中的应用还很少,现报道如下。1一氧化碳中毒血紫外吸收光谱图取0.2ml检血,加适量的蒸馏水稀…  相似文献   

<正>1案例1.1简要案情郑某,女,某年10月22日,因"停经3月余,纳差,腹痛1周,加重2 d"至某中医院就诊,10月23日7:50转至某市第二医院急诊,以"盆腔巨大包块、难免流产、盆腔积液、休克"收住入院。经扩容、抗休克等治疗,11:15血氧饱和度降至70%,予气管插管,血氧饱和度持续下降,心率渐缓慢,于11:40心搏停止死亡。1.2病史摘要  相似文献   

This paper describes the spectrophotometric determination of carboxyhemoglobin (CO-Hb) in blood on the basis of double wavelength spectrophotometry of absorbance difference. Absorbance measurements are made in the 500–600 nm region at a blood dilution of 100–200-fold. Blood is diluted with a solution containing Na2S2O4 to provide two components of CO-Hb and deoxyhemoglobin (deoxy-Hb). Absorbance difference at the two wavelengths at which deoxy-Hb has the same absorbance reflects only the CO-Hb component because the opposite component is nulled out of the mixture. After measurement of the absorbance difference, the measuring solution is saturated with CO gas to make all Hb derivative CO-Hb and remeasured at the same wavelengths. The percent of CO-Hb is considered the absorbance difference ratio. Results obtained by the present method was in satisfactory agreement with gas chromatographic data in blood not containing methemoglobin (Met-Hb). Comparative experiments using the gas chromatographic method and the present method were performed with samples containing Met-Hb. However, while there is a deficiency in the gas chromatographic method when the samples contain Met-Hb, the results of the present method were in close agreement with theoretical values when samples are mixed with CO-Hb, O2-Hb and Met-Hb. Advantages of this method are that it is simple and accurate, standard curve or equation for calculation and accurate dilution are not necessary.  相似文献   

For the determination of total hemoglobin (Hb) in blood containing elevated carboxyhemoglobin (COHb), a newly developed reagent containing a 100-fold concentration of ferricyanide (20 g/l) and a 2-fold concentration of Sterox SE was compared with a standard reagent (0.2 g/l ferricyanide), the reagent of van Kampen and Zijlstra, using forensic blood samples and experimentally heated blood samples. There were no significant differences between the spectra of hemiglobincyanide (HiCN) solution produced with our reagent and the van Kampen and Zijlstra reagent using experimentally heated blood samples. Although the spectra of HiCN changed gradually with increased heating time and with the passage of time after mixing, the absorbance at 540 nm (A540) did not change until at least 120 min for both the reagents. When forensic blood samples containing elevated COHb were mixed with the van Kampen and Zijlstra reagent, total-Hb concentrations determined 5 min after mixing were 10-20% higher than those determined after 180 min. The overestimates of total Hb determined after 5 min resulted in comparable underestimates of percentage saturation of COHb (COHb%) when COHb% was obtained from the ratio of COHb content, determined by gas chromatogrpahy, to total-Hb concentration in blood. However, there was an extremely good correlation between the values of total Hb in forensic blood samples determined with the van Kampen and Zijlstra reagent after 180 min and those determined with our reagent after 5 min. From the results obtained, our reagent proved to be suitable for the determination of total Hb in forensic science practice.  相似文献   

A fast and sensitive method for the determination of carboxyhemoglobin (COHb) in blood using derivative spectroscopy is described. The addition of sodium dithionite as a reducing agent is not required. The concentration interval studied was from 0.5% to 100% COHb.  相似文献   

目的建立一种操作简单、快速、去除杂质能力强、提取率高的硅藻土提取血、尿、肝中巴比妥类药物的方法。方法尿液不经稀释、血液经稀释过硅藻土柱,乙醚洗脱;肝匀浆用6%高氯酸沉淀蛋白,上清液过硅藻土柱,二氯甲烷洗脱药物。洗脱液挥干用0.45mol/L氢氧化钠溶液溶解,将溶液等分为两份,分别用等量的0.45mol/L氢氧化钠溶液和0.6mol/L硼酸-氯化钾溶液稀释,得到pH10和pH14水溶液,以pH10溶液为参比,测定pH14溶液的紫外二阶导数光谱进行药物检测。结果该法提取率血98.6%~100.3%,尿99.7%~103.2%,肝78.4%~102%,检出限均低于1.0μg/g(m l),变异系数小于2.9%,线性范围0.5~5.0μg/m l。结论硅藻土提取血、尿、肝中巴比妥类药物、紫外差示导数光谱法进行测定,适合作为法医毒物常规检验方法。  相似文献   

Kinetics of the oxidation of carboxyhemoglobin (HbCO) by potassium ferricyanide was studied photometrically in a weakly acid solution. An increase in the absorbance at 630 nm reached a maximum within 10 min when over a 100-fold excess of ferricyanide to hemoglobin iron was used. A slight decrease in the absorbance was observed after completion of the reaction when over a 500-fold excess of the reagent was used. In the presence of 0.4% Sterox SE, the absorbance began to decrease without complete oxidation. From these findings, a simple, rapid and accurate method for the determination of methemoglobin (Met-Hb) in blood was devised. The method was compared with two other methods, using 11 blood samples containing various amounts of HbCO, and proved to be suitable for blood containing elevated HbCO as well as for ordinary blood.  相似文献   

Under low ambient temperatures normally bluish postmortem lividity adopts a bright red or pink colour due to resaturation of haemoglobin with O2. The most important differential diagnosis in the presence of pink hypostasis is carbon monoxide poisoning. To answer the question if objective measuring methods allow differentiation of hypostasis with regard to cold exposition or carbon monoxide poisoning, spectrophotometric measurements were performed and the colorimetric measures as well as the spectral reflectance curves of the postmortem lividity were determined. The colorimetric measures CIE-L*a*b* showed similar values for all bright red livores mortis; differentiation between CO intoxication and cold exposition was not possible. Reflectance curves of pink hypostasis after cold storage showed the typical pattern of O2-rich blood with reflectance minima at wavelengths 541 nm and 576 nm and a reflectance maximum at 560 nm. Pink hypostasis because of carbon monoxide poisoning showed a shift of the reflectance maximum toward 555 nm and a flattened curve in all cases with COHb concentrations exceeding 52%, whereas these changes were not regularly observed with lower COHb levels.  相似文献   

A rapid and accurate method, combining solid-phase extraction and second-order derivative spectrophotomety approaches, is developed for the simultaneous determination of diquat (DQ) and paraquat (PQ) in blood, tissue and urine samples. Supernatant resulting from the precipitation of protein (with trichloroacetic acid) in plasma and tissue or Amberlite IRA-401 resin treated urine are passed through a mini-column packed with Wakogel gel (Silica gel). Analytes are then eluted with a non-organic solvent, 0.2mol/l HCl solution containing 2mol/l NH(4)Cl. UV spectrum of the eluent in 220-350nm range provides effective screen to detect the presence of DQ and/or PQ. In the presence of DQ or PQ alone, the analyte present is quantitated by conventional zero- or second-order derivative spectrophotometry. The calibration curve in the 0.1-5.0mg/l range for either analyte obeys Beer's law. When both DQ and PQ are present, their concentrations are determined by the peak amplitudes of their respective second-derivative spectra after the addition of alkaline dithionite reagent. Interference is negligible when the DQ/PQ concentration ratio is within the 5.0-0.2 range.Using a 2-ml of sample size, the detection limits for DQ and PQ in plasma are 0.02 and 0.005mg/l. The corresponding detection limits for urine samples (10ml sample size) are 0.004 and 0.001mg/l. Recoveries of DQ and PQ in triplicate plasma and urine samples spiked with 0.5mg/l of analytes are 93 and 85%. The precision of the proposed method resulting from triplicate study of spiked urine samples varies from 3.2 to 4.6% at 0.5mg/l of DQ and PQ, respectively.  相似文献   

Fluorescence spectra of sebum-rich latent fingerprints were studied with a tunable laser for non-destructive fingerprint detection without chemical treatment. The tunable laser consists of a nanosecond pulsed Nd-YAG laser and an optical parametric oscillator (OPO) crystal. The fluorescence spectra and images were measured at various excitation wavelengths in the ultraviolet region by the time-resolved fluorescence method. We have previously reported that a typical fluorescence spectrum of fingerprints consists of two peaks located at c. 330 and 440 nm. In order to determine the wavelength of optimal excitation, excitation spectra were measured at wavelengths ranging from 220 to 310 nm. The fluorescence intensity of the 330 nm peak became maximal with excitation at 280 nm. The images of latent fingerprints on white papers were also measured and the clearest image was obtained with excitation at 280 nm. The influence of continuous irradiation on the fluorescence of fingerprints was measured at the optimal excitation wavelengths. The 330 nm peak was strong at first and decreased with continuous irradiation, whereas the 440 nm peak, which was weak at first, increased gradually.  相似文献   

A novel method for the non-destructive age determination of a blood stain is described. It is based on the measurement of the visible reflectance spectrum of the haemoglobin component using a microspectrophotometer (MSP), spectral pre-processing and the application of supervised statistical classification techniques. The reflectance spectra of sample equine blood stains deposited on a glazed white tile were recorded between 1 and 37 days, using an MSP at wavelengths between 442 nm and 585 nm, under controlled conditions. The determination of age was based on the progressive change of the spectra with the aging of the blood stain. These spectra were pre-processed to reduce the effects of baseline variations and sample scattering. Two feature selection methods based on calculation of Fisher's weights and Fourier transform (FT) of spectra were used to create inputs into a statistical model based on linear discriminant analysis (LDA). This was used to predict the age of the blood stain and tested by using the leave-one-out cross validation method. When the same blood stain was used to create the training and test datasets an excellent correct classification rate (CCR) of 91.5% was obtained for 20 input frequencies, improving to 99.2% for 66 input frequencies. A more realistic scenario where separate blood stains were used for the training and test datasets led to poorer successful classification due to problems with the choice of substrate but nevertheless up to 19 days a CCR of 54.7% with an average error of 0.71 days was obtained.  相似文献   

The results presented demonstrate the capacity for spectral enhancement to substantially improve the forensic examination of footwear impressions in blood treated with leucocrystal violet (LCV). The UV-Vis absorption spectra were generated of (i) an aqueous solution of leucocrystal violet, (ii) leucocrystal violet in 3% H(2)O(2), (iii) LCV working solution and (iv) whole blood added to LCV working solution. The resultant fluorescence emission spectra were subsequently generated (lambda(ex)=630nm, lambda(em)=661-900nm). The results indicate that the UV-Vis absorption spectra of an unbuffered solution of whole blood with LCV working solution produces a strong absorbance curve with a maxima at 630nm. Subsequent excitation at this wavelength and generation of the emission spectrum in the fluorescence mode indicates that a solution of whole blood added to LCV working solution is an extremely weak fluorophore. Therefore, to enable an adequate and timely enhancement of blood impression evidence treated with LCV utilising either visible fluorescence or infrared luminescence requires (i) selection of the most appropriate excitation wavelength (lambda(ex)) and emission wavelength (lambda(em)) with extremely narrow band pass filters, which in the absence of substrate matrix interference is excitation at 630nm producing the emission maxima at 665nm and (ii) a visual enhancement system such as a CCD colour IR video camera with image integration.  相似文献   

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