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周新  屈广清 《法学论坛》2005,20(3):99-103
在目的价值定位方面,我国国际民事程序法存在着"国家本位"秩序观倾向.秩序总是必要的,更具根本性的,但秩序的类型亦是可以多元的.在中外民商法律秩序形成过程中,我国的国际民事程序法除必须体现国家意志之外,理应涵纳更多的当事人自主意思以及国际本位理念的成分,这也是修订我国民事诉讼法、仲裁法等程序法律时所要考虑的一个基本层面.  相似文献   

苏联法影响中国法制发展进程之回顾   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
在 2 0世纪中国历史上 ,苏联的革命法制理论和若干重要制度曾深刻地影响了中国的法制发展进程。孙中山曾主张“以俄为师”并进行过法制改革 ;中国共产党所领导下的人民民主政权的法制建设也是以苏联为标尺 ;新中国成立初期在创立社会主义法制的过程中 ,更是将苏联法全方位地移植到了中国。苏联法制为中国革命政党所接受与其自身的性质和中国革命的需要紧密相关。  相似文献   

Defective product recalling system is a new regime in modern civil law, characterized by its special functions to prevent and eliminate the harms concerning consumers’ body and property due to potential defects of products. In legal nature, it is necessary to define “recalling defective products” as the obligation rather than the liability of manufacturers or sellers, so as to encourage both manufacturers and sellers to take effective remedies immediately upon defective products. Product recalling is of two categories, i.e., active recalling and compulsory recalling, and the breach of such recalling obligation will lead to a series of legal liabilities. Considering the importance of the recalling system and the economic development of China, it is strongly proposed that China shall formulate the Law of Defective Product Recalling. Wang Liming, Ph.D of Law, is currently a vice president of Renmin University of China and dean of the Law School. Prof. WANG is also a member of the Law Committee of 10th and 11th National People’s Congress, vice president of China Law Society. Prof. WANG is a leading expert in the drafting and formulating important civil laws in China, such as the Law of Real Rights of PRC. His main research area is civil and commercial law. Quite a number of his monographs won national academic achievements award, including but not limited to Study on Civil Law Regime (Renmin University of China Press, 2008), Study on General Principles of Civil Law (Renmin University of China Press, 2003), Draft of Law of Real Rights and its Interpretation (China Legality Press, 2001), etc. He also has 100 or so articles published in law journals home and abroad.  相似文献   

习近平法治思想的内涵之一,就是总结我国古代法制传统和成败得失,挖掘和传承中华法律文化精华。在中华法律文化中,最能体现其特色和亮点的成果,就是一个法学学派即法家、一部著名律典即《唐律疏议》、一个庞大法系即中华法系、一门原创学科即法医学、一部经典判例集即《刑案汇览》、一个法律家群体即律家。正是这些成果,使中华法律文化跻身于古代世界法律文明之林。至近代,这些成果由于各种复杂的原因,日渐暗淡,不再辉煌。至当代,随着中华民族的重新崛起,如何将上述成果中的精华分离出来,予以发扬光大,使其成为建设社会主义法治国家的优秀的文化遗产,并为铸造当代世界法律文明做出贡献,是当代中国法律工作者义不容辞的光荣职责和神圣使命。  相似文献   

The Chinese Arbitration Law of 1995, together with the Civil Procedure Law and other sources of arbitration laws, is served as the legal bases for the Chinese arbitration system. Compared with advanced arbitration systems in the world, there still exist some defects of the Chinese Arbitration Law due to its lack of rich legislative experience and the conservative attitude toward arbitration. However, the Judicial Interpretation by the Supreme Court of China in 1995 makes a progress in Chinese Arbitration Law by strengthening the support to arbitration, but not playing the interventionist role of it.  相似文献   

综论中国法制的近代化   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
中国法制近代化是中国近代社会政治、经济、文化等发展变迁的必然结果。它是在引进西方法文化的同时 ,批判与吸收中国传统法文化的合理内核的矛盾冲突中逐步推进的。法律移植在中国法律近代化的进程中起了重要作用 ,但正反两方面的经验教训告诉我们 :任何被移植来的西方法制文明因素 ,只有扎入中国的文化土壤 ,得以积淀下来 ,进而成为本民族法文化的一部分 ,才是成功的移植。  相似文献   

普法、法盲与法治   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
历史传统和现实条件的特殊性决定了中国的法治进程具有不同于西方的特点。中国已经从“变法型”法治阶段进入“普法型”法治阶段 ,中国法治的基本问题已经从“变法、法治及其本土资源”的问题变为“送法下乡”的问题 ,普法及法治不是民众与国家权力之间简单的服从与被服从关系 ,它必须走群众路线 ,必须尊重和体现广大人民群众的主体地位及能动作用。为此 ,必须反对脱离中国国情的法治模式和法治精英主义 ,同时需要一种全新的法理学。  相似文献   

修订后的《中华人民共和国环境保护法》将于2015年1月1日开始实施,这部法律的前身是1979年《环境保护法(试行)》,基础是1989年颁行的《环境保护法》。1979年的《环境保护法(试行)》虽然不是此次修法的直接文本,但其作为中国第一部环境保护领域的综合性法律,在奠定中国环境保护法律制度体系基础的同时,也为后来留下了一些隐患,成为此次修法的争论的起因。1989年的《环境保护法》是此次修改的直接文本,这部法律的存废之争一直持续了20多年;在2011年年初人大常委会正式启动修法程序后,经历全国人大常委会四次审议、修改草案两次面向社会公开征求意见、从"修正案"到"修订案",创造了中国立法史上几个"第一"。最终通过的《环境保护法修订案》体现了十八届三中全会提出的建设生态文明,建立最严格制度的要求,确立了其在环境保护领域的基础性、综合性法律的地位,在建立生态环境保护法律机制方面实现了重大突破。  相似文献   

In traditional Chinese law, cases are the judicial decisions of general effects determined by special procedures. Before the Period of Spring and Autumn and Warring States, the main form of Chinese law was cases. After that period, Chinese legal system had gradually accommodated various forms in coexistence, with codes as the main body but cases as supplementary. Such a system maintained for a long time. Those cases in the codification era were based on codes and functioned to broaden the scope of legislation, supplement the legislative techniques and strengthen the effect of rules. As to the relationship between the establishment rule and the recurring rule of cases, ancient Chinese law persisted in the recurring rule and thus it maintained a relatively steady supply of rules while maintaining an inner stable legal forms. Wang Shirong, professor, head of the Research Department of Northwest University of Political Science and Law (NWUPL), Standing Director of the Legal History Society of China, Vice-director of the National Clinical Education Committee, Honored Professor of Gansu Institute of Political Science and Law, Consultant of Xi’an Intermediary Court, a project manager of the legal clinic program of NWUPL. His Major researches cover: Chinese legal history, the legal history of criminal law and the clinical legal education. His representative works include: A Study of Chinese Court Decisions in Ancient Time (1997, CUPL Press), A Study of Ancient Cases in China (1997, CUPL Press), Legal Cases and Law Development (2006, Law Press), and more than 20 papers released in key journals.  相似文献   

严复译《法意》,彰显了其以“治”为中心的政治问题意识。通过对《法意》的政治的翻译,向我们展示了他从治道到治制再到治术的关于“治”的思想脉络;通过把当时的中国社会形态、政治制度及其历史成因与西方社会作为对比,说明中国社会和政治的特点及其根源,进而为中国走上法治的道路指明方向。重读《法意》,将对我们理解经济全球化背景下中国法制的现代性问题产生新的启迪。  相似文献   

The principle of “equal shares, equal rights” was established by the Company Law of 1993 of the People’s Republic of China. At the initial stage only issuance of common stocks was allowed and the issuance of preferred stocks was interpreted as prohibited. The Company Law of 2006 has changed the rigidity of provisions of the Company Law of 1993 and laid down the legal foundation for issuance of preferred stock. The Rule for Administration of the Pilot Project for Preferred Stocks released on March 21, 2014 by the China Securities Regulatory Commission started the issuance of the preferred stocks in the Chinese capital market. The establishment of the legal system for issuance of preferred stock in China is not the symbol of overthrowing the principle of “equal shares, equal rights,” but the expansion and development of the principle of “equal shares, equal rights” in a new era.  相似文献   

The Anti-Monopoly Law of the People’s Republic of China has provided to prohibit monopoly agreements and abuse of dominant market position, control concentration of business operators and fight against administrative monopoly. The transformation of China’s economic system is incomplete, and the Anti-Monopoly Law has many flaws. At the initial stage of enforcing the Anti-Monopoly Law, severe challenges will occur in legislative purposes, enforcement authorities, fighting against administrative monopoly and handling of the relationship between anti-monopoly enforcement and industry supervision. Thus, the promulgation of the Anti-Monopoly Law is only the first step in the legislation on anti-monopoly. Wang Xiaoye held a bachelor’s degree of philosophy from Inner Mongolian Normal University (1981), LL.M. from Renmin University of China (1984) and Doctor Juris magna cum laude from the University Hamburg (1993). Since 1984, she works at the Institute of Law, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS). From 1988 to 1993, she studied in Germany based on Max-Planck Institute for Comparative Private Law. As visiting scholar she spent a year at Max-Planck Institute for Comparative Intellectual Property and Competition Law, and a year at Max-Planck Institute for Comparative Social Law in Munich. In 2004, she was invited to the US by the Antitrust Division of the Department of Justice. In 2005, she was invited to the European Union Visitors Program, and awarded a Fulbright Scholarship to spend a year at the Chicago-Kent College of Law. Prof. Wang works in the areas of economic law, international economic law, and focuses on competition law. Her publications include: Monopoly and Competition in the Chinese Economy — A conception for merger control in China in view of the American and German practices (J C B Mohr, 1993); Monopoly Problem in the Merger of Enterprises (Law Press, 1996); On Competition Law (China’s Legal Publishing House, 1999); Competition Law of European Community (China’s Legal Publishing House, 2001); Economic Law (Social Sciences Academic Press, 2005); Competition Law (Social Sciences Academic Press, 2007). She also has over 200 papers published in Chinese, German and English languages. Prof. Wang has served as vice president of National Association for Economic Law of China, the head of the Consultant Committee for WTO Trade and Competition Policy of the Ministry of Commerce, and member of the Expert Advisory Board for Anti-Monopoly Legislation of the State Council and the National People’s Congress. In her honor, she once lectured on competition law for the Standing Committee of the Ninth and Tenth People’s Congress. In international academic activities, she is a founding member of Academic Society for Competition Law (ASCOLA) and of the Asian Competition Forum, and member of International Advisory Board of the CUTS C-CIER. She lectured on Chinese law at ABA, IBA, IPBA, ACF, Harvard University, Columbia University, Washington University (St. Louis), New York University, KFTC, Chatham House, LIDC, IDRC and other institutions.  相似文献   

A peaceful and harmonious world is an important social basis for China’s peaceful development, and international law lays a legal foundation and guarantee for building such a world. In the “village of globe” with co-existence and economic globalization, international law provides China a peaceful development with legal certainty in external environment of peace and security, fair and equal international competitive order, and international cooperation; and on the other hand, it puts on an increasing legal restraint on the internal and external strategies of China’s peaceful development. At the same time, the peaceful development of China deems to make a great contribution to the world, which are the main subject of international law in peace and development, as well as to human rights, rule of law and democracy, which are the universal values pursued by international law. Zeng Lingliang, Ph.D of law, is presently a dean and professor in the Faculty of Law in University of Macau. He is an awardee of the Cheung Kong Scholars Award Program and Jean Monnet Chair of European Union Law in Wuhan University, and one of the first three individuals nominated by the China government on the list of panelists in the WTO. He has published many articles on WTO issues, EU law and international law, and his influenced monographs are European Communities and Modern International Law (1992) and its revised edition—European Union and Modern International Law (1994), Law of World Trade Organization (1996), International Law and China in the Early 21 st Century (2005) and the Essentials of EU Law—in the New Perspective of the Treaty on the Constitution for Europe (2007).  相似文献   

This paper intends to explore the impact of Information technology(IT) development on the legal concept of ‘signatures’.To what extent and in which way does it impact on the legalconcept of ‘signatures’? This paper attempts toexamine this issue from an international and comparative perspective.It was found that IT development has different levels of impacton the legal concept of ‘signatures’ in differentjurisdictions. In the Common Law system such as the UK and theUS, it does not change the legal concept of ‘signatures’.However, it does put the legal concept on such an importantposition. On the contrary, IT development changes the legalconcept of ‘signatures’ in the Civil Law systemsuch as Germany and China.  相似文献   

针对中国正在制定的《航运法》,运用法理学和经济法的基本理论,结合航运经济和航运市场的特点,分析和探讨《航运法》的基本理论问题,包括《航运法》的调整对象、定义、地位、与其他法律的关系、立法指导思想、立法目的和立法基本原则。  相似文献   

成文化法典化是当今国际社会国际私法发展的普遍趋势。素来坚持判例法传统的英国 ,在近 30年来 ,其国际私法成文法也正日益取代判例法的主要地位。英国国际私法的变化主要是各种国际私法研究机构推动的结果。英国的实践对我国国际私法立法发展有启示意义 :必须加强中国国际私法学会的工作 ,发挥其在国际私法改革中的骨干作用 ;积极参加统一国际私法的各种国际组织的立法活动及其制定的公约 ,采纳国际社会的普遍实践 ;以“普遍主义”作为我国国际私法法制建设的指导思想 ,加大国际私法改革中的对外开放度。  相似文献   

在我国核电大发展的背景下,核安全许可制度对于确保安全前提下的核能利用具有重要意义。我国通过各种层级的法律法规初步建立了由核设施许可、核活动许可、核物质许可、核活动从业资质许可构成的核安全许可制度体系。面对核安全监管的紧迫需求,我国还需从核安全许可立法体系和管理体制两方面对核安全许可制度进行完善。正在制定中的《核安全法》应发挥核安全基本法的作用,对现有的核安全许可进行统筹安排。  相似文献   

The methodological basis of legal cytology is empirical positivism, i.e., the social empirical investigation method is employed to make a quantitative analysis on legal research papers. Cytology has limitation in methodology, behind which a complicated “knowledge-power” structure exists. Considering the matter in China’s present legal citation researches, the real quality of legal papers shall not be evaluated by the citation rate simply, but establishing a localized academic evaluation system to scale it comprehensively. Liu Lei, Ph.D of law, works at Suzhou University. His publications include Executing the deferment of prosecution with discretion (Chinese Journal of Law, 28(4), 2006), Spontaneous order: A puzzled analysis on Hayek’s liberty theory (Law & Social Development, 12(2), 2006), Reflections on the rule of mere-indictment-information in pretrial procedure (Global Law Review, 29(2), 2007), Recognition of local acknowledge from Chinese jurisprudence (Law & Social Development, 13(4), 2007), On the structure of the criminal trial in criminal appeal (Chinese Criminal Science, (4), 2007), An examination of criminal detention power from the perspective of the principle of separation of powers (Global Law Review, 30(3), 2008).  相似文献   

Driven by the importation of western learning to China by Protestant missionaries in the nineteenth century and compilation and publication of legal and political serial books and magazines by students studying in Japan in the late Tsing Dynasty, modern Chinese legal periodicals appeared officially and developed vigorously. These legal periodicals facilitated the modern transformation of traditional Chinese ideology and academy in terms of the purposes, editing mode, academic specifications, writing techniques and language styles of some typical periodicals. As the periodicals were widely spread and demonstrated throughout universities, legal communities and judicial and legislative authorities, more people acquired common background in such aspects as thoughts and writing techniques. As the adhesive of professional community of media and an important means of maintaining knowledge production, periodicals created some new authority of saying, based on which the tradition of modern Chinese legal system has been established. Translated from Falü Kexue 法律科学 (Law Science), 2003, (5): 25–31  相似文献   

唐代明法考试制度初探   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
唐代是我国封建社会法律制度十分完备的时代。唐代统治者为了能 使国家的法令制度很好地贯彻实施,非常重视对法律人才的培养和选拔工作。在中 央设立了专门的法学教育机构律学馆,招收生员,还首次开设明法科,实行考试制度, 公开从社会上选拔法律人才。明法科在中国历史上存在了六七百年,对于提高官吏 的法律素质,减少官吏犯罪的发生起了重要的作用。  相似文献   

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