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环境犯罪罪名体系之科学构建   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对环境犯罪之罪名类型和罪名体系进行系统梳理,是环境刑法之首要任务。系统的环境犯罪罪名体系,可分为损害私权利的环境犯罪和不当使用公权力的环境犯罪两类。前者可进一步细分为污染生态环境的犯罪和破坏自然资源的犯罪;后者可细分为玩忽职守类型、滥用职权类型以及徇私舞弊类型。对环境犯罪罪名体系中各类型犯罪予以深度研究,可以识别环境犯罪的自然犯属性,并有助于环境犯罪罪名体系的进一步完善。  相似文献   

柳忠卫 《法学家》2012,(3):40-54,176
犯罪未完成形态的立法模式是客观主义犯罪观和主观主义犯罪观在犯罪未完成形态上的立法体现。犯罪未完成形态立法模式不仅决定着犯罪圈的大小,而且征表和反映了国家的刑事政策取向和对不同行为的刑事政策态度。中国现行犯罪未完成形态立法模式的主要缺陷是:刑法总则的立法模式与分则的犯罪构成模式相矛盾;刑事立法对犯罪预备行为处罚的泛化和刑事司法对犯罪预备行为处罚的异化致使罪刑法定原则受到挑战;刑事立法对犯罪未遂行为处罚的主观化不当地扩张了可罚的未遂行为的范围。中国对犯罪未完成形态的立法模式应当进行如下改革:犯罪预备行为处罚的例外化;犯罪未遂行为处罚的客观化;犯罪中止行为认定的合理化。  相似文献   

罪状、罪名的定义与分类新论   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
本文对罪状、罪名的定义与分类提出了新的见解。认为 ,罪状是指刑法分则罪刑式条文所描述的具体犯罪的基本构成特征。根据描述方式的不同 ,可以将罪状分为叙明罪状、简单罪状、引证罪状和空白罪状 ;根据描述方式的单复 ,可以将罪状分为单一罪状和混合罪状。罪名是指高度概括类犯罪、亚类犯罪或者具体犯罪本质特征、对类犯罪、亚类犯罪或者具体犯罪的称谓。根据罪名所包含的内容的范围的大小 ,可分为类罪名、亚类罪名和具体罪名 ;根据罪名的法律效力 ,可分为立法罪名、司法罪名和具体罪名 ;根据所包含的犯罪行为的单复 ,可分为单一罪名和选择罪名。  相似文献   

<正> 第13条少年法庭在听取了犯罪少年、证人、父母、监护人或照管人、检察院及辩护人的证词之后,便可对犯罪少年进行裁决。法庭为了了解案情,还可以听取共犯及成年同谋犯的证词。少年法庭庭长为了犯罪少年的利益,可以使其免于出庭应审。在这种情况下,犯罪少年可由其律师、父母或监护人代替出庭。  相似文献   

11例医源性药物中毒分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
<正> 医源性药物中毒在医疗事故中较为常见,认真研究其发生原因,探讨行之有效的药物管理和预防措施,对提高医疗质量具有重要意义。本文报告我室检验的医疗纠纷案件中的11例医源性药物中毒案例,讨论其原因及可能的防范措施,以供参考。  相似文献   

单位犯罪的若干问题新探   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
单位犯罪除了由单位集体决定或者单位负责人决定实施的犯罪之外,还应包括单位领导的监督过失或者说是由于单位体制方面的原因而引起的危害社会的行为;在单位犯罪和个人犯罪的区分上,不应以犯罪所得的归属为标准;单位犯罪的罪过,应当包括监督过失在内;对单位盗窃行为可按个人盗窃罪处理,现行的司法解释在这个问题的处理上存在漏洞。  相似文献   

<正> 在犯罪侦查文献中,每种犯罪的侦查方法(局部方法)通常是以同一方式叙述的,这些方法可大体阐明大多数犯罪的初步侦查过程的内容。但是,在有些犯罪,尤其是在以多种手段实施的犯罪侦查时,可采用一些传统方法里没有的方法,就是要考虑每种犯罪侦查特有的一些典型情况。例如,在谋杀案的侦查方法中,初期侦查行动及其实施策略是根据侦查开始  相似文献   

当前我国网络知识产权犯罪刑事法律保护存在缺乏一部专门调整网络知识产权犯罪的法律,刑法规定与著作权法不一致,刑罚配置不尽合理,刑事诉讼程序设计存在问题等不足。建议制定独立的《经济犯罪法》,完善我国现行刑法的相关规定;改变我国对传统知识产权犯罪的追诉模式,对网络知识产权犯罪案件的追诉,采取以自诉为主、公诉为辅的模式;针对网络环境下的犯罪管辖问题建议尽快出台合理、可操作的管辖原则,采用网址管辖说;重视网络知识产权犯罪取证问题。  相似文献   

“犯罪黑数”或称犯罪未知数,是指确实存在的犯罪活动没有在犯罪统计表上反映出来的犯罪数,也即是没有被揭露或没有受到司法机关追诉和审判的犯罪数。“犯罪黑数”可分为两类:一类是“绝对黑数”,就是犯罪事件已经发生,犯罪人和其所犯罪行均未被司法机关发现;另一类是“相对黑数”,有三种情况:1.犯罪事件已经发生,司法机关已立案侦查,由于没有找到犯罪人或证据不充分,不能定罪处罚;2.司法机关对已经归案的罪犯,只查明  相似文献   

<正> 犯罪,按其行为方式来讲,可分为作为的犯罪和不作为的犯罪。不作为的犯罪,由于其自身的特殊性有别于作为的罪犯,同时也由于它的这种特殊性容易与不具有犯罪性质的行为相混淆,因此,深入研究不作为的犯罪,对于严格地区分罪与非罪的界限,准确地同不作为犯罪作斗争,保护无罪的人不受非法追诉,都是不无裨益的。  相似文献   

Colchicine has been widely used in the treatment of acute gout over the years, but it has a narrow therapeutic index, and overdose can be life threatening. A method using ultra-high-performance liquid chromatography–tandem mass spectrometry system was applied in two fatal cases of colchicine poisoning in this study to the determination of colchicine in blood. In case 1, a 19-year-old man suffered from depression and ingested 160 colchicine tablets (each 0.5 mg). The concentration of colchicine in his blood samples showed a fluctuating trend and kept above the therapeutic steady-state concentration for 5 days. In case 2, a 70-year-old female patient with a history of gout and chronic colchicine intake ingested five times the usual dose of colchicine (5 mg) and died after 12 days of medical care, with 5 ng/mL of colchicine in her blood sample. Our findings suggest that the delayed elimination and accumulation in humans after colchicine overdose could keep the concentration of colchicine maintaining above the therapeutic steady-state concentration for many days before dying, probably along with a fluctuating trend.  相似文献   

In two cases, after i.v. injections of colchicine serum concentrations of 170 ng/ml and 240 ng/ml were found before death. Colchicine was extracted from serum with the aid of Extrelut extraction columns and analysed using HPLC. Urine was also analysed and the findings were confirmed by drawing a UV-curve for colchicine using the stop-flow method. In one case, colchicine was still detectable in urine 10 days after injection.  相似文献   

A case of suspected acute and lethal intoxication caused by colchicine has been reported. The woman was hospitalized after her suspicion of suicidal poisoning by a rare autumn crocus (Colchicum autumnale). Suspected colchicine poisoning was confirmed using a novel UHPLC method with a modern reversed‐phase stationary phase with a sub 2‐micron superficial porous particle size combined with a QTOF mass spectrometer. Sample preparation procedure included the addition of propiverine as internal standard, protein precipitation using methanol and solid phase extraction. High‐resolution MS only and targeted MS/MS modes are reported for the qualitative analysis and screening of other potential drugs of abuse in blood samples. All Ion MS mode was used for quantitative determination of colchicine afterward. The concentration of colchicine in the blood sample was approximately 41 ng/mL, and more than 200 μg/mL of the plant extract used for the suicide.  相似文献   

Colchicine poisoning: case report of two suicides   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Colchicine overdose is uncommon but potentially life threatening because of the high toxicity of the drug. Poisoning by colchicine may occur following ingestion of medication used in acute attacks of gout and inflammatory diseases. We describe two cases involving suicide by the ingestion of medications marketed in France. In case 1, only heart blood was taken after body external examination. In case 2 an autopsy was performed and heart blood, urine, gastric contents and bile were taken for toxicological analysis. Colchicine was assayed in biological specimens by an HPLC-DAD method, after extraction by dichloromethane at pH 8, adding prazepam as internal standard (IS). Analyses were performed on a Symetry C-8 column. Mobile phase was a gradient of acetonitrile/pH 3.8 phosphate buffer. Colchicine is eluted at 13.1 min and the method is linear for blood, urine and bile over the range 4-1000 ng/mL. LOQ is 4 ng/mL. The concentrations of colchicine detected are: case 1: heart blood 13 ng/mL; case 2: heart blood 66 ng/mL, urine 500 ng/mL, gastric content 12 ng/mL, bile 5632 ng/mL. Our findings are in the range of lethal concentrations previously described, but there is no correlation with the amount of ingested drug. Even after massive overdose, it could be impossible to detect colchicine in blood, and as there is a widespread enterohepatic recirculation before excretion in bile and feces, bile is the target sample to analyse. We conclude in both cases that the cause of death was suicide with colchicine. It appears very important to perform an autopsy in order to obtain bile, urine, heart blood and femoral blood.  相似文献   

Although intoxications with colchicine, the alkaloid of Colchicum autumnale (meadow saffron), are well known, in most cases the intoxications are evoked by oral or parenteral preparations traditionally used as medication against gout. The accidental ingestion of Colchicum autumnale, on the other hand, is a rare event and has to our knowledge only twice been described in detail. We report a further case in which two persons confused this highly poisonous plant with wild garlic (Allium ursinum), a popular spice in the Central European cuisine. While one person merely complained about a 3-day episode of nausea, vomiting and watery diarrhea, the second person died of multi-organ system derangements 48 h after the ingestion of the colchicum leaves. At autopsy hemorrhagic lung oedema, hypocellular bonemarrow, centrilobular fatty necrosis of the liver and necrosis of the proximal convoluted tubuli of the kidneys were observed. A colchicine concentration of 7.5 micrograms/ml was found in the bile whereas no substance was detected in the postmortem blood.  相似文献   

目的建立生物检材中秋水仙碱的液相色谱/串联质谱检测方法,研究秋水仙碱急性中毒在豚鼠体内的分布,为秋水仙碱中毒的法医学鉴定提供方法和评价依据。方法以4mg/kg剂量秋水仙碱给豚鼠灌胃染毒,2~8h死亡,用LC-MS/MS测定体液和组织中秋水仙碱的含量。结果秋水仙碱在豚鼠各体液和组织中含量从高到低依次为胆汁、尿液、胃、脾、肺、肾、心、胰、肝、肾上腺、睾丸,心血中秋水仙碱的含量最低。结论所建方法准确、灵敏,适用于体内痕量秋水仙碱的检测。胆汁和尿液是体内检测秋水仙碱的较佳检材。  相似文献   

A rare case of colchicine poisoning resulting from accidental ingestion of meadow saffron (Colchicun Autumnale) is reported. The plant can frequently be found in the woods of the Northern Hemisphere (1), also in Japan. A 48-year-old male was admitted to hospital complaining of vomiting, nausea and diarrhea following ingestion of the plant and died in four days. The most striking histological findings were metaphasic mitotic figures in the mucosa of the large intestine and the liver. Colchicine was detected in the bile with high-performance liquid chromatography/sonicspray ionization mass spectrometry (HPLC/SSI-MS).  相似文献   

A 62-year-old male died of colchicine poisoning after accidental ingestion of Colchicum autumnale (meadow saffron). He ate a salad of plant with green leaves regarded as wild garlic (Allium ursinum). A few hours later he developed symptoms of gastroenteritis and was admitted to hospital. In spite of gastric lavage, activated charcoal and supportive measures, multi-organ system failure developed over the next two days. Laboratory analysis showed highly elevated blood concentrations of hepatic enzymes, creatine kinase, lactate dehydrogenase and blood urea nitrogen, as well as leukocytopenia and thrombocytopenia. Mechanical ventilation, dopamine, noradrenaline, crystalloid solutions and fresh frozen plasma were applied but despite treatment the patient died five days after the ingestion. Post-mortem examination revealed hepatic centrilobular necrosis, nephrotoxic acute tubular necrosis, petechial bleeding in fatty tissue, blunt and shortened intestinal villi and cerebral toxic edema. Botanical identification of incriminated plant gave Colchicum autumnale which confirmed colchicine poisoning. Although the accidental ingestion of Colchicum autumnale is rare and to our knowledge only five such cases have been described in detail, this is the second fatal case in Croatia described in the last 3 years.  相似文献   

Deaths resulting from the oral ingestion of colchicine are occasionally associated with suicides and therapeutic toxicity. However, homicidal deaths in which this drug is used are extremely rare. Two homicides in which colchicine was used are reported.  相似文献   

Following ingestion of 30 mg of presumed benztropine (Cogentin) a 39-year-old male developed nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. His admission to hospital was soon followed by collapse and death. Histological examination, however, revealed increased numbers of mitotic figures in otherwise normal epithelial cells of the esophagus and bronchioles, a feature characteristic of colchicine toxicity. Subsequent toxicological analyses confirmed the presence of colchicine in the urine, but not in the blood. A dispensing error had resulted in substitution of colchicine for Cogentin. Histological findings had, therefore, provided evidence of colchicine toxicity and had guided subsequent toxicological evaluation. In suspected cases of colchicine toxicity, histological samples should, therefore, be taken from multiple sites along the gastrointestinal and respiratory tract in addition to other organs and tissues so that diagnostic morphological changes can be looked for.  相似文献   

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