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卷宗笔录是中国刑事法官主要的裁判依据,是法庭审判流于形式的主要原因。比较研究发现在欧洲大陆国家,卷宗笔录的使用并没有阻碍现代刑事诉讼审判中心主义的实现,卷宗笔录已然成为整个诉讼运行机制的一环。比较研究的结果为我国卷宗笔录正当化提供了进路——侦查行为合法化的司法审查,辩护律师及时全面的阅卷权利保障,包括证据规则在内的直接、言词原则的法庭审判,卷宗笔录便仅仅是用于记载侦查过程,固定依法形成的证据信息,辅助法庭审判的材料。  相似文献   

侦查中心主义是将侦查机关作为刑事诉讼核心角色的刑事诉讼模式。在该模式下,侦查案卷对法官的判决具有直接的控制力,司法裁判生成的过程在某种程度上与侦查机关对案件事实的确认无异,使得法院在很大程度上成为侦查机关的橡皮章,从而导致庭审程序严重虚化。与侦查中心主义相对的是审判中心主义,审判中心主义的基本特征是庭审的实质化,这要求无论是定罪还是量刑都应通过法庭的实质性审判来完成。在“侦查中心主义”与“审判中心主义”中,检察机关与审判机关具有不同的结构关系。审判中心主义会促成新的诉审关系的生成,诉审关系的不同也会直接影响着审判中心主义目的的实现,这也是重构诉审关系的价值所在。  相似文献   

朱勇 《河北法学》2008,26(7):145-149
在中国传统刑事司法活动中,审判人员围绕着"事实真相",以侦查为审理主要内容,侦查与审判合一,认识与证明合一,认识过程占据了整个刑事司法的中心、挤压了证明过程的绝大空间。这成为中华法系刑事审判的一个重要特点。  相似文献   

由侦查中心至审判中心的转变是刑事诉讼制度的发展趋势,是法治文明发展程度的重要标志。审判中心主义要求刑事诉讼中的侦查、起诉都围绕审判为中心展开,相关制度的设计应以审判为中心而设置,在其之下,侦查权的发动与运行受制于法院与法官,对侦查程序产生着重要影响。我国职务犯罪案件由检察机关侦办这一区别于一般犯罪侦查的不同特性,对职务犯罪侦查提出了不同的要求。研究职务犯罪中的非法证据排除问题,需要在了解审判中心主义的基础上,对职务犯罪及职务犯罪中的证据问题进行深入的研究,进而探讨职务犯罪在侦查阶段进行非法证据排除的进路。  相似文献   

受政治体制、法律制度和司法环境等综合因素影响,我国职务犯罪侦查模式具有自身的特殊性:超职权性、口供至上性和相对独立性.审判中心主义视野下我国职务犯罪侦查模式转型需要认真审视和有效建立新型的“侦审关系”“侦诉关系”“侦辩关系”,更加严格侦查阶段的证据证明标准,更加注重全面收集各种证据以及更加重视应对刑事辩护问题.审判中心主义视野下我国职务犯罪侦查模式须由“传统型”向“现代型”转型,转型的实现路径主要包括:职务犯罪侦查制度的调整和创新以及刑事诉讼立法制度的完善和发展.  相似文献   

毛立新 《政法学刊》2006,23(1):76-80
为实现审判中心主义,必须抑制侦查对审判的影响,通过一定诉讼机制,实行侦审阻断。在我国刑事诉讼中,由于侦审阻断机制不健全,导致侦查中心主义,庭审流于形式化、走过场。应借鉴域外两大法系的做法,正确理解侦审阻断的概念与法理,完善我国侦审阻断机制。  相似文献   

浅论对侦查行为的司法审查制度   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
蒋石平 《现代法学》2004,26(2):83-86
对侦查行为由法院统一进行司法审查 ,是现代民主国家的普遍做法。我国之所以未能建立这种司法审查制度 ,主要原因在于“侦查中心主义”的诉讼构造和检察机关法律监督职能的影响以及法院的地位缺乏权威等。出于实现惩罚犯罪与保障人权的诉讼目的、贯彻决定与执行分离的原则、加强司法救济以及与国际刑事法治接轨的需要 ,我国也应当建立对侦查行为的司法审查制度 ,具体内容包括如实行司法令状制度和非法证据排除规则 ,明确规定侦查行为的可诉性等  相似文献   

张中 《证据科学》2015,(1):57-70
刑事司法程序是本次中国司法文明指数体系的一个的重要一级指标,我们选取了6项二级指标进行了评估,通过问卷调查和数据分析,可以得出以下结论 :刑事司法程序没有全面贯彻无罪推定原则,侦查行为的合法性和有效性亟待提升,审查起诉活动需要严格规范,刑事审判的公正性缺乏保障,刑事执行存在违规保外就医、不当减刑等问题,刑事司法缺少有效的诉讼救济途径。  相似文献   

秦策 《北方法学》2015,(6):77-84
在审判中心主义的改革背景下,我国刑事诉讼应改变以往的"程序宽容"做法,通过庭审功能的实质性发挥,来强化审判对于侦查、起诉的引导制约作用,严格贯彻落实疑罪从无原则和非法证据排除规则,使法官敢于做出无罪判决、敢于排除非法证据,从而树立审判权威、提高司法公信、保障司法公正,实现从"程序宽容"到"程序倒逼"的转变,并最终逐步实现审判中心主义的改革目标。  相似文献   

书面证言,是指证人庭前对侦查、检察、审判和辩护人员所作的证言笔录及亲笔证词。书面证言如何运用,是目前我国刑事审判中亟待解决的问题。这一问题突出反映了法理和现实的冲突,显现了我国刑事司法的一种尴尬:一方面,普遍认同的直接言词原则不允许以书面证言代替证人出庭;另一方面,由于各方面条件的制约造成证人不出庭又使所谓"书证中心"主义成为现实审判  相似文献   

Estimates suggest that upwards of 50% of participants in adult treatment courts (ATC) are parents. Previous studies point to negative impacts of unmet parenting needs on substance use treatment and criminal justice outcomes, and that family‐centered practices such as parenting classes substantially reduce recidivism among ATC participants. Judges and team members interested in adopting family‐centered practices in their ATC program may be unsure where to begin. One recent source of information regarding evidence‐based, family‐centered practices in treatment court settings is the Family Treatment Court (FTC) Best Practice Standards. The FTC Standards suggest adopting a family‐centered mission, expanding partnerships with child‐ and family‐serving agencies, discussing parenting and family roles during hearings, implementing family‐centered case management, and considering the effect of therapeutic responses on children and families. Building on the ATC Standards, the flexibility inherent in voluntary court programs, and existing community partnerships creates a pathway toward family‐centered practice in criminal settings.  相似文献   

以“审被告”为主要特色的我国传统刑事庭审模式已经不能适应时代要求,为此应当构建一种以“审证人”为主要内容和表征的刑事庭审模式。我国新颁布的刑事诉讼法在要求和强制证人出庭方面的进步,体现了“审被告”模式向“审证人”模式转变的思路。而当下我国正在推行的变“以侦查为中心”为“以审判为中心”的诉讼制度改革,为庭审模式的转变提供了新的动力和契机。今后的刑事庭审模式改革,应在坚持已有进展的基础上,继续强化证人出庭力度,完善严格证明规则,同时赋予被告人沉默权,逐渐淡化“审被告”模式色彩,实现“审被告”模式向“审证人”模式的彻底转变。  相似文献   

在我国,刑事司法职权的合理配置涉及对公检法三机关及其司法机构内部关系的调整,这种调整是司法体制改革的重要组成部分。从世界范围看,各国社会经济条件的差异,导致司法体制改革总体方向的不同;而司法体制背后的基本理念,则左右着司法改革的具体内容。处于社会转型期的中国,应当将构建中立、独立的法院作为司法体制改革的主要目标。在刑事诉讼中,公、检、法关系的重塑,关键在于建立以司法裁判为中心的刑事诉讼构造;在司法机构的内部关系上,应当处理好司法机构的整体独立与司法人员的个人独立之间的关系,彰显刑事司法功能的特质,实现司法的本我定位。  相似文献   

万毅 《金陵法律评论》2006,(5):18-23,48
刑事侦查权的配置应当围绕检察官为中心而进行.作为侦查权的法定主体,检察官具有控制警察活动的合法性,负有防止警察国家重现的重要使命.我国目前一定程度上存在着警察权恣意、失范,侦查程序缺乏监督、制约的情况,在这样的背景下,强化检察机关的权限和地位,将其塑造成为审前程序的主导者和警察权力的控制者,就成为必然的路径选择.  相似文献   

美国轻罪治理体系作为两极化刑事政策中的一极,不仅基于对诉讼效率的追求,开拓了与重罪不同的速决式诉讼机制,还以非刑罚化、刑罚社会化为基本导向,通过多元刑罚处遇实现特别预防和行为规训,修正了传统的刑事处罚模式。轻罪制度在缓解轻罪数量过多与司法资源有限的供需矛盾的同时,也因入罪门槛过低、程序任意性过度,以及罪刑不均而酿生刑法治理危机,其制度设计和缺陷可以给我国提供启示。轻罪化的刑事立法和以轻罪为主体的刑事司法已然成为我国目前刑事法治的重要面向,加快轻罪立法步伐、创建中国特色轻罪治理体系,正成为犯罪治理的关键策略,应进行全面的配套制度跟进,实现犯罪治理的精细化、科学化。  相似文献   

姜涛 《政治与法律》2021,(5):105-122
作为对我国近年来发生争议的热点案件的一个理论回应,需罚性在犯罪论体系中的功能与定位被提出。我国目前的犯罪论体系均是以应罚性为中心展开的,缺乏对需罚性的判断,从而带来严重的理论与实践困境。犯罪论体系须认真对待刑法体系内的应罚性与刑法体系外的需罚性。从理论上,需罚性就是从刑事政策或宪法上判断有无刑罚处罚的必要性,是以预防的必要性为理论根据架设起刑事政策或宪法与刑法体系之间的桥梁,具有兼顾体系正义与个案正义的合目的性。同时,将需罚性导入我国犯罪论体系具有立法与司法基础,与我国实定法之间具有融贯性。我国应当建构应罚性与需罚性并重的犯罪论体系。  相似文献   

In debating Patrick Devlin, H. L. A. Hart claimed that the “modern form” of the debate over the legal enforcement of morals centered on the “significance to be attached to the historical fact that certain conduct, no matter what, is prohibited by a positive morality.” This form of the debate was politically important in 1963 in Britain and America, and it remains politically important in these countries today and elsewhere; but it is not the philosophically most interesting form the debate can take. An older form of the debate appealed to natural law or critical morality. It centered on the question of whether political authorities could properly use the criminal law to enforce critical morality, including prohibitions on conduct that was not harmful or disrespectful to others. This paper engages with this older form of the debate. It offers some reasons for thinking that there is a presumption in favor of the view that it is a proper function of the criminal law to enforce critical morality, including that part of critical morality that is not directly concerned with preventing harm or disrespect to others. It then defends this presumption against some arguments recently pressed by Ronald Dworkin.  相似文献   

The setting of criminal court has become an important representation of the criminal trial structure due to its visual and vivid reflection of the legal position and relations among the three parties of litigation, i.e. the prosecuting party, the advocating party and the judge. As a result of the influence of ancient “inquest” centered trial mode, lack of the defendant’s right to silence and incomplete revolution of the criminal trial mode, the existing criminal court setting features an umbrella shaped structure. To reform the criminal trial structure in China, we should eliminate the air of “inquest” from the existing court interrogation mode, strengthen the hearing of evidence and set up a equiangular triangle shaped trial structure of neutral trial, equality between the prosecuting and advocating parties and litigant oriented. __________ Translated from the Jurist Review, 2005, (2) (in Chinese)  相似文献   

The processing of white collar offenders by the criminal justice system has been a subject of much controversy in criminology and criminal justice studies. In particular, debate has centered on whether these offenders are more or less stigmatized by indictment, conviction, and sentencing than ordinary offenders. Utilizing a sample of white collar offenders, the effects of conviction and sentencing on the loss of occupational status by offenders are explored. The data indicate that loss of occupational status, as a nonlegal consequence of conviction, is not spread evenly through the offender population. Professionals and those employed in the public sector or in licensed occupations are much more likely to lose occupational status than private businessmen or those employed by private businesses.  相似文献   

Much recent research and debate in criminology have centered around how to conceptualize and model longitudinal sequences of delinquent and criminal acts committed by individuals. Two approaches dominate this controversy. One originates in thecriminal careers paradigm, which emphasizes a potentialheterogeneity of offending groups in the general population—thus leading to a distinction between incidence and prevalence of criminal offending, a focus on the onset, persistence, and desistence of criminal careers, and the possibility that criminals are a distinctive group with constant high rates of offending. Another approach places criminal events within a broader context ofstudies of the life course by explicitly substituting the conceptualization of “social events” for that of “criminal careers”. With respect to analytical models, this approach emphasizes a potentialheterogeneity of offenders with respect to order of criminal events from first to second to higher orders and thus suggests an analysis of the “risks” or “hazards” of offending by order of offense. Some extant commentaries on the criminal careers and life course approaches to conceptualizing and modeling longitudinal sequences of delinquent and criminal events committed by individuals have emphasized their differences and incompatibilities. In contrast, we apply recently developed semiparametric mixed Poisson regression techniques to develop conditions under which the two conceptual/modeling approaches are formally equivalent. We also modify the semiparametric mixed Poisson regression model of criminal careers to incorporate information on order of the delinquent/criminal event and develop an empirical application. This modification demonstrates the complementarity of the criminal careers and life course approaches, even though they have somewhat different foci.  相似文献   

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