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文化现代化的涵义及特征初论   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
赵伯乐 《思想战线》2002,28(4):98-101
文化现代化特指狭义文化意义上的现代化 ,主要体现在上层建筑和精神领域内 ,是与经济现代化并列的一个范畴。文化的现代化指其在内容与形式上都极为丰富并表现出创新的震撼力 ;在道德伦理层面体现出人类理性的高度发展水平 ,代表人类最优秀、最美好的感情和心理取向 ;在观念形态上 ,是合理性、现实性与前瞻性的结合。从它的历史和趋势看 ,文化现代化具有目标上的模糊性、方式上的继承性、性质上的适应性和表现形式上的多元性四个特征。  相似文献   

The concept named "a community with a shared future for mankind" has important implications for the theory and practice of human rights. From the perspective of specific human rights, the idea of a Community with a Shared Future for Mankind implies recognizing the right to peace of mankind, advocates the mode of economic cooperation and development, and acts as a guide for building an eco-friendly world, rejecting hegemony, and promoting cultural diversity. Therefore, a Community with a Shared Future for Mankind plays an important supporting role in establishing the legitimacy of specific rights. Meanwhile, in view of the scarcity of human resources, it is impossible for all kinds of rights to be protected to the same degree. Human rights need to be systematically constructed in theory and practice, and also require the formation of a well-functioning platform for their protection. As a guideline, the notion of a Community with a Shared Future for Mankind is conducive to the establishment of such a system.  相似文献   

The Developmentalism of Human Rights provides a broader perspective for a comprehensive and profound understanding of the human rights implications of bringing the building of a moderately prosperous society in all respects to a successful completion.From the perspective of the Developmentalism of Human Rights,bringing the building of a moderately prosperous society in all respects to a successful completion takes promoting the all-round development of human beings as the starting point and end point,which embodies the ultimate goal of human rights to guarantee everyone's free,comprehensive and coordinated development;the specific goals and tasks set by bringing the building of a moderately prosperous society in all respects to a successful completion respond to the four means rights to subsistence,freedom,participation and equal protection.The realization of the goals and tasks of completing the process of building a moderately well-off society in all aspects marks a higher level of safeguarding the right to development,and also opens a new journey for all members of the society to develop freely,comprehensively and harmoniously.  相似文献   

和谐警民关系建设成果丰厚,但由于历史和现实的原因,实践中存在规范化不足、制度化缺失的问题,这与警民关系建设没有规范的顶层设计、未能建立稳定独立的组织领导体系有很大关系。从各地公安机关警民关系建设的实践出发,以国外警方的先进经验和全球行政改革的理论为依据,当前警民关系建设应转入规范化建设阶段,应从目前较为粗放的管理方式转入精细化管理阶段,从而实现警民关系建设的组织管理系统化、工作任务具体化、工作机制常态化。  相似文献   

At the age of 66, Wang Jie is learning a new skill—papercutting. Every Monday and Thursday afternoon, she attends a class in her neighborhood in Beijing's suburban district of Changping, with her toolkit. The kit, once a medicine box, now holds two pairs of scissors, a paper cutter, a pair of glasses, pencils, a big eraser and a roll of tape, all necessary for her lesson.  相似文献   

前言贫困是人类社会的顽疾,是全世界面临的共同挑战。贫困及其伴生的饥饿、疾病、社会冲突等一系列难题,严重阻碍人类对美好生活的追求。消除贫困是人类梦寐以求的理想,人类发展史就是与贫困不懈斗争的历史。  相似文献   

于成文 《桂海论丛》2008,24(2):10-13
目前,对社会主义和谐社会的研究已经取得了许多理论成果,但是,对和谐社会的一些理论问题,比如,关于提出和谐社会的现实依据,关于构建和谐社会与以经济建设为中心的关系,关于如何理解和谐社会条件下的矛盾与斗争、社会差距、公平与效率的关系,关于和谐社会与社会稳定、社会形态的关系,等等,仍然存在认识上的误区。进一步破除这些误区,对构建和谐社会具有重要的理论意义和实践意义。  相似文献   

中国国家现代化历程与中华民族的觉醒   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
民族的觉醒也就是近现代民族意识的形成 ,它是一个民族从自在走向自为的关键 ,是在一定的经济和历史条件下 ,与国家体制的现代化、近现代国民的形成紧密相关的历史进程。其核心内容为对建立主权独立完整和主权在民的近现代国家 (单一民族国家或多民族国家 )这一历史使命的认识。现代民族意识觉醒具有大众性和实践性两个特征。 2 0 0 0多年统一的多民族的封建国家的历史造就了中华民族这一族际共同体 ,然而在“天下国家”专制君主体制下 ,中华民族只能以自在的方式存在。近代西方列强的入侵摧毁了中国的“天下国家”体系和观念 ,同时中国各族在团结御侮、救国救民的斗争中加强了对中华民族的认同。 2 0世纪初 ,中华民族开始其觉醒的历史进程 ,经历了三个阶段 ,至194 9年中华人民共和国的成立 ,最终完成了从自在到自为的转变。  相似文献   

刑事诉讼二审中的发回重审制度一直是人们争论不休的课题.新草案对二审中的发回重审仅仅提到了一点,即限制因事实不清证据不足而发回重审的次数.但这种蜻蜓点水式的修改依然不能令人满意,而且存在着理解上的歧义.文章比较分析了草案前后对发回重审的不同规定,并结合草案和现行刑诉法关于二审中发回重审的规定分析了发回重审存在的矛盾,最后借刑诉法修改之际提出了自己关于二审中发回重审的修改意见,希望新法能够对此进行明确合理地规定,让正义能够以看得见的方式实现  相似文献   

性别和谐与构建社会主义和谐社会   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
性别和谐是性别关系平等、互补与合作,并在全社会形成一个平等、公正、和谐的性别环境。性别和谐与经济和谐、阶层和谐、民族和谐、区域和谐、代际和谐、生态和谐等一样,都是实现社会和谐的重要条件,是全面落实科学发展观,促进经济社会协调发展和人的全面发展的必然要求。是实现社会公正、公平、和谐的前提,是构建社会主义和谐社会和建设全面小康社会的重要指标之一。应当充分认识到实现性别和谐对于构建社会主义和谐社会的重要意义,努力促进性别平等和两性和谐发展,为建设社会主义和谐社会贡献力量。  相似文献   

张丽华 《思想战线》2002,28(4):9-12
在西部大开发中 ,云南省贫困地区存在着经济发展严重落后、财源结构单一 ,财政自给能力低下 ,财政赤字庞大等问题。解决这些问题需要转变观念 ,深化体制改革 ,调整贫困地区农业和农村经济结构 ,精简吃“财政饭”人数 ;在税收方面应完善分税制 ,加大财政转移支付力度 ,以利于贫困地区产业和财源的发展 ,利于贫困地区农民收入的提高。  相似文献   

构建和谐社会,目的就是要达到人与人之间、个人与政府之间、人与社会之间以及人与自然之间的和谐一致和共同发展。和谐社会的建立,要求人们必须依照既定的规则运行,形成一种和谐发展、秩序井然的状态。我国是一个多民族多宗教的国家,和谐的宗教关系是和谐社会的重要组成部分,而和谐的政教关系是和谐的宗教关系的基础和保障。  相似文献   

in the broadest sense, respecting and protecting human rights is a major achievement in the progress of human civilization. human rights culture is the most essential feature of human rights. from the perspective of the development of human civilization, human rights culture reflects a country's thinking and wisdom as well as its civilization level and represents a country's cultural soft power. Chinese human rights culture in the new era is a socialist human rights culture in a broad sense, a human rights culture in the new stage of development of socialism with Chinese characteristics in a narrow sense, and an ideological spirit and moral strength of Chinese human rights culture in a certain historical period. at a new historical starting point, strengthening the construction of China's human rights culture in the new era and gathering the strength of China human rights culture have important practical significance and far-reaching historical significance for building China's human rights theory, developing advanced socialist culture with Chinese characteristics, consolidating the confidence in socialist culture with Chinese characteristics, building a country with a strong socialist culture, and enhancing China's cultural soft power.  相似文献   

秦莲红 《桂海论丛》2002,18(5):81-84
创新能力是秘书工作的生命力。秘书人才要具备创新的能力 ,必须正确地认识创新能力的构成极其对秘书工作的重要性 ,掌握厚实的专业知识、树立理论联系实际的学风和科学的世界观  相似文献   

高校师德建设需要完备的监督体系作为强有力的保证。当前高校教师师德失范问题严重,师德监督不力和匮乏是一个很重要的原因。健全的师德监督体系需要有完备的监督主体,明确的监督标准,同时需要加强监督反馈,建立长效机制,形成自律与他律的有机结合,从而促使高校教师提高自身道德修养,形成良好师德行为。  相似文献   

A Community with a Shared Future for Mankind is China's proposition to establish a fair and equitable international order. Just as in any other community, a Community with a Shared Future needs common values to bring its members together. To build a new model of relations featuring win-win cooperation, a Community with a Shared Future should attach great importance to the overall interests of mankind and consider the protection of human dignity and human rights as the highest purpose and objective, ensuring that inevitably, human rights become its common values. On the other hand, to build a Community with a Shared Future, we should reconstruct the concept and system of human rights from the perspective of developing countries, instead of from the perspective of Western powers.  相似文献   

改革开放在一定意义上是中国社会转向活力社会的一个重要标志。所谓活力社会就是充满生机活力的社会,每个社会细胞都健康活跃,这样的活力社会必然是开放、自由、包容和创新的社会。使社会始终充满生机活力,是我国国家制度和国家治理体系的一个显著优势,今后不但要继续发挥好这个显著优势,而且要将大力建设活力社会纳入国家发展战略,转化成为一项自觉的社会行动。当前,我国已全面建成小康社会,正在开启全面建设社会主义现代化国家新征程。在这一新时代背景下,明确提出、提倡并大力建设活力社会尤其具有重大的现实意义和深远的时代意义。  相似文献   

论边境生态文化旅游--东兴旅游发展战略选择   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
阳国亮 《桂海论丛》2002,18(1):62-64
边境旅游是我国新兴的旅游形式。东兴作为中越边境的旅游地具有独特的区位优势和旅游资源优势。交通可达性、城镇依托关系及区域市场潜在因素成为支撑东兴成为旅游中心地的基本条件。边境资源、生态资源、文化资源的特质使东兴旅游具有较大的开发潜力。据此 ,东兴的旅游发展战略可确定为“以边境旅游为基础 ,以生态旅游为主导 ,以文化旅游为底蕴”的多元发展战略。这一战略的实施措施主要为 :科学制订旅游发展总体规则 ;加大优势宣传 ,形成中越双向交流和活而有序的边境旅游格局和管理模式 ;将生态旅游作为长期的发展战略目标来抓 ;对文化旅游进行深入研究和整合 ;形成多元旅游投资体系。  相似文献   

环境问题解决的根本途径:多中心环境治理   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
政府与“治理”对环境问题解决的失败,产生对多中心环境治理的制度需求。这种以公民社会自主治理为基础,以复杂、多样、动态的制度安排为特征的环境控制系统,因适应了治理对象与治理本身的不确定性特点,成为解决环境问题的根本途径。但其制度构建却不可能一蹴而就,它将主要是一个与实际相符的,以公民社会自主提供的治理规则为核心的整体框架。基于这点,其实施路径必然是一个从局部向整体渐进扩散的过程。  相似文献   

Countries in the world lack the ability to maintain internal independence and to cope with new external risks, sov ereign state relations based on respect for diversity are giving way to global solidarity. The concept of a community with a shared future for all mankind emphasizes relative independence along with the integration of human society and the joint liability of states. The basic principle is to recognize and respect diversity so as to maintain and enhance integration. In the discourse of a community with a shared future, we must look at human rights and the promotion and protection of human rights from a relational and symbiotic perspective. The concept of human rights is comprehensive, the universality of human rights does not mean the universality of human rights standards, and the global governance of human rights needs to strengthen both the internal c and external capacities and conditions of countries. In this regard, China's experience is to form a task-oriented target governance model, enhance the enforceability and evaluability of the legal protection of human rights, substantiate and operationalize human rights principles and proposals at all levels through efforts such as establishing mechanisms and initiating forums, and continue to implement and enhance the external cooperation mechanism. The vulnerability, diversity, and scarcity of individuals and human societies are the roots of the problems of global peace and security, and a community with a shared future is also a community of rights, obligations and responsibilities. Therefore, the promotion and protection of human rights is not a burden to be distributed, but a responsibility to be shared, a collective responsibility based on shared values.  相似文献   

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