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雇主对职场中发生的性骚扰行为承担责任的性质,存在着替代责任说和自己责任说两种相对立的观点.解决职场性骚扰情况下雇主责任的承担有两种路径:侵权责任法和劳动法.通过侵权责任法解决职场性骚扰的责任,雇主承担对自己安全保障义务违反的不作为责任,属于过错责任,自己责任.在劳动社会保障法领域,雇主承担对劳动者保护的法定义务,应该提供给劳动者较好的工作环境,如果雇员违反法定义务致使雇员受到损害,雇主应该承担赔偿责任,是违反劳动法规定的法定义务承担的后果,其实质仍然是一种自己责任.  相似文献   

雇主对职场中发生的性骚扰行为承担责任的性质,存在着替代责任说和自己责任说两种相对立的观点。解决职场性骚扰情况下雇主责任的承担有两种路径:侵权责任法和劳动法。通过侵权责任法解决职场性骚扰的责任,雇主承担对自己安全保障义务违反的不作为责任,属于过错责任,自己责任。在劳动社会保障法领域,雇主承担对劳动者保护的法定义务,应该提供给劳动者较好的工作环境,如果雇员违反法定义务致使雇员受到损害,雇主应该承担赔偿责任,是违反劳动法规定的法定义务承担的后果,其实质仍然是一种自己责任。  相似文献   

职场性骚扰案件的可归责性证明分为两个阶段被控骚扰行为对加害人的可归责性证明以及被控骚扰行为对雇主的可归责性证明。前者是两种类型性骚扰案件证明的必经阶段;后者则仅存在于受害者雇员主张敌意环境型性骚扰时。前者遵循"谁主张,谁举证"的一般规则;后者则有所不同。在敌意环境型性骚扰发生的场合,雇主责任是一种推定责任,要求雇主对其不存在过错承担举证责任,即实行举证责任倒置。  相似文献   

对于雇主替代责任的研究已有几百年历史,但对于雇员是否有责任和义务赔偿雇主,理论和实践均关注较少。新颁布的侵权责任法从字面取消了雇员在故意或者重大过失的主观心态与雇主承担连带责任的规定。这是否意味着雇主对外仅承担替代责任,同时在替代责任制度下,雇主是否享有对雇员的追偿权以及如何构建雇主行使追偿权制度都是实践中不可忽视的重要问题。  相似文献   

性骚扰行为的司法及私法规制论纲   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
王成 《政治与法律》2007,2(4):81-90
在现行法的框架下,司法应该且能够以私法手段对性骚扰行为加以规制。性骚扰行为无法列举穷尽,应当授权法官根据上述特点自由裁量。性骚扰行为本身是多种行为的集合,因此,不同的性骚扰行为侵犯的是不同的权利。从司法角度而言,由于我国现行法没有规定贞操权,可以通过对一般人格权的解释来论证性骚扰侵犯了一般人格权。同时,也可以从法律规定的现有具体人格权出发,认定性骚扰同时构成对身体权、健康权、人身自由权及人格尊严权等多种权利的侵犯。就解释论而言,雇员遭受性骚扰,雇主应当根据《人身损害赔偿解释》第9条和第11条的规定承担雇主责任。就立法论而言,性骚扰行为的雇主责任应当适用于劳动关系、人事关系以及公务员与国家机关之间的关系。  相似文献   

雇主的不真正连带责任是指在因第三人侵权造成雇员人身损害的情况下,雇主和侵权人对受侵害雇员所应承担的赔偿责任。在该赔偿责任中,因雇主和侵权人分别依据不同的法律关系向雇员承担赔偿责任,造成雇主和侵权人的赔偿责任不尽相同,进而导致雇主向雇员承担赔偿责任后,取得的向侵权人追偿的范围亦有所不同。  相似文献   

雇主对于雇员致人损害的赔偿责任是民法理论中颇受争议的问题,各国立法对雇主责任的规定也存在差异。我国《民法通则》对雇主就其雇员的行为所承担的法律责任未作规定,因此对于雇员致人损害的赔偿责任的规定一直是实务界的难题。《人身损害赔偿解释》首次对雇主责任加以确认。本文主要通过对两则实例的解读和分析,结合相关的民法理论,旨在探讨对该条司法解释的理解和适用。  相似文献   

美国工作场所性骚扰雇主民事责任之研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
工作场所性骚扰在美国被认为是性别歧视行为和对妇女平等工作、就业权的侵害行为,包括交换利益性骚扰和敌意工作环境性骚扰两种形式。对于交换利益性骚扰,雇主应承担严格责任;对于敌意工作环境性骚扰,应根据性骚扰者属管理者或职员的不同身份,适用不同的归责原则,但雇主得以自己无过错而提出抗辩。美国联邦法院通过合理的证据规则、专家证人制度以及惩罚性赔偿制度的运用,更有利于对受害人的保护。  相似文献   

雇员侵害他人利益,是否由雇主承担赔偿责任?对于这个问题,现代国家从保护被害人的角度出发,一般规定雇主就其雇员因执行职务所加于他人之损害应负赔偿责任.但对于雇主责任的归责原则、构成要件以及法律效果,各个国家和地区的规定各不相同.我国现行法律对此问题未作具体规定,民法草案中的规定也不完善.本文试通过对各国雇主侵权责任制度的考察,分析民法草案中的相关规定,对我国建立雇主侵权责任归责原则提出一点建议.  相似文献   

关于完善我国雇主责任制度的思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
雇主责任是受雇人在执行职务过程中不法侵害第三人时,由雇佣人对受害人承担损害赔偿责任,属于特殊侵权责任,在责任主体、归责原则、构成要件等方面有别于-般侵权责任.2003年我国首次在侵权法中确立了雇主责任这一特殊侵权类型,但该条简单的司法解释,难以对社会生活中模糊复杂的雇佣关系和雇主责任加以认定,在司法实践中较难操作,必须从明确界定雇佣关系的范围、区分雇主与雇员不同的归责原则、在确定由雇主承担赔偿责任的同时允许受害人直接要求雇员承担赔偿责任等方面完善我国的雇主责任制度.  相似文献   

Using data from a nationwide study of sexual harassment in the United States' federal workplace, this article investigates how legal understanding, opinions about the regulation of sexual harassment, and social status affect whether people define uninvited sexual jokes or remarks as harassment. The results indicate that how people define sexual harassment is directly related to the extent to which they view sexual harassment rules as ambiguous and threatening to workplace norms. Moreover, results show that while women generally define sexual harassment more broadly than men, they actually resist defining sexual jokes or remarks as harassment. Finally, knowledge of the workplace sexual harassment policy moderates the effect of beliefs on definitions of sexual harassment. These findings suggest a complexity in the way people reconcile their knowledge of the law with their personal views about power and social interaction in the workplace.  相似文献   

This article focuses on sexual harassment in criminal justice agencies from a legal perspective. The article briefly describes sexual harassment cases that address agency liability decided by the United States Supreme Court, discussing the standards of liability articulated in Burlington Industries Inc. v. Ellerth (1998), Faragher v. City of Boca Raton (1998), and Meritor Savings Bank v. Vinson (1986). A more precise understanding of when agencies are liable for the actions of their subordinates is developed through an examination of lower federal court decisions. Trends in the law are identified, as case law is categorized according to harassment by supervisors and co-workers. The article concludes by exploring the policy implications flowing from court decisions and by calling for further research on this troubling aspect of the criminal justice workplace.  相似文献   

Recent criticisms of sexual harassment law and workplace training policies contend that they have "sanitized" the workplace through their stigmatization of sexual expression that does not amount to actual discrimination. This study assesses some of the empirical foundations for those normative arguments. Using data from the U.S. Merit Systems Protection Board's 1987 and 1994 surveys, we examine differences over time in federal workers' perceptions of what types of behavior constitute sexual harassment. The article draws on a sociolegal theory of the endogenous nature of law as well as research on perceptions of sexual harassment. We hypothesize that, because of increased attention to sexual harassment, and to the hostile environment theory specifically, by scholars, judges, and the news media, and related policy changes in workplace training programs, federal workers likely came to view a wider range of sexual conduct as constituting harassment during this time period. The results support our expectations. We also find that sexual harassment training in their agency increased workers' likelihood of viewing both hostile environment behavior and quid pro quo behavior as harassment.  相似文献   

丁启明  章辉 《行政与法》2014,(7):101-106
近年来,职场性骚扰日益成为一个严重的社会问题,不仅直接损害了女性的身心健康,而且从根本上威胁到了女性劳动者的人权.职场性骚扰是两性不平等的产物,它的存在反过来又强化了这种不平等.我国目前在处理职场性骚扰案件方面还存在诸多不足,应该以明确性骚扰概念为起点,建立完善的性骚扰处理机制,以有效应对职场性骚扰的不良影响,确实保护女性劳动者权益.  相似文献   

职场性骚扰是具有一定危害性的社会问题,其本质是对人格尊严、人权的侵犯,它障碍了两性平等、完整享受工作待遇与发展的机会,同时也给安全与健康带来了不利影响。目前,我国反对职场性骚扰的措施还很薄弱,因此,积极探讨职场性骚扰的原因,寻找消除这一野蛮行为的对策十分必要。  相似文献   

Relatively little is known about employee perceptions of workplace psychological injuries following sexual and nonsexual harassment. In quasi-military occupational organizations, such as policing, the rate of sexual harassment to workplace injuries from other sources is comparatively high. In an exploratory 5?×?2 between-subjects factorial experimental projection study, 220 New South Wales Police Force officers responded to one of ten experimental vignettes in which sources of psychological injury and the gender of the injured worker were systematically varied. Results revealed an unexpected effect of experience. Employees aged 30 years and older were significantly more likely to anticipate psychological consequences and clinically diagnosable symptoms than their younger counterparts. As hypothesized, a main effect of injury source, but not gender of the target, emerged for the severity of psychological consequences: a physical injury was perceived to produce significantly more severe psychological injuries than sexual harassment in the form of coercion and unwanted sexual attention. Contrary to the hypothesis, participants rated gender-based hostility higher than other types of sexual harassment as a source of severe psychological harm. Participants believed that gender-based hostility requires more professional intervention and predicted more negative workplace consequences than other psychological injuries caused by other workplace events. As hypothesized, women employees were generally viewed as significantly more vulnerable to negative workplace outcomes than men. The police officers who participated in this study considered women as more likely to experience workplace problems following sexual coercion than other types of workplace injury. Physical injuries, gender-based hostility, and sexual coercion were distinguished from nonsexual harassment and unwanted sexual attention as significantly more likely to produce clinically diagnosable injuries, irrespective of target gender. Implications of these findings for research, practice, and legal policy are discussed.  相似文献   

The current article tracks the historical development of the law of workplace sexual harassment. It begins with a discussion of the implementation of the law that serves as the basis for most sexual harassment cases in the federal courts, Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. The article then discusses the developments that permitted sexual harassment to come within the purview of the antidiscrimination language of Title VII. Then, the major federal legal cases that have defined the contours of sexual harassment law are discussed. Finally, the current procedures to file sexual harassment claims in the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, state agencies, and federal and state court are described.  相似文献   

This paper examines the frames that women use to understand their experience with sexual harassment. While legal frames do provide crucial guidance to women evaluating the behavior of their colleagues and supervisors, working women deployed a number of other interpretive frames when deciding whether they had been harmed by such behavior. Some of those frames emerge from feminist messages about discrimination and male abuse of power in the workplace; some emerge from management ideology that emphasizes efficiency and productivity; and some emerge from the criticism of sexual harassment policies as an unnecessary limitation on women's sexual freedom. But feeling a sense of harm does not automatically translate into the use of the label sexual harassment . Rather, women also employed an objective standard that compared their experience to some threshold of harassing behaviors. Only when the behaviors met this standard of offensiveness and were perceived as harmful did women consider their experiences sexual harassment.  相似文献   

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