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WTO的争端分两种类型 ,即“违法之诉”和“非违法之诉”。在“违法之诉”中 ,申诉方的举证责任较小 ,被诉方的举证责任较大 ,其举证责任与我国法律规定的“举证责任倒置”有些类似。在“非违法之诉”中 ,申诉方应承担主要的举证责任 ,被诉方的举证责任相对较小。这种举证责任既不同于我国民诉法中的举证责任 ,也不同于WTO《反倾销协议》中规定的举证责任。其举证的关键在于证明被诉方的措施是否违法及不违法是否给相对方造成严重损害或严重损害威胁。  相似文献   

WTO争端解决机制的“非违法之诉”确立了在国际贸易关系中国家合法(但不合理 )行为所产生的国际责任 ,其根本目的在于保障成员国的期待利益。在适用法律方面 ,不局限于有关协定的具体规范 ,而是扩大到适用诸如保护合理期待等WTO法律原则 ,维护世界贸易组织所追求的公平竞争的目的。本文借鉴DSB非违法之诉的典型案例———美国与日本胶卷案 ,提供中国行政法基本原则由思想原则向法律原则转化的可行方案 ,充分认识和利用行政合理性原则 ,使其作为保障公民利益的最后屏障。  相似文献   

WTO/TRIPs协议下知识产权国际争端解决机制特殊问题研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李扬 《法商研究》2004,21(5):97-102
为了解决WIPO与WTO在知识产权国际争端管辖权方面存在的冲突 ,应当承认WIPO对自己管理的知识产权国际公约具有管辖权 ,而将与TRIPs协议有关的事项交由WTO管辖 ,在二者重合的领域 ,应当承认WTO具有优先管辖权 ;应当承认在知识产权国际争端中适用“非违法之诉”的合理性。在《关于争端解决之规则与程序的谅解》中 ,应当明确排除单边措施运用的可能性 ,并且应当规定WTO成员采取单边措施的法律后果。  相似文献   

王蓉 《政法学刊》2014,(2):31-36
非违约之诉是GATT/WTO争端解决机制中一项极具争议的制度,在它确立以来的六十多年里,"克制主义"与"激进主义"的博弈从未停止,"利益平衡制度"和"无用或有害制度"的论争此起彼伏。考虑到我国"入世"未深,并且正处于经济转型时期,欠缺妥善处理涉及我国争端解决方面的相关经验。因此,准确把握非违约之诉的内在机理,分析非违约之诉的特殊举证规则,对于灵活地适用非违约之诉,实现我国国际贸易利益的最大化具有重要的理论和现实意义。  相似文献   

容冰 《中国律师》2003,(7):61-63
WTO作为政府间组织,它的所有协议旨在规范并力图削减一国政府实施干预世界贸易的措施,创造平等充分竞争的市场条件。私人(包括非赢利性的商会、行业协会等其他社团,赢利性的商事组织,自然人)不是WTO协议的直接权利义务主体,不受WTO协议约束。WTO成员方也不能就私人行为向WTO的争端解决机构(DisputeSettlementBody)提起诉讼。理论上,根据WTO协议的基本原则,WTO的成员国实施的任何政府行为(措施),无论该行为是否与WTO协议相抵触,只要另一个成员国认为该政府行为使它在WTO协议项下直接或间接获得的利益正在丧失或减损,它就有权向W…  相似文献   

“非WTO协议”在WTO争端解决中的适用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
2008年7月29日,多哈回合谈判的最终失败使WTO制定法的发展进入停滞期。观察非WTO协议在WTO争端解决中的作用,可预测WTO争端解决机构司法造法的未来发展趋向。根据非WTO协议与WTO协议之间关系的亲疏远近,可将非WTO协议分为三类:WTO协议中援引的国际组织制订的标准、决议和指南;被WTO宗旨所涵盖的非WTO协议;基于WTO协议在成员国间签署的双边或多边非WTO协议。具体分析这三类非WTO协议可以发现:到目前为止,DSB在WTO争端解决中的司法造法活动中极尽克制,这也意味着DSB在多哈回合谈判破裂之后不可能粉墨登场。  相似文献   

王海峰 《法商研究》2006,23(6):63-71
非违约之诉是WTO的一项特殊的诉讼机制。由于GATT/WTO的有关规定并未就非违约之诉的实体规则———构成要件———作出明确规定,使得该机制的设立和启动招致争议,也使之在适用上具有一定的模糊性。我国作为一个发展中的贸易大国,应当对非违约之诉机制进行深入研究。如此既能最大限度地避免其他国家对我国提起非违约之诉,又能合理利用该机制以保障和维护我国的利益。  相似文献   

张军旗 《现代法学》2006,28(4):129-135
在WTO违法之诉中,违法成员的首要责任是撤销违法措施,违法成员没有任意选择不同责任形式的法律权利。实践中,违法成员可能选择给予申诉方补偿或宁愿承受报复而拒不撤销违法措施,这对WTO协议的履行会产生消极影响,但在非常情况下也会对成员主权形成一种保护。  相似文献   

朱丁普 《法律适用》2012,(5):114-117
欧盟反倾销直接诉讼主要包括符合法定资格要件的自然人或法人(包括涉嫌倾销产品的外国生产商和出口商在内)以欧盟委员会或部长理事会为被告所提出的宣告无效之诉、违法不作为之诉以及损害赔偿之诉三种类型。目前,反倾销直接诉讼案件由欧盟普通法院行  相似文献   

论公司法人格否认法理的适用要件   总被引:35,自引:0,他引:35  
研究公司法人格否认法理的适用要件,无疑是为了更恰当地适用该法理,以发挥该法理对公司法人制度之补充的积极作用。本文将公司法人格否认法理的适用要件归纳为三个方面:其一,主体要件。强调适用该法理,一方面要有滥用公司法人制度的控制股东;另一方面要有因此而受到侵害的相对人,即公司债权人或其他相关利益群体,只有他们有权提起适用该法理之诉。其二,行为要件。这一要件将控制股东滥用公司独立人格和股东有限责任的具体情况加以归类,以便于实践中对滥用公司法人制度的行为进行准确判断。其三,结果要件。这一要件强调,公司债权人或其他相关利益群体因控制股东的滥用行为所致损害,必须由该控制股东直接负责,才可获得补偿。而公司法人格否认法理的适用,必须要求上述三个要件同时具备  相似文献   

在现代社会,政府与公民、公民与公民之间的一切关系都以非人格化的制度为中介,作为政治权力具体表征的各项法律和政策能否获得社会认同,就成为政治合法性的基本判准.制度认同不是盲目的,也不是被迫的,而是建基于认知性期待与规范性期待统一之上的实践证成过程.一切影响和制约人们对制度的认知性期待形成、制度实施效果的因素以及影响每个人规范性期待形成的公民素质,都会对制度认同的形成产生影响,并规定着制度认同建构的可能路径.  相似文献   

Using qualitative interviews with citizens who will soon have a state tax audit, this study examines the nature and formation of procedural expectations. The findings show that the most prevalent concept was dignity which means the auditors' politeness and respect for the citizens' rights. Expectations about relationship concerns also were significantly more prevalent than expectations about instrumental concerns. These findings are consistent with the group value model's emphasis on relationship concerns. Contrary to the view that procedural expectations are developed during childhood, people who relied more on recent mass media reports and conversations with peers were more likely to think that the auditor favored the state and made less effort to be fair. Directions for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

This paper explores the dynamic relationship between unemployment and prison admissions in the English criminal justice system. First, by adopting econometric procedures designed to test between alternative forms of dynamic equilibria, it finds that there has been a steady-state growth rate in prison admissions and that unemployment growth has played an important role in determining that equilibrium. Second, by developing a behavioral model of judicial expectations, it argues that judges have used their expectations as heuristic devices for simplifying sentencing decisions and that the unanticipated changes in unemployment have played a key role in determining changes in sentencing patterns. Due to individualized sentencing practices characteristic of English judges, unemployment plays a much larger role in determining prison sentences than warranted under Anglo-American legal traditions.  相似文献   

Few studies have addressed how people develop beliefs about legal authorities' neutrality and fairness. Using a cross-sectional survey of taxpayers (N = 147), this study examines the sources and processes underlying the formation of these beliefs. Controlling for significant contributions of media stories about audits and past audit experiences, past loosely related negative legal events (traffic court) also shape perceptions that tax auditors are more biased and unfair. Information about police officers exchanged in conversations also creates perceptions that tax auditors are more biased. These generalization effects occur only when people do not have prior direct experience with tax auditors. For taxpayers with prior audit experience, positive experiences are related to more positive perceptions of auditors and media stories about tax audits produce more negative perceptions. The findings suggest that positive and negative past experiences shape beliefs only when they disconfirm prior perceptions based on imagination or indirect sources. Implications and future research directions are discussed.  相似文献   

职业类型对养老方式的影响在已有的居民养老方式偏好研究中尚未得到足够重视,所以考察职业类型对养老方式的影响具有现实意义。通过对吉林省不同职业类型居民的养老预期和养老方式偏好实证调查的数据分析以及引入养老预期作为中间变量的定性研究,我们发现:职业的稳定性和声望地位均影响居民的养老预期和养老方式偏好:职业稳定性越高,社会声望地位越高,从业者应对风险的能力就越强,养老正预期也就越高,因而更倾向于通过自己和商业机构养老。相反,职业不稳定和声望地位较低的人,养老的负预期就越明显,从而对政府和社会提供的公办养老机构的依赖程度就越大。  相似文献   

The foster care system sets low expectations for foster youth, and ultimately the system produces poor results in terms of outcomes. In its unique role, the legal system and its actors have the responsibility and opportunity to change expectations, mentor, and provide a frame work for successful reform using the skills inherent in the practice and study of the law. Importantly, foster youth must be supported and expected to achieve high educational outcomes through goals that are developed in partnership with service providers and professionals like attorneys.  相似文献   

杨署东 《法律科学》2012,(2):122-129
正视封闭公司股东所面临的不同于公众公司的现实,美国公司法律实践日益信赖股东合理期待,常常以小股东权益为中心来界定压制行为,创设和发展了以股东合理期待为基础的股东权益救济制度,并逐渐形成了较为成熟的合理期待认定标准,尽可能地为受到不公平待遇的股东提供广泛的救济,以有效地保护受侵害股东的权益。基于合理期待落空而对股东权益进行救济的美国公司法理念与法律实践值得我们借鉴以完善我国股东权益救济制度。  相似文献   

According to the Australian legal profession and media, law schools are producing too many graduates relative to the number of vacancies within the profession. This claim, however, is hardly new. This paper identifies a number of junctions at which there has been concern about the overproduction of law graduates, showing that this discourse appears during periods of major economic stress. It also shows that until the most recent episode of concern, the perception that there are too many law graduates relative to employment opportunities has not been supported by empirical evidence. In the past, the increasing supply of law graduates has been met with increasing demand. However, the legal profession is now facing unprecedented market competition and restructure, and opportunities in the profession for new graduates have declined. This still does not mean that the law schools are producing too many graduates. The current cohort of graduates is likely to continue into a professional occupation, although not necessarily in private legal practice, and there is a lack of lawyers working in disadvantaged communities.  相似文献   

This study investigated male victims’ experiences of female-perpetrated intimate partner violence (IPV). Seven participants were interviewed and the data were analysed using Interpretative phenomenological analysis (IPA). Four essential themes were revealed. (1) Participants identified themselves as victims of abuse (experiencing physical and multiple forms of abuse). (2) They felt they were victims of controlling abuse (through the use of children and isolation). (3) Respondents experienced manipulation through gendered stereotypes of abuse. (4) They felt it was different because they were men. The participants within this study were often deeply affected by the abuse they had experienced. Previous research has found male abusers use societal structures and norms to enable their abuse. The participants in this study felt that their female abusers were equally adept doing this, although the mechanisms were different. Further research should look at the processes by which abusers of either gender control and abuse their victims.  相似文献   

The aim of the essay is to offer an adequate theoretical framework for a socio-legal analysis of risk management by the legal system. Law and risk are the two most important concepts to be clarified. Unlike the law, whose function consists in the temporal stabilisation of normative expectations, the perspective of risk is characterised by the possibility of changing the criteria for decisions based upon the evaluation of the consequences of those decisions. In the context of a modern society, characterised by an increasing demand for protection for people injured by new technologies, one observes certain difficulties in the attempt to adopt a risk perspective within the legal system. The result of this process is the new law of tort based upon the modern principles of strict liability. While strict liability can be shown to be effective in managing conflicts relating to technological accidents, its most negative effects are the increasing instability of legal structures and interference with the activities of other subsystems of society, such as medicine and the economy.  相似文献   

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