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谭观秀 《时代法学》2007,5(4):97-99
和谐社会即是法治社会,它的建设已成为法治文化的价值目标、生成条件和实践舞台。作为法治文化的人本检察观,有着科学的内涵和重大的时代意义,其要求法律更加注重对权利、自由等价值的关爱,把尊重人格、合乎人性、保障人权贯彻到检察工作的全过程,使之成为和谐社会的精神取向、制度保障和素质支撑。真正把握和践行好和谐发展视野下的人本检察观,同时要求法的价值随之发生转换。  相似文献   

构成要件的历史考察——从诉讼概念到实体概念的嬗变   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国刑法学中所使用的构成要件一词是从德语的Tatbesand (犯罪类型 )翻译而来 ,而德语Tatbesand又起源于拉丁语corpusdelicti (犯罪的根本的事实 ,简称罪体 )。构成要件经历了从诉讼概念向实体概念嬗变的这一发展历史表明 :无论是作为诉讼概念还是作为实体概念 ,构成要件自身都不能保障罪刑法定原则的实现 ,相反 ,罪刑法定原则是构成要件存在的价值基础 ;构成要件和犯罪论的联系不是必然的 ,而是罪刑法定原则使两者联系在一起 ;同时 ,构成要件的内容也是随着它所追求的价值目标的变化而不断变化的。  相似文献   

意思自治原则的内核是主体的平等自由,理性主义和权利本位观、商品经济孕育了意思自治原则的精神。该原则的成长与法治社会有着深刻的内在关税。在现代法治社会中,意思自治原则的内涵有了新的发展,保障人权,实现经济民主成为其应有的以向。意思自治原则与我国社会主义市场经济体制的契合,必将加快我国的法治化进程。  相似文献   

死刑控制与最高人民法院的功能定位   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
左卫民 《法学研究》2014,36(6):192-205
死刑控制与最高人民法院的关系是社会各界关注的热点问题。分析表明,2007年以来最高人民法院全面收回死刑复核权,对其自身造成了一系列影响;最高人民法院的内部结构与实际功能,由此发生了深刻变化。这些变化并不完全符合现代法治理念下最高人民法院的功能定位。未来应该在考虑政治与社会条件的基础上,有步骤地改造最高人民法院在死刑控制方面的工作职能与方式,以减轻最高人民法院不必要的工作负担与资源消耗,促进最高人民法院将更多的资源用于应对更加宏观、复杂的问题。  相似文献   

文本意义上,党章与宪法分属不同规范体系,党章为全体党员的根本章程而宪法为全国各族人民的根本大法。调整党员内部关系是党章的本分,调整国家与公民之间的社会关系是宪法的本分。政治意义上,党章与宪法密不可分,二者的关系彰显着中国共产党执政权的合法性问题。人民主权理论是党章与宪法的政治契合,党章总纲与宪法序言是党章与宪法的文本契合。党章与宪法的契合途径表现为:党的活动必须立于宪法框架内;宪法的制订与修改须体现党章蕴含的政治价值与理念。  相似文献   

物权法中的若干行政法问题   总被引:14,自引:2,他引:12  
江必新  梁凤云 《中国法学》2007,6(3):138-146
物权法中涉及到许多行政法问题:对于公共利益的规定涉及到公权力的干预基础的讨论;行政私法的内容与“公法遁入私法”现象相关联;基层群众性自治组织对于财产的支配与间接国家行政相连;公民在物上的权利实际上为典型的主观公权利;特别牺牲和唇齿条款是征收征用补偿的前提条件;不动产登记行为显示的是公权力的介入;物权法对于行政公产的规定成为关键的阙失。  相似文献   

人格权制度在中国民法典中的地位   总被引:24,自引:0,他引:24       下载免费PDF全文
中国在制定民法典的过程中 ,关于人格权是否应单独成编存在很大的争议。事实上 ,人格权制度独立成编是丰富与完善民法典体系的需要 ,符合民法典体系结构的内在逻辑 ,而且是我国民事立法宝贵经验的总结 ;也是人格权自身发展的需要。人格权制度不能为主体制度所涵盖 ,也不能为侵权行为法所替代。人格权编的独立 ,符合人格权的发展趋势 ,也体现了现代民法的发展 ,而且也符合民法的科学性和体系性要求。因此 ,在未来的中国民法典中 ,人格权应独立成编  相似文献   

Raffield  Paul 《Law and Critique》2002,13(2):127-150
This article considers the development of the individual subject of law and his constitutional status in the early modern English State, within the context of sumptuary legislation enacted by the Crown and the Inns of Court. During the sixteenth century, the legal community took upon itself the role of exemplifying the correct use of symbols and of elucidating the purpose of sumptuary law. The image of the lawyer was manipulated to represent the inherent divinity of common law. The reformation of the image was inevitably influenced by the doctrinal concepts of the European Reformation and is a graphic indication of the centrality of Anglicanism to the development of early modern common law. I discuss these developments with reference to theories of the image proposed by Goodrich, Legendre and Marin. I refer also to Carlyle's satirical treatise on the symbolism of clothes,Sartor Resartus. The constitution of clothes represents the idea of citizenship and the centrality of reason to the body-politic. The rediscovery of classical texts during the Renaissance was instrumental in shaping a constitution in which an embryonic social contract was apparent, as represented in the sumptuary legislation of the Inns of Court. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

社会自治规则探讨——兼论社会自治规则与国家法律的关系   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
社会自治规则是社会自治组织行使社会公权力,规定自治事项,规范成员行为的重要载体和集中体现,并直接决定了社会自治秩序的建构。其可分为授权性规则和自主性规则,其中前者是法律的延伸,具有法的属性;而后者更接近公法契约,不属于法的范畴。其调整范围主要是专业类、行业类和利益类事项,不能涉及法律保留事项。就效力而言,自主性规则具有契约性和自律性,但不具有法律的强制力,只有在法院确认其合法有效后,才能强制执行。社会自治规则与国家法律之间既有互动的一面,也有监督保障的一面,只有二者有机结合,才能有效建构理性的国家和社会秩序。  相似文献   

刑事诉讼的目的、价值及其关系   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11       下载免费PDF全文
陈建军 《法学研究》2003,(4):98-109
刑事诉讼的目的是指国家根据各种刑事诉讼主体的客观需要及其对刑事诉讼价值的认知所预先设计的、希望通过刑事诉讼立法和司法而实现的理想的诉讼结果。刑事诉讼价值是指刑事诉讼程序本身所固有的、不依赖于刑事诉讼主体及其需要而独立存在的、能够通过刑事诉讼活动对国家、社会和所有公民的合理需要和要求的满足具有积极意义的一种特性。刑事诉讼目的与价值的联系在于 :刑事诉讼目的的产生是人们对刑事诉讼的价值进行认知、评价、选择的结果 ,刑事诉讼目的的实现是刑事诉讼价值的体现。两者的区别在于 :刑事诉讼目的具有主观性 ,刑事诉讼价值具有客观性 ;刑事诉讼目的是人们从事刑事诉讼活动的起点和终点 ,刑事诉讼价值是人们价值认知的对象 ;刑事诉讼目的追求的程序公正是人的主观目标 ,刑事诉讼程序本身的公正性是其内在的本质规定。  相似文献   

“亚裔美国人”概念的起源及其含义的变迁   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
亚裔美国人是美国多种族社会中正在崛起的一支族裔集团,它在美国社会生活的各个方面日益显示出其强大的潜力,亚裔美国人这个概念的形式得益于1960年代末的亚裔美国人运动,它既是亚裔集团泛亚的归属意识的要求,也是美国联邦统计体系的规定,并且因着不同的历史条件其含义也随之发生变化;从自定义的美国人到精选出的“模范少数民族”再到种族类别的亚裔美国人和朝向多种族/族裔类别发展。  相似文献   

刘家沂 《法学论坛》2006,21(1):108-111
在商事仲裁中,出现有瑕疵的仲裁协议是不可避免的,特别是对仲裁机构约定不明确的情况时有发生,这是一个值得认真探讨的问题。从大多数国家的规定来看,只要使当事人通过仲裁解决他们之间的争议的最初目的得以实现,在仲裁协议或合同的仲裁条款中存在不完善或瑕疵是可以允许的。对这一问题的妥善处理应充分体现当事人意思自治原则。特别是在瑕疵仲裁协议的效力认定上,不能轻易否认其效力,尤其不能将未选定明确的仲裁机构作为认定瑕疵仲裁协议无效的条件,对此,我国《仲裁法》应作修改和完善。  相似文献   

于熠 《法学论坛》2022,37(1):19-28
李唐之初,以《唐律疏议》为代表的中华法系的建立,凝聚了中华民族的法律精神和治理智慧。中国传统法律文化上的"民本"理念呈现出以和为贵、追求和谐的鲜明"中国"精神价值特色。唐季以降,随着长城体系的打破,中华法系在农耕与游牧生产方式交织影响下,"民本"理念中增加了多民族和谐共存的内容。整体法律价值出现天下一体、文化正朔、民族共融的新补充。宋、辽、夏、金政权对峙期间,各政权围绕客观上异民族多元文化共存这一前提进行法律治理新模式的建构。两宋在"大一统"框架下推进法律"一道德、同风俗"的模式。辽朝在南北异质文化下探索法律互通的模式。西夏在"蕃汉兼备"多元文化下兼容各种法律模式。金朝全面接受两宋法律治理模式。这些尝试的结果奠定了中国国家法律治理的基本版图,完善了多民族共生共存的治理经验,加强了统一政权的认同感。这种努力使传统中国国家法律治理模式获得了道路试错与经验积累,具有多元一统的法律文化特征,融合了中国各民族法律文化,极大丰富了中华法系的内涵。  相似文献   

In forensic anthropological analysis, the pelvis is of particular interest as it is often a comparatively well-preserved part of the skeleton. This study in age determination uses the acetabulum, the central element of the pelvis, as a complement to the examination of the auricular surface. The test sample consisted of 30 individuals. First, the authors studied the auricular surface using the Lovejoy criteria. Second, they isolated four criteria based on chronological changes in the acetabulum. Third, they conducted an evaluation of each of these variables. The study examines the correlation between these criteria and the age of the individuals. A significant correlation was found between the acetabular criteria and age, and between the acetabular criteria and the Lovejoy criteria of the auricular surface. For forensic purposes, the acetabulum is an effective predictor in the determination of age. This newly proposed method explores the same criteria of ageing as the Lovejoy method. The combination of the two methods produces relatively consistent results in the estimation of age.  相似文献   

Assessment of changes in the spongy bone structure of the upper end of the humerus is one of the common methods of age estimation. This method was devised many years ago (1894) and has never been verified in an objective numerical testing. We projected an objective morphometric method assessment of the upper end of the humerus. The study was carried out on humeri from cadavers of 88 men and 84 women. The surface area of atrophy of the spongy structure (medullary cavity) was calculated on the longitudinal section of the humerus. A new morphometric method was applied, which allowed numerical presentation of results. The results of the study show a lack of statistical correlation between atrophy of the spongy structure within the upper end of the humerus and the chronological age. Therefore, it can be concluded that the assessment of humerus structure should be omitted in the forensic medical age estimation.  相似文献   

朱勇 《政法论坛》2021,(1):10-28
中国古代,皇权与中央权力集中体现为皇帝决策权.清代统治者借鉴汉唐宋明历代政治法律实践的经验教训,并根据自身的治国理政需要,构建具有鲜明特色的皇帝决策法律机制.首先,基于"皇权无上限"的原则,法律明确规定皇帝的决策权范围,赋予各级机构对于皇帝决策权范围之外相关事项的直接决定权.其次,法律严格设定"本章批答""御门听政"两...  相似文献   

A study of accidental non-commercial aircraft fatalities was performed on the case files of the Office of the Medical Examiner of Metropolitan Dade County in Miami, FL, U.S.A., between the years 1977 through 1983. A total of 57 cases were collected and analyzed as to the age of the victim, the race and sex of the victim, the cause of death, the blood alcohol content at autopsy, the drugs detected at autopsy, the type of aircraft, the occupant role, the risk factor responsible for the crash, the time of the fatality, and the nature of usage of the aircraft. Essentially, these 57 cases comprised 1.2% of the non-vehicular accidental fatalities during the period. The age of distribution is relatively evenly distributed from age 16 to 65 years with white males predominating. Multiple injuries were the most common cause of death although conflagration injuries (e.g., smoke inhalation, burns) were frequent. The victims were sober and free of drugs in the majority of cases. Most fatalities occurred in a single engine plane with the victim, the pilot, flying for private reasons in the afternoon or evening hours. The most common identifiable risk factor was human error (e.g., judgement), rather than mechanical or plane failure.  相似文献   

价值是主客体之间需要与满足关系的产物。主体有人类整体、人类整体之下的群体以及人类个体三个层次 ,与之相应 ,客体也包括与人类整体相对的外部世界 (群体 +个体 +人以外的世界 )、与人类群体相对的外部世界以及与人类个体相对的外部世界。因而不仅物具有价值 ,人亦有价值。由于人自身是主客体的统一 ,因而人还有自我价值。构成价值的各个要素相互作用决定价值的生成、推动价值的变化 ,这是 (哲学 )价值规律的基本内容。影响价值变化的主要有主体需要、客体属性及实践三个要素。价值观念冲突的最终根源在于人类主体生存条件之差别和对立 ,直接根源则在于价值客体的差别和对立。因而要逐步消除人类价值观念的冲突就必须从根本上消除人类主体生存条件方面的差别做起  相似文献   

徐立  朱正余 《河北法学》2004,22(5):73-75
徇私舞弊不移交刑事案件罪的设置有着重要的意义 ,但目前刑法界对其客体有不同的认识 ,具有几种代表性的观点均不能准确揭示本罪的犯罪客体。要准确界定本罪的客体必须着眼于本罪直接客体的本质和特征的分析 ,并以本罪的不作为犯罪构成为基础 ,具体分析本罪的三大特点 ,进而准确界定本罪的犯罪客体 ,即行政执法人员对刑事案件应当移送司法机关处理的义务和刑事司法职权  相似文献   

Severe injuries to the upper cervical region can be the cause of death. Standard autopsy techniques are inadequate for examination of this area. Therefore a technique has been developed that gives excellent visualization and allows removal of the brain and spinal cord in one piece. With the body prone a midline incision is made from the top of the head to the sacrum. The skull is sawed in a circle from one side of the foramen magnum around the top of the skull to the other side of the foramen magnum. The lamina of the neural arches of the vertebral column are sawed. With the removal of the piece of skull and the posterior portions of the neural arches, the posterior half of the cerebral cortex, cerebellum, and entire spinal cord are exposed. The entire brain and spinal cord can be removed as a unit. Cases are selected by history, X-ray examination, or floppy head. Four cases in which this approach has been helpful are briefly mentioned.  相似文献   

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