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监管影响分析制度是由特定的监管机构对现行或拟议监管措施已经产生或可能产生的积极影响和消极影响进行系统分析与评估的程序机制。美国是世界上第一个采用监管影响分析制度的国家,其通过一系列的行政命令和国会立法,确立了监管影响分析的法律框架,逐步完善了相关的实施机制。这些实施机制包括监管影响分析的适用范围、分析方法、替代性方案的评估、成本与收益的估算、审查机关及审查程序等。尽管监管影响分析制度因存在成本收益分析的高度不确定性、重要的非经济价值容易被低估等缺陷而受到美国学界的质疑,但其对于形成"理性监管"的监管文化起到了巨大的推动作用,在一定程度上促进了监管质量的提高,改进了政府的可问责性。  相似文献   

对我国公用事业特许经营改革40起典型事例的实证分析表明,特许经营制度改革本身定位是否确当、政府是否具备诚信意识、后续政府监管是否有力、政府利益衡量是否周全,往往成为特许经营制度运作成败的关键。为了实现公用事业特许经营制度的健康发展,应当从风险防范意识的加强、法律规范体系的完善和政府监管能力的提升等三个方面进行努力。  相似文献   

英国为执行欧盟人体组织和细胞三个指令在立法和执法上所作的努力及其获得的成功,对于我国建立人体组织细胞法律制度,发展监管科学,有效治理"干细胞治疗"乱象,具有重要借鉴价值。在实证的基础上,分析、介绍英国人体组织法的基础、基本制度和运作方式,设想中国干细胞疗法监管科学的框架,应当包括监管的目标和长远战略、科学立法、制度文化、监管体制与执法机制、行业治理、患者维权的伦理—法律问题等。  相似文献   

目次一、公用事业普遍服务原则概述二、公平正义理念与公用事业普遍服务原则三、社会公共利益理论与公用事业普遍服务原则四、消费者福利理论与公用事业普遍服务原则五、市场失灵理论与公用事业普遍服务原则六、小结普遍服务作为公用事业管制性法律、法规中蕴涵的基本法律原则和要义之一,试图在市场自由竞争与国家适度干预、企业自主经营与政府管制之间的张力中寻求某种平衡。这一诉求触及国家公权力对市场私权的干预这一敏感而富有争议的话题,因此,将公用事业普遍服务原则置于价值规范的终极关怀之下,从价值论的角度对其得以生成所依托的公平正义理念、公共利益理论、消费者福利等理论进行详细解读,有助于消弭人们对国家干预权的疑虑,确保公用事业普遍服务在看得见的手与看不见的手双重体系下得以实现。  相似文献   

张莉莉  高萌 《行政与法》2014,(11):35-39
目前,我国地方金融监管的法律制度尚不完善,存在地方金融管理重复与真空并存、地方金融管理部门权责不对等、职能定位与市场定位有偏差等问题。其原因主要在于相关法律制度的缺失。完善地方金融监管法律制度可以借鉴温州政府的《温州民间金融管理条例》,通过确立监管理念、监管主体以及具体制度的构架等建立起地方金融监管法律体系,以促进地方金融监管的法治化、规范化。  相似文献   

行政问责法治化对于反腐败具有重要作用。本文在分析行政问责法治化的科学内涵、基本原则和意义的基础上,从完善行政问责法律体系、加强行政问责执法制度建设、完善行政问责法治化的相关法律制度等方面提出对策。以期对全面推进行政问责法治化,建设责任型政府有所助益。  相似文献   

我国社会组织监管信息公开机制中的政府供给机制,在信息公开模式上,存在依申请公开未"落地化"与主动公开范围"狭窄化"问题。完善配套立法与扩大主动公开信息范围是应对之策;在信息公开内容上,存在偏重登记准入监管信息公开而忽略登记后续监管信息公开问题。扩大后续监管信息公开,尤其是后续监管结论形成过程信息公开是实现社会组织监管信息公开法治化的关键之举;在信息共享机制上,存在因信息壁垒而导致行政监管协同性降低的问题。建立与完善监管信息异地抄告制度、通报制度、互联互通机制有助于提升社会组织监管整体质态。  相似文献   

德国的政党法治化给我们的启示   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
崔英楠 《法学》2005,(7):26-33
德国政党法治化一直走在世界前列。政党法治化的主要内容为:政党入宪是政党法治化最主要的制度形式和制度安排;选举法是政党法治化的开端,是政党进入国家政治体系的阶梯;政党法是政党法治化的主要法律形式。特别值得注意的是,德国联邦宪法法院的违宪审查对德国政党法治化过程起着重要的推动作用。尽管我国政党制度与德国的政党制度有着本质的不同,德国重视政党法治建设及其保证法律得以落实的行之有效的机制对我们仍有借鉴意义。  相似文献   

保险机构是股票市场重要的机构投资者。但我国保险机构在股票市场上频频举牌上市公司,进行野蛮收购,干预上市公司的经营管理,颠覆了保险资金"长期价值投资者"的行业形象a,引起了业界普遍质疑。"宝万之争"更是把保险资金入市后引发的一系列问题凸显在公众视野。对于保险资金运用的法律监管,保监会现有的监管措施主要集中在三个方面:偿付能力监管、保险资金来源监管及信息披露。但目前上述监管措施均存在监管不足的问题。为避免再次出现"宝万之争"的惨痛局面,将保险业监管纳入有序稳定的法治化轨道,切实提升金融风险监管的有效性和公平性,促进保险业稳定健康持续发展,需要调整监管思路,管住前端,放开后端,建立多层次监管体系,完善公司治理监管措施。  相似文献   

高校包含私法性质的准公务法人地位及高校与学生之间包含民事内容的准行政法律关系是认定高校学生管理与服务法治化的理论基础与法律依据,高校学生管理与服务法治化中尚存在高校学生权利保障和救济机制不充分,学生管理和服务体制、法律体系、程序不完善等问题,高校学生管理与服务法治化的目标和路径是实现高校学生管理与服务理念、依据、程序、救济机制和衔接制度的法治化。  相似文献   

Under the public utilities franchise system, the executive branch may transfer the task of providing public utilities services for the common good to a private party. It should undertake to regulate and prevent the private party from pursuing its own interests to the detriment of public interest while discharging its duty under the public utilities franchise. Since any public interest must be enjoyed by all individuals, we can say that the obligations owed under administrative regulations aim at the ultimate goal of increasing individual welfare. In the public utilities franchise system, regulations of this kind can be divided into six different categories: maintaining and promoting necessary market competition, ensuring the continuity of public utilities services, ensuring non-discriminatory provision of public utilities services, ensuring the quality of public utilities services, ensuring reasonable charges for public utilities services, and ensuring the conservation of energy and protection of the environment while providing public utilities services. The absence of governmental regulation of the provision of public utilities and of reforms in such services in China has harmed both public interest and the rights and interests of consumers. Some of the problems caused include chaotic market access for public utilities, no guarantee of the sustainability of public utilities, the failure of the universality of public utilities, declining quality of public utilities, sharp rise in the prices of public utilities, insufficient regulations on the conservation of energy and environmental protection, and so on. In order to achieve the effective implementation of the administrative regulations and obligations therein with respect to public utilities and the maximization of public interest, the Chinese government should enhance its consciousness of regulating public utilities, improve the legal system to regulate public utilities, perfect the regulatory system for public utilities, and establish a system of liability to compensate for failures in regulation.  相似文献   

网络型公用企业竞争的法律规制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
曹阳 《现代法学》2007,29(3):105-111
规制法治化是网络型公用企业竞争的必要前提,以事业法和反垄断法规制为其主要内容。事业法规制包括市场准入与退出规制、价格规制、互联互通与接入费规制、禁止交叉补贴与普遍服务规制、不对称规制等,其价值取向为涵盖在位生产者、潜在竞争者、交易者和消费者的福利在内的经济效率与社会公平之间的均衡;反垄断法规制包括滥用网络优势行为规制、合并与拆分规制、联合限制竞争规制、行政垄断规制等,其价值取向为“有限竞争自由→适度竞争自由→充分竞争自由”的发展。就法律位阶体系而言,反垄断法应为“基本法律”,而事业法为“非基本法律”,反垄断法应优于事业法。  相似文献   

许石慧 《时代法学》2007,5(5):71-76
以反垄断为核心的竞争法与产业监管,是解决市场失灵问题的两种主要方式,虽然存在诸多区别,但各自的制度价值已为实践所证明。竞争主管机构与产业监管部门作为制度的实施者,不同的权力配置模式决定了对市场矫正的效果差异。以竞争法主导下的产业监管与反垄断的相对独立管辖及协调机制,越发成为较优的模式安排。中国市场竞争秩序构建中,反垄断机构与产业监管部门的权力配置可以借鉴这一国际经验,但也应考虑自身改革路径与法律逻辑起点的特殊性。  相似文献   

在包括赵春华案在内的诸多引发舆论关注的争议案件中,法官或许并非不是不懂得如何利用社科法学的判断能力与法教义学的裁判技术去弥合司法标准与公众认知之间的巨大断裂,而更可能是基于其“父爱”式的社会“管制”取向而对司法后果的实质合理性问题做出了“爱之深,责之切”的价值决断。在中国特色社会主义法律体系已经形成的历史背景下,为了保证良法的颁行能够导向预期的善治,法律必须以其作为“社会交往机制”的系统潜力而彰显其公理性与司法的合理性。只有首先确立基于交往原则和承认社会自主性的权力逻辑与法律决策结构,那种体现“人性化”“人文化”和“人权化”的方法论逻辑才有可能在法律的运作中获得国家体制官僚无法武断拒斥的实效。  相似文献   

我国当下公交民营化改革普遍受挫的背后隐藏着异常复杂的政府规制课题。作为公私部门合作治理的有益尝试,特许经营是我国公交民营化改革的基本路径。面对公交领域特许经营的诸多困境,地方政府应当尽快实现由"冲锋陷阵"的执行者向"身居幕后"的保障者的角色变迁,在坚守法治精神和契约规则的基础上切实担负起后民营化阶段的规制责任,努力促进公共福祉的提升。在公私合作的崭新背景下,通过对具体行政领域规制过程的观察和政策面的关怀,以回应真实世界为己任的新行政法已然兴起。  相似文献   

刑法的调整对象   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
肖洪 《现代法学》2004,26(6):57-65
刑法有没有自己独立的调整对象,一直是国内外刑法学界争议的焦点。我国刑法学界和法学界通说都认为刑法没有自己独立的调整对象。但是,如果刑法真的没有自己独立的调整对象的话,区别刑法和其他部门法的依据主要在于调整手段的不同的话,那么,为什么调整同样的社会关系要用不同的调整手段呢?是否完全只能靠立法者来决定什么是刑法的调整范畴?那么,这样又怎么能够防止立法者可能产生的误差呢?因此,刑法应该有自己独立的调整对象。研究刑法的调整对象只能从刑法和其他部门法之间的区别中来界定,而刑法和其他部门法的区别就在于刑法调整的是破坏法律制度的行为,即刑法的调整对象是破坏法律制度的行为。  相似文献   

协调性是竞争法律体系的根本属性,对于衡量竞争立法的科学性和竞争执法的有效性具有重要价值。研究竞争法律体系的协调性,可以有效防止和化解竞争法律冲突。竞争法律体系的协调性是由竞争法律调整目标的协调性、竞争法律原则的协调性、调整对象的协调性、法律责任的协调性以及执法体制的协调性所构成的。从应然角度分析,中国竞争法律体系协调化应当具备形式、内容和价值三个要件。  相似文献   

Despite various studies evincing the huge potential locked up in public sector information (PSI), this potential is far from being fully exploited. To a large extent, this failure is caused by the immensely complex legal labyrinth surrounding PSI re-use. This complexity works in two ways: public sector bodies do not comply with the regulatory framework and re-users do not avail themselves of the legal instruments offered, resulting in unexploited economic potential. What makes the legal framework so complex is the transcending nature of PSI re-use, as it blends four areas of law - freedom of information law, ICT law, intellectual property law and competition law - that, throughout the years, have been regulated at a European, national and even at a sectoral level, but in isolation. The fundamental impact that ICT developments have on our society, subsequently also rocking the legal rules and underlying principles and axioms, makes the picture even more complicated. Taking the maximization of utility of PSI as a starting point in this article, I will anatomize each of these legal frameworks and demonstrate how they interact, culminating in a conceptual framework that may help public sector bodies and re-users, and courts where necessary, to apply and rely on the rules involved and to bring to the surface areas for policy action, both at the national and European level.  相似文献   

The first part of this article was published in the Commonwealth Law Bulletin, Volume 33, No 2. The article examines various elements that form part of a modern public fiscal management law as well as the role played by key players and puts forward a number of proposals for reform. Also examined in this article are elements impacting on the effective implementation of a modern fiscal law. The author moreover draws on a wide array of case law to propose core definitions of key fiscal law. While the preoccupation of this article is primarily legal in focus, the author cautions that unless other elements for effective re‐engineering, such as training and proper remuneration, are in place, the benefits mooted by such a legal regime may not materialise. The ultimate aim of a legal and regulatory framework supporting a modern financial management system is for increased accountabilities, transparency and value for money. Where these principles permeate the system of public financial management, from the identification and accounting of public money and the design and content of the Budget or public expenditure system, to the monitoring of the expenditure, the demands of the governed for better government and the protection of the public interest are met. So too are the demands of the governed for better government from the governing and the promotion of the public interest.  相似文献   

Abstract:  This article examines, from a legal point of view, the working and functioning of the non-governmental system of outsourcing labour regulation in China. This examination is conducted from two angles. First, by adopting the analytical tool of contemporary international law, in particular human rights law, it is found that generally the outsourcing regulation system possesses its full legitimacy and special value in realising business entities' responsibilities to respect, protect, fulfil and promote labours' fundamental rights and interests. The international community has also set some minimum legal requirements in this regard. Second, reviewed in the context of domestic law and policy, this article identifies that many legal questions arising from the outsourcing of labour regulation in China have been neglected by either the governmental or the non-governmental labour regulation system. Some representative legal issues are illustrated. It is argued that the underlying causes are three pairs of controversies, i.e. the controversy between the ideal standardised model norms vis-à-vis the realistic specified local societal concerns; the controversy between the voluntary nature of the non-governmental norms vis-à-vis the necessity for official authorities' legal guidance and enforcement; and the controversy between the internal interests of the international production chain vis-à-vis the external interests of outer stakeholders. Finally, this article concludes that, on the one hand, the foreign buyer companies and the international non-governmental organisations must not neglect the particular societal concerns and demands in China, and, on the other hand, the Chinese public authorities should promote and direct the development of the non-governmental labour regulation by improving the governance of rule of law as well as policy making and implementation. Some tentative proposals are raised for solution.  相似文献   

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