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Brazil is the largest developing country in the Western Hemisphere, and China is the largest developing country in the world. The bilateral ties between them could have an impact upon the South- South relations and the emerging new world order. The two countries announced the formation of a Strategic Partnership as early as 1993. As a matter of fact, Brazil was the first country to have a strategic partnership with China. Since then, relations between the two countries have been developing rapidly, covering almost all areas.  相似文献   

The relationship between China and the United States is the most important bilateral relations in the world. Though being the most complicated relationship, it has been managed as the most successful one in the world. In terms of population, territorial size, overall national strength and international status, both China and the United Sates are big countries with great influence in the world arena. The nature and value of such a relationship between major powers exceeds that of pure bilateral relations. China-U.S. relations not only have a close bearing on the fundamental interests of the two peoples, but also are of vital importance to world peace, security and development.  相似文献   

China-U.S, military relationship, one of the most important and complicated bilateral military relationships, is subjected to more restraining factors than any other military relationships in the current world. It has always been regarded as the "barometer" of the development of the relations between the two countries. Over the past 30 years since the two countries established diplomatic ties, bilateral military relationship has undergone an exceedingly unsmooth course of development. Nevertheless, along with the increase of common interests, China-U.S.  相似文献   

The relationship between China and the United States is becoming increasingly important in the world; no longer is it limited to bilateral issues, and the third party issue has grown in significance. There are various kinds of third party countries.Some of these, such as Japan, South Korea, Australia and the European countries are U.S. allies. Some, like the central Asian and ASEAN states, are neighbors of China. In the category of major world powers we can also include Russia, India, Japan and the EU, while African and some Latin American countries are relatively marginalized. An important aspect of China's diplomacy in recent years has been to work hard on two fronts:to develop relations with the above mentioned countries, while at the same time taking note of the interests and concerns of the United States. China has achieved a successful balance between the two.  相似文献   

The next 5-10 years will be a pivotal period in which China will implement its " 11 th Five-Year Plan" and accelerate its construction of " a moderately prosperous society." It will also be an important period for Russia's resurgence. Sino-Russian relations are therefore facing new challenges and will be steadily developing. Under these new circumstances, clearly defining China's national interests in Sino-Russian relations will be an important prerequisite of ensuring the healthy and stable development of bilateral relations and of safeguarding China's peace and security. For the foreseeable future, China's national interests in Sino- Russian relations will be the further consolidation of mutual trust between the two countries and increasing Sino-Russian security cooperation so as to maintain peace and security in China 's northern border areas. As the two countries are both in a phase of social transformation, they can nevertheless learn from each other throughout this process. China will continue promoting diversity of cultures and the multi-polarization of world. China should also exploit Sino-Russian economic cooperation and try to frame a joint strategy with Russia in order to achieve common development and prosperity. Consequently, the two countries will be able to march forward side by side along the path of economic reforms and structural adjustment." In the 21st Century, China and Russia not only need to maintain a good neighbor relationship and guarantee their joint security, but also build a closer cooperation in their common development.  相似文献   

In the recent two years, leaders of China and Japan have successively exchanged visits dubbed respectively as "ice-breaking", "ice-melting" and "spring herald" tours, and have decided to develop strategic relations of mutual benefit. To develop this relationship requires a thorough understanding of bilateral strategic and mutual interests in the international context as well as the inertia factors in China-Japan relations. Such efforts require a long-term plan as well as actions in solving specific problems in the bilateral relations. It also requires the overall consideration by the leaders of the two countries as well as the social bases of friendship between the two peoples.  相似文献   

In the quarter-century since the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989, the former Soviet Union's disintegration in 1991 and the end of the Cold War,China-U.S. relations have supported the trend of development. The two countries extensively and intensively have engaged in dialogue, close personnel exchanges, unprecedented economic and trade relations, and bilateral coordination on intemational and regional issues. The bilateral relationship has profound influence over the two countries and the world but, while total confrontation and crisis is not on the horizon, there is no guarantee that their future disagreements will not become serious or intractable. In this past quarter-century, the U.S. has repeatedly used and threatened to use force against China, a sign that military conflict between them, even a local or relatively large-scale war, is not out of the question. The U.S. global strategy has not changed, the basic content and goals of the U.S. strategy towards China have not changed, and the nature of the China-U.S. relationship is yet to be defined.  相似文献   

Sino-U.S. relations are the most important bilateral relationship in the world, whose developments bear on not only the interests of the two countries but also the stability and peace in Asia and the world as a whole. Recently, U.S. policy toward China ha…  相似文献   

Sino-US relations are one of the most important bilateral relations in the world. The sound and steady development of the relations not only conforms to the fundamental interests of both countries and peoples, but also contributes to the future world security order. However, US policies towards China have been undergoing significant changes since President Trump assumed power, leading to intensifying strategic competition between the two countries and making the bilateral relationship more complex, uncertain and uncontrollable. In the face of enormous difficulties, more efforts should be made to stabilize and further develop Sino-US relations now standing at a juncture. This has sparked a wave of discussion and debate among scholars both at home and abroad. How to view Sino-US relations in a comprehensive, objective, rational and pragmatic manner has become a major subject worth further exploration and clarification. Against this backdrop, on September 19, 2020, the Editorial Department of Journal of International Security Studies of UIR and the PLA Information Engineering University (Luoyang Campus) successfully co-hosted the 13th “Expert Forum” on the subject of “Assessing Sino-US relations” in Luoyang, Henan Province. Under the framework of “future development of Sino-US relations and the world security order”, distinguished scholars and researchers from all around China discussed such major issues as difficulties and development trends of Sino-US relations, US domestic political landscape and its policies towards China, as well as the construction of the future world security order and China’s strategic responses. Some of the viewpoints of the scholars and researchers are now offered to our readers.  相似文献   

In recent years, China-India relations have been good with positive development. Leaders of both countries have made frequent exchanges of goodwill visits and held meetings often when participating in international conferences in third countries. Both countries have helped and supported each other on some important issues. Trade and economic relations between the two countries have witnessed rapid development. Both countries have also had good and effective cooperation in international and regional organizations. "China-India bilateral ties are now on a fast track", this was the evaluation, vivid and precise, made by President Hu Jintao when he met with Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh on June 7, 2007.  相似文献   

“人体成语”是指含有表示人体各部位名称及关于人的知、情、意、行等语素的成语。俄语成语中与人体有关的成语所占比例较高,其中使用频率较高的是带глаз,нос的成语。从认知角度对俄语“人体成语”的构成成素进行分析,区分人体成语的概念意义和范畴意义,用隐喻模式和换喻模式对“人体成语”进行认知语义分析很有必要。  相似文献   

比格犬甲状腺显微与超微结构的观察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
应用光镜和透射电镜技术,观察了3~6月龄比格犬甲状腺的显微和超微结构。结果表明,比格犬甲状腺实质由滤泡和滤泡旁细胞构成。滤泡呈圆形或椭圆形,直径20.22~220.00μm,平均90.80μm;由单层立方上皮细胞围成,细胞高度3.04~7.11μm,平均5.18μm,电镜下可见功能状态不同的两型滤泡上皮细胞;滤泡旁细胞很多,直径4.40~8.82μm,平均6.23μm,位于滤泡之间或镶嵌于滤泡上皮细胞之间,也可聚集在一起形成滤泡样结构,胞质内含有大量的分泌颗粒,电镜下也可见两种类型的滤泡旁细胞。  相似文献   

俄罗斯科学院东方学研究所是俄罗斯最大的东方学研究机构。东方学研究所及其下属的圣彼得堡分所,是俄罗斯研究中国问题时间最长的机构之一。研究所机构设置齐全,既是科学研究机构,也是博物馆和图书馆,在国际学术界占有重要地位。历史渊源东方学所至今已有180年历史。1818年,东方学所的前身——俄罗斯皇家科学院亚洲博物馆在圣彼得堡成立。首任馆长为克里斯汀·弗伦院士。成立之初,亚洲博物馆主要收藏各种来自东方的文物和文献,当时博物馆最重要的藏品是彼得大帝的遗书。到19世纪初,俄罗斯探险家在中亚和中国西北地区掠夺的大量珍贵文献和文…  相似文献   

"'中国学派'国际关系理论框架到底是什么"已成为学界关注的一个重要问题.本文立足中国哲学的文化根基,同时尊重马克思主义的思想传统,将两者融合成新的本体论认识,以"陆王"心学的认识论作为过渡进一步论述儒家思想在国际关系方面的方法论原则,提出"中国学派"国际关系理论的基本认知,尝试在哲学意义上回答"‘中国学派'国际关系理论框架到底是什么"这一问题.  相似文献   

印度软件企业出口生产的国际分工特征表现为:区域分工以现场服务和离岸开发为主,技术分工以编程、测试和维护为主。通过设立软件技术园区作为出口生产基地以发挥企业区域集群优势和利用跨国公司技术创新国际化趋势进行跨国生产和研发来组织实施的。  相似文献   

猪带绦虫有成虫、虫卵、六钩蚴、囊尾蚴不同形式的发育阶段和寄生状态 ,不同的虫体形式以独特的组织结构和生命活动规律满足其寄生在相应宿主体内的需要[1 ,2 ] 。研究发现 ,六钩蚴与囊尾蚴在虫体组成成分、生化指标以及代谢 (分泌 )产物等方面都有差异。SDS PAGE和免疫印迹研究表明 ,六钩蚴的抗原成分非常复杂 ,不仅有共同抗原、阶段发育特异性抗原 ,而且在入侵宿主定植在肌肉组织后 ,表面抗原随虫体的发育而发生阶段性的改变 ,并且抗原变异的发生往往比免疫应答更为迅速 ,从而使宿主产生的抗体失去保护性。在生化指标及代谢关键酶方面 …  相似文献   

采用共沉淀法制备了布洛芬(ibuprofen,BF)-β-环糊精(β-cyclodextrin,β-CD)包合物.经差示扫描量热法、红外光谱法、核磁共振法鉴定,BF与β-CD确已形成包合物;溶解度试验证明,β-CD对BF具有显著的增溶效果;3批产品的平均含药量为11.98%±0.35%,平均产率为79.83%±0.43%;溶出度试验结果显示,45 min内包合物中药物的溶出度比原药BF的溶出度显著加快(P<0.01).  相似文献   

2010年,柬埔寨社会稳定、经济稳步发展,在对外关系上奉行独立、和平、永久中立和不结盟的外交政策,虽然柬埔寨与泰国时为边境领土问题爆发冲突,但柬埔寨政府能稳妥处理。  相似文献   

本文依据档案资料,对苏获波兰战俘问题的各个环节进行了较为系统的考察,一方面比较清楚地交代了苏联对波兰战俘采取的一系列政策措施,如部分遣返、分类关押、劳动使用、思想教育、侦探肃反和秘密处决等,另一方面也比较清楚地交代了被关押战俘的生活状况、思想情绪、人数变化和不幸遭遇以及所有波兰战俘的流向和归宿.对于"卡廷惨案"被公布于世后苏联围绕该案所作的各种自欺欺人的文章,本文也进行了较为详细的披露和叙述.  相似文献   

日本经济安全保障理论辨析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
崔健 《东北亚论坛》2006,15(4):102-106
日本是对经济安全问题研究比较早的国家之一,形成了独具特色的经济安全保障理论。在日本的经济安全保障理论中,关于什么是经济安全保障以及经济安全保障与军事安全保障、综合安全保障、人类安全保障的关系等问题,在不同的时代产生了各种各样的观点,对此要进行综合地辨析,才能真正理解日本的经济安全保障理论,从而能够更好地理解日本安全保障政策。  相似文献   

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