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China's rise has focused international attention in recent years and China Studies now tops the agenda of academia and decision-making circles around the world.The reasons can be traced to tremendous transformations that have occurred in China since it launched reforms and opening-up policies. These changes have given rise to adjustments in the global economy and ensuing shifts in the North-South power balance. In fact, China has increasingly evolved into a driving force for the global economy,providing it with opportunities for expansion and providing it with a more spacious, relaxed environment. Such a win-win situation benefits sustainable global growth.Therefore, a correct grasp of the channels for this interaction and recognition of the harmony in growth between China and the world is crucial, both for China's further integration into the world, and the world's better understanding of this rising Asian power.  相似文献   

The Beijing Olympics has focused unprecedented worm attention on China this year. Many people hail the Games as an occasion that showcases China's growing contribution to world development and harmony. But intent on politicizing this global event, a few modern Cassandras still cling to the flawed China Threat theory. In this paper, the author traces the origins of this fallacious theory. He sees it as a product of Western empiricism viewed through an historical and philosophical prism. He argues that the assertion of threat arises from a generalization of historical facts. The assertion links China's growing clout with declining Western dominance in international affairs. Starting with the myth that peace is possible only among democracies, the theory predicts the inevitability of conflict between the West and China, a country with an alleged expansionist tradition and under an authoritarian system.  相似文献   

The 17th National Congress stressed that the Party must keep to the path of political development under socialism with Chinese characteristics. Since the introduction of the reform and opening up policy, China's economy has developed quickly, supplementing its political construction. Progress in the economy and political development have raised China's confidence and made the Chinese system more attractive to the rest of the world. Though China's political development has been achieved under the correct democratic development viewpoint, difficulties may yet arise, and China may need to look outside to other political achievements; importantly, China has the confidence and determination to make its political development harmonious, orderly and effective.  相似文献   

China's rapidly increasing demands for energy has been a subject for debate for years.To Chinese observers,the most important issue is how to safeguard energy supply and maintain economic growth.To most Western analysts,however,the more crucial issue is how Chinese energy policies and activities will affect world energy markets and world politics.One point is not in dispute: China's international energy activities,especially investment overseas,have been the main cause for international concern,causing a degree of unease outside China.  相似文献   

China's emergence as a global economic powerhouse has caused the world economy to become more oil intensive and energy policy to become a key component of China's foreign policy. Responsibility for the country's energy policy is split among various commissions and is further complicated by overlaps with social, industrial, local-central governmental relations, and geopolitical considerations. To the extent China's leadership succeeds in meeting these challenges, it will have major repercussions for the rest of the world, and in particular on China's relations with the United States. But conflict between the United States and China is far from inevitable, as long as the global price mechanism operates reasonably efficiently and Washington and Beijing can operate in partnership rather than rivalry.  相似文献   

China’s rise is accompanied by a corresponding growth in its international influence. Not only does this kind of influence have its roots in history and imagination,but it is also an inevitable result of China’s growing strength and economy over the past few decades.It is difficult to accurately quantify a country’s international influence.China’s growing international influence has its own distinct characteristics,marked by the country’s unique national interests.A more influential China is not only good for China’s own development;it is also good for the world.  相似文献   

中国海外投资与韩中产业合作新发展的探讨   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
近几年,随着中国经济的迅猛发展,中国企业逐渐发展为海外直接投资者,这将对世界经济的发展产生很大的影响。中国企业的全球化也将会进一步加速韩国国内产业结构的变化。中国企业与韩国企业不仅在世界市场上是竞争对手关系,在进入中国国内市场以及开拓海外资源等方面还可以成为战略伙伴关系。  相似文献   

新地区主义视角下的中国东亚区域合作外交   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在全球化时代的世界政治中,东亚新地区主义的发展为20世纪90年代以来的中国外交提供了广阔的舞台。当前,东亚区域合作外交正在成为中国外交中一个日益凸显的亮点。在新地区主义理论的视野中,中国提出新安全观,塑造负责任的大国形象;提出并倡导“开放的地区主义”思想,为新地区主义在亚太地区的发展开辟了道路;积极推进“10+3”合作,着力发展“10+1”;积极参与东亚区域合作的制度化建设,支持东盟为推进东亚区域一体化所作的努力;以“10+3”机制为契机,深化中、日、韩三国合作。在未来的东亚区域合作中,中国应在加快自身经济发展的同时,让东盟国家从中切实受益;继续坚定不移地树立负责任的大国形象,发挥大国作用;切实按照《南海各方行为宣言》所规定的各项原则处理同有关国家的海上领土争端和历史遗留问题;大力发展中、日、韩三国经贸合作,切实推进三国次区域自由贸易区建设;以建设性的合作精神发展中美关系。  相似文献   

The cultural diplomacy of China today has entered into a period of rapid development. Yet there is still much room for improvement in promoting China's new diplomatic thinking. In step with China's growing economy and increased weight in international affairs, the Chinese government has changed its diplomatic strategy to "building a harmonious world." To make this concept more attractive and acceptable to other countries and peoples, China should expand its soft power resources, strengthen international cultural exchanges to draw on the fine achievements of foreign cultures, enhance the influence of Chinese culture worldwide, exploit new channels for international cultural exchanges, develop its cultural industry, and improve its comprehensive power.  相似文献   

The paper seeks to analyze the rise of state power in the light of spatial economic shifts and examines the historical context of China's rise and challenges facing it. In world history, only countries that were spatial economic hubs have been able to enjoy prosperity over centuries. China is not yet such a country, despite its persistent efforts. Nor is China likely to become an economic hub in the foreseeable future. China is under mounting pressure from new economic demands posed by shifts in the geo-economic status of the U.S.. The fact that the global economy thrives along coastlines also causes problems for China, a country with a long coastline and a vast hinterland, creating rifts between northern and southern China, central and local governments, and different provinces. All these factors might well hinder China's development in the future.  相似文献   

由美国引发的经济危机已经席卷全球,无论是西方发达国家和地区如日本、欧盟,还是发展中国家如印度、中国,都已笼罩在全球经济衰退的阴影中。本文探讨作为正在崛起的亚洲大国——印度和中国,应采取怎样的措施遏制全球经济危机对本国经济造成更严重的伤害,以及印中两国如何借鉴对方在应对经济危机过程中采取的有效政策以尽快重新走上经济发展的正轨。  相似文献   

中俄两国的能源安全与合作   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
随着经济全球化的发展,世界各国对能源的需求正日益增加。目前,能源安全不只是一个国家的问题,而且是一个全球性的问题。一国的能源安全不仅是一个经济问题,同时也是一个政治和军事问题。对中国来说,当前石油供应安全已成为关系到国家安全的重大问题。中国是个能源缺乏的国家,近年来能源进口不断上升。从国家经济增长和经济发展的趋势来看,未来中国的石油需求增长强劲。而俄罗斯是个能源资源十分丰富的国家,是世界主要的能源出口国。中俄两国不仅具有地缘上的优势,而且在能源方面也存在着很强的互补性。双方的能源合作不仅有利于解决中国的能源安全问题,也有利于俄罗斯加快经济发展,同时对东北亚地区的安全和稳定也将发挥积极的作用。  相似文献   

The concept of"a harmonious world,"a phrase used by the incumbent leadership of China to encapsulate China's diplomatic goals,has become a new guideline for China's diplomatic activities.By applying this concept, Chinese diplomacy has taken a new turn,pushing China into a new and powerful role in world affairs.China's diplomatic effort,however still faces numerous problems,challenges and risks,requiring the Chinese leadership to refine the concept of"harmonious world"through creative thinking and application.  相似文献   

When Lehman Brothers Holding Inc., the prominent investment bank, was allowed to go bankrupt without proper preparation on September 15, 2008, a global financial tsunami arose, dragging the world's economy into a period of great crisis. Just one year later, on September 15, 2009, a seminar titled "the First Anniversary of the World Financial Crisis" was organized in Beijing by the Globalization Research Center of the China Institutes of Contemporary International Relations (CICIR). Experts attending the seminar shared their views on the primary cause of the financial crisis, the dynamic trend of the post--crisis world structure, and China's status in this tremendously changed world. The discussions are summarized below.  相似文献   

国际体系正在加速转型,其主要标志是:中国和平崛起、9·11后的反恐战争、一种新的超越意识形态及战略竞争的大国双边合作关系正在全球范围内成型.但目前的国际体系仍然是西方盟国掌握主导权,在双边同盟和八国集团与中国之间有一条或明或暗的战略分界线.中国与西方大国既有广泛的合作;又有各种分歧和战略性的竞争.东亚区内多层次、多形式的多边和双边合作在加强,新的地区秩序正逐步显现,中国的繁荣与富强依赖于构建良好的周边关系.  相似文献   

Shared ideas wield a decisive influence on a country's external behavior. How China's rise will impact the world is determined by ideas shared by the international community. The identity and role of an emerging China is shaped not merely by its own material factors and subjective efforts. It is also constructed through China's interaction with other countries. The idea of a harmonious culture may eliminate international concerns about China's rise at the root, but this culture needs to be constructed by all the countries in the world.  相似文献   

中国视角中的印度与东盟关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
20世纪80年代末90年代初,随着冷战的结束和全球区域经济一体化浪潮的兴起,印度重新意识到东盟对其在政治、经济和外交上的重要性,及时提出“东向政策”。印度调整东盟政策,提升与东南亚的战略关系,是印度实施全方位外交、推行大国战略的重要组成部分,无疑将给东亚区域合作及中国东盟关系的未来发展带来重大影响。中国应适时调整与东盟、印度的关系,增强中印两国在东南亚的共同利益与合作愿景,推动中、印、东盟三边关系向更高层次发展。  相似文献   

东北亚区域经济合作新态势及其对策   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:4  
宋魁 《东北亚论坛》2006,15(5):7-12
全球范围内区域经济合作的迅猛发展,对东北亚地区各国形成了很大的压力和挑战,东北亚地区的经济合作及经济区域化的过程就是世界经济全球化、区域一体化在东北亚地区的具体体现。东北亚经济正处于历史发展的重要关头。在经济一体化的过程中,有很多障碍需要排除,中国应采取以振兴东北老工业基地为契机牵动东北亚区域经济一体化,以协调区域经济政策为目标,以设立相应机制为保障,以次区域开发为先导带动东北亚区域经济一体的形成。  相似文献   

China's efforts to safeguard its maritime rights have been attacked by some Western countries which claim its actions impede the freedom of navigation. As a rising power, it is necessary for China to take a new look at the international legal framework for navigational freedom and China's policy choice.  相似文献   

和谐世界代表了人类的美好理想,适应了时代潮流和人类社会未来的发展方向,否定了"强权即是公理"的霸权逻辑,主张通过民主协商、互利共赢、平等协作、求同存异的方式推动人类社会向和平繁荣的方向发展.和谐世界理论具有丰富而全面的内涵.这一理论也成为处理中国与世界关系的重要指导原则,我们要努力实现不同国家间经济、政治、安全、文明的和谐发展,建设民主、公正、和睦、包容的世界,从而实现"建设持久和平、共同繁荣的和谐世界"的总体目标.  相似文献   

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