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Since U.S. president Bush adopted the new Iraq plan on January 10,2007 for sending more troops to Iraq,the situation in Iraq has remained in a state of chaos. The Iraq issue continues to stand as a focal point of the Middle East crisis,  相似文献   

In the Chinese academic circles, the study of China-U.S relations has achieved tremendous progress after nearly 30 years' endeavor. This is no doubt gratifying. In recent years, the United States has put forward the new concept of "stakeholder" and, based on it, defined China-U.S. relations in the 21st century. The term of "stakeholder" was written into the 2006 edition of the U.S.  相似文献   

In his article entitled “Big Trouble Brewing in the Hood” published at online Sydney Morning Herald on August 3, 2010, Professor John Mearsheimer at the University of Chicago claimed that “the balance of power in Asia is expected to change significantly in the next few decades, as China increases its military capabilities”, and “China's rise is likely to spark an intense security competition with the U.S.”. He then made a provocative speech on “The Gathering Storm: China's Challenge to U.S. Power in Asia” at the Sydney University. When interviewing with an Australian news agency,  相似文献   

"Strategic Reassurance" and the Future of China-U.S. Relations   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
"Strategic reassurance," a new concept in Obama's China policy, should be fostered bilaterally by dialogue designed to highlight and reinforce the areas of common interests while addressing the sources of mistrust directly. Yet in practice it seems that U.S. strategic reassurance has contrasted all China's core interests. The United States and China must recognize their different social systems and asymmetrical national strength in seeking to realize strategic stability. Crisis control requires sophisticated management of both side, especially on sensitive issues like weapons sales, the Dalai Lama, and the South China Sea dispute.  相似文献   

The ongoing U. S. -Iraq war is the focus of various governments, peoples and media of the world. Analyses can be made from different angles. I want to discuss the influence of the U. S. -Iraq war on current and future world system and international system. The U. S. -Iraq war is not a war in a traditional sense, but the first comprehensive war in the new century, involving military, political, e  相似文献   

The designation of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea as state sponsor of terrorism is not only one ot the core reasons for the Bush administration to define the DPRK as a member of the axis of evil as well as the outpost of tyranny, but also constitutes the root cause of hostility and tension between the two countries. The issue of DPRK's inclusion on the U.S. blacklist of terrorism-sponsoring countries occurred before the nuclear issue. But the Bush administration now links the two issues and regards the denuclearization of DPRK as the precondition for its removal from the blacklist of terrorism-supporting states. Hence, a new round of game is unfolding between the United States and the DPRK on how to remove the latter from the list.  相似文献   

The relationship between the U.S.and China needs to be stabilized under a new definition in this post-global financial crisis period.Stability is possible if both sides work hard together to build a "cooperative partnership." Under this new definition,over the next few decades,both countries should work towards cooperation at the top level,building closer ties,and establishing a foundation of deep-rooted mutual trust.  相似文献   

The U. S. president responded quickly to the 9/11 terrorist attacks. Confronted by a changing world, the United States had to implement new strategies in order to deal with problems of the post- 9/11 era, one of these strategies being its war on terrorism. Bush's policy at home and abroad, in particular the strategic transformation of international security is based on an assessment that the world has changed. How much has the world changed over the past five years and in what way? The answers to these questions are keys to understand the current international situation.  相似文献   

Among various geopolitical factors in solving the Afghanistan problem, the attitudes of and the contention between Pakistan and India are of greatest importance. Although both countries have expressed their support for U.S. war on terror in Afghanistan, they have divergent strategic interests in Afghanistan and believe their rivalry is a zero-sum game. With the initiation and implementation of the new Afghan strategy by the Obama administration,  相似文献   

In the nationally televised address at the U.S. Military Academy in West Point, N. Y. on December 1, 2009, U.S. President Barack Obama announced his decision to make readjustment plan to the new AFPAK strategy. It was done under the difficult circumstances surrounding the selection of choices after a time-consuming weighing up its pros and cons at a time when the U.S is bogged down in the Afghan War and a wide difference of opinions is in existence on the surge inside the U.S. This has come as a revelation about the U.S deep-going considerations and policy directions on the Afghan issue.  相似文献   

The first ten years of the 21 st Century have witnessed the failure of the neo-liberalism and Washington Consensus, leaving the international community to seek new theories to guide international relations. The EU's global governance seems to be the most likely to become prevalent. Meanwhile, the notion of China's harmonious world, though not so popular as global governance so far,  相似文献   

Chinese philosopher Confucius once said that "at 30 I stood firm upon the ground, at 40 I no longer suffer from perplexity". Confucius' words prove that the current 30-year-old relations between China and the United States is basically standing firm on the ground. However, this relationship is by no means free from perplexities since there remain problems and troubles that might perplex its further development. In the next decade or even next 30 years, the two countries should make it their objective to push forward their relations from the current stage of firm-standing to a perplexity-free stage.  相似文献   

In a watershed moment for regional cooperation, the ASEAN Framework for Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership(RCEP) was endorsed by leaders at the 19th ASEAN Summit in November 2011. Just as APEC and CAFTA did many years ago, the new ASEAN initiative drew immediate, widespread attention, triggering talks on its future influence on the regional economy. After all, this flee-trade arrangement covers half of the global population and a third of global GDP. People have concerns about the potential influence of the new initiative on the Asia-Pacific region's cooperation structure.  相似文献   

每一种语言,其建构材料都是词汇,词汇愈丰富,语言的表述功力就愈强,愈有效。东北话里存有大量源出满语的词汇,保留了满语之音,披上了汉字之形,转而以汉语的身份,有效扩充了东北话的词汇量。这样奇妙的组合,也就使东北话里的一些词语,不可能在其他地域的汉语中露面;亦使东北话所能表摹的事物,其他地域的汉语未必能尽数表摹,即或表摹了,  相似文献   

When asked for his outlook on China's 2014 diplomacy at a press conference in early 2014, Foreign Minister Wang Yi listed w the Conference on Interaction and Confidence-Building Measures in Asia (CICA) and the informal summit meeting of Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC), both of which are in China this year, as the country's two key diplomatic events in 2014. He labeled these two events as examples of China's so-called "hosr diplomacy."  相似文献   

东北人确乎很喜欢研磨事情的真相,证据是他们很爱“掰扯”。“掰扯”是东北独有的语汇,通常的解释是“讲道理”,如“咱俩掰扯掰扯,看看到底是谁的不是”。显而易见,“掰扯”的意蕴要比“讲道理”有味道得多,其内里含有浓烈的情绪因素。  相似文献   

坊间冷摊,淘得长春国民图书社1945年版小说集《樱》。这是东北沦陷时期出版的最后一部文学作品。作者朱媞。  相似文献   

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