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罗森 《亚非纵横》2011,(5):17-24
在当代国际关系中,随着时代主题的转变、全球化大潮的全面来临,国家之间相互依赖程度的加深,用传统军事经济手段解决问题的成本日益加大,国家软实力的重要性正日趋上升。印度是一个正在崛起的新兴大国,了解印度的软实力及其发展、变化和运用,对我国有极其重要的意义。本文旨在探讨印度的软实力,分析印度发展软实力的优势与劣势。  相似文献   

成为“有声有色”的世界政治大国,是印度自独立起就确立的国家战略目标。为实现该战略目标,不同的时代,印度采用不同的外交政策,也取得了不同的政治实效。尼赫鲁时期的外交战略是借助独立于美苏阵营的不结盟外交寻求政治大国地位,但自身国力的贫弱为印度的大国目标蒙上了浓重的理想主义色彩。后尼赫鲁时期的外交战略抛弃了不切实际的不结盟外交,转而依靠军事实力以谋取地区强国地位。然而,这一战略导致地区局势紧张,制约了印度走向世界政治大国的进程。2l世纪以来,印度实现了对非洲外交政策的战略性转换,即从重视硬实力的传统外交政策转向软实力外交。印度从不结盟到软实力外交的历史转换,凸显出以国家利益最大化为中心、以国际环境变换为外在变量、以中国为参照和竞争对象、注重发挥“软硬”合力的特征。  相似文献   

近两年,印度莫迪政府的大国战略主要呈现以下特征:聚焦大国目标并塑造印度的南亚主导地位,外交战略范围广阔,强调“软实力”的作用,以及注重自我发展与外部环境并举.莫迪的大国战略理念深受印度现实主义国际政治观的影响,一定程度上反映了印度人民党的执政理念.大国战略的实施与莫迪的执政基础和执政风格密不可分,并融入了莫迪鲜明的个人风格.在大国战略的影响下,中印两国经济合作空间加大,公共外交形式拓宽,地缘政治碰撞凸显,印度制衡中国筹码加重.  相似文献   

印度外交新态势:文化软实力的推进   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
任飞 《南亚研究季刊》2009,(2):12-16,24
约瑟夫·奈提出的“软实力”理论在世界政坛日益受到广泛的关注。印度将提升软实力作为新世纪外交的重要任务之一。印度文化软实力有着追求精神胜于物质、强调人与自然的和谐统一等传统价值理念和以民主、多元化、包容性为特征的政治价值观;流行文化亦内涵丰富并深具魅力。近年来,印度在南盟、周边、非洲拉美、欧美等不同层面不同领域因地制宜积极推进文化软实力。通过独具特色的文化软实力外交,印度有效地提升了国家形象,为自身的崛起营造了良好的发展环境。  相似文献   

李荣  唐志超 《亚非纵横》2005,(3):11-12,45
伊拉克战争后,特别是2004年,大国在中东的角力主要表现为欧美的软实力较量。应该说,伊拉克战争充分显示了美国硬实力的强大,同时也暴露美国软实力的缺陷。伊战后,法、德、俄等大国以其地缘优势以及政治、经济和外交资本,与美国展开软实力的较量,对中东地区国际关系产生了重大影响。  相似文献   

印度伟大作家泰戈尔的作品和思想是印度文化软实力的重要组成部分。近年来,印度国内外举办了多种多样的泰戈尔纪念活动与学术研讨会,这是印度传播文化软实力的重要举措。印度传播包括泰戈尔在内的文化软实力既有其有利条件,也存在一些不利因素。  相似文献   

本文通过《印度时报》对中国的报道,从中分析印度报纸对中国文化软实力的认知,以此了解中国文化软实力在印度的状况。从《印度时报》对中国文化、中国发展模式和中国外交政策等方面的认知可以看出中国文化在印度是极具吸引力的。中国经济发展模式对印度有较强影响力,但政治体制有待提升认同力度。中国对印度的外交政策总体上为中印关系良好发展创造了条件,但中印关系中的边界问题亟需解决。总的来看,中国文化软实力在印度是有很大吸引力的,文章对中国文化软实力的进一步完善和提升提出对策思考。  相似文献   

一、印度的大国战略 近几年来,印度加快了参与非洲合作进程的步伐,这一方面是为了寻求非洲丰富的资源和巨大的市场等经济利益,以加速其国内经济的发展,另一方面也是印度推进大国战略追求大国地位的重要举措。  相似文献   

印度的"东向政策"(Look East Policy)自20世纪90年代初启动以来,始终强调与东盟的经贸关系及其他合作,致力扩大自身的经济与战略利益。"东向政策"是印度在1991年提出的。第一阶段是以东盟为中心,主要集中在贸易和投资领域。第二阶段的特征则在于"建立自由贸易区,并在该地区各国与印度间建立制度化的经济联系。当前,印度总理莫迪把印度的东向政策提升为东向行动政策(Act East policy),在体系层面,加强与美国在印—太地区战略互动,与周边国家开展互联互通建设,重视公共外交,运用软实力扩大影响力;结合印度海洋战略,加深与东南亚各国的双边关系,具有强烈的海洋意识,追求大国地位。东南亚作为当前印度东向行动政策的中心区域,在大国梦的推动下,印度将在东南亚地区扮演更加积极的角色,对东南亚地区秩序以及中国"一带一路"倡议在东南亚地区的推进产生影响。  相似文献   

严怡宁 《南亚研究季刊》2012,(2):33-37,110,111
中国在印度的大国诉求战略中扮演着非常重要又极为复杂的角色。那么印度媒体是如何在印度大国梦的框架中审视中国并呈现中国形象的?论文对印度的重要英文报《印度斯坦时报》的内容进行了分析,发现印度媒体既承认中国的发展现实,又担心中国崛起的国际影响,对中国的认知也受到了西方大国的影响。因此文章提出了向印度释放合作共赢信号,努力构建世界体系转型期的集体身份的建议,以跨越所谓的“安全困境”。  相似文献   

改革开放是一场伟大的革命,不仅彻底改变了国家和民族的面貌,而且具有重大国际战略意义。改革开放既解放了物质生产力,也解放了精神生产力;既大幅提升了中国的硬实力,也增强了中国的软实力,提高了中国的国际地位。为了实现国家的全面发展,需要中国特色的硬软实力,而塑造和平和谐的硬软实力则需要永久的改革开放。  相似文献   

美国著名政治学者约瑟夫·奈认为,软实力是一种吸引和说服他人的力量。在国际政治中,衍生软力量的资源很大程度上产自一个组织和国家的文化所表达的价值观、其国内惯例及政策所树立的榜样及处理与别国关系的方式。  相似文献   

Taiwan's “international space” has been a vital concern for the nation's leaders, and increasingly so as China has grown in power, influence, and ability to “squeeze” Taiwan's international space and thereby undermine the international stature that matters for Taiwan's security. President Tsai Ing-wen inherits a legacy of multi-pronged efforts and some successes, and will seek to build on them as she pursues her own distinctive approach. But she must do so in the face of continuing, and possibly increasing, resistance from Beijing and amid uncertainty about the policies of key states, including China and the United States.  相似文献   

试析冷战后印度对非洲的外交政策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
印度和非洲国家长期以来一直保持着密切的联系。冷战结束以后,随着国际体系和非洲形势的变革,印度对于非洲的政策出现了新的趋向。印度加强了与非洲在能源、经济、政治、军事等领域的合作。印度试图通过加强双边合作,旨在确保本国的能源安全、促成政治大国的目标实现以及巩固军事安全。  相似文献   

As President Tsai Ing-wen assumes power, she faces a citizenry hoping that she can revitalize Taiwan's economy, including: promoting high growth, low unemployment, equitable distribution of income, affordable housing for working people, food safety and quality of life in a democratic country. They also expect that she will not be deterred from engaging in the international arena. However, President Tsai faces several challenges amid slowing growth in much of the world, and Taiwan's partial exclusion from the international economic order will affect prospects for her success in meeting expectations for further economic progress.  相似文献   

Over the past two years,India's Modi government has demonstrated the following features:focusing on the goals of becoming a great power and shaping India's South Asian dominance,expanding the scope of diplomatic strategy,emphasizing the role of soft power and focusing on self-development as well as external environment.Modi's great power strategy is deeply influenced by the Indian realistic international political outlook and,to a certain extent,reflects the governing philosophy of the Bharatiya Janata Party.The great power strategy is Modi's governing foundation and governing style,embedding Modi distinctive personal style.Under the influence of the great power strategy,China and India have increased their economic cooperation scope,widening the forms of public diplomacy,with an obvious geopolitical collision;India is taking more measures to check China.  相似文献   

因陀罗皇后是阇耶跋摩七世的第二任妻子,她在位期间为国家作出的贡献一直被人们称道,虽然关于她的文章和著作极少,但她在历史上所发挥的作用不容小觑。  相似文献   

Putting endogenous development into practice   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The gap between theories and the actual practice of development is often great, but the gap between concepts of endogenous approaches and the practice of endogenous development may be hardest to bridge, particularly when the funding agency is a global actor. Nathalie Tinguery, Country Program Coordinator for US African Development Foundation (USADF) in Burkina Faso, reflects on her experience of incorporating values and goals into her development practice of working with communities and for an international funder. She describes how she remains focused on endogenous development, what this means in her development practice, and what it is about USADF policies and practice that make this brand of endogenous development possible. Views expressed are those of the author and do not necessarily represent the official positions of USADF.  相似文献   

It is widely known that Chinese transition to market economy was influenced by the newly industrialized Asian countries—Malaysia, Taiwan, and Hong Kong—but it is not as much evident that Chinese reform was also influenced by the economic reforms of Hungary. Hungary started market-oriented reforms in the late 1960s by introducing market-orientated measures in agriculture, in manufacturing, in retail trade, and in finances, which made Hungarian economy more flexible and efficient than other European socialist countries. It could be shown that the first market-oriented reform measures applied in China during the 1980s and 1990s have large similarities to the Hungarian reform introduced earlier. In that respect, we can say that Chinese economic reform has adapted lots of elements of the early Hungarian economic reform. At the same time, Hungarian reforms have died away, but after the “lost decade of the 1980s,” there was an extremely rapid transition to market economy, which—in spite of the seemingly successful beginning—could not contribute to a long-term and healthy economic development. Meanwhile in China, economic reform was rather successful, resulting in an unprecedented economic development at the end of the twentieth century. Authors of the present article analyse similarities of the Hungarian and Chinese reforms and try to explain the causes of the Hungarian failure and the Chinese success. “Let China Sleep, for when the Dragon awakes, she will shake the world.” The saying is attributed to Napoleon and he seems to have been right. Now that China has reversed the process of globalization and has become the winner, we should resignedly accept that China is wide awake. The country's economy has followed a rapid growth path thus China's economic dominance is felt in the entire Far East; moreover, the country with the highest population in the world the country is taking steps to emerge as a world power. The dragon is awake, and she is not going to take a great leap forward but instead it is now on the long march. In lieu of her specific tools, China is about to win: she is already one of the winners, if not the only winner of globalization.  相似文献   

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