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李海玲 《学理论》2011,(27):69-71
":和"是中华文明的根,是延续中华文明的一根线,它内在的强大生命力使它在新时代又重焕发光彩。2006年中共中央提出构建和谐社会,由此带来了"和"文化研究的高潮。那么,"和"的起源是什么?什么是"和"?"和"在中华传统文化中居于什么位置?如何评价"和"?"和"有什么用?诸如"和谐"之类与"和"有关的词还有哪些?对以上问题进行了深入挖掘和思考。  相似文献   

巴门尼德是西方哲学史上本体论思想的开启者,他所言的"存在"只能是系动词"是",而非柏拉图意义上的谓词,也非亚里士多德意义上的主词。巴门尼德的"是"是思想和语言的本性,它居于感性与理性之间,是用来区分意见之路和真理之路的标准,它的展开体现为"是"与"是者"之间的环环互动。从性质上,巴门尼德的"是"不同于赫拉克利特所揭示的万物都处于运动中的"动变性"特征,而体现了一种"内动性"的蕴义。  相似文献   

孔子是儒家的创始人,荀子是先秦儒家思想的集大成者,而"礼"是孔荀思想中核心的概念之一。孔子"礼"是在对周礼的继承和发展过程中逐渐发展而来的,而荀子"礼"则是在继承孔子"礼"的基础上,吸收各家之长。从礼的内涵、礼的起源和礼的价值来阐述孔荀之"礼"思想的异同。  相似文献   

矛盾的"一分为二"和"一分为多"一直是哲学界讨论的热点。很多人认为矛盾就是"一分为二",可是这种说法太过绝对化,有的矛盾的确是"一分为二",但也有很多矛盾是"一分为三",甚至是"一分为多"。其"一分为多"也包括"一分为三"。这些概念在不同的领域和场合产生的层次和意义也是不一样的,不能随意替代。从不同的方面分析了"一分为二""一分为三"和"一分为多"。  相似文献   

儒家传统价值观对建构社会主义核心价值观体系的启示   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
"和"是儒家传统价值观体系的核心,而"生生"则是"和"这一核心价值观的发展方向。"和而生"的价值观原则扩展到人与物,乃至天地万物,从而构成了儒家传统核心价值观体系。由于儒家传统"和而生"的价值观体系是一个开放的结构,所以通过具体内容与形式的改造,对于当前社会主义核心价值观体系的建构具有一定的借鉴意义与启发。  相似文献   

理想信念是精神之钙,也是落实"三严三实"的基础。以信仰为精神之钙,是践行"三严"的前提和基础;尽心中之责,是践行"三实"的支撑和保证。作为高校基层党组织,坚定理想信念,恪守岗位职责,要通过不断学习和不懈追求来接受党的教育。坚守信仰,把"三严"内化于心;践行责任,把"三实"外化于行。  相似文献   

腐败作为一种社会现象,它的产生不是无源之水和无本之木,它是"不受制约的权力"的直接体现,是"人性弱点"的外在表现,是"'寻租'市场残存"的潜在刺激,是"制度不完善"的放大因素。只有对腐败产生的原因进行思考,采取相关有力的措施,才能从源头上真正预防和解决腐败问题。  相似文献   

对于马克思主义的组成架构,理论界主要存在着"两个组成部分说"和"三个组成部分说"的分歧。恩格斯虽然没有明确提出过"马克思主义的组成部分"的说法,但表达过"两个组成部分"的基本态度:唯物史观和剩余价值学说是马克思一生的两大发现,而"科学社会主义"是马克思主义的总称。列宁提出马克思主义的第三个组成部分是"阶级斗争学说",并强化了这一学说的理论地位。恩格斯和列宁的"马克思主义组成部分说"之间的差异,并没有证明恩格斯和列宁的对立,而是进一步回答了"什么是马克思主义"的理论问题。  相似文献   

权力运行制约和监督体系的概念界说   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
权力制约和监督是一个老话题,但"健全权力运行制约和监督体系"则是十八大报告中提出的一个新议题。由于学界对于"什么是权力运行制约和监督体系"这一问题尚未引起关注,因而相关研究还处于有待破题的阶段。在对"权力运行"、"制约和监督"、"体系"等组成"权力运行制约和监督体系"这一术语的词语或短语和"权力运行机制"、"权力运行制约和监督机制"等相关概念加以界说的基础上不难发现,"权力运行制约和监督体系"由若干个"权力运行制约和监督机制"构成,而所谓"权力运行制约和监督体系",则是指由若干个对权力主体分配和行使权力的过程进行约束、限制、观察和纠正的机制相互联系而形成的一个统一体。权力配置、程序控制、信息公开、复合监督、责任追究等机制就是作为"权力运行制约和监督体系"基本构成要件的五大"权力运行制约和监督机制"。  相似文献   

制度问责化与问责制度化   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
制度是"秀才"和"兵"的结合。"秀才"是制度中的肯定性责任,它告诉人们"路在何方"。"兵"是制度中的否定性责任,它对误入歧途者进行问责。所有的制度,都需强化"兵"的存在,是"制度问责化"。"兵"也容易在情绪决策博弈中迷失方向。由此,需要设置更高位阶的制度,对位阶较低的"兵"予以监管,是"问责制度化"。要实现问责制度化,需在封闭原理的指引下,藉由制度中安排"兵","兵"上安排制度,层层递进,构成一个问责循环系统。从理论回归实践,人民问责权层面的制度、问责权层面的制度、管理权层面的制度,互相运作,形成了实践形态的问责循环系统。其中,只有诉诸制度建设和理性教育,促进管理权的常态监管和非常态监管,人民问责权作为问责循环系统的枢纽才能日趋牢固。  相似文献   

Swaffield  Simon 《Policy Sciences》1998,31(3):199-224
Variation in the meaning and use of the term landscape by different decision makers and decision influencers in the New Zealand high country is analysed in relation to the way they describe a resource policy issue. The case study is based upon documentary sources and oral accounts of the role that trees might play in high country land use. Links between language use and interest are identified and explored, and some consequential implications discussed.  相似文献   

我国刑法中贯穿着"公理之情",这种"情"有助于我国刑法作用的充分发挥。理解"公理之情"的含义,在司法实践中运用好这种"情",有助于我国刑法任务和刑罚目的的实现,促进我国的法治建设。  相似文献   

This study investigates whether nonprofit organizational effectiveness is judged consistently by differing constituencies and whether changes in board effectiveness and overall organizational effectiveness (judged by differing constituencies) are the result of changes in the use of practices regarded as the "right way" to manage. The results show that different constituencies judged the effectiveness of nonprofit organizations differently, at both periods; that a change in the use of correct board practices over time, controlling for board effectiveness at time 1, was not related to board effectiveness at time 2; and that a change in the use of correct management practices, controlling for organizational effectiveness at time 1, was not related to organizational effectiveness at time 2, except for board members. Implications of the results are considered. Claims about best practices for nonprofit boards and organizations must be evaluated more critically. Finding the right fit among practices is more important than doing things the "right way.  相似文献   

This article examines how members of Congress refer to individuals in government on the House floor. Using content analysis, floor speeches from the 103rd and 104th Congresses were examined to determine the way in which terms such as "bureaucrats" and "public servants" were manipulated in floor speeches, and the political gain members seek to achieve from these moves. The data show that the Republican takeover of Congress led to a marked change in the tone of debate, and a sharp increase in pejorative discussions of individuals in government. Republicans tended to use bureaucrats in legislative debate in their efforts to shape the debate over the size and role of government.  相似文献   

Grammatical metaphor (ideational metaphor and interpersonal metaphor as sub-categories) “leads to an expansion of the meaning potential: by creating new patterns of structural realization, it opens up new systemic domains of meaning”. Ideational metaphor has been extensively studied in terms of identification, categorization, and application. Interpersonal metaphor, though being readily applicable to interaction-oriented disciplines, has not been studied in depth and many issues remain to be tackled. One significant issue is how to identify interpersonal metaphor, metaphors of mood in particular. With instances from the CORP corpus built out of successful reply posts by doctors and nurses on the health forum of doctorslounge.com, we propose two principles (Context-first Principle and AS IF Principle) that can be used to identify both metaphors of mood and metaphors of modality. Categories of interpersonal metaphor and the metaphoric syndrome can thus be described in a consistent way.  相似文献   

This paper examines the use of evidence in collaborative policy making focusing on the challenges of implementing national decarbonisation policies in regional areas. Its case study of a staged policy intervention to promote the ‘transition to a low carbon economy’ in Victoria's coal‐dependent Latrobe Valley reveals the selective use of evidence to support policy directions that emerged from the interaction of policy knowledge and the political mood. The paper shows how local conditions can be manipulated to enable the production of evidence consistent with the policy objective, but also suggests that despite combining orchestrated evidence with customised forms of networked governance, it is not possible to suppress or deflect unresolved political disagreements.  相似文献   

客体关系心理治疗(Object Relations Therapy)是一种强调“治疗师一来访者”关系的深度心理治疗方法。拟通过诠释客体和客体关系内涵,分析客体关系心理治疗的理论依据以及实施的四个阶段,并对我国罪犯心理矫治的启示进行初步探讨。在罪犯心理矫治中引进客体关系心理治疗,是罪犯心理咨询和治疗手段的创新,也是提升罪犯教育改造质量和践行监管安全“首要标准”的有效途径。  相似文献   

Much of the American debate over physician assisted death (PAD) is framed as an ideological split between conservatives and liberals, pro life and pro choice advocates, and those who emphasize morality versus personal autonomy. Less examined, but no less relevant, is a split within the ranks of progressives--one that divides those supporting a right to die in the name of human rights from disability rights activists who invoke human rights to vehemently oppose euthanasia. This paper reviews how "dignity" serves both as a divisive wedge in this debate but also as a value that can span the divide between groups and open the way to productive discourse. Supporters of legalized euthanasia use "dignity" to express their position that some deaths might indeed be accelerated. At the same time, opponents adopt the concept to argue that physician assisted suicide stigmatizes life with a disability. To bridge this divide, the worldviews of two groups, Compassion & Choices and Not Dead Yet, are studied. The analysis concludes that the two organizations are more parallel than contrary--a finding that offers opportunities for dialogue and perhaps even advances in public policy.  相似文献   

朱虹 《学理论》2012,(17):235-236
积极情绪有利于幼儿身心的健康发展以及个人的成长,但是在目前的早期家庭教育中,幼儿积极情绪的培养并没有引起家长足够的重视.早期家庭教育应该重视对幼儿积极情绪的培养,早期的情绪教育应该是一种预防性和发展性的教育,而不是在孩子出现情绪问题和障碍之后采取的补偿性措施.  相似文献   

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