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目的建立一种可以同时鉴定猪、牛、羊、鸡、鸭、猫、狗、鼠和鲤鱼的多重PCR检测方法,并测试其技术性能指标,评估其在法医学或食品安全事件中的应用价值。方法根据上述9种动物的线粒体细胞色素b基因,利用其片段中种间特异性强的序列设计引物,采用毛细管电泳检测平台对各种属PCR扩增产物进行检测,依据扩增片段长度的差异与标记的荧光对初始模板的肉源种属进行鉴别;并通过扩增特异性、实际样本测试、混合样本检测灵敏度等指标评价该方法在实际法医学或食品安全案件中的应用价值。结果经过验证,建立的同时鉴定9种肉源种属的复合检测体系对其中任意一个种属的检测特异性均较高,且灵敏度较强,能够满足绝大多数法医学或食品安全案件中的检测要求。结论本研究建立的肉源种属复合检测体系可以在法医学未知种属样本的鉴定及食品安全肉类掺假等案件中提供帮助。  相似文献   

目的以线粒体DNA为目标序列,探讨生物检材的种属来源问题。方法复合扩增线粒体DNA细胞色素b基因(Cb)片段和D-环HVI上人源特异性DNA片段,2%琼脂糖凝胶电泳检测复合扩增产物谱带;用常规测序技术获得种属来源不明的检材Cytb基因序列,登陆美国国家生物信息中心网站主页(http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov),将Cytb序列的测序结果用BLAST2.2.9[2004.5.1]进行匹配查询,查询数据库中存在的与其相匹配的物种条目。结果检材经复合扩增后电泳检测可区分人源性检材和非人源性检材;用生物信息法可确定检材种属来源结论检测线粒体DNA细胞色素b基因和D-环HVI的有关序列可在DNA分子水平上鉴别人源性检材和非人源性检材,结合测序的分子生物信息学方法,可对检材进行种属鉴定。  相似文献   

目的建立17个STR基因座多重PCR快速扩增体系。方法采用人血样本提取DNA并定量,用于多重快速扩增体系分型准确性检测;采用标准品9948,设定稀释度,检测体系灵敏度;采用定量男女DNA样本按11种比例混合,检测体系对混合样本的分型能力;在标准品中加入干扰物质血红素和腐植酸,检测体系的抗干扰能力;对5种非人样本进行检测,评价体系的特异性;对实际案例进行检验,评价体系实际应用价值。结果采用本文体系,在65min内,用0.5~2ng DNA模板量能获得较好的扩增效果,分型结果准确稳定,扩增均衡;种属特异性好;血红素≤50μmol/L,腐植酸≤25ng/μL时可不受干扰准确分型;男女混合样本中单一样本量不低于1/10即可进准确进行判断;对实际案例常见生物检材的检验结果良好。结论本文17个STR基因座快速多重扩增体系可显著缩短扩增时间,技术性能符合实际检案要求,可在实践中选用。  相似文献   

目的建立基于实时荧光PCR技术的肉制品中鼠源性成分的快速检测方法。方法以羊和鼠的细胞色素b基因序列设计特异性引物和Taqman荧光探针,通过特异性、灵敏性及模拟混合肉样检测实验,建立羊肉制品中鼠源性成分实时荧光定量PCR检测方法。结果该检测方法具有良好的特异性和灵敏度,在50mg羊肉和鼠肉的混合样品检测中,鼠源性成分检测限可低至1%。结论所建立的鼠源性成分检测的实时荧光定量PCR方法,为肉制品质量控制提供了有效的技术手段,弥补了利用RTi-PCR检测肉制品中鼠源性成分的技术空白。  相似文献   

抗人Hb试剂盒的应用   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
抗人Hb试剂盒是采用金标单克隆抗体技术,检验血痕种属的一种新的试剂盒。通过对不同稀释度的人血及动物血的检测及不同温度、pH值等环境因素下的检验,证实使用抗人Hb试剂盒检验血痕的方法是一种简单、快速、灵敏、稳定、特异性好的实验方法。  相似文献   

PCR扩增SON基因3’非编码区进行种属鉴定   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
根据人 DNA的 SON基因碱基序列选择性设计一对特异性引物 ,并对人和猕猴、阿拉伯狒狒、猪、牛、羊、马、驴、骡、狗、猫、兔、大白鼠、小白鼠、豚鼠等 14种哺乳类动物染色体 DNA的 SON基因 3’非编码区中的种属特异性区域进行 PCR扩增 ,扩增产物经 SSCP分离银染色技术检测 ,观察到人和 14种哺乳类动物的 SSCP图谱有明显不同。本方法可以对人和上述 14种哺乳类动物进行种属鉴定 ,适合于法医学种属鉴定的应用  相似文献   

线粒体16srRNA和ND4基因在种属鉴定中的应用研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
目的构建一种用于种属鉴定的线粒体DNA(m tDNA)16 srRNA和ND4基因荧光标记复合扩增检测体系。方法利用引物设计软件(Prim er 5)对两个m tDNA序列ND4基因和16 srRNA基因设计两对引物,每对引物中的一条在5’端标记荧光素(6-FAM)。按传统复合扩增技术建立复合扩增体系,用AB I PR ISM 310基因分析仪对产物进行分析。结果人类DNA扩增产物出现两个峰,片段大小分别为110bp的人类特异片段和149bp的人与动物共有片段,而动物DNA扩增产物出现一个峰,片段大小为149bp。对30个实验室存放5~15年的陈旧人血痕也能明确判断其种属来源。结论该体系可以明确区分人源性生物检材与其它常见动物样本,对实验室长期存放的陈旧检材也具有较好的检测能力。  相似文献   

正基于DNA检测技术建立的罂粟种属鉴别系统,能准确识别幼苗期罂粟、罂粟植株残渣、罂粟壳和罂粟种子,但针对涉毒案件中稀释液体所含罂粟的DNA种属检验目前尚无报道~([1-2])。本文应用种属特异性SSR荧光引物(simple sequence repeat,微卫星标记)的DNA检测技术,通过提取、扩增方法的优化,从1例涉毒案件送检的罂粟稀释浆液样本中检出SSR谱带并成功破案,为将来涉毒案件中类  相似文献   

生物检材的种属鉴定在法医、海关和食品行业中均有较多应用。当前,用于鉴定种属的分子生物学方法发展迅猛。本文结合文献,从用于种属鉴定的目的基因及筛选标准、主要分子生物学方法、鉴定存在的主要问题等方面进行综述,并结合Real-time PCR和SNP技术对未来种属鉴定的发展方向进行了预测。  相似文献   

应用PCR技术对多态DNA位点分型,使犯罪现场生物物证的个人识别鉴定取得了长足的进展,检测灵敏度明显提高,检验结论从否定到肯定.以往报告多为PCR-VNTR.PCR-ASO技术的应用.近几年PCR-STR分型成为法医学应用研究的热点.本文收集实际鉴定案件,着重对PCR-STR技术在刑事案件中的应用范围、热点及前景进行了讨论,现报告如下:1.材料我室自1995年4月至1997年12月受理的PCR检验案件中的7例典型案例,检材为血液(痕).混合斑、组织块等.  相似文献   

The human DNA quantification (H-Quant) system, developed for use in human identification, enables quantitation of human genomic DNA in biological samples. The assay is based on real-time amplification of AluYb8 insertions in hominoid primates. The relatively high copy number of subfamily-specific Alu repeats in the human genome enables quantification of very small amounts of human DNA. The oligonucleotide primers present in H-Quant are specific for human DNA and closely related great apes. During the real-time PCR, the SYBR Green I dye binds to the DNA that is synthesized by the human-specific AluYb8 oligonucleotide primers. The fluorescence of the bound SYBR Green I dye is measured at the end of each PCR cycle. The cycle at which the fluorescence crosses the chosen threshold correlates to the quantity of amplifiable DNA in that sample. The minimal sensitivity of the H-Quant system is 7.6 pg/microL of human DNA. The amplicon generated in the H-Quant assay is 216 bp, which is within the same range of the common amplifiable short tandem repeat (STR) amplicons. This size amplicon enables quantitation of amplifiable DNA as opposed to a quantitation of degraded or nonamplifiable DNA of smaller sizes. Development and validation studies were performed on the 7500 real-time PCR system following the Quality Assurance Standards for Forensic DNA Testing Laboratories.  相似文献   

In crime scenes, not all biological stains are human in origin. Some exhibits can be from pets living on the premises or from animal products used in food consumption. In addition, it could be necessary to test animal carcasses for other forensic purposes. Often such stains can include mixtures involving humans or other species. Thus, identifying and deconvoluting mixtures of species commonly found in and around a household can be crucial in forensic casework. Different molecular techniques have been employed for species identification such as immunoprecipitation, qPCR, and DNA sequencing.In this project, a nanoplate-based digital PCR assay for species identification was developed, targeting Homo sapiens, canine, feline, bovine swine, pisces, and gallus in two multiplexes. An internal positive control was included in the design. The assay is simple, rapid, and can determine a wide variety of different vertebrates from biological exhibits, as well as in mixtures. Because the assay utilizes digital PCR, the procedure shows sensitivity down to a few copies, even in the presence of larger amounts of a major contributor, making the assay particularly useful in mixture deconvolution. Overall, this assay presents the forensic community with a novel application in which digital PCR can provide a sensitive and specific determination of species.  相似文献   

DNA quantification of forensic evidence is very valuable for an optimal use of the available biological material. Moreover, sex determination is of great importance as additional information in criminal investigations as well as in identification of missing persons, no suspect cases, and ancient DNA studies. While routine forensic DNA analysis based on short tandem repeat markers includes a marker for sex determination, analysis of samples containing scarce amounts of DNA is often based on mitochondrial DNA, and sex determination is not performed. In order to allow quantification and simultaneous sex determination on minute amounts of DNA, an assay based on real-time PCR analysis of a marker within the human amelogenin gene has been developed. The sex determination is based on melting curve analysis, while an externally standardized kinetic analysis allows quantification of the nuclear DNA copy number in the sample. This real-time DNA quantification assay has proven to be highly sensitive, enabling quantification of single DNA copies. Although certain limitations were apparent, the system is a rapid, cost-effective, and flexible assay for analysis of forensic casework samples.  相似文献   

Finding fast and cheap strategies for DNA typing and human sample identification is of interest in forensic science. We report a new versatile alternative for molecular sex determination using Y-specific targets (TSPY, TTTY, alphoid regions, and Y-Amelogenin). This system uses an isothermal loop-mediated DNA amplification (LAMP) with a set of 6 primers for each target, designed to improve sensibility and specificity, and reducing detection time to only 45 min. Furthermore, detecting the different targets on the Y chromosome either individually or in combination revealed accurate results. Assay sensitivity was determined with a mixture of human female and male DNA at different concentrations to mimic forensic samples. Single primer sets showed high sensitivity at DNA concentrations ranging from 58.6 to 3.7 pg/µL. When a combined primers set was used, sensitivity yielded a detection as low as 0.1 pg/µL of male DNA, making it 10 times more sensitive than qPCR-DNA quantification kits. Finally, high specificity was observed when tested against 6 domestic species.  相似文献   

Forensic analysts routinely encounter samples containing DNA mixtures from male and female contributors. To obtain interpretable Short Tandem Repeat (STR) profiles and select the appropriate STR analysis methodology, it is desirable to determine relative quantities of male and female DNA, and detect PCR inhibitors. We describe a multiplex assay for simultaneous quantification of human and human male DNA using the ribonuclease P RNA component H1 (RPPH1) human target and the sex determining region Y (SRY) male-specific target. A synthetic oligonucleotide sequence was co-amplified as an internal PCR control. Standard curves were generated using human male genomic DNA. The SRY and RPPH1 assays demonstrated human specificity with minimal cross-reactivity to DNA from other species. Reproducible DNA concentrations were obtained within a range of 0.023-50 ng/μl. The assay was highly sensitive, detecting as little as 25 pg/μl of human male DNA in the presence of a thousand-fold excess of human female DNA. The ability of the assay to predict PCR inhibition was demonstrated by shifted IPC Ct values in the presence of increasing quantities of hematin and humic acid. We also demonstrate the correlation between the multiplex assay quantification results and the strength of STR profiles generated using the AmpF?STR®PCR Amplification kits.  相似文献   

The concept for a semi-automated processing system for DNA analysis of crime scene samples was developed at the Landeskriminalamt Baden-Württemberg (LKA BW) and comprises the extraction of genomic DNA from human cells by ChargeSwitch® magnetic bead technology (CST), quantification of purified DNA by real-time PCR, amplification of short tandem repeats (STRs) by PCR and DNA fragment length analysis of STRs by capillary electrophoresis. Three liquid handling workstations from Tecan, a real-time PCR device and a 16-channel capillary electrophoresis (CE) system, both from Applied Biosystems (AB), are linked via laboratory data network. Transmission and management of sample and analysis data is enabled by a Laboratory Information and Management System (LIMS). Suitability for a wide range of stain types, early exclusion of DNA-free samples, barcode sample identification and prevention of cross-contaminations guarantee efficiency and high quality standards.  相似文献   

In forensic casework it is highly relevant to be able to deduce the species origin of an unknown biological sample. For such a purpose we have designed and developed an assay for species identification based on DNA sequencing of two short mitochondrial DNA amplicons. In short, partial 12S rRNA and partial 16S rRNA fragments (approximately 100bp) are amplified by PCR followed by direct sequencing using pyrosequencing technique. Due to properties of the chosen targets, the same PCR conditions and primers were used irrespective of the true species of an unknown sample. A total of 28 different mammals present in the European fauna were sequenced both for the partial 12S rRNA and the partial 16S rRNA sequences for accuracy verification. Together the two sequences showed to have a high divergence factor, discriminating almost all mammals. Furthermore, the human reference nucleotide sequences were always at least nine nucleotides different compared to the other sequenced species both at the partial 12S rRNA and the partial 16S rRNA sequences.  相似文献   

Accurate DNA quantification is essential for optimizing DNA testing and minimizing sample consumption. Real-time quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) assays have been published for human and canine nuclear DNA, and the need for quantifying other forensically important species was evident. Following the strategy employed for the canine qPCR assay, we developed individual assays to accurately quantify feline, bovine, equine, and cervid nuclear DNA. Each TaqMan-based assay incorporates a genus-specific probe targeting the Melanocortin-1 Receptor gene and includes a piece of synthetic DNA that acts as an internal PCR control for detecting inhibition. Developmental validations were carried out following the revised guidelines of the Scientific Working Group on DNA Analysis Methods with modifications necessary for validation of nonhuman qPCR assays. All assays demonstrated the specificity, sensitivity, stability, reproducibility, accuracy, and precision required for forensic casework. The application of these assays to animal forensic DNA analysis has both conserved laboratory resources and improved genotyping results.  相似文献   

The Quantifiler Human DNA Quantification Kit and the Quantifiler Y Human Male DNA Quantification Kit were designed for the quantification of human genomic DNA in forensic samples. The kits use a real-time PCR-based process to quantify, respectively, total human DNA or human male DNA only. We report the results of a developmental validation study that we performed with the Quantifiler Kits, following the official SWGDAM guidelines. The Quantifiler Kits were tested for performance criteria such as species specificity, sensitivity, stability, precision and accuracy, and in addition, were tested with forensic case-type samples and mixed (male:female) DNA samples. The Quantifiler Kit methods were highly specific for human DNA, and could detect as little as 32 picograms of DNA using 2 microL of sample per assay. The accuracy and precision of the Quantifiler Kit methods was comparable or superior to that of other quantification methods.  相似文献   

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