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可能世界有不同于现实世界的重要特性:不可进入性。因而对跨界个体同一性的识别只能通过“观察”进行,所谓的本质主义也就不可能实行。之所以称跨界个体,就是因为该个体在不同世界中有贯通不变的属性。这种属性与识别者关于该对象的储备知识相吻合,因而跨界个体同一性得以被认定。由这种识别和认定过程可知,所谓必然性,与主体的认定有关。  相似文献   

林楠 《学理论》2011,(20):213-214
为了考察幼儿情绪识别能力培养的效果,我们对50名儿童进行情绪识别培养,结果发现:幼儿情绪识别能力培养效果明显;不同年龄段培养的效果差异显著,3岁效果最明显,3岁也是正性情绪培养的关键期;正性情绪识别能力培养存在性比差异,女生比男生快;幼儿负性情绪识别能力培养3、4岁都有质的改变。结果提示:幼儿情绪识别能力发展迅速,培养效果明显。不同类型情绪培养效果有分离,正性、负性培养作用明显。  相似文献   

一、识别的概念一个国家的法院在处理涉外民事案件时,在管辖权确定之后,接着就是要选择适用哪一条冲突规范去解决法律冲突。冲突规范的选择首先取决于法院对案件的事实情况所作的识别。识别,法文为Qualifikation,是鉴别和判断的意思;法文为Qualification,是定性的意思;英文为Characterization,是赋予特性的意思。所以识别就是指法院对案件的事实情况进行定性和分类,把它归到某一冲突规范的范围中去,以便能够根据该冲突规范的指定去适用法律。识别问题的产生是由于各国法律观念的不同…  相似文献   

两角和与差的正弦、余弦公式的推导,历来是数学教学中的一个难点。本文从贴近高职学生实际水平出发,给出了难度小,易理解接受的两角和正弦公式的一个证明方法。  相似文献   

我国50年代进行的民族识别是一次全国性的有民族学参加的民族调查研究活动。在这样大的范围中进行民族体的甄别研究,是世界民族研究史上的创举。本文对民族识别进行了再认识。作者认为,我国民族学学者在民族识别中坚持了科学精神,对于预设的理论作了重大调整,其中包含了涉及民族学根本问题的理论胚芽。作者认为,当前,我国民族学面临着发展的新阶段。民族识别对于民族学这一新阶段发展方向的启示是:1.应当把研究重心由民族社会形态研究转向民族文化研究。2.应当加强民族学的理论研究。  相似文献   

犯罪心理画像理论不仅可以应用于犯罪后的侦查破案中,还可以根据犯罪心理画像三大外显反应——行为、表情、语音——识别预测犯罪活动。梳理目前已有的行为识别、表情识别、语音识别研究成果,探讨运用心理画像识别预测犯罪的可行性,对如何运用行为、表情、语音识别犯罪活动进行图文式详解,有利于加强犯罪心理画像在犯罪预防领域应用的论证,不断完善充实犯罪心理画像理论,以便更好地运用于当今社会。当然,目前运用心理画像预测犯罪依旧存在制度难题、技术难题、道义难题等问题有待攻克。  相似文献   

企业核心竞争力识别论   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
识别核心竞争力是培植、运用核心竞争力的前提。本文在对核心竞争力的概念内涵、特征、外延及它们的相互关系进行逻辑学的梳理后,介绍了三种识别企业核心竞争力的方法:价值链识别法、技能图识别法和模糊综合评价法。  相似文献   

衬垫物变化引起的笔迹特征极易与其他非正常笔迹相混淆,识别其本质特征具有鉴识意义。识别出衬垫物变化引起笔迹特征变化是正确检验鉴定的前提,只有对检材的形成方式有了深刻的认识,才能做出正确的判断。不同物理性质的衬垫物单一条件变化引起的笔迹在布局特征、书写速度特征、运笔特征、露白特征、油墨堆积及洇散特征、压痕特征等方面会发生一定变化,需要通过实验研究予以识别。  相似文献   

精准扶贫政策实施中加强村民参与具有极其重要的现实意义,主要体现在:在精准识别中加强村民参与能提高贫困户识别的精准度;在精准帮扶中加强村民参与能提高村民在扶贫中的积极性和主动性;在精准管理中加强村民参与能提高其对扶贫工作的监督力度。然而,精准扶贫政策实施中村民参与却存在着许多困境,如村民参与在精准识别中存在不足、村民参与在精准帮扶中被弱化、村民参与在精准管理中被排斥等。为大力发挥村民参与在精准扶贫中的积极功能,应提高精准识别中村民参与的地位、强化精准帮扶中村民参与的功能、满足精准管理中村民参与的要求,以最终实现精准脱贫的目标。  相似文献   

论民族地区反贫困目标瞄准机制的重新建构   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
郭佩霞 《理论导刊》2007,(10):15-17
"瞄而不准"是我国少数民族地区扶贫行动的固有弊病。需要对民族地区的反贫困目标瞄准机制进行重构。依托少数民族贫困地区的地理、人文特性,应从四个方面融合地域特性建构其反贫困目标瞄准机制:提高民族地区的贫困线标准;在穷人识别设计中引入土地指标;在穷人界定与细分标准中引入性别敏感指标;建立容纳穷人参与的穷人识别机制。  相似文献   

中国网络电话第一案有多重法律价值:非法不等于违法,违法不等于犯罪,必须坚持罪刑法定原则;公安机关不依法进行的刑事诉讼行为就是违法的行政行为,就具有行政诉讼的可诉性;法律更应当明确规定发回重审的适用情形,而不应当由二审法院自由裁量,刑事诉讼法对诉讼结构的设计应当重新审视。  相似文献   

This paper critically examines recent responses by and interactions between stakeholders in negotiating the acceptability of aircraft noise standards in Australia in order to help inform debate in Britain. It investigates the interplay of the politics of noise with the broader land use planning context focusing on the role of government, airports, community interests, and the development sector. Different local environments inevitably frame diverse contexts, but the pervasive challenge is in securing the acceptable trade‐off between the economic dividends promised by airports and local quality of life. Discussion is structured around four main issues: an introduction to the Australian politics of airport noise, an historical timeline of key contextual events, identification of the major actors in the noise governance framework, and a focus on an issue of increasing political significance, namely the different positions of airports and developers in the increasing intensification of urban development.  相似文献   

In the 1980s many developing and newly industrializing countries in Asia expressed great interest in administrative reform. Compelling reasons for public reform in these nations arise from causes different from those in developed nations. Among Asian developing nations, government reform is intrinsic to and inextricable from crises in governance. Within the context of developing politics, a reliable and competent government is sine qua non of national stability; and, more importantly, this largely decides the tenure of a governing group. Its ability to remain in power will be determined by the efficaciousness of public authority. Against these backgrounds, this article discusses the five conference papers of the Eastern Regional Organization of Public Administration (EROPA) of 1991. It examines both similarities and differences among four countries in their efforts to reform public administration. This review suggests that in developing Asia, the quest for administrative reform emanates from crises in governance. Reform goes beyond exploring ways to improve the quality of public management.  相似文献   

One way that principals can overcome the problem of informational asymmetries in hierarchical organizations is to enable whistleblowing. We evaluate how whistleblowing influences compliance in the judicial hierarchy. We present a formal model in which a potential whistleblower may, at some cost, signal noncompliance by a lower court to a higher court. A key insight of the model is that whistleblowing is most informative when it is rare. While the presence of a whistleblower can increase compliance by lower courts, beyond a certain point blowing the whistle is counterproductive and actually reduces compliance. Moreover, a whistleblower who is a “perfect ally” of the higher court (in terms of preferences) blows the whistle too often. Our model shows an important connection between the frequency of whistleblowing and the effectiveness of whistleblowing as a threat to induce compliance in hierarchical organizations.  相似文献   

Whilst the ‘successor party’ (SP) has a well-established place in the literature on post-communist Eastern and Central Europe, occasional references to its West European counterpart have tended to use the term loosely and not separate it out from other varieties of new party. Focusing on the question, ‘where do parties come from?’ – that is, the process of party origination – this article makes a case for viewing the SP as a distinct genus in the West European party hemisphere. The SP is defined as a party which is nominally and legally a new entity that takes the place of, and fills at least some of the political space vacated by, a single, defunct party of origin. The mortality of the ‘original party’ is a sine qua non. SPs emerge with a clear political inheritance. What this is and how they interpret and respond to the inheritance makes the case for their systematic study. The paper also asks, ‘where do new parties go to?’ (how do they evolve?). The question of party change in SPs is analysed by reference to the True Finns.  相似文献   

Structured analytic techniques (SATs) are intended to improve intelligence analysis by checking the two canonical sources of error: systematic biases and random noise. Although both goals are achievable, no one knows how close the current generation of SATs comes to achieving either of them. We identify two root problems: (1) SATs treat bipolar biases as unipolar. As a result, we lack metrics for gauging possible over-shooting—and have no way of knowing when SATs that focus on suppressing one bias (e.g., over-confidence) are triggering the opposing bias (e.g., under-confidence); (2) SATs tacitly assume that problem decomposition (e.g., breaking reasoning into rows and columns of matrices corresponding to hypotheses and evidence) is a sound means of reducing noise in assessments. But no one has ever actually tested whether decomposition is adding or subtracting noise from the analytic process—and there are good reasons for suspecting that decomposition will, on balance, degrade the reliability of analytic judgment. The central shortcoming is that SATs have not been subject to sustained scientific of the sort that could reveal when they are helping or harming the cause of delivering accurate assessments of the world to the policy community.  相似文献   

刘德海  王维国 《公共管理学报》2011,8(2):101-108,128
针对群体性突发事件潜伏期强势和弱势社会群体争夺优先行动权的冲突问题,构建了固定信号成本和差额比例信号成本的信号博弈模型,提供了一种避免矛盾激化诱发群体性突发事件的冲突协调机制。社会群体是否在冲突的潜伏期通过社会关系网络等发送信号占据优先行动权,取决于发送可信信号的最低临界成本、优先行动获得的额外收益和不同社会群体对于信号成本的评价系数(即承受能力)。根据分离均衡的临界条件,相应地得出群体性突发事件的四种演化情景。结合我国近年来发生的17起群体性突发事件案例,分析了群体性突发事件潜伏期四种演化情景的各自特征和实现演化路径的必要条件。  相似文献   

This paper provides a pure economic rationale for chronic excess demand for tickets to events like rock concerts. The model focuses on "mob goods", which are consumed jointly with crowd reaction, or "noise". Whereas the primary commodity is provided by the seller, the joint product is provided collectively by buyers. If propensities to make noise are inversely correlated with reservation prices and a capacity constraint applies, excess demand (queuing) is a necessary condition for profit maximization. One important implication is that anti-scalping laws may be welfare-increasing. The paper explores other applications in professional sports, restaurants, and on-stage theatre.  相似文献   

Voter information and electoral outcomes: the Norwegian list of shame   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Arnt O. Hopland 《Public Choice》2014,161(1-2):233-255
This paper studies the effect on vote shares and reelection probability for the incumbent’s party from a signal indicating poor fiscal performance. In Norway, local governments with persistent deficits are placed in the Register for State Review and Approval of Financial Obligations (Robek). In addition to increased central government monitoring, placement in Robek triggers a great deal of attention in the local media. It is thus expected to raise voter awareness of the fiscal stance of the local government. The results indicate that voters value the information embedded in this signal, and take it into account when casting their votes. Both the share of votes for the incumbent’s party and the probability that the incumbent party stays in office is significantly reduced as a consequence of the local government being included in the register. The vote share for the incumbent is reduced by about three percentage points, while the reelection probability is reduced by about 0.12.  相似文献   

‘Meritocracy’ continues to unfold as both core conceptual framework and political ideal of the language of social mobility. In recent decades, politicians of various hues have declared it a sine qua non of the so-called ‘classless society’. The longer trajectory of postwar discourses of equality reveal a more chequered conceptual past. Its origins in the forums of revisionist social democracy of the 1950s, and subsequently popularised in the writings of social democratic polymath, Michael Young, are much more circumspect. The article considers pivotal contributions and developments of this conceptual history and trajectory. It considers the origins and emergence of meritocracy as a dimension of discourses of equality in the 1950s, and the formative contribution of Michael Young, reaction and responses on the left to his 1958 seminal work, The Rise of the Meritocracy, and the subsequent ‘meritocratic turn’. In spite of its satirical origins and warnings of dire social consequences, meritocracy presently enjoys a confirmatory position as a concept of opportunity and social mobility, as an embedded ideal of social organisation and means of allocating differential rewards.  相似文献   

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