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用已经建立的检测仔猪副伤寒血清抗体的Dot PPA ELISA ,对不同仔猪副伤寒抗体水平试验组 14头仔猪和对照组 4头仔猪进行了血清抗体效价测定 ,并以沙门菌强毒攻击受试猪 ,测定血清抗体效价与保护力的关系。试验结果表明 ,以Dot PPA ELISA检测的仔猪副伤寒血清抗体几何平均效价不低于 2 8.2 时 ,85 .7%的猪能够抵抗沙门菌强毒的攻击。试验初步确定以Dot PPA ELISA进行猪群免疫监测时 ,血清抗体的几何平均效价 2 8.0 为仔猪副伤寒的保护临界标准 ,该标准的确定为集约化猪场用Dot PPA ELISA检测仔猪副伤寒血清抗体 ,进行仔猪副伤寒的诊断、免疫监测及流行病学调查提供了科学依据  相似文献   

斑点酶联免疫吸附试验监测仔猪副伤寒血清抗体最佳工作条件的研究李海燕孔令达李化民(中国农业科学院哈尔滨兽医研究所150001)仔猪副伤寒是由沙门氏菌属的猪霍乱沙门氏菌、肠炎沙门氏菌、鼠伤寒沙门氏菌等血清型菌株引起的仔猪的一种传染病。本病一旦发生,病原菌...  相似文献   

本人借鉴人医用铁苋菜治疗痢疾病的经验,对仔猪副伤寒进行防治,获得满意效果。 防治方法及效果 铁苋菜,又称海蚌含珠,含有铁苋菜硷,具有解毒、止血、杀虫的功效。使用时进行临床辨证,药味加减。仔猪拉红色恶臭稀粪,四肢无力,伏卧不愿行动,即用白杆或青杆铁苋菜鲜草200~300g水煎两次将药汁相混,加入白糖100g灌服。仔猪拉其它恶臭粪便时,则用红杆铁苋菜200~300g,方法同前,加红糖100g灌服,日服2次,一般2~3次可以痊愈。用铁苋菜治疗仔猪副伤寒500头,治愈  相似文献   

复方新诺明(SMI-TMP)是一种新的广谱抗菌增效剂,用于治疗呼吸道感染、尿道感染、伤寒、菌痢等,效果显著。1982年2~5月,在本溪县三个公社八个大队,以复方新诺明片剂对仔猪副伤寒病进行治疗试验,取得了良好的效果。 (一)诊断 根据流行病学调查,发病猪大部分都是2~6月龄的外购仔猪,未进行仔猪副伤寒菌苗免疫。临床症状:病猪高度消瘦,持续性或周期性下痢,皮肤呈蓝紫色。根据脾脏肿大,肝包膜下有灰白色坏  相似文献   

退热灵加痢菌净治疗仔猪副伤寒1994年3月起,在我县普遍流行仔猪副伤寒。据调查,巴阳镇、黄石镇、九龙乡、人和乡共发生仔猪副伤寒4800余例。笔者试用558消炎退热灵注射液和痢菌净注射液混合肌注,治疗效果确实。药品来源及规格558消炎退热灵注射液由吉林...  相似文献   

荧光抗体技术始子四十年代,在1969年和1970年间,法国巴斯德研究所专门就荧光抗体技术在兽医上的应用召开过两次国际性会议。目前荧光抗体技术已广泛用于细菌、病毒、原虫的鉴定,传染病的快速诊断,肿瘤抗原的研究等。继荧光抗体之后,在六十年代,医学工作者即开始用酶代替荧光素标记抗体,作生物组织抗原的鉴定和定位,从而创造了酶标记抗体新技术。近年来,国内亦开展了这方面的研究。笔者应用猪瘟酶标抗体和荧光抗体诊断猪瘟作了对比试验,现将其结果介绍如下。  相似文献   

用硫酸铵盐析法从抗猪瘟血清中提取免疫球蛋白 ,应用搅拌法标记荧光素 ,硫酸铵盐析、SephadexG 2 5层析和肝粉吸收三法结合去除标记物之游离荧光素 ,制备猪瘟荧光抗体。经测定 ,标记的荧光抗体工作稀释度为 1∶16~ 1∶32。用标记的荧光抗体诊断猪瘟 ,从 39份可疑病料中检出阳性病例 12份。  相似文献   

用从奶牛副伤寒疫区分离到的鼠伤寒沙门氏菌株配以标准菌株,制各鼠伤寒沙门氏茵菌笛,在疫区给临产母牛和青年育成牛免疫接种。共免疫牛1050头,均无不良反应。通过攻毒保护试验,接种菌苗的犊牛可抵抗300亿强毒活菌的攻击,免疫牛血清中抗鼠伤寒沙门氏菌抗体的效价达1:256.同时,利用自制的抗鼠伤寒沙门氏菌高免血清对未进行免疫接种的一进行紧急预防和治疗,效果显著。由此表明,利用当地菌株制备菌苗,可有效地预防奶牛副伤寒的发生。  相似文献   

抗仔猪大肠杆菌—沙门氏菌病高免血清γ球蛋白注射液的研制与应用蒋长苗,丁建平,刘旭光(安徽农业大学畜牧水产学院合肥230036)为了开辟兽医生物制品资源,寻找用生物学方法防治仔猪黄、白痢和仔猪副伤寒的有效途径,我们修鉴了国内外的有关经验,研制了抗仔猪大...  相似文献   

用猪流行性腹泻 (PED)和传染性胃肠炎 (TGE)弱毒二联疫苗 (下称二联苗 )免疫PED和TGE抗体阴性的妊娠母猪 ,仔猪出生后第 7、14、2 1和 2 8d抽取仔猪血样用微量血清中和试验检测血清抗体。结果 ,免疫母猪所产仔猪通过哺乳获得了相当高的血清抗体 ,在出生后第 7d时接近母体的中和抗体水平 ,并随日龄增大而下降。二联苗免疫母猪所生仔猪和相同株的PED、TGE疫苗株免疫母猪所生仔猪的血清抗体变化基本相似。用二联苗免疫PED和TGE抗体阴性的 10日龄仔猪 ,并于免疫后以 7d的间隔 ( 1月龄内 )或半月 ( 1月龄后 )间隔采取血样进行血清抗体检测。结果 ,用二联苗免疫抗体阴性的 10日龄仔猪 ,抗体在免疫后第 2 1d(TGE)或第 2 8d(PED)达到最高值 ,但抗体下降缓慢 ,在免疫后第 5月 ,免疫猪血清中仍能检测出抗体。相同弱毒株的PED和TGE疫苗免疫组的结果与之基本相同。提示 ,PED和TGE弱毒株联合免疫在诱导妊娠母猪和小猪产生抗体以及母猪产后向哺乳仔猪传递抗体方面未见有相互影响的现象。  相似文献   

在全球化背景下,经济发展出现了十分明显的区域化特征。区域的创新能力已日益成为地区经济获取国际竞争优势的决定因素。在中央振兴东北老工业基地的有利形势下,吉林省如何提高区域创新能力,从而有效提高竞争力,是十分重要的现实问题。区域创新能力应遵从区域创新体系、区域技术创新的链条建设、区域创新环境建设以及兼顾地区发展存量、相对水平和增长率等原则。根据统计数据进行分析,吉林省区域创新能力比较弱,因此,加强区域创新体系建设,大幅度提高吉林省区域创新能力,这是增强吉林省区域竞争力的根本途径。  相似文献   

This article asks whether the concept of ‘hybridity’ offers a more convincing account of security governance in Africa than the standard state-focused models. It seeks to clarify the complex intersections between formal and informal, state and non-state security actors, and the varied terrains on which hybridity is constructed, instrumentalised and recalibrated over time. Rather than romanticising informal or ‘traditional’ institutions, it suggests that they too embed their own power hierarchies, become sites of contestation, and do not work equally well for everyone, least of all for the weak, vulnerable and excluded. Thus the focus is placed upon the real governance of security in hybrid systems, and the patterns of inclusion and exclusion (including gender biases) they reinforce. Finally the paper considers how policy-makers and shapers can work with the grain of hybrid security arrangements to create more legitimate, broadly-based and effective African security governance.  相似文献   


This article proposes a reflection on the importance of including the concept of educommunication in the training of professionals who work with the media, whether in journalism or other fields, both at undergraduate and graduate levels. It presents initiatives developed at the State University of Ponta Grossa, Paraná, Brazil, by the journalism undergraduate degree and in the specialisation course media, Politics and Social actors, started in 2011. Concepts such as knowledge, mass communication, educommunication and public policy are foregrounded in contemporary networked societies. With that in mind, we propose an analysis of the use of technology in the communication practices of NGOs, social movements, community groups, collective organisations and social networks from the perspective of educommunication. The results show the benefits of aligning the knowledge of communication and education in the training of journalists as well as other professionals who work directly or indirectly with mass communication.  相似文献   


The energy discoveries in the Eastern Mediterranean since the 2000s have placed the long-standing rivalry between Turkey and Cyprus (and by extension Greece) in a new context, bringing also Egypt and Israel into the geopolitical equation. Turkey, on the one hand, has adopted an assertive profile, whereas, on the other hand, two axes of cooperation have been formed, Greece-Cyprus-Egypt and Greece-Cyprus-Israel, convening trilateral summits and signing agreements. In view of that, it is currently upheld that the confluence of energy interests among the actors of the trilateral summits has facilitated a legalisation throughout the Eastern Mediterranean, propelling states towards the development of the energy resources according to the UNCLOS, and the implementation of the international law in the Cyprus problem, as a necessary means of guaranteeing the actors’ sovereignty, creating norms, and enhancing security, without targeting any third country. The argument shows how legalisation, as a special form of institutionalisation, and soft law, in particular, nurture regional cooperation and place it under the “protective wings” of international institutions.  相似文献   

在信息化时代,网络空间承载着国家政治、经济、文化和军事发展与安全的重荷。网络空间存在的黑客攻击、网络犯罪和网络恐怖主义事件层出不穷,因此网络空间安全已上升到国家安全战略的层面,美国政府于2011年5月16日发布的《网络空间国际战略》引起世界各国瞩目。美国《网络空间国际战略》以"共同创造繁荣、安全、开放的网络世界"为基本宗旨,以"基本自由、隐私和信息流动自由"为核心原则,从经济、网络安全、司法、军事、网络管理、国际发展、网络自由等诸方面为美国未来网络安全战略的发展指明了方向。《网络空间国际战略》的出台表明美国政府已将网络安全提升到国际战略的新高度,它隐含着美国谋求网络空间霸权的战略目标,具有引领国际战略新变革和引发网络空间价值观冲突的现实战略效能,它对中美关系的影响和中国的应对之策也是值得认真分析和思考的。  相似文献   

This project seeks theoretical and methodological advances in the study of political advertising effects during election campaigns. On the theoretical side, we hypothesize that racial cues embedded in standard political advertising appeals, involving taxation and government spending, boost opinion constraint by priming global political ideology. On the methodological side, we replicate a lab experiment in face-toface interviews with a probability sample of a large metropolitan area. Results suggest that subtle race cues do increase issue constraint for "racialized" issues such as welfare, affirmative action, crime policy, and the overall size of government. Constraint of opinions about issues less relevant to race, such as abortion, spending on public schools, universal health care, and raising the minimum wage, does not increase as a result of exposure to racial cues. Global ideology is powerfully primed by implicit racial cues embedded in typical political appeals. Finally, though demographic differences in the samples moderate some effects, the general pattern is highly consistent across the two research settings. Implications for strategic communication during campaigns, group centrism in American elections, and the benefits of methodological pluralism in the study of media effects are discussed.  相似文献   

While terrorism produces certainty that the ‘other’ intends to do harm, and chronic uncertainty about the potential for terrorist attack, trust requires the negotiation of uncertainty. This paper begins with a review of the existing literature on trust and terrorism, as a point of departure for analysing the usefulness of thinking about trust as the negotiation of uncertainty. The four substantive sections that follow examine the 1981 Hunger strikes, the beginnings of political dialogue, the construction of cross-border institutions, and the potential for developing emotional trust in the Northern Irish context. In each of the areas, the development of a rudimentary trust has hinged on the destabilisation of mutually exclusive identity categories, defined in conflictual opposition to the ‘other’, and the opening of a space for the construction of multiple and overlapping identities and the negotiation between them.  相似文献   

This article describes the nature, origins and consequences of the epistemological crisis at the heart of contemporary counterterrorism. The epistemological crisis of counterterrorism is an identifiable epistemic posture towards knowledge about, as well as a way of acting towards, the terrorist threat. It manifests itself discursively in the manner in which officials, scholars, pundits and others speak about the threat of terrorism, and the way counterterrorism and security practitioners then act in pursuit of security against that threat. The article argues that many of the bizarre counterterrorist practices regularly observed in many Western countries, as well as costly and counterproductive counterterrorist practices such as preemptive war, targeted killings, mass surveillance, torture, control orders and de-radicalisation programmes, among others, are neither anomalous nor irrational in the context of the new paradigm. Rather, they flow logically and directly from the particular paranoid logic, which is constitutive of the epistemological crisis. The article concludes with a discussion about how and why critical scholars can and should attempt to resist and deconstruct it.  相似文献   

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