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关于恢复性司法的涵义,目前学界还没有统一的界定.2002年4月,联合国经社理事会、预防犯罪和刑事司法委员会通过的《关于在刑事事项中采用恢复性司法方案的基本原则》从恢复性程序和恢复性结果两方面对恢复性司法做了全面的阐释.  相似文献   

恢复性司法是一项全球兴起的刑事司法改革创新,近些年在我国相继出现,如目前正在积极推广的“宽严相济”、“社区矫正”等,其实也都带有恢复性司法的典型特征.恢复性司法将罪犯与受害人的矛盾化解和修复受损社会关系作为主导因素,虽然现实中还存在着一定的缺陷,但其对于社会矛盾化解、社会关系重建、受害人利益维护等方面完全符合我国当前构建和谐社会的国情,因此越来越受到社会各界重视.本文从恢复性司法的发展及内涵入手,通过分析和谐社会对刑事司法理念的要求,提出恢复性司法所具有的重要借鉴价值,使其消减传统刑事司法诟病,成为现行刑事司法系统的有益补充.  相似文献   

论恢复性司法   总被引:25,自引:0,他引:25  
恢复性司法是古代司法模式的更高层次的回归,目前在数十个国家都有立法或实践,并巳受到国际社会关注.恢复性司法蕴含着被害人、被告人、社区利益平衡理念与恢复关系的司法理念.并且创生了一种新的利益争端解决方式,形成对传统司法之有益补充.由于其有利于完善我国刑事司法体系,解决实际问题,因而有引进的必要.并且我国也具备借鉴恢复性司法之观念和相关制度基础,因而有引进的可行性.  相似文献   

我国犯罪率居高不下、司法资源严重紧缺以及司法腐败现象依然存在等问题,可以凭借恢复性司法模式来逐步解决。从恢复性司法利弊影响比较考察,无论是恢复性司法的内部绝对性利弊比较,还是与传统刑事司法的外部相对性比较,都是利大于弊。从法的自由、正义、秩序的基本价值考察,恢复性司法具有传统刑事司法不可比拟的优势,因此,恢复性司法在我国具有借鉴及推广的必要性。  相似文献   

论恢复性司法的本土资源与制度构建   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
吴常青 《法学论坛》2006,21(3):52-56
恢复性司法缘起于上世纪70年代的刑事司法实践,并逐渐成为影响传统刑事司法的重要司法范式。恢复性司法是在反思传统司法的基础上产生、发展起来的。可以弥补传统刑事司法过于对抗、忽视被害人等缺陷,从而迅速风靡于西方国家。我国无论是文化观念,还是刑事司法制度与实践,都存在着契合于恢复性司法的因素。刑事司法制度的完善,有必要吸收恢复性司法的理念,结合我国刑事司法的本土资源,建立恢复性司法制度。  相似文献   

少年司法固有的福利模式和刑事模式均无法单一地解决少年犯罪的问题,因而受到学界的批评.同时,以恢复社会关系,促进罪错少年回归社会为目标的恢复性少年司法似乎正在成为少年司法的“第三条道路”.从社会变迁的角度看,社会、社群和社区的发展变化对少年司法制度的发展具有巨大的影响力.我国的城市化和市民社会正处于迅速发展的阶段,社会、社群、社区的发展驱动了具有恢复性少年司法因素的少年司法的发展,这体现了社群主义的价值底蕴.我国不少地方的司法机关进行了恢复性少年司法的探索,其各个阶段均具有社区参与的因素.从社会发展的趋势看,城市化和市民社会的发展使恢复性少年司法的社区参与具有广阔的前景.  相似文献   

“恢复性司法理论国际研讨会”综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
2007年4月21日,由山东大学法学院主办的"恢复性司法理论国际研讨会"在山东大学新校图书馆报告厅举行。来自日本以及我国大陆和台湾地区的40多名刑事法学者和司法实务人员齐聚一堂,就"恢复性司法的理论基础"、"恢复性司法的价值取向"、"恢复性司法的实践模式"、"恢复性司法的具体运作"以及"恢复性司法引入中国的可行性"五个论题展开了热烈、广泛而又深入的探讨。现将此次会议研讨的主要问题与观点作一综述。  相似文献   

恢复性司法的各方面优势需要通过广泛的实证研究来真实展现,而各种恢复性司法的具体模式的优缺点也将在实证研究中表露无遗.维拉司法研究所基于其长期从事司法制度改革实证研究的经验,针对通过实证研究所展现出来的各种恢复性司法模式的优缺点创造了一种混合的恢复性司法模式并将之运用到恢复性司法示范项目中,对大量真实案件适用这一混合模式,并运用追踪、信息的评估等实证研究的方法检验这一混合模式的成败.  相似文献   

"恢复性司法"是近年来国际上一项新的刑事司法制度.指在案件处理过程中让犯罪人与被害人面对面接触,通过犯罪人的道歉、赔偿、社会服务等,使被害人因犯罪所造成的物质精神损失得到补偿,使被害人因犯罪影响的生活及时恢复常态.同时也使犯罪人通过积极负责任的行为重新融入社区,并赢得被害人和社会的谅解。恢复性司法作为一项刑事司法改革措施.发端于二十世纪六七十年代的北美.最早的努力可以溯源于六十年代少年司法系统内被害人和加害者调解程序。1999年7月28日,联合国通过了《制定和实施刑事司法调解和恢复性司法措施》,2000年7月27日,联合国又通过了《关于在刑事事项中采用恢复性方案的基本原则》。在这一刑事司法改革浪潮的影响下,上海市大力推进轻伤害案件委托人民调解工作.这可以说是中国式恢复性司法模式的雏形。一、构建中国式恢复性司法的利弊因素分析  相似文献   

恢复性司法是近些年以来对传统司法反思。本文通过介绍恢复性司法的主要理念,以求从恢复性司法中找到对待青少年犯罪的契合点。  相似文献   

In addition to the more conventional approaches of the criminal justice system, this article suggests that there is a need for restorative justice as another method of addressing sexual crime. In support of this view, the present article explores the possibility of a hybrid justice system based on a complementary relationship between restorative justice and the criminal justice system. An analysis of the limits of the criminal justice system and the need for restorative justice in the contentious area of sexual crime will be followed by a detailed examination of key justice considerations when trying to marry both criminal justice and restorative justice perspectives. Such considerations include: the meaning of justice; legislation; sentencing principles; due process; victims’ rights; and the location of restorative justice within/alongside/outside the criminal justice system. The aim of this article is to determine whether it is possible to reconcile two seemingly juxtaposed methods of justice delivery in the context of sexual crime in order to create a hybrid system of justice that best protects and responds to the rights and needs of victims and offenders.  相似文献   

Historically, victims once had an active participatory role in the criminal justice process and were responsible for not only initiating but also for prosecuting offenders. In common law countries, victims were gradually sidelined and by the 20th century, their role was reduced to that of a witness to a crime against the state. The exclusion of victims from the criminal justice process is a major source of dissatisfaction for victims as many of them want to participate in the criminal justice process. This has fuelled initiatives with restorative justice that claim to more fully include victims than conventional criminal justice. This paper examines three different approaches found in the literature on how to let victims participate. One view is that victims should leave the criminal justice system and that criminal justice should be replaced by alternative, restorative justice schemes in which victims are granted full recognition and respect for their dignity. A second approach is to integrate restorative practices such as victim-offender mediation in the criminal justice process. The third approach is to integrate victim participation and respect (so-called restorative values) in the criminal justice system. These three approaches are discussed and compared with one another. The paper closes with recommendations for criminal law reform.  相似文献   

This article examines the political and legal barriers to introducing restorative justice (RJ) in Hong Kong. It argues that the processes involved in RJ may be in conflict with the rule of law, which is regarded by the citizens of Hong Kong as sacrosanct in their resistance to the "mainlandization" of criminal justice practices after China resumed sovereignty of Hong Kong. It is argued that, because it could admit such potentially harmful Chinese criminal justice concepts as "rule by the people," "absence of the presumption of innocence," "leniency for self-confession and severity for resistance," and "toeing the party line," RJ would be devoid of any restorative substance and could breach the principles of due process.  相似文献   

The restorative justice movement has great potential to reform the way society responds to crime and wrongdoing. One might logically assume that the greatest challenge to the new restorative justice paradigm is the traditional punitive criminal justice paradigm itself. A more immediate threat, however, is posed by merging community justice, another approach to reforming the justice system, with restorative justice. Community justice has superficial similarities to restorative justice but relies on the underlying authoritarian assumptions of the existing criminal justice system and on processes that exclude most of those individuals directly affected by the offense. This paper clarifies and contrasts the key elements of both the restorative justice and the community justice paradigms and explains the threat to restorative justice posed by combining and confusing the two.  相似文献   

Despite the importance of facilitators, staff, and volunteers to restorative justice programs, we know very little about what they think about the goals of restorative justice. This paper fills that gap by reporting the findings of a survey of restorative justice practitioners in Nova Scotia, Canada. Participants rated the importance of 29 justice-related goals such as punishment and accountability. The results show how respondents distinguish between, prioritize, and balance competing justice goals. A factor analysis shows how goals cluster together revealing more depth about how practitioners understand goals, such as accountability, that have different meanings depending on the context. The findings are particularly interesting because the restorative justice program in Nova Scotia is deeply embedded in the criminal justice system. The findings speak to concerns about whether programs rooted in the mainstream system risk being diluted by dominant criminal justice system discourses. I conclude that restorative justice practitioners can prioritize the values of restorative justice in a program that is deeply rooted in the mainstream criminal justice system.  相似文献   

构建刑事和解制度探讨   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
刑事和解应适用于刑事诉讼的各个阶段,原则上由人民调解委员会主持,检察机关参与到和解的各个过程,且应与社区矫正相对接,从而实现犯罪人和被害人的共同正义。  相似文献   

朱德宏 《法律科学》2008,26(2):20-28
凭借伦理和宗教规范作为肯统刑事解纷方式的恢复性司法属于非国家正式刑事司法机制。从类型学上分析,可以把恢复性司法划分为不同的模式和类型。概括地看,恢复性司法存在于当代社会的法理基础是政治多元合法化和刑事司法制度民主化。从传统文化和现实的国家权力与公民权利的关系看,我们缺乏借鉴和实施恢复性司法本土制度化的资源。  相似文献   

Within the framework of retributive justice, crime is understood as an offence against the State and is defined as a violation of law. It represents the punitive approach of reaction to crime, where the offenders are considered as an unwanted group who should be punished. However, with the development of criminology, offenders are identified as the persons needing rehabilitation and reintegration into the society as law abiding citizens. This novel thinking has paved the way to the establishment of the concept of restorative justice where crime is understood to be an infringement on man and human relationship. It involves reintegration of both the offender and victim within the community. The restorative justice principle could be found in community service orders, probation, parole, and other noncustodial measures as alternatives to the traditional incarceration, victim offender mediation, sentencing, peacemaking and healing circles, police cautions, and active participation of victims in the criminal justice process, and so on. This article evaluates Sri Lanka's transformation from retributive justice to restorative justice by incorporating the above-mentioned means and methods to the criminal justice system. Further, it examines how these innovations have affected the crime rate in Sri Lanka.  相似文献   

恢复性司法是一种不同于传统司法模式的新型司法模式,它寻求尽可能利用罪犯、受害者和社区的积极和自愿参与的方式,恢复受犯罪影响的所有当事方的一切权益。我国引入恢复性司法既具有刑事司法实践、刑事观念、刑事制度和社会发展的基础,也与我国当前的刑事诉讼制度存在一定冲突。恢复性司法实践与理念对我国刑事诉讼可能产生的影响,突出表现在刑事观念、诉讼制度和检察机关法律监督方式等诸多方面。  相似文献   

Limited research is published on teaching restorative justice in the criminal justice or justice studies curriculum in higher education. This article contributes to the discourse on restorative justice pedagogy by discussing a restorative justice seminar that is taught in a circle process with contemplative practices. Students learn the process of circles, one of the major processes in restorative justice practice, by modeling the practice with participation and leadership. Contemplative practices enhance the learning of restorative justice with meditation and reflection.  相似文献   

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