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理论界存在一种流行的观点认为《反垄断法》预判了转售价格维持(RPM)本身违法。此观点不成立。《反垄断法》调整对象高度复杂,条文高度抽象,法律解释是其适用的前提,解释工作的重点是查明立法者意图。该法条文本身并未清晰规定RPM不需要在个案中证明存在竞争损害。我国市场经济实践历史短,反垄断立法过程中对RPM的研究和调研不足,立法者对垄断行为的认识并不清晰。这说明立法者对市场规律的把握不足以判断RPM本身违法。立法释义明确拒绝就分析模式作出预判,且高度倾向于对RPM采用合理原则。  相似文献   

The Parliament of the Italian Republic, on 19 February 2004, has approved Law no. 40 on Medically Assisted Procreation. This law was adopted by the majority of the members of the Chamber, including both catholic as well as non-catholic members. The main opposition comes from the Church, which is against any form of artificial procreation. In spite of this, we must not forget that this law sets numerous limitations to Medically Assisted Procreation, which makes it unique in the matter. Examples are the prohibition to conceive a human being using in vitro fertilisation with sperm that is not from the parents, or the prohibitions of having parents of an advanced age or using the sperm once the donor is dead. Therefore, this article is based on the idea that every regulation on Assisted Procreation must be done from a rational perspective. The article analyses section by section the law emphasizing the importance that the legislator has. Stating that the legislator must take into account the constitutional personal rights (human dignity) and must likewise include punitive sanctions within the framework of the modern penal law.  相似文献   

Water resources have the functions as domestic water, resource water and environmental water, on the basis of which the legislative framework of water resource regulations shall be studied. Firstly, domestic water shall be deemed as property right and the legislation shall protect the realization of the fundamental human rights for use of domestic water. Secondly, with respect to resource water, an independent water resource regulatory agency shall be established; and meanwhile, the legislation shall promote the construction of water right market based on property rights and improve the utility of water resources. Thirdly, since environmental water is one of the public goods, the legislation shall create a path of privatization in implementing mechanism for realizing the use of environmental water and the franchising system provides a practical solution to privatization of environmental water. Xu Jinhai, Ph.D in Law, is a vice director of the Public Utilities Law Institute of Hohai University. Since 2001, he has released nearly twenty articles in Nanjing University Law Review and Jiangsu Social Science Journal and other academic journals.  相似文献   

试论合同法中的诚实信用原则--从规范的角度进行分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈年冰 《法律科学》2003,2(6):59-66
诚实信用原则起源于罗马法,确立于1907年的<瑞士民法典>.作为合同法基本原则的诚实信用原则,在不同的国家有着不同的立法表达方式,我国现行<合同法>规定的体系完整的义务群,是诚实信用原则的很好体现.诚实信用原则与合同法规范在产生依据、表现方式、适用等方面有着诸多不同的特点在我国合同法中,诚实信用原则具有重要的功能,它是合同当事人的行为准则,是立法者保证合同法内在精神统一性的重要概念和技术手段,是授予、也是限制法官自由裁量权的依据.  相似文献   

公司法立法结构关乎公司法的立法质量、成本以及公司运行效率。我国采用统一公司法的立法模式,以有限责任公司为目标公司,并以股份有限公司为有限责任公司的衍生品。这种立法结构扭曲了股份有限公司和有限责任公司的相互关系,造成了在法律解释和适用上的诸多困难。在未来修改公司法时,我国应以股份有限公司为目标公司,以有限责任公司为其例外,重新构建公司法的结构。  相似文献   

仲裁的保密性被认为是国际商事仲裁的显著特征之一,而公示公信是物权法上一个很重要的原则。保密性在于不为公众所知,公示公信在于为公众所知并相信。如果法律在某一个方面同时存在两者,其冲突就会导致两者或者其中之一无效。笔者以商事仲裁的保密性为切入点,通过对《中华人民共和国物权法》第28条、第31条的逻辑分析得出物权公示公信原则有可能与国际商事仲裁的保密性相冲突,并讨论冲突所带来的影响和提出适当的解决途径。  相似文献   

我国体育法制建设中存在的问题及其应对策略   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
王瀛 《行政与法》2010,(1):96-99
《体育法》颁布实施以来,我国的体育法制建设取得了重要进展,促进了体育事业的向前发展。但是,由于我国体育法制建设起点低、基础弱,其整体滞后的问题十分突出,已不适应飞速发展的市场经济的需要。因此,急需修改、完善《体育法》并加以配套实施。  相似文献   

Cross-border legal practice has finally become reality in Europe mainly thanks to two factors: the legal framework offered to EC lawyers by the EC legislator and the effect of globalization on legal profession. This article focuses primarily on the success of EC/EU efforts in abolishing obstacles to the free movement of lawyers. Particular attention is drawn to the Establishment Directive, adopted in 1998, opening up new perspectives for lawyers. Secondly, it discusses how globalization has contributed to this development. In relation to the above, this article also explores the new concept of establishment stemming from the expansion of law firms in Europe. Thirdly and mainly, it considers the national positions and the difficulties in harmonizing the legal professions throughout Europe. The examples of four Member States: the UK, France, Germany and Italy demonstrate how much they differ from each other as far as the needs, expectations and rules governing the legal profession. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

《Federal register》1998,63(126):35847
This document sets forth the revisions required by the Fiscal Year 1998 Supplemental Appropriations Act, Public Law 105-174, signed into law by the President on May 1, 1998. Section 4002 of that Act states that public comments on the Organ Procurement and Transplantation Network (OPTN) Final Rule are permitted until August 31, 1998, and that the OPTN rule will not become effective before October 1, 1998. This document is provided to notify the public about these provisions and to make corresponding changes to the regulation.  相似文献   

汤欣 《中国法律》2008,(2):36-38,102-105
高速发展的证券市场需要强有力的法律制度作为支撑,《中华人民共和国证券法》(以下简称《证券法》)在2005年10月的修订正是为了提供此种关键的制度建设根基。本次修订在原有立法基础上增加了接近一半的篇幅,涉及大多数的条文,修改范围不可谓不大。本文分别就证券发行、证券交易、信息披露、上市公司收购、证券公司及违法行为的民事责任方面,对新修订的《证券法》及在2006及2007年发布的相关法规、配套规章作出重点解析。  相似文献   

实施《治安管理处罚法》需要注意:《治安管理处罚法》与《行政处罚法》应当是特别法与一般法的关系;与《刑法》之间存在着交叉和衔接关系;实施治安管理处罚不能放弃处罚法定原则;主观状态不应作为治安管理处罚的构成要件;公安机关在确认治安违法事实时应当遵循多元化的证明标准。  相似文献   

《Federal register》1992,57(14):2473-2480
This final rule amends the existing regulations governing the criteria for designation of health manpower shortage areas, or HMSAs (now health professional shortage areas, or HPSAs; name changed by Public Law 101-597, the National Health Service Corps Revitalization Amendments of 1990) under section 332 of the Public Health Service Act. Specifically, this amendment revises the existing criteria for designation of HMSAs having shortages of psychiatric manpower, transforming them into criteria for designation of HPSAs having shortages of mental health professionals, to take into account not only psychiatrists but also mental health service providers other than psychiatrists. The intended effect of this amendment is to more accurately assess the supply of mental health service providers when making shortage area determinations. This notice also summarizes the comments received by the Department on the Notice of Proposed Rulemaking published on August 8, 1989, which set forth the proposed methodology for making this and other changes to the HMSA criteria. It also formally changes "HMSA" to "HPSA" throughout the regulation, to conform with Public Law 101-597.  相似文献   

Law for Life is a training programme in contract law, unfair dismissal law and the English court system. It is aimed specifically at employees who in the course of their work are required to underdstand and apply the law regardless of whether or not they have received any formal legal training. One of the primary reasons for developing Law of Life was to provide training to the SME sector. Very often such companies do not have any in-house legal advisors and research has estimated that 70% of them do not provide any training for their employees in any aspect of their work. This suggests that smaller companies are relying on informally training, and even untrained personnel, in areas requiring legal expertise. Research carried out in the Luton area had indicated that SMEs tended to adopt a pragmatic approach to legal matters, addressing them as and when they arose. Law for Life was developed as a direct response to these findings. Recognizing that the SME sector is highly competitive, operates at minimum staffing levels and that SMEs are not generally in a position to release employees for staff training Law for Life had to be tailored to suit the needs of the SME sector. This meant that in order for Law for Life to be accessible to SME employees it had to be offered as a distance-learning package.  相似文献   

广告发布主体研究——基于新媒体广告的实证分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
我国在1994年制定《广告法》时,将个人排除在广告发布者之外,立法者给出的解释是:在立法当时我国禁止个人进入新闻出版行业。在以报刊、电台、电视台和出版社为主要广告发布媒体的当时,这一限制自在法理和情理之中。然而,随着互联网时代的到来,个人通过私人网站、手机短信、电子邮件、BBS甚至人体经营广告业务在技术上和观念上已经被人们所接受。面对现实中大量存在的这类广告发布主体,从法学研究和法律规制的角度如何对其定性,已经成为法学界和司法实务界无法回避的理论和实践问题。  相似文献   

在风险社会和信息社会的复杂需求下,行政机关需要多元化处罚种类,但这一直受制于我国《行政处罚法》第8条的保守立场。应当明确,试图以该法第8条限制处罚种类既不现实,也没有必要,只会创造更多的“法外行为”并限制地方政府的执法创新。立法机关应秉承更为开放的观念,通过修法实现行政处罚种类的多元化。首先,应考虑在该条添加行政处罚的概念条款,以“行政制裁”、“违法行为”、“基于威慑目的”三项要素澄清行政处罚的本质,明确行政处罚的概念族群,剔除长期以来的争议行为;其次,在概念条款的指引下,着手修订现行列举性条款,设计更为开放的分类条款和兜底条款,授权规章在处罚种类上的创设权,提供可供法律解释的文本依据,扩大我国《行政处罚法》的规范容量,丰富处罚种类;最后,基于控权需要,应运用层级保留技术对我国《行政处罚法》第12条第2款、第13条第2款做配套修订,将分类条款和兜底条款限定在可控范围之内,从而防止处罚种类的多元化异变为失序化。  相似文献   

沈开举  郑磊 《法学论坛》2007,22(4):17-21
始自新世纪初的统一公法学研究,已经成为当下中国公法学的热点话语之一.规范的、建设性的争论有力地推动了学术研究走向深入,勾画出了公法学总论的学科图景.但不容忽视的是其间也不乏偏颇误解之声,甚或偏离了统一公法学的研究路径,实有重申斧正之必要.为什么构建统一公法学,建构什么样的统一公法学以及如何建构,终极价值在于宪政.因此,明确宪政主义对于统一公法学理论建构的统领作用,具有重要的理论和实践意义.  相似文献   

Defining relevant markets is the foundation of establishing main antimonopoly regimes and the key issue in enforcing antimonopoly law, which often reflects the leniency or strictness of enforcement. In the process of defining relevant product market, the main factors to be considered include physical function and use purpose of product, product price, consumers’ preference and substitutable possibility of product supply. In defining relevant geographic market, the main consideration involves transportation cost and product characteristics, product price, consumers’ preference and barriers to market access. On the occasion of forthcoming enforcement of the Antimonopoly Law of China, the enforcement authorities should draw up a specific rule of the definition of relevant markets. Wang Xianlin got his Ph.D from Law School of Renmin University of China (2001) and is a Fulbright visiting scholar at Law School of George Washington University (2007–2008). Prof. Wang is a director of Economic Law Institute and a doctoral tutor in Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Law. He was once a member of the advisory committee of antimonopoly legislation of the Legal Affairs Office of the State Council of P.R.C. and is a standing director of the Economic Law Academy affiliated with China Law Society. His research focuses on competition law and intellectual property law. He has ten books published individually or cooperatively, including the monograph, such as the Intellectual Property and Antimonopoly Law—Studies on antimonopoly issues of abuse of intellectual property rights and WTO competition policy and Chinese antimonopoly legislation and abuse of intellectual property rights and its regulation. Moreover, he has released over 100 papers in academic journals. In recent years, his research is focused on China’s antimonopoly legislation and the abuse of IPRs of multinational companies in China.  相似文献   

《Federal register》1998,63(35):8982-8983
The Office of Rural Health Policy, Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA), announces that applications are being accepted for matching grants to States for the purpose of improving health care in rural areas through the continued operation of State Offices of Rural Health. This program is authorized by section 338J of the Public Health Service Act 42 U.S.C. 254r. Awards will be made from funds appropriated under Public Law 105-78 (HHS Appropriations Act for Fiscal Year 1998). Approximately $3.0 million will be available to support 50 grants in fiscal year (FY) 1998.  相似文献   

《Federal register》1981,46(2):859-861
This interim rule modifies two regulations setting forth requirements for funding certain types of projects under the Public Works and Development Facilities Program. One regulation is amended to clarify its scope by noting that its requirements apply to Public Works Impact Program projects. The other regulation is amended to tighten its standards relating to economic impact and to specify that projects involving health-related facilities must be reviewed and approved by the Department of Health and Human Services and, if appropriate, the State Health Planning and Development Agency. In addition, a third regulation regarding project modification is amended to clarify the scope of one provision.  相似文献   

从语义解释的角度看,社会国家原则在《联邦德国基本法》(以下简称《基本法》)文本中不具有显著地位,且内容不够明确;但从体系解释而言,该原则享有不得修改的宪法基本原则的突出地位。社会国家原则产生的历史则表明,该原则具有弥补《基本法》中社会基本权利缺失的功能。但社会国家的目的以及社会国家原则保障的基本权利都必须通过立法者制定的法律来加以具体化。联邦宪法法院在发挥社会国家原则的宪法规范功能以及确定社会国家的最低宪法标准方面起到了重要作用。社会国家原则在联邦宪法法院的判决中一般与基本权利条款、基本权利限制条款以及社会国家的目标一起发挥作用,被用来为立法者设定社会权利保护义务或论证限制基本权利的法律规范的正当性。  相似文献   

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